
Leeroy Jenkins gets a wardrobe upgrade

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  1. [19:10] * Lyra_Bel and Alexander_Pyrite return to Lanased
  2. [19:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Hey, Lanased?"
  3. [19:11] <Lanased> "You're here again?" You hear a voice mutter
  4. [19:12] <Lyra_Bel> " 'Fraid so"
  5. [19:12] <Lanased> "I told you. Your friend is dead. There is nothing you can do for him"
  6. [19:12] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sure buddy"
  7. [19:12] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not about Bro"
  8. [19:12] <Lyra_Bel> "S'about clothes"
  9. [19:12] <Lanased> *sigh*
  10. [19:13] <Lanased> "Alright, what can I do you for?" You hear as Lanased steps out from some shadows
  11. [19:13] <Lyra_Bel> "Two things"
  12. [19:14] * Lyra_Bel gestures to Alex
  13. [19:14] <Lyra_Bel> "Please?"
  14. [19:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Make me look good"
  15. [19:14] <Lanased> "You said two things?"
  16. [19:15] * Lyra_Bel withdraws Maskwraith's note from a pocket
  17. [19:16] <Lyra_Bel> "Can I get another version of this outfit? It's a long story, but the first one's... unavailable"
  18. [19:18] <Lanased> "You lost his clothes already?"
  19. [19:18] <Lanased> "That was fast"
  20. [19:18] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay y'know what, I have three bodies, and it's getting very distracting keeping track of which inventory is which"
  21. [19:19] <Lyra_Bel> "Also the whole 'satan incarnate is eating my soul' deal. That also complicated things"
  22. [19:19] <Lanased> *tch*
  23. [19:19] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm sorry. I tried to get it back"
  24. [19:19] <Lanased> "What will you pay for it?"
  25. [19:20] <Lyra_Bel> "How... about..."
  26. [19:20] * Lyra_Bel looks through her sylladex
  27. [19:20] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I have some gold"
  28. [19:20] <Lanased> "Goods and services"
  29. [19:20] <Lanased> "Gold is worthless to us"
  30. [19:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Do, uh, do you guys eat bats?"
  31. [19:20] <Lanased> "No"
  32. [19:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Crumbs"
  33. [19:20] <Alexander_Pyrite> "What do i have..."
  34. [19:21] <Lanased> "Don't eat those either"
  35. [19:21] <Lyra_Bel> "Ha ha, very funny"
  36. [19:21] * Alexander_Pyrite dumps his sylladex
  37. [19:21] * Alexander_Pyrite immediately regathers his sylladex
  38. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Grist?"
  39. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Maybe?"
  40. [19:22] <Lanased> "What is Grist?"
  41. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "S'pose not then"
  42. [19:22] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay screw this. What do YOU want?"
  43. [19:22] * Alexander_Pyrite whispers to Lyra, "we dont have any grist i think"
  44. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> "Still got a bit"
  45. [19:23] <Lanased> "Hmmm..."
  46. [19:23] * Lyra_Bel perks up
  47. [19:23] <Lyra_Bel> "Clear out some of the darker tunnels?"
  48. [19:23] <Lanased> "You would die trying"
  49. [19:24] <Lyra_Bel> "So it's dangerous to go down there?"
  50. [19:24] * Lyra_Bel grins
  51. [19:24] <Lanased> "I have no need for any services at this time"
  52. [19:24] <Lyra_Bel> "More territory. We clear out down there, you and your kin have a larger home"
  53. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> "If we'd die, it's clearly dangerous"
  54. [19:25] <Lanased> "Not much usable territory to clear out"
  55. [19:25] <Lyra_Bel> "Not much, but SOME?"
  56. [19:25] <Lanased> "Besides I don't want you feeding them"
  57. [19:25] * Alexander_Pyrite perks up
  58. [19:25] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Feeding who?"
  59. [19:25] <Lanased> "It is not relevant"
  60. [19:26] <Lyra_Bel> "It'll be either us or your family. At least we'd keep them full enough to buy you some time"
  61. [19:26] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Come on dude you're obviously scared of them"
  62. [19:26] <Lyra_Bel> Roll 1d20+11 Persuasion
  63. [19:26] <`DICE> Lyra_Bel rolled 1d20+11 Persuasion [ 1d20=19 ]{30}
  64. [19:26] <Lanased> "You appear to have no material goods, do you have any resources we could use?"
