

Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. Reporting Personnel: LCpl Jayden Trovato, Doctor Howard Pike.
  2. Subject Designation: Merlin
  3. Status: Sapient
  4. Name: Unknown ( Presumed, Relina Enna )
  5. Race: Unknown, Visually a 'normal' Human.
  6. Abilities: Consumption of organic matter via a 'proboscis' - Unconfirmed, but supported.
  7. -Physical Transformation: Confirmed to be able to be 'Howard Pike', 'Relina Enna'
  8. -Confirmed to be capable of transforming appendages into bony knives, capable of marring glass.
  9. -Vocal Altering: Substantial. can sound like anyone they please, including a group of people.
  11. Autopsy Report confirms severe anatomical damage from a 'large organic needle', presumed to be the aforementioned proboscis. Document has been scanned and is attached to this document.
  13. -Attached Document-
  14. Time of death: 03:29
  15. Weapon #1
  16. Severity: severe
  17. Hits by weapon: 1
  18. Approximate time of wound infliction: 03:29
  19. Affected limbs: upper body
  20. Possible weapons:
  21. 100% large organic needle
  22. -End Report-
  25. First-Hand Account, signed
  26. -Doctor Pike offers to demonstrate their capaiblities, I agree.
  27. -Doctor Pike provides Subject Merlin with a Monkey, delivered via chute to prevent contact.
  28. -Subject Merlin subdues and holds a monkey still.
  29. Subject Merlin extends a proboscis.
  30. -Subject Merlin stabs the proboscis into the monkey.
  31. -Monkey rapidly begins to lose color, as blood spurts from its body.
  32. -Monkey ceases life signs.
  33. -End Report.-
  35. Notes from Subject Merlin:
  36. -'We're Nigh Invincible.' - When physical damage is threatened.
  37. -'Go ahead, shoot me dead. I'll be up in about six minutes.' - In response to Doctor Pikes Comment: 'This should have not been the first time you are hit with something to death.'
  38. -Subject Mentions their behaviour as 'A silly, histrionic affair.'[br-]Subject mentions another of their kind. 'Morgan'.
  40. Preliminary tests: Blood sample analysis
  43. Subjected ingested 60u Radium, no ill effects.
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