
Rare Case

Dec 15th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Anonymous Mon 04 Jun 2012 18:35:03 No.2355853 | /mlp/
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. WARNING: This is not hugbox story. Neither it is an abuse story. It is just a sad story about fluffy who wants to be a momma.
  4. Disclaimer: Gross abuse of the English grammar ahead. Proceed with caution.
  6. Rare Case
  7. >Stray, orange-ish earth fluffy is pregnant
  8. >She's about four months old and it's her first time
  9. >She lives in a herd of ten fluffies of various colors and types
  10. >Every day she and the daddy fluffy talk about their "babeehs"
  11. >The bigger she swells, the more excited they get
  12. >Lots of hugs
  13. >Finally, the big day comes
  14. >The foaling goes fine, two healthy (as healthy as a fluffy pony can be) colts come out and get licked clean
  15. >She nurses them as best as a fluffy momma can
  16. >But something's wrong
  17. >The foals drank all the milk she had, but they're still hungry
  18. >They mewl and squeak in hunger
  19. >"Babeeh hungwy? Babeeh got miwk. No hungwy no mowe." the new momma wonders
  20. >But they just cry in hunger
  21. >A few hours later she feeds them again
  22. >"Fwuffy babeeh good babeeh" she babbles to the foals
  23. >Daddy too nuzzles them lovingly
  24. >But no matter how much they drink, they're still hungry and cry
  25. >The foals squirm around in their momma's fluffs, trying to find more milk somewhere
  26. >During the third feeding, both momma and daddy fluffy wonder why the foals are always so hungry
  27. >"Fwuffy no 'now. Momma gif babeeh miwk. Why babeeh stiww hungwy?"
  28. >The sun is setting, they all go to sleep
  30. >Next morning
  31. >She pokes the foals that lay on her belly
  32. >They're not moving
  33. >"Waah? Why babeeh no move?" she wonders
  34. >Daddy wakes up and also pokes the foals
  35. >They're not breathing
  36. >"Babeeh? Nuu! Why babeeh no move? Waaaah! Wan babeeh back! Fwuffy wan babeeeeeh! Nuuuuu! Babeeh wake up!" she cries
  37. >But no amount of huggies or poking makes them wake up, they're dead
  38. >Momma and daddy fluffy spend most of the day crying and hugging each other
  39. >Their dead foals lay on the ground where the herd's fluffies poke and hug them
  40. >As if they somehow could wake them up again
  41. >Their crying and wailing is ear-piercing
  42. >"Why babeeh die? Wan babeeh back! Waaah!" the momma cries
  43. >Other fluffies carry the dead foals away, where they dump them we do not know
  44. >Days pass
  45. >Life returns to normal, they mostly forget the ordeal
  46. >Other mares get pregnant and foal successfully
  47. >Foals grow up quickly and the herd grows, only to shrink back again as some of their members are killed in various ways
  48. >The herd even gets their own smarty friend
  49. >A lone unicorn who manages to find them a new home
  50. >The new home is only a few hundred meters away from their old home, but from fluffy pony's perspective it could be thousands of kilometers
  51. >And the journey claims lives of several fluffies, including foals
  53. >Smarty friend wants all mares to be pregnant, so the dead fluffies could be replaced
  54. >The stallions are more than happy to oblige, even though some mares protest
  55. >The first daddy met his untimely death during the herd relocation, so new daddy is chosen
  56. >Soon she's pregnant again
  57. >The pregnancy goes well
  58. >She swells up again and can't move anymore
  59. >One day, three healthy foals come out
  60. >Two fillies, one colt
  61. >Again she nurses them as best as she can
  62. >But the foals just cry in their hunger
  63. >No matter how much milk she gives to them, they're constantly hungry
  64. >The momma does not understand
  65. >"Why babeeh cwy? Momma gif babeeh miwk. Why babeeh just cwy? Babeeh hungwy? But momma gif nommies!"