  65. [19:27] <Lanased> "Our foes are not territorial. They physically can not threaten us as long as we stay out of their lair"
  66. [19:27] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Well dont you want more territory?"
  67. [19:27] <Lanased> "We have nothing to gain from your suicide mission"
  68. [19:28] <Alexander_Pyrite> "territory"
  69. [19:28] <Lanased> "Why would we need more territory?"
  70. [19:28] <Lanased> "We are content where we are"
  71. [19:28] <Lanased> "No reason to push a dispute over boundaries"
  72. [19:29] * Lyra_Bel sighs
  73. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> "You refuse, then?"
  74. [19:29] <Alexander_Pyrite> ((lyra use dat 30))
  75. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> ((Diplomancer == useless))
  76. [19:29] <Lyra_Bel> ((Those poor skill points))
  77. [19:30] <Lanased> < Persuasion doesn't work if you have no idea wtf you are talking about AND it happens to be worthless >
  78. [19:30] <Lanased> < One or the other, maybe >
  79. [19:30] <Alexander_Pyrite> "So what exactly are you hiding from exactly?"
  80. [19:31] <Lanased> "We are not 'Hiding'"
  81. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what are you doing then?"
  82. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "you're sitting here far away from these... whatevers and not doing anything about it"
  83. [19:31] <Alexander_Pyrite> "sounds like hiding"
  84. [19:33] <Lanased> "Thriving and living in luxury"
  85. [19:33] <Lanased> "We have no reason to initiate conflict"
  86. [19:33] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Except for fear apparently"
  87. [19:35] <Lanased> "Do you wish to quarrel Human?"
  88. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Ugh, we don't have time for this"
  89. [19:35] * Alexander_Pyrite decaptcalogues a piece of spidergut
  90. [19:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Lanased. Will you or will you not?"
  91. [19:35] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Only if you make me"
  92. [19:36] <Lanased> "I certainly will not with your 'friend' there threatening us and seeking to sow dissension"
  93. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "fine"
  94. [19:36] <Alexander_Pyrite> "fuck this im not the diplomat"
  95. [19:37] * Alexander_Pyrite recaptchalogues the spiderguts and crosses his arms"
  96. [19:37] * Lyra_Bel sighs
  97. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> "Technically, Lanased, you threatened him first"
  98. [19:37] <Lyra_Bel> "And we have other options. If you aren't going to help, we don't need you to"
  99. [19:38] <Lanased> "Bah, don't flatter yourself human. You know nothing you could make could compare to our work"
  100. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> "I never said we'd make it."
  101. [19:38] * Lyra_Bel gives Lanased a mischievous grin
  102. [19:38] <Lanased> "You have no other sources than ourselves"
  103. [19:38] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah. But y'know what I do have?"
  104. [19:39] * Lyra_Bel's grin widens
  105. [19:39] <Lyra_Bel> "A plan."
  106. [19:39] * Alexander_Pyrite chuckles
  107. [19:40] <Lanased> "I suppose some sort of agreement could be reached to delay your payment for a later date at our request"
  108. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Now you're listening"
  109. [19:40] <Lanased> "But we don't trust you enough to think of you as reliable"
  110. [19:40] <Lyra_Bel> "Good, because I'm not"
  111. [19:40] <Lanased> "Give us some insurance you will return"
  112. [19:41] <Lyra_Bel> "Like?"
  113. [19:41] <Lanased> "Your friend's body will do just fine"
  114. [19:41] <Lanased> "The dead Crystal shield"
  115. [19:41] <Lyra_Bel> "... You're kidding, right?"
  116. [19:41] <Lyra_Bel> "Brofessor's more valuable than anything you could make us"
  117. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "You don't ensure with something worth more than your payment"
  118. [19:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Yeah"
  119. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "How about a magic necklace?"
  120. [19:42] <Alexander_Pyrite> "even if he is dead"
  121. [19:42] <Lanased> "He's dead"
  122. [19:42] <Lanased> "What will you do with him?"
