
Play Actor in Equestria - One Shot

Nov 27th, 2012
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  1. >Day Shakespearicles in Equestria
  3. >You walk out onto the stage, all eyes on you.
  4. >The actors are set, your lines are memorized.
  5. >It's not a huge deal, but you're determined to do your best.
  6. >You were an actor at heart after all, so you jumped at the chance to act in a play.
  7. >It was the first role you had since coming to the magical world of p0nies, and that was enough for you.
  8. >There it is, your cue!
  9. >You step forward with a flourish, and open your mouth to speak your lines.
  10. "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we set our scene."
  11. >Wait, what? that's not the line you're supposed to say, that's not even the right play!
  12. "From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood, makes civil hands, unclean."
  13. >Oh god, you can't stop.
  14. >You feel compelled to continue, your body is disobeying you, what's going on?
  15. >The other p0nies acting in the play step in at their respective parts and recite their lines as well.
  16. >You can see the panic on their faces as the traffic of the stage is overrun by Romeo and Juliet for the next two hours.
  17. >P0nies didn't even HAVE Romeo and Juliet, at least not this version.
  18. >You know, you checked.
  19. >Everyp0ny performs flawlessly, and as the play finishes, the curtain falls to scattered, confused applause and cheers, intermixed with stunned silences and blank stares.
  20. >After the show closes, p0nies rush to interview the director of the play for answers.
  21. >"How did this even happen, weren’t you supposed to be performing The Lion King?" a reporter inquires.
  22. >Derpy: "I just don't know what went wrong!"
  24. >Today was an iambic day.
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