  66. >She nurses them again and again
  67. >They just cry in their burning hunger
  68. >Like the first time, the foals die on the next day, barely surviving through the night
  69. >They still try to get milk, but their tiny hearts stop
  70. >All three foals dead
  71. >The momma fluffy is utterly devastated, she remembers the first time
  72. >She cries her eyes out while getting huggies from every fluffy in the herd
  73. >She picks up the foals and tries to nurse them, to no avail
  74. >The dead foals get hugs too, but for some reason they don't wake up
  76. >Daddy fluffy gets angry
  77. >"Momma kiww babeeh! Fwuffy momma kiww babeeh!" he screams
  78. >Smarty friend comes to see what's wrong
  79. >After assessing the situation for a minute, he confronts the momma fluffy
  80. >"Why fwuffy kiww babeeh?" he asks her
  81. >"Fwuffy... fwuffy no kiww babeeh. Fwuffy wuv babeeh! Fwuffy nevew kiww babeeh!"
  82. >"Momma kiww agin. Momma kiww aww babeeh momma have."
  83. >Obviously, someone told the smarty friend about the first dead foals
  84. >He quickly puts 2 and 2 together and gets 5
  85. >He realizes the momma is somehow killing her foals
  86. >"MOMMA KIWW BABEEH!" he screams at the crying momma who nuzzles her dead babies
  87. >"Momma no kiww babeeh! Momma nevew kiww any babeeh!" she's panicking
  88. >But her protests are unheard, as the herd quickly groups against her
  89. >"Fwuffy kiww othew babeeh too!" the smarty claims
  90. >This, of course, isn't true, but the fluffies can't comprehend that
  91. >They just listen to the smarty friend
  92. >Some foals have died recently, but this momma has nothing to do with them
  93. >They died because they were weak, or got crushed by their momma, or some other reasons
  94. >But they blame her
  96. >"Smawty punish kiwwew fwuffy!"
  97. >He kicks the momma fluffy
  98. >"Owieee! No huwt! Pwease!"
  99. >The herd attacks her
  100. >Somehow, she gets on her legs and manages to run
  101. >The herd runs after her, but miraculously they don't catch her
  102. >Shit flies out of her ass and on to the fluffies running behind her
  103. >"Ewww! No smeww pwetty? Why fwuffy poopies?"
  104. >This slows them down further
  105. >They eventually give up and leave
  106. >"If smawty see kiwwew fwuffy, smawty gif big ouchies!" the smarty friend yells after her
  107. >They huddle back to their home only to find more dead babies
  108. >A stray dog killed and ate the foals who they left there
  109. >Momma fluffy is now alone
  110. >It starts to rain
  111. >She takes shelter under a park bench
  112. >It's not a good place, water still seeps through and soon she's soaking wet
  113. >There she sits and cries quietly
  114. >"Wan babeeh... momma wan babeeh back. Why babeeh die?"
  115. >She's alone, hungry, no babies, no herd, no friends, nothing
  116. >She looks at her painfully swollen teats, no one to drink her precious milk
  117. >Despite the torrential rain, she sobs herself to sleep
  119. >Hours later, she jerks awake
  120. >She's not under the bench anymore!
  121. >There are several fluffies around her, all asleep
  122. >She's in a large metal cage
  123. >"Waah? Whewe fwuffy?"
  124. >"You're in a fluffy pony shelter. Don't be afraid, you're safe here." a strange voice tells
  125. >She looks around and sees a human outside the cage
  126. >"We found you sleeping under a park bench and brought you in." the human explains
  127. >"B-babeeh?" she asks
  128. >"Babies? No, we didn't find any babies near you. Did you lose your babies?"
  129. >She nods
  130. >"Well, I'm sorry. There were no babies anywhere in the park. You were there all alone."
  131. >Her eyes begin to water as she remembers her dead babies
  132. >"But, you lost them recently, didn't you? Your teats are full of milk. We could use that milk."
  133. >"Gif... miwk?"
  134. >"Yes, one of the mares died during foaling and we've been bottlefeeding the foals, but you could do that. You could take care of them."
  135. >She processes this for a minute
  136. >"Gif miwk... to babeeh?"
  137. >"Hold on, I'll get you out of there."
