
Farm Morning

Nov 15th, 2013
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  1. >Sweet dreams on a sweet weekend’s morning.
  2. >Until a hoof gingerly taps against your cheek knocks you from your slumber.
  3. >Still hazy, and eyes still closed, you barely move or even register the feeling, and begin drifting back to sleep.
  4. >”anon…”
  5. >You didn’t hear the slightest whisper against your ear from another face just centimeters away.
  6. >”hey… anon, wake up.”
  7. >No, nothing at all reaches you in your most peaceful state, away from all your troubles for another few hours.
  8. >”Anon. Wake up.”
  9. >Nope.
  10. >”Anon, c’mon now. Ah know y’all can me in there.”
  11. >God dammit, some women just don’t fucking know when to take a fucking hike.
  12. “Alright, alright, Christ sakes, whaddya want?”
  13. >You force your eyes to open to the gleaming reds and oranges of a summer morning in Ponyville; the colours bathe your bed and floor through the cracks between the curtains, and even from behind the fabric, the sun blinds you with a single glance.
  14. >You shift your head to the right, feeling the heavy, warm sheets brushing against your cheek; each blanket and pillow case hand-woven and smelling of fresh country air and apples… just like everything else here, now that you think of it.
  15. >But what catches your attention most is the big orange face and lively green eyes staring at you an inch away.
  16. >”Get up, Anon! It’s late morning already!”
  17. “Awe come on, Applejack! It’s my fucking day off, man.”
  18. >”There ain’t no days off on a farm, sugarcube, ah told ya that when ya first moved in.”
  19. “Yeah, okay…”
  20. >….
  21. >Next thing you know, a hoof presses against your face and shakes you from your slumber.
  22. >”Now git up! C’mon! Ah got a job for you!”
  23. >You draw an arm from under the blankets and wave her away.
  24. “YOU fuckin’ git, goddamn horses….”
  25. >”Anon, Mah brother and ah’ve been bucking apples since before th’crack of dawn!”
  26. “…And?”
  27. >She takes your blanket in her mouth and tugs it away before you can even comprehend what’s happened.
  28. >”We’ve been at work all mornin’ while you were snoozin’ away, and now we’re STARVIN’!”
  29. >Fuck this shit, man. Horses have been nothing but a hassle ever since you’ve moved in.
  30. “Well fucking go eat then! I’m not fucking stopping you!”
  31. >”C’mon Anon! We’re all real tired an’ could some grub!”
  32. “I’m fucking tired too, bro! You don’t fucking see ME complaining!”
  33. >”Uh, sugarcube, it’s been nothin’ bellyachin’ since Ah woke ya.”
  34. “…Yeah, see? So fucking just… Let me sleep next time.”
  35. >Her tail wraps around your right wrist and gives you a few tugs her way.
  36. >”Anon, this doesn’t have t’be difficult, but ah’m gonna get nasty if ya don’t up outta that bed.”
  37. “Fiiine….”
  38. >You crawl unceremoniously out from the covers in your boxers and rise to your feet in front of her; your morning wood has come into full swing since she forcefully woke you. It points at Applejack accusingly and makes her cheeks turn a bright red; she averts her eyes and scolds some more.
  39. >”Ugh, Anon, put some darn clothes on already! Yer-“
  40. “Sexy?”
  42. >You scoff and drag your feet towards the dresser.
  43. >”Alright, Anon, Ah’ll be down in the kitchen waitin’ for ya. Don’t take too long!”
  45. >After what feels like a year, you’re finally “Presentable” enough for Applejack, or at least as presentable as you’re willing to make yourself at this hour. You limply stomp down the stairs and make your way to the kitchen where Applejack is waiting.
  46. >”There he is! Ah was startin’ to think ya fell back asleep!”
  47. “Yeah, I was tempted to.”
  48. >”Oh, quit yer mopin’, Anon, dontcha know that’s contagious? Now c’mere.”
  49. >You follow her to the stove. The machine is a relic of times long gone; it requires coal or wood to heat it, and its rough, black iron body makes it look like a medieval torture machine that you’ve seen some times in your nightmares.
  50. >Either way, you step up to it.
