
New Theme

Feb 13th, 2014
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  210. <div id="header">
  211. <h1>{title}</h1>
  212. <a href="/">Home</a> / <a href="/ask">Ask</a> / <a href="/archive">Archive</a><br>
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  218. This theme is still in heavy development.
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  220. <div id="content">
  221. {block:Posts}
  222. <div class="post">
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  233. <div class="hover_notes">
  234. <a href="">
  235. 11284
  236. </a>
  237. </div>
  238. <div class="reblog">
  239. <a href="">Reblog post</a>
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  258. {block:Link}
  259. <div class="link inner">
  260. <h1 class="title"><a href="{URL}">{Name}</a></h1>
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  264. {block:Chat}
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  273. {block:TrackName}<h1 class="title"><a href="{Permalink}">{TrackName}</a></h1>{/block:TrackName}
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  279. {block:Video}
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  281. {Video-700}
  282. {/block:Video}
  283. {block:Answer}
  284. <div class="answer inner">
  285. <div class="question">
  286. <img src="{AskerPortraitURL-96}"/>
  287. <div class="bubble">{Asker}: {Question}</div>
  288. </div>
  289. <div class="body"><p>{Answer}</p></div>
  290. {/block:Answer}
  291. <a class="notes" href="{Permalink}">{NoteCountWithLabel}</a>
  292. </div>
  293. <div>
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