  138. >The cage opens and the human picks her up, arms cradle around her
  139. >She wiggles her legs a little and gets an ear scratch in response
  140. >"Shhh. Don't be afraid, little one. I'll take you to the foals' cage."
  142. >The human puts her in a small cage with two sleeping foals
  143. >"There. They're your babies now. Take a good care of them."
  144. >She looks at two tiny foals who sleeps on a pile of smooth hay
  145. >Unlike her own babies, they're actually well fed
  146. >She waddles over to poke and hug them
  147. >The foals wake up chirping and squeaking, wondering what's happening
  148. >"B...babeeh? Fwuffy babeeh?"
  149. >"Yes, they're your babies now. Let them sleep a little, then when they're hungry give them some milk."
  150. >"Babeeh!" she's finally happy
  151. >She picks the foals up and rolls on to her back, putting them on her belly
  152. >The foals squirm in her belly fluffs, mewling happily
  153. >They have warm fluffs to sleep in, that's all they care about right now
  154. >The shelter worker looks at them, smiles and leaves to have some coffee
  155. >Tears of joy fall out of her eyes, she finally has babies
  156. >And they won't die this time
  157. >She falls asleep
  158. >A few hours later she wakes up
  159. >The foals are also awake and have squirmed over to her swollen teats
  160. >They're drinking as fast as they can
  161. >She watches them in awe
  162. >It's so pretty and adorable sight that she can just watch and smile
  163. >Soon her teats are empty and the foals stop drinking
  164. >But they're restless
  165. >They squirm around and mewl
  166. >"Babeeh?" she asks
  167. >The babies don't respond, but they just squirm around
  168. >They're hungry as hell, but the fluffy doesn't fully comprehend this
  169. >"Why babeeh cwy? Momma gif nummies!"
  171. >Many shelter workers walk by and smile at them, unaware of the situation
  172. >The foals are restless, but eventually fall asleep again
  173. >She feeds them again several times, but the foals never seem to stop crying for more milk
  174. >"Why babeeh no wike miwk?" she asks many times
  175. >Finally, on the next morning one of the workers notice something's wrong
  176. >"What did you do to the foals?" he asks from the fluffy momma
  177. >"Momma gif babeeh miwk" he happily chirps
  178. >"Well it doesn't look like that!"
  179. >The foals just lie on the hay, unable to move, mewling quietly
  180. >The human quickly snatches the foals out of the cage
  181. >He takes the foals and examines them in the back room
  182. >"Hey, I need help. These two foals are badly malnourished. I don't know why, the mother says she fed them."
  183. >The foals are quickly examined
  184. >They're indeed badly malnourished
  185. >"Who's their momma?"
  186. >"That new fluffy the collectors brought in yesterday. The one who you said had lost her foals recently."
  187. >"That's odd. She seems to be fine. And I saw her nursing the foals yesterday. Several times, in fact."
  188. >"Wait... there's one thing we need to test for. We need a milk sample from her."
  189. >Two workers go to the cage
  190. >"Whewe babeeh go? Wan babeeh back!" she's in panic mode, again
  191. >"I'm sorry, but we need to do something first"
  192. >One of the workers grabs the fluffy
  193. >The other guy grabs her teat and squeezes it gently
  194. >"Owie! No huwt babeeh nummies!" she complains
  196. >Few drops of milk ooze into a test tube
  197. >They put the fluffy back in the cage
  198. >The milk is tested in the shelter's small laboratory
  199. >"Shit. Just what I was afraid of. Her milk doesn't contain any nutrients. It's water."
  200. >"What?"
  201. >"We'd need a blood sample to be entirely sure, but the milk isn't milk."
  202. >"I don't understand."
  203. >"It's a rare genetic mutation. I read about it some time ago. It fucks up the mare's milk production. The milk looks like milk, it might even taste like milk, but it's useless. It contains absolutely no nutritious value. The foals can't survive on it. It's useless."
  204. >"Whoa. So those two foals..."
  205. >"They were under her care for some... 18-20 hours. During that time they already suffered malnutrition. Foals less than month old need enormous amounts of milk, because they grow so fast. These two didn't get what they needed. We might have to put them down."
  206. >"But, but, they can't get that bad so soon?"