  51. “Okay… What am I making you?”
  52. >”Well, we had apples the other day, apples before that, n’apples before that, sooo….”
  53. “More apples?”
  54. >”No! How ‘bout eggs?’
  55. “Okay fine, crack some eggs and fucking drink whatever comes out, see if I care.”
  56. >”NO! COOKED eggs!”
  58. >You grab a skillet from a cupboard, and Applejack brings you eggs and assorted vegetables.
  59. >”Now get t’work cuttin’ them veggies, and Ah’ll get t’work outside. Gimme a shout when it’s done!”
  60. “Yeah go take a shit and fuck off.”
  61. >”What’s that, Anon?”
  62. “I said YES MASTUH!”
  63. >”…Okay, sugarcube. Ah’ll be around.”
  65. >You chopped away on green onions, red and yellow peppers, mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and whatever other vegetables that were brought to you for a good half hour when Applejack finally returns.
  66. >”Hey Anon, how’s breakfast lookin’?”
  67. “Looks like shit.”
  68. >She sighs and walks over to the stove.
  69. >”Anon, ya didn’t even get the coals yet!”
  70. “Yeah?”
  71. >She rushes over to you with a wooden cutting board in her mouth and spits it down in front of you.
  72. >”And ya weren’t even usin’ a cutting board on the table!”
  73. “Yes.”
  74. >”And WHY ON EARTH would we need THESE MANY chopped vegetables!”
  75. >You look up from the knife in your hand and realize that your mindless cutting has created a mountain of assorted greens fit for feeding an army.
  76. “Well, how about you just have that for breakfast?”
  77. >She grumbles and stalks away from you.
  78. >”Anon, if that’s how yer gonna be, then maybe y’all ought to just pay rent instead o’livin’ off our labors fer nothin’!”
  79. >Whoa whoa whoa.
  80. “Calm down, bro. Let’s not talk about rent.”
  81. >”No, Ah wanna talk about you getting’ a real job in town and payin’ rent t’stay in our home!”
  82. “Oh fuck that! You know those horses down there are even worse!”
  83. >”Even WORSE, Anon?”
  84. “Yeah! They’re a bunch of fucking racists! Last time I tried eating out down there and the guy at the place got pissed because I asked for meat on my main!”
  85. >”Anon, no place in all o’Equestria would serve ya meat!”
  86. “And another thing! I don’t approve of those friends of yours coming up here everyday and fucking around!”
  87. >”Anon, don’t bring ma friends into this!”
  88. “No LISTEN! They fucking went in my room and stole my belt, and another time they took the leftovers from casserole night when I told EVERYONE that it was mine! It gets on my fucking nerves, man!”
  89. >”Anon quit cussin’ at me! And y’all don’t have no right complainin’ ‘bout mah friends when Y’all ain’t such a good friend yerself!”
  90. “…What’s that supposed to me-“
  91. >”AN’ ANOTHER THING! Ah didn’t have any friends over on casserole night! It was my family and YOU!”
  92. “Well who the fuck was that short yellow piece of shit with the bowtie that was making fun of your fucking voice!?”
  93. >”Wha- What the hay’re you talkin’ about?”
  94. “That little one! The one who’s always running around in a cape and eating all the food! Airplane, or Air Balloon, or some god damn thing.”
  95. >”Anon, Y’all better not be talkin’ about Applebloom!”
  96. “Yeah, that’s it! Applebloom!”
  97. >Applejack stomps down hard on the wooden floor; it lets out a loud creak under the tension.
  98. >”Anon that’s mah SISTER!”
  99. “WHAT!?”
  100. >”YEAH!”
  101. “Since when?”
  102. >”Since BIRTH! An’ Ah expected ya t’know that after livin’ rent-free with us fer over a MONTH!”
  103. “I was minding my own business! Sooorry for not being fucking NOSY!”
  104. >” It’s not bein’ nosy knowin’ the names o’whoever’s work yer livin’ off of fer free!”
  105. “Oh stop. As if that fucking kid does more work around than me!’
  106. >”Ah’ll have you know that she was up at the same time as mah brother and Ah, getting’ her chores done, collectin’ eggs, feedin’ the pigs, helpin’ granny, and doin’ all sorts of work while you were still dozin’ away!”