  123. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Let's agree to disagree on that part"
  124. [19:42] <Lanased> "It's not like you need to carry him with you"
  125. [19:42] <Lyra_Bel> "We do if we're gonna Raise him later"
  126. [19:43] <Lanased> "You leave him with us and you can come pick him up when you need him"
  127. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "I mean, on the chance he's actually dead"
  128. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "I'd rather carry on without your help than give up the Brofessor"
  129. [19:43] <Lyra_Bel> "No offense. But you aren't good enough of a tailor to make sacrificing someone worth two outfits"
  130. [19:44] <Lanased> "The Corpse of 'Brofessor' you mean"
  131. [19:44] <Lanased> "Because he is dead"
  132. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> "If you say so"
  133. [19:44] <Lyra_Bel> "If he was dead, there'd be no point in us coming back for him. He'd be terrible insurance"
  134. [19:45] <Lanased> "I assume you'd want a funeral"
  135. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> "Still don't think he's dead, though. Look, we can go back and forth about this all day"
  136. [19:45] <Lyra_Bel> "Not Brofessor"
  137. [19:46] <Lyra_Bel> "Magic necklace, maybe, or a computer?"
  138. [19:47] <Lanased> "We know of your machines. You can easily leave this objects behind with no consequences"
  139. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Or how about... information?"
  140. [19:47] <Lanased> "What kind of information?"
  141. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "As a payment"
  142. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Any information"
  143. [19:47] <Lyra_Bel> "I have the knowledge of a world in here"
  144. [19:48] <Lyra_Bel> "The collective information of a hundred thousand generations"
  145. [19:48] <Lanased> "And what would that matter to us? Information with not practical use is worthless"
  146. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> "Information about clothesmaking"
  147. [19:49] <Lyra_Bel> "An entire civilization's combined ideas"
  148. [19:49] <Lanased> "You dare presume you know better than us at our own trade?"
  149. [19:50] <Lyra_Bel> "You presume you know better than seven billion humans?"
  150. [19:50] <Lanased> "Yes. Humans are ignorant creatures from what we've seen of you"
  151. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Well, we tried"
  152. [19:51] * Lyra_Bel shrugs
  153. [19:51] <Lyra_Bel> "Alex, what's next on the list of stuff to do?"
  154. [19:51] * Lyra_Bel starts walking towards the exit
  155. [19:51] <Lanased> "Your loss humans"
  156. [19:51] * Alexander_Pyrite doesnt realize we were leaving
  157. [19:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what we're just going?"
  158. [19:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Nah, we got this"
  159. [19:52] <Lyra_Bel> "He doesn't wanna help, he doesn't need to help"
  160. [19:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah i guess"
  161. [19:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "wait before we leave, i gotta know"
  162. [19:52] <Alexander_Pyrite> "what lives down in the caves?"
  163. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "At least one ogre"
  164. [19:52] <Lanased> "A party was it?"
  165. [19:53] <Lanased> "Clothes for a party?"
  166. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah, was gunna be"
  167. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Don't worry though, we have other options"
  168. [19:53] <Lyra_Bel> "You can go back to... whatever"
  169. [19:53] <Lanased> "Don't kid yourself human. You have no other options if you want good looking clothes"
  170. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Yeah we do"
  171. [19:54] <Lanased> "And you definitely will not receive a copy of your friend, Nickolai's clothes so easily"
  172. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Then I'll get the first set back"
  173. [19:54] <Lyra_Bel> "I have time to kill"
  174. [19:55] <Lanased> "You would've already attempted to do so before asking me"
  175. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Nah, just woulda been easier if you'd been willing to play along"
  176. [19:55] <Lanased> "Something is making you unwilling or unable to retrieve those clothes"
  177. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> "I just don't wanna wait"
  178. [19:55] <Lyra_Bel> "S'not a big deal"
  179. [19:56] * Lanased pauses for a moment
  180. [19:56] <Lanased> "Relying on *him*?"
  181. [19:56] <Lanased> "I'm surprised you trust such a creature"
  182. [19:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Come on Alex. Time to go for a ride"
  183. [19:56] <Lanased> "Scared, are we?"
  184. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Lana, you clearly want to make yourself seem necessary. What is it you want from us so badly?"
  185. [19:57] <Lanased> Spiders descend from the walls above the exit to the room to block your path
  186. [19:57] <Lanased> "Not so fast"
  187. [19:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh great, are we fighting now?"
  188. [19:57] <Lanased> "I should hope not"
  189. [19:58] <Lanased> "I just wanted to make sure you didn't leave too abruptly"
  190. [19:58] <Alexander_Pyrite> "This is the second time this has happened"
  191. [19:58] * Alexander_Pyrite cracks his neck and pulls out his shield
  192. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> "Come on Lana. What is it you want from us?"