  207. >"Listen, they're three days old. A foal is completely dependant on their momma's milk until they're a month old. They can't eat solid food before that. They can and WILL suffer developmental failures if they don't get lots of milk regularly. I've seen rejected foals die in less than 12 hours without milk. We even have to feed them in the night."
  208. >"Oh crap."
  209. >"Yeah. Those two foals, they're gone. It's better if we put them to death. It's easier for us, it's easier for them. They'll never grow up to be healthy. Even bottlefeeding them probably won't save them anymore."
  210. >fuck.jpg
  211. >"I wonder how many foals she inadvertently killed... she might be mentally unstable because of this."
  212. >"It's possible."
  214. >Soon the two foals lay dead on a blanket
  215. >The workers confront the momma
  216. >"Wan babeeh back! Gif babeeh back! Whewe fwuffy babeeh? Whewe my babeeh go?" she demands and bangs her hooves against the cage
  217. >"Your milk is bad. You killed your own babies, because your milk is bad." the shelter workers explain
  218. >"Fwuffy miwk... no good?" the fluffy is confused
  219. >"Yes. Babies can't drink your milk. It kills them."
  220. >"No... babeeh? Whewe babeeh?"
  221. >"No no. Those two babies you had, they're dead now."
  222. >It takes a moment for her to process this
  223. >"Babeeh... dead?"
  224. >"Yes, we had to put them to sleep. They were so badly injured by your milk."
  225. >Now she remembers her own foals, all five of them
  226. >All of them died
  227. >Tears start to flow out of her eyes
  228. >"Nuuuuu! No wan huwt babeeh! Fwuffy no wan huwt babeeeh!" she wails and
  229. >"You didn't hurt them intentionally. It wasn't your fault."
  230. >She doesn't understand it
  231. >She collapses into a crying pile of fluff
  232. >She cries unconsolably, wails about babies
  233. >One of the shelter workers pick her up and cradles her, petting her tiny head
  234. >"Why no miwk good? Why babeeh dieee?! Waaaaah!" she wails and curls up into a tiny ball of fluff
  235. >She cries for hours while the worker hugs and pets her
  236. >"Waaah-aaaah! Babeeh! Wan be mommaaaa! Why miwk baaad? Why can be no mommaaaa?!"
  237. >The shelter workers genuinely feel bad for the little fluffball
  238. >They pet her gently and whisper about putting her to death too
  239. >It'd be so much easier and less painful for her
  241. >Fluffy ponies are genetically programmed to have strong instincts for hugs, friends and being parents
  242. >Prevent them from having any of these and they can get seriously depressed
  243. >And while she can get pregnant and foal just fine, she clearly can't feed them at all
  244. >They decide to wait a few days, to see if she gets better
  245. >Perhaps she could be neutered? But it's expensive and difficult.
  246. >She is placed back in the large fluffy cage, with the others
  247. >Maybe they can cheer her up with hugs
  248. >But she just curls up in the corner and sobs, refusing to eat or drink
  249. >She can never be a real momma fluffy. She will never watch her own fluffy babies to grow up.
  250. >The herd was right: she kills her babies
  251. >On that night, after the workers have gone home, one of the stallions rape her
  252. >The workers try to keep sexually active fluffies separate from the others, but they don't always succeed
  253. >She tries to squirm away, but the stallion is (slightly) stronger
  254. >"Fwuffy gif speciaw huggies. Huggies make fwuffy feew bettew! Get babeeh!" he happily blabbers
  255. >"Nuu! Nuu! No wan be momma! Momma kiww babeeh! Nuuuu! Hewp! Heeeewp fwuffyyy!"
  256. >She cries and wails as the stallion just "enf enf"'s happily, ignoring the "dead babies" part
  257. >Nobody comes to help her
  258. >After blowing his load, the stallion happily wanders off and falls asleep
  259. >Now she's pregnant again
  260. >"No.. wan... huwt... babeeh..." she sobs
  261. >She refuses to eat or participate in any fluffy games
  262. >She just curls up into a sobbing ball and refuses to do anything
  263. >Looks like they have to put her down after all
  264. The End
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