
Non-Canon to Maintenance Bro's story

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. Source:
  3. "Fucking fat ass cunt!" Sidney snarled as he slammed down his drink on the dirty canteen table with enough force to crack the glass. "Hey, barkeep! Keep'em coming!"
  5. "Sid, I think you've had-" KC, and the whole bar, was silenced as the windup the harrier's GAU-12 filled the room with its harsh whine
  7. "Every fiftieth bullet loaded onto me is a tracer, you know, those things that'll light your fatass up like a Hearths Warming Tree? I got the bits, so gimme the drink or we're all getting slagged in a very different way tonight."
  9. To his credit, barkeep kept his cool and just chuckled, shaking his head. "Alrighty then, son you got your drinks, no need to shout."
  11. Slowly and hesitantly, the bar returned to normal activity, though a few customers left early, and whispers of the VTOL's incredibly sour mood buzzed "discreetly" through point communication messages.
  13. "So what's caught in your turbines, this evening?" The stratotanker said with a smooth, slight Southern drawl.
  15. "It's that fucking bitch, Thunderbolt! She opened her dribbling cunt to Lightning and then Raptor had to run off after her. Then she had the nerve to shoot at me!"
  17. "Well maybe if you stopped shitting all over the new mechanic..." A new voice spoke up, belonging to fellow VTOL Osprey.
  19. "If he doesn't want to get shit on, then he should do his job instead of pulling foalish pranks!"
  21. "He does a damn good job, even if there were other mechanics around here. Face it, without him, half of us would be dead!"
  23. "He only does a good job on you because you're in every week! But, hey, maybe he is a half-competent mechanic and the only reason the rest of us get piss-poor repair jobs is because you're sickly ass is hogging all the repair supplies!"
  25. The bar went quiet again, all eyes turned on Sidney as he realized the line he had just crossed. He looked to KC who was glaring hard at him and reaching under the counter for his shoutgun.
  27. "... Osprey, look, I-" Whatever he would have said to her was lost to time as he, and several other patrons had to hit to floor to avoid a quick spray of her minigun.
  29. A sharp pain tore through his under belly as he felt Osprey's hooves slam down before she could be heard running out into the night screaming a loud "jackass!" over her shoulder (and wings).
  31. "Son, that was the most disgraceful display of misconduct I have seen in years!" The wizzened voice of Sopwith scoffed and smacked him in the sore spot with his cane. "Spitfire, Corsair, let's go cheer up out comrade."
  33. The veterans left the bar and Sid on the floor clutching his busted paneling. But he didn't need his radar to tell him how many more were now surrounding him, much less visual confirmation. Still, like an idiot, he looked and was greeted by dozens of angry faces, including KC.
  35. "Boy... You best start treating Anon with some respect, 'cause you're gonna be seein' a lotta him once we're through with you."
  37. He let out a whimpering "fuck me" as the rest of the bar closed in.
  39. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. Source:
  43. It had been a long and dangerous trip to reach the legendary sage, the reclusive Wright Flyer sage who lived in a shrine house in the middle of Nowhere, which required a flight through the Valley of Somewhere, and then a treacherous hike through the Jungles of Neither Here Nor There. It was, as legends told, difficult but not impossible, regardless of your model or make, Sidney had packed as much fuel as he could, even devoting all of his hard points to drop tanks for the journey, and Sidney found it had been an uphill battle the whole way.
  45. And yet, it could all be worth it to speak with the almost divine figure.
  47. There he was, calmly sitting on his porch smoking a pipe and reclining in a rocking chair. A glider griffon of a motorized make, with a wizened appearance appropriate for his title.
  49. Even Sidney knew to reverently bow. "Wright Flyer, I seek your wisdom."
  51. "Rise, brother, you don' need to look so solemn round me." He offered his pipe. "Care for a hit?"
  53. Sidney politely declined. "I'm sorry, I'm always trying to keep my intake clean. But thank you."
  55. "'s cool, dude. So what'chu need ta know?"
  57. "I... Well... There's this girl I like, an F-22. I thought our relationship was just for sex but... Recently, she was... Violated by a fucking Ivan. I hate to say it, but that's not the point... I think I really love her, and I want to know if I should try to pursue her, especially after all this. I also want to know if I should seek revenge on the fucker who hurt her?" Sid found himself unusually uncertain in contrast to his usual bullheaded confidence.
  59. Wright took a long drag of his pipe and exhaled, creating a steady stream of white smoke. "So it's like this, mah friend, ya gotta first look inside yourself, to save yourself from your other self, only then will your true self will reveal itself. Know what I'm sayin', brother?"
  61. Sidney was nearly in tears. "Oh-... Oh, my god... I understand now! Thank you! Thank you so much! It's... It's like I've never seen the world before now! Thank you so much, Wright Flyer!" And like that Sidney zoomed off with his new perspective and lease on life, the universe, and everything.
  63. Meanwhile, Wright flyer just chuckled to himself and shook his head. "Damn, crazy-ass crackahs look too deep inta mah shit... It makes 'em happy but damned if Ah know a damn thing Ah'm sayin'. Hehehehe."
  65. The glidergriffon smiled, leaned back into his rocking chair, and continued to resume taking hits from his 'peace pipe' he got from the buffalo tribes of Apploosa.
  67. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. Source:
  71. "Whoooooo!" the cry was up all throughout the bar. "Little Lightning's becoming the big skyliner now! Attractin' a sweet husky Ruskie too no less!" Blue Angel shouted while the other hornets began whooping and hollering.
  73. "Come on, guys, it's not a big deal." Lightning protested to remain modest when Yellow Jacket threw a hoof over the young VTOL.
  75. "Not a big deal? Little bro, Sasha hasn't shown this kind of interest in any one in a loooong time. So you know what this means?" He finished his sentence looking over the rest of the Hornet's Nest.
  77. And they all began to cheer "Score! Score! Score! Score! Score!" Lightning was already redder than some of his lights, and outright wanted to die when he realized the rest of the bar was joining in KC included.
  79. "That's right! Lil' Lightning here may be looking at doing some 'refueling' for Sasha!"
  81. Another wave of cheers went up.
  83. "Oh, merciful Celestia, scrap me now." Lightning pleaded to the heavens. He got no answer.
  85. Blue Angel now leaned in alongside Yellow Jacket on the otherside. "And you know what else this means?"
  87. "I get to be shot down here and now and be spared the shame?"
  89. "Nope! Time for a modified Navy Tradition: you're already gettin' screwed so let's get you glued and tattooed!"
  91. Another cheer went up through the bar, Lightning would barely remember the rest of the night, only that his last drink before blacking out was a Cosmonaut. And when he would wake up from another wet dream, he'd find himself with new nose art of Sasha in in socks and a provocative pose with 'Huskie Ruskie' written below.
  93. He also found a receipt for said nose art job from "Carousel Boutique and Body Art"
  95. When he was slight less hung over, all he could think was "Sis is gonna kill me..."
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