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Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. <Implix> Hello OpticalF3AR
  2. <Implix> Nice Due Process vid
  3. <Implix> Looked like a lot of fun
  4. <OpticalF3AR> Hey and thanks, it was fun
  5. <Implix> OpticalF3AR, Your doing well with youtube but I need to offer some constructive criticism
  6. <OpticalF3AR> shhh im good
  7. <Implix> Hey man
  8. <Implix> All I want for you is for your channel to grow
  9. * Yond ( has joined
  10. * iDubbbz ( has joined
  11. * Okangu ( has joined
  12. <Implix> OpticalF3AR, This all depends on your style of editing. But I notice that you don't really think about the feedback when editing
  13. <OpticalF3AR> wut
  14. <Implix> The video is fun, but it doesn't make me want to see more is what I'm saying
  15. * YuriPK (~Thunderbi@2601:6:5380:577:6149:a3ec:a14f:711) has joined
  16. <Implix> You get what I mean OpticalF3AR?
  17. <Yond> wut?
  18. <OpticalF3AR> Well im sorry im not ray william johnson when it comes to constant jump cuts and other stupid ways of editing just to try to keep the attention of children (not necessarily trying to call you a child its just the main reason why he does constant cuts). I enjoy editing the way I do now so, thanks anyway
  19. <Yond> Damn that was a touch of hostility at first
  20. <Implix> OpticalF3AR, Thats not what I mean.
  21. <Yond> :I
  22. <OpticalF3AR> Im good Implix
  23. <OpticalF3AR> I enjoy how I edit
  24. <Implix> Alright man
  25. <Yond> No clue what the hell y'all talking about
  26. <Implix> OpticalF3AR, Heres something you should keep up. I like how you don't make it seem like a lets play, thats really fucking good.
  27. <Implix> Continue doing that.
  28. * FullyLucid has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  29. <Implix> Also, try not to respond to criticism like that if you ever receive it OpticalF3AR. I understand you treat me differently but sometimes its better to say "Ok, Thanks". What you just said in response made you come off a bit passive agressive/immature/hostile.
  30. <Yond> It seemed just a tad /too/ hostile when I joined
  31. <Implix> It might have been to you Yond
  32. <Implix> But I've reached a point where whenever any drama occurs I just move on
  33. <OpticalF3AR> Implix I dont need your input on my channel. You have been nothing but immature to me in the past so dont think for a second I need to "learn" something from you when it comes to maturity and how I handle situations such as criticism. The reason why I even responded in the first place is because YOU SAID HI. Im more than capable enough to handle a situation the way I want to. I dont need to be critiqued on that way I
  34. <OpticalF3AR> handle criticism. I have been on YouTube for a long time, Ive seen people straight up call me out and say im fucking terrible, all the way to some of the nicest msgs Ive ever seen. So drop it, seems to me you are litteraly trying to start drama, you could have just left it at "continue doing that". If you dont like how I handle my channel then dont say a word un-sub if you are subbed. Not trying to get "hostile".
  35. <OpticalF3AR> sweet jesus
  36. <OpticalF3AR> thats a wall
  37. <Implix> Hey man, why do you have to consider the past
  38. <Extricated> OpticalF3AR: That's kind of a dickish thing to do dude
  39. <OpticalF3AR> what
  40. <Implix> I may be immature, okay. I am in no way starting drama. Its getting to that point now, it seems that you have not moved on from the little dispute we had a while ago OpticalF3AR. But thats irrelevant. All of this could have been avoided if you thought before you pressed enter man. Doesn't matter who you're responding to, drama will be caused regardless if you use that to respond to criticism. So like I had said before, you
  41. <Implix> dont have to deal with this. You can tell me how you feel about it without writing a paragraph targeted towards me, I don't appreciate the way you responded like that. I hope that puts an end to this.
  42. <moomoohk> my ass in on fire
  43. <OpticalF3AR> ^
  44. <Implix> That was unexpected
  45. * Extricated has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  46. <OpticalF3AR> Now it just feels you are fishing for attention and you want to make it seem like I literally started all of this XD im so fucking done with this lol Implix just do me a favor and dont msg me again because every time you do it ends like this.
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