
The Crane Game

Apr 19th, 2012
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  1. >Work in a fluffy pony adoption center
  2. >Business is rough
  3. >Nowhere near enough sales to keep inventory manageable
  4. >Desperate, you decide to take a chance
  5. >People gamble all the time for shit they don't want/need
  6. >The fun is the risk
  7. >You buy a crane machine game and set it up in the front of the center
  8. >Only put a few fluffies in at first
  9. >Can't risk them destroying the machine with their feces
  10. >Water bottle to keep them hydrated, a grate system for the floor that allows for easy cleaning on the floor
  11. >Has potential
  12. >That day, your center is chosen for a school field trip
  13. >Roughly 15 children, ages 8-9
  14. >They see the crane game and go to play
  15. >Fluffies are terrified of the claw at first
  16. >Babble about 'da scawy musta' and how they want 'hewp' and 'pwease no huwt fwuffy!'
  17. >4 kids have tried unsuccessfully to get fluffies from the game, netting you an $8 profit
  18. >The fifth kid finally gets lucky when the fluffies are too tired to run anymore
  19. >It struggles and cries about the pinchies from the claw
  20. >It screams as it's suddenly released down the prize shoot
  21. >It shoots out the hole and lands in the arms of a little girl
  22. >The little girl snuggles her new fluffy baby
  23. >The fluffy has forgotten it's trauma and babbles happily about being picked
  24. >The other fluffies see this and are now jumping for the claw
  25. >They want to get picked next
  27. >Another little girl steps up to win a fluffy
  28. >The fluffies are all cheering and encouraging the girl to 'pick fwuffy'
  29. >The claw descends
  30. >The fluffies fight to get into the claw's grip
  31. >A blue pegasus succeeds, trying to put his scruff between the claw's fingers
  32. >The claw snaps shut, forcing the claw into one of it's eyes instead
  33. >The flailing screaming fluffy slowly lifts off the ground as the claw begins it's journey to the prize chute
  34. >It's squirming is making the claw dig deeper, causing trails of crimson to stain it's blue fluffy face and chest
  35. >The little girl is wide eyed with shock
  36. >The remaining fluffies are hugging each other and shitting faster than the grate system can handle
  37. >The claw releases the squealing fluffy into the prize chute
  38. >It lands back-of-its-neck first on the edge of the chute
  39. >It hangs there for a second, slowly sliding forward
  40. >Finally it dislodges, it's head whipping forward and smacking the glass
  41. >The girl screams as she comes eye to eyes with her limp, one eyed fluffy for that split second
  42. >It tumbles out the chute and slams into her stomach
  43. >The little girl, her pink Jem t-shirt splattered with fluffy blood, falls on her backside and sits squealing with horror
  44. >Most of the kids are screaming and crying
  45. >A chorus of 'No pick fwuffy!' can be heard wafting from the prize chute
  46. >A fat little boy in a fanny pack is tugging on your shirt waving a $20
  47. >Reluctantly, you fetch him a couple rolls of coins
  48. >The shelter IS still really crowded
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