  193. [19:58] <Lanased> "These spider bites are very deadly"
  194. [19:58] <Lyra_Bel> "You've already said no, so we're leaving"
  195. [19:59] <Lanased> "While you could survive, say, one of them"
  196. [19:59] <Lyra_Bel> "Would you prefer we beg your charity?"
  197. [19:59] <Lanased> "Two would have you dead for sure, and three would leave your corpse unrecognizable"
  198. [19:59] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Really?"
  199. [20:00] <Lanased> "I'm not exaggerating"
  200. [20:00] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Well then what bit me when i fought my first giant spider?"
  201. [20:00] <Lyra_Bel> "Exactly what is it you're trying to do here?"
  202. [20:00] <Lanased> "Oh the bigger ones such as myself aren't poisonous"
  203. [20:00] <Lanased> "Not to that degree"
  204. [20:00] <Lyra_Bel> "Here, look. I give up. What now?"
  205. [20:00] <Lanased> "It's the thousands of small ones you need to look out for"
  206. [20:01] <Lyra_Bel> "You can't threaten someone without letting them know what you want from them"
  207. [20:01] <Lanased> "Then what am I doing now?"
  208. [20:01] <Lyra_Bel> "Same thing the Queen did on Derse. Wasting your time."
  209. [20:02] <Lyra_Bel> "Partially because you have absolutely no reason to be threatening us with unrecognizable death"
  210. [20:02] <Lanased> "Come, sit down"
  211. [20:02] * Lyra_Bel sits down
  212. [20:03] <Lanased> "We can measure Alex here and get you your clothes you need"
  213. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "..."
  214. [20:03] <Lanased> "But we want insurance we will be paid back"
  215. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Not Brofessor"
  216. [20:03] <Lyra_Bel> "Faerzen's necklace, if anything"
  217. [20:04] <Lanased> "So on your bodies and in the clothes will be a few small spiders"
  218. [20:04] <Lanased> "Not enough to kill you should they bite, but enough to leave you hurting a long time"
  219. [20:04] <Alexander_Pyrite> "cant we just go swimming and get them off or something?"
  220. [20:05] <Lanased> "I wouldn't recommend trying to remove them"
  221. [20:05] <Lanased> "Tendency to bite"
  222. [20:05] <Lyra_Bel> "But we DON'T NEED the clothes"
  223. [20:05] <Alexander_Pyrite> "alright then sounds good to m-"
  224. [20:05] <Lyra_Bel> "I've been over this"
  225. [20:05] <Lanased> "It's a party Lyra"
  226. [20:06] <Lanased> "Of course you need clothes"
  227. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> "A party with no dress code"
  228. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> "Trust me, I asked"
  229. [20:06] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I'll risk some spiderbites for a nice suit"
  230. [20:06] <Lyra_Bel> "But..."
  231. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "But we have other options!"
  232. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Why would you-?"
  233. [20:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah but are they spidermade?"
  234. [20:07] * Alexander_Pyrite looks amused
  235. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Yes!"
  236. [20:07] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh really?"
  237. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "I have said too much."
  238. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Now the plan is doomed to fail."
  239. [20:07] <Lyra_Bel> "Should not have said that, I should not have said that."
  240. [20:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ok if its doomed..."
  241. [20:08] * Alexander_Pyrite takes of his armor
  242. [20:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "why not?'
  243. [20:08] <Lyra_Bel> "What's wrong with you people!?"
  244. [20:08] * Lyra_Bel throws her hands up, exasperated
  245. [20:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "lyra relax"
  246. [20:08] <Alexander_Pyrite> "I know he was just threatening us but why not? Hes offering"
  247. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "We'd have to pay him back. My plan doesn't have any cost."
  248. [20:09] <Lanased> "Lyra, we've decided to throw in a dress for you, free of charge"
  249. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "I don't need any more dresses"
  250. [20:09] * Lanased chuckles a little
  251. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Already have more than enough"
  252. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "Like"
  253. [20:09] <Lyra_Bel> "WAY more than enough"
  254. [20:09] <Alexander_Pyrite> "well i dont have any suits"
  255. [20:09] <Lanased> "Don't worry Lyra, custom made just for you"
  256. [20:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "can you make a nice tie as well?"
  257. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> "So was the last one!"
  258. [20:10] <Lanased> "We think you'll like it"
  259. [20:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Green preferably"
  260. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> "Alex stop going along with this!"