  107. “Yeah? Well I’d like to see HER cook fucking breakfast once in a while! And you know what? I bet she stole that fucking bowtie from me too because I had a red bit of fabric when I first came here!”
  108. >She got the bow from her mom!”
  109. “Who the fuck is her mom?”
  110. >”It’s… That ain’t none o’yer business, Anon!”
  111. “Oh, okay. So knowing your fucking sister is my business, but knowing who shat her out isn’t?”
  112. >”ANON! That’s MAH folks yer talkin’ about too!”
  115. >You hear a creak from the entryway; you turn to see Big Macintosh standing in the doorway staring daggers at you.
  116. “WHAT?”
  117. >He charges you with incredible speed, but you’re just quick enough to dodge and run to the far side of the dining room table.
  118. “What the fuck’s wrong with your brother!?”
  119. >He charges at you again, and you run around the table again.
  120. “He’s fucking INSANE! Get your brother on a fucking leash, Applejack!”
  121. >Applejack stands between the two of you.
  122. >”BOTH of you stop! Y’all are actin’ like a couple o’kids!”
  123. “Applejack, you need to keep your brother under control because I’ll fucking go wild on him!”
  124. >Big Macintosh yells back at you.
  125. >”AJ, tell that freeloader t’stop talkin’ about our FAMILY!”
  126. >Applejack turns to you with obvious anger and frustration in her face.
  127. >”Anon, you better apologize fer what ya said about mah family.”
  128. >She turns back to her brother.
  129. >”And YOU! Y’all know better’n to fight everypony that wrongs us.”
  130. “…Is HE gonna apologize?”
  131. >”ANON!”
  132. “FINE! SORRY!”
  133. >”That didn’t sound very sincere, Anon.”
  134. >You glare at Big Mac, but as you look over at Applejack’s face, twisted with stress, you relent.
  135. “I’m Really… Actually sorry. I shouldn’t talk about your family like that.”
  136. >”Thank you, Anon.”
  137. “…Even though you said I should know….”
  138. >”Anon STOP.”
  139. “Yep….”
  140. >Big Mac is still breathing heavily, but he backs down too for his sister’s sake; then her too looks at the mountain of veggies you built.
  141. >”Who the hay cut all these VEGETABLES!?”
  142. “I did!”
  143. >Applejack pushes her brother back out of the door before he can reply. She then shoots you a glare with her green eyes before exiting too.
  145. >Strangely enough, you kinda felt like the bad guy after all that.
  146. >Maybe you could have been a bit less abrasive, but at the same time, she shouldn’t have fucking woken you up.
  147. >Seriously, these horses need to learn respect; when a man’s door is closed and his head’s under the covers, just leave him the fuck alone.
  148. >You look at your mountain of vegetables and the cartons of eggs waiting to be cracked.
  149. >You know what must be done to heal the wounds.
  150. >It’s not like you’ll be able to sleep now anyways.
  151. >You heat the stove and grease the pans and get to work on an extravagant breakfast.
  153. >You set the table, laying out a long checkered cloth of red and white over the wooden dining table, placing plates and silverware, though you know the horses seldom use them.
  154. >You call out across the vast property of Sweet Apple Acres.
  156. >You return to the kitchen to clean up as you hear hooves stepping up the entryway.
  157. >Gasps of shock are heard and a set of hooves clip clops along the wooden dining room floor to the kitchen.
  158. >”Anon!”
  159. “Hey.”
  160. >”Ah didn’t think you’d still make anythin’ after all the shoutin’ and fightin’ and all!”
  161. “Yeah well, I thought you looked pretty upset about the whole thing, so I decided maybe I’d make you guys something to eat.”
  162. >You turn from the dirty dishes to see Applejack standing in the doorway; her smile could light up Africa.
  163. >”Thanks, sugarcube! C’mon, why dontcha leave the chores until we’re done chowin’ down, huh? Ah’ll help you.”
  164. Alrighty.”
  165. >You follow her into the dining room where the family is coming to sit. Big Mac doesn’t seem pissed still… But he’s not looking your way either.
