
nir4 lasterjs

Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. SystemLordNir: ((SystemLordNir:: The temple was never any different to the silence that had always harboured within its large doors, but as Nir resided within it he was not near his throne or the round tables within the deep corridors of this "sacred" building. But upon that of a large statue. He sttod there staring amongst it for hours . To other it would seem crazed to stare at somethiing so lifeless but that is were the mistake had been made. This statue had not of one life but many tied to it, Souls that were split into multiples of different personalities and different purposes of what they were. Gods, Goddesses, oracles, priests, even the children of the dark Lord himself. A seal upon the back of it to contain said souls.. the magic here was simple but apparent, needed for the purpose of him alone. Although such seemed sick or even weak. He kept the things that were close to him here after such deaths accord either by his hand or by another. It was his silence breaker.. one that he could tolerate as whispers came from the very statue.. alive speaking and clustered with voices at once with words of different meanings and hard to decypher conversations. Nir only seemed to be in trance his form of that of solid... The usual white and blackened skin. His form slightly swaying, eyes clouded to black as a sickened smile sweeped across his face. The tips of his white fangs emitting from his lips and glistening to the dim candle light. Was Nir doppleganged no one could offically tell until his no response was given usually leaving him open to be attacked or even killed. But this trance had it's similarities.. Or was he just simply in thought, in a day dream.. a vision.. what it was that captured such a boarderline "gone" reaction. Even Nir himself didn't know or even realize of his abscene of thought or of conscience to the reality that always so easily wrapped around him..
  3. SystemLordNir: ((*He had sensed a Sinn he knew, it was easy tell by how the presense of each varied from their bond to the umbra, this came from Neph..intresting, well not really, he was actually just bored, opening his eyes which burned of swirling flames ringed with red and veins of black Nylan strode forward to the temple door, he stood tall at seven foot four, his long black hair, silky and cool falling down his back and over his shoulders, his face rugged and handsome, his body massive and bulky, his eight pack of abs riviting with each motion, he wore nothing but a pair of black leather leggings, black combat boots and a necklace with skulls which hung over his chest, his skin covered in black runes depicting his hertiage, many confused the runes for tattoes. At the doors he rose his hand, his long nails like talons clicking as he snaped his fingers his aura manifesting physicly causeing the temple doors to crash open as he moved in, his power restricted to half of a tenth of his full power, his aura restricting however the stench of death followed him and his presence caused the air to freeze almost as he cast his eyes about the temple, then Nir.
  6. SystemLordNir: ((SystemLordNir: : -The sudden sound of doors opening had grasp Nir's attention though a sudden moevement wasn't giving right away. His trance being put to an end from the sound of the Templ doors being abruptly breached into, slamming to walls as small cracks had seemed to form against the walls from the constant barging in. A sigh would come from him as his ominous eyes had turned to meet with the male figure his frame turning with slowly to look upon him. It seemed reccently that people had come to his Nation more than usual, the usual streams of peaceful and sickening whispers of the dead in a living statue was all needed to bring such a being a trance and small smile. Deeds done that would be considered evil or justified to most. Nir had stood at a slightly taller height than the male before him. Ten feet even his arms covered in what looked like black rock, some sort of armour that was quite popular in these lands. Durable, light weight and easy to make. This armour had covered his left entire arm and half of his right this finger tips claws that were of his own as a small opening allowed them to extend outward. Though in this solid form a small amount of his power was harbored to keep it intact, His right hand held a staff the purpose would seem to be for aesthetics and show of power. The two males both had been adormed with markings upon thier bodies one of runes one of ritualistic tattoos.. Nir's Most recent upon his face in a deep red symbolizing his knowing of self. Piercings upon his nose, lips, eyebows and ears mostly connected together in a flow of insync and completion. Nir simply stared to the being before him another male perhaps this one could amuse him.. or simply piss him off both options had a very thin line to seperate the other possibility. Though to end the stare into eachother Nir would close his eyes bringing them to thier natural silver and garnet hue like swords tainted with human blood opening them to take gaze to the Male.- "Hm, You look as if you are looking for someone.. or something... Whom or what is it you search for in such persistance..? Otherwise, my doors wouldn't be breached in such a manner.." -With that being said it wouldnt be difficult to tell by the sentence that it was clear he didn't exactly wished to be distrubed and although his voice had clearly carried the tone his face on the other hand had not. It was blank as if not in a care of the world of what ever answer would be given, or what reason of a visit was even brought to the attention of this man before him.-))
  8. (SystemLordNir: : -Nir had heard his words and begin to laugh first it was low before becoming that of a cackle.It was long before his laugh brought him to place a hand to his chest and his shake- You are proving your ignorance far too easily.. My better..? You know me not.. If of my name that is all.. -Bringing his sinister laugh to a sudden end he would continue his steps toward the Man stopping but mere inches from him. His eyes looking to him and an epxression as if in disgust. His blackened umbra slipping from his lips has the pressure would be felt pushing against his face in a slight press.- I.. don't give a fuck where you come from. I don't care of your race or of your purpose.. I don't care if where you from is of plain death, or of sand and blood.. These halls are my halls you so ignorantly breach into.. I have proven my worth to my people.. You, on the other hand is nothing to me... ))
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