  261. [20:10] <Lanased> "Yes yes but Lyra you need to have a party dress"
  262. [20:10] <Alexander_Pyrite> "yeah why not, we gotta live a little"
  263. [20:10] <Lyra_Bel> "Lanased, we've established you don't want anything we have, and we aren't willing to give up anything you consider valuable enough to ensure our return."
  264. [20:10] <Lanased> "How else are you going to feel pretty at the party with all of your friends?"
  265. [20:11] <Lanased> "Stand up straight Mr Pyrite"
  266. [20:11] * Alexander_Pyrite complies
  267. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Don't know, don't really care. I'll use one of the other outfits you gave me if I need to."
  268. [20:11] <Alexander_Pyrite> "is this gonna feel weird"
  269. [20:11] <Lanased> "I recommend you close your eyes"
  270. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> "And yes, Alex. Yes it will."
  271. [20:11] <Lyra_Bel> "Try not to scream."
  272. [20:12] <Lanased> Spiders begin to amass on the floor in front of Alex
  273. [20:12] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh shit"
  274. [20:12] <Alexander_Pyrite> "oh shit"
  275. [20:12] * Alexander_Pyrite closes eyes
  276. [20:13] <Lanased> The spiders crawl their way up Alex's body to his neck, pausing a moment before slowly withdrawing
  277. [20:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> a muffled oh shit
  278. [20:13] <Lanased> "What color did you want your suit Mr Pyrite?
  279. [20:13] <Alexander_Pyrite> "black"
  280. [20:14] <Lanased> "Excellent"
  281. [20:14] <Alexander_Pyrite> "with a green tie"
  282. [20:14] * Alexander_Pyrite looks at lyra
  283. [20:14] * Alexander_Pyrite grins wide
  284. [20:14] <Lanased> "Of course"
  285. [20:14] * Lyra_Bel shakes her head slowly
  286. [20:14] <Lanased> "And for your uncooperative lady, Maroon?"
  287. [20:14] <Lyra_Bel> "I'm surrounded by idiots"
  288. [20:14] <Lyra_Bel> "No offense, Brofessor"
  289. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> "You don't count, because of the whole, y'know, dead"
  290. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> "But these other guys"
  291. [20:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "come on lyra"
  292. [20:15] <Alexander_Pyrite> "relax a bit"
  293. [20:15] <Lanased> "Maroon Ms?"
  294. [20:15] <Lyra_Bel> "You're accepting a threat for no reason other than for the sake of getting threatened!"
  295. [20:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "and a suit"
  296. [20:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "the maroon sounds great thanks"
  297. [20:16] <Lyra_Bel> "We can get a suit for free!"
  298. [20:16] <Lyra_Bel> "Don't you dare make me another dress."
  299. [20:16] * Lanased chuckles
  300. [20:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "lyra
  301. [20:16] <Alexander_Pyrite> "its free"
  302. [20:17] <Lanased> "We found a small favor we can allow as payment at a discount rate"
  303. [20:17] <Lanased> "For the suit and the replacement clothes"
  304. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> "How much is this favour gonna suck?"
  305. [20:17] <Lyra_Bel> "Because I get the feeling, on a scale of one to ten, that I can't count that high"
  306. [20:17] <Lanased> "We need you to take a small box to a location without opening it and leave it there at a certain time"
  307. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "Thats it?"
  308. [20:18] * Alexander_Pyrite looks at lyra
  309. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "thats not bad"
  310. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "unless theres a catch"
  311. [20:18] <Lyra_Bel> "No. No no no no no. Boxes bad."
  312. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "We arent opening it"
  313. [20:18] <Alexander_Pyrite> "ill captchalogue it, stuff is paused in there anyway"
  314. [20:18] <Lyra_Bel> "We're just leaving it somewhere for some other poor sap to open it!"
  315. [20:19] <Lyra_Bel> "Like Juan or Petrus, they don't have a clue what's going on with the boxes!"
  316. [20:19] <Lanased> Lanased presents a medium white package about the size of a clock
  317. [20:20] <Lanased> It appears to be made of a cardboard like substance and wrapped with a bow
  318. [20:20] <Lyra_Bel> "Why?"
  319. [20:25] <Lanased> "One 'Maskwraith' commissioned us to deliver a package"
  320. [20:25] * AlexanderPyrite removes it
  321. [20:25] * AlexanderPyrite looks at it in disgust
  322. [20:25] <Lyra_Bel> "Oh"
  323. [20:25] <Lyra_Bel> "Well I guess it can't be THAT bad..."