  166. >”Hey everypony! Hey Anon!”
  167. >Here comes Applebloom, completely oblivious to the shit that went down earlier, smiling and hopping into her seat next to Applejack and her brother.
  168. >You take a seat across from them and begin to pile food onto your plate.
  169. >Applebloom admires your work greatly.
  170. >”This is one fine breakfast ya cooked up, Anon! Darn good after a whole mornin’ o’work!”
  171. >You feel like you’ve earned a second to bask in your glory.
  172. “Damn right, kid! I got deviled eggs, omelets, big dirty pancakes with berries and shit in them, some deep fried motherfuckers, pickled asparagus, fucking roasted… Fucking… Uh.”
  173. >Who the fuck is that?
  174. >Some old green horse mumbles to herself as she slowly makes her way into the room, looking for a spot to sit.
  175. >Applejack looks around, and then gives a harsh look at you.
  176. >”Anon, ya didn’t set a seat fer Granny Smith?”
  177. “Who the fuck is Granny Smith?”
  178. >Applejack, Big Mac and Applebloom all rise from their seats, and so do you shortly after.
  179. “Nonono! She can have my seat.”
  180. >”Anon, your seat’s too far away, Ah’ll give her mah seat.”
  181. “No! I’m giving her mine because I set the table with too few seats!”
  182. >”Anon, would ya kindly grab another chair so SOMEONE don’t end up standing?”
  183. “Yeah, okay.”
  185. >You eat with the Apple family, listening to them go on about their days, how much work is done and what still needs to be finished, Applebloom’s school and what she’ll be doing today, and everything in between.
  186. >The old horse says some things, but it mostly doesn’t go anywhere, just mumbling about old people stuff.
  187. >To your surprise, most of the food is eaten, and Applebloom takes quite a bit for her lunch at school.
  188. >Afterwards, you clean up the table while Applejack sees off Applebloom and Big Mac takes Granny Smith somewhere else.
  189. >You get to work on the dishes when Applejack returns.
  190. >”Whoooiiee, that was some breakfast, Anon.”
  191. “Damn right!”
  192. >She gets to work drying off the clean dishes and placing them away.
  193. >”Anon, Ah’m sorry about the things ah was sayin’ earlier.”
  194. “Me too, though I kind of wished you’d tell me that you had visitors.”
  195. >”What’s that supposed t’mean?”
  196. “Y’know, that old green one. If I’d known she was here then I would have set up a spot for her.”
  197. >Applejack groans.
  198. >”Anon, she lives here! She’s always lived here!”
  199. “What? I’ve never seen her before!”
  200. >”Ah introduced you to her when ya first moved in!”
  201. “I thought she was a statue!”
  202. >”Why in the world would Ah introduce you to a statue?”
  203. “I thought you were crazy!”
  204. >She’s silent for a bit, swallowing that familiar frustration from earlier on.
  205. >”Look… Ah just… Ah don’t want you thinkin’ we’re on bad terms or somethin’.”
  206. “I know, you can’t stay mad at me forever.”
  207. >”And don’t be worryin’ about rent or something. Ah just hope ya… Keep gettin’ better.”
  208. “Better?”
  209. >”Y’know, less lazy.”
  210. “I’m not lazy.”
  211. >”Yes you are.”
  212. “It’s my day off! I was mad that you woke me up!”
  213. >”Ya don’t get days off, Anon, ya just get lazy or quick with yer work.”
  214. “Well I AM quick with my work, you just won’t stop giving me more!”
  215. >”Anon, don’t start with me again. Ah just want y’all t’know that yer always welcome here.”
  216. “Of course.”
  217. >”As long as ya learn t’stay off mah nerves.”
  218. “I’m good at that.”
  219. >”Are ya?”
  220. “Oh yeah. “
  221. >”…Right. Well, how about we get these dishes done and you come help me and Big Mac outside?’
  222. “Do I have a choice?”
  223. >”Nope.”
  224. “Sounds like a plan then.”
  225. >And so you went with Applejack to help with their apple bucking. Though you and the Apples always have differences, they must admit that you’re a damn good cook.
  227. THE END.
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