  324. [20:25] <Lyra_Bel> "What's the catch?"
  325. [20:26] <Lanased> "Look at the small note attached with the location and time"
  326. [20:26] <Lanased> Location: Faerzen Norstov's Party
  327. [20:26] * Lyra_Bel facepalms
  328. [20:26] <Lanased> Time: After other gifts are open
  329. [20:27] <Lyra_Bel> "We are not delivering his birthday present to himself."
  330. [20:27] <Lanased> From: Maskwraith
  331. [20:27] <Lyra_Bel> "He can show up and turn it in himself"
  332. [20:28] <Lanased> "We could arrange more... Taxing... Payment"
  333. [20:28] <Lyra_Bel> "We only need to pay you at all because you decided we were taking you up on the offer!"
  334. [20:28] <Lyra_Bel> "This is why I wanted to use our other source, people!"
  335. [20:29] <Lanased> "Bah"
  336. [20:29] <Lanased> "Humans, what are they good for"
  337. [20:29] <AlexanderPyrite> "apparently delivering packages"
  338. [20:29] <Lanased> "Come in to buy clothes, get upset when they leave with discount prices"
  339. [20:29] <Lyra_Bel> "We didn't want to buy clothes!"
  340. [20:30] <Lyra_Bel> "We wanted you to *give us clothes*"
  341. [20:30] <Lanased> A suit for Mr Pyrite and the replacement clothes for Your Friend
  342. [20:31] <Lanased> "We don't just give away clothes permanently to anybody who asks for them"
  343. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Happened the first time I was here"
  344. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Like"
  345. [20:31] <AlexanderPyrite> "i dont really want to deliver this anymore to be honest"
  346. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Five times"
  347. [20:31] <Lanased> "Paid for by a Mr Maskwraith"
  348. [20:31] <Lyra_Bel> "Darn it Maskwraith"
  349. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Stop... doing... stuff!"
  350. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay y'know what, fine. Fine."
  351. [20:32] <Lanased> "Your clothes are ready
  352. [20:32] <Lyra_Bel> "Screw it, fine. But no spiders come with us"
  353. [20:33] <Lanased> "10 spiders to ensure you deliver the package"
  354. [20:33] <Lyra_Bel> "No."
  355. [20:34] <AlexanderPyrite> "One spider and ill do it"
  356. [20:34] <Lanased> "5. No lower"
  357. [20:34] <Lanased> "Split amongst the two of you"
  358. [20:34] <AlexanderPyrite> "Deal"
  359. [20:34] <AlexanderPyrite> "I take 4"
  360. [20:34] <Lyra_Bel> "No!"
  361. [20:34] <AlexanderPyrite> "Why not?"
  362. [20:34] <Lanased> A handsome black suit glides along the back of the spiders to the ground by Alex's feet
  363. [20:35] <AlexanderPyrite> "ooh"
  364. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> "Zero spiders."
  365. [20:35] <AlexanderPyrite> "Nice."
  366. [20:35] <Lanased> Shortly after a green tie the color of Brofessor's old self follows
  367. [20:35] <AlexanderPyrite> "niice"
  368. [20:35] <Lanased> Then, Lyra's dress
  369. [20:35] <Lanased>
  370. [20:35] <Lyra_Bel> "I never asked for this. Zero spiders."
  371. [20:35] <Lanased> But in maroon and a faded orange instead of blue and black
  372. [20:36] <AlexanderPyrite> "Ok i will take all the spider"
  373. [20:36] <Lyra_Bel> "That's not what I meant!"
  374. [20:36] <Lanased> "Deal"
  375. [20:36] <Lyra_Bel> "No deal!"
  376. [20:36] <Lanased> "They're already in the folds of the clothes"
  377. [20:37] <AlexanderPyrite> "Cool"
  378. [20:37] <Lanased> "You are good to go"
  379. [20:37] <AlexanderPyrite> "alright Lyra turn around lemme change"
  380. [20:37] <Lanased> "Pleasure doing business"
  381. [20:37] <AlexanderPyrite> "indeed"
  382. [20:37] * Lyra_Bel scowls
  383. [20:37] * Lanased slowly disappears into the shadows somewhere and retreats
  384. [20:37] <AlexanderPyrite> "that was ominous"
  385. [20:38] * AlexanderPyrite picks up suit
  386. [20:38] <Lyra_Bel> "I swear. One of these days, someone's going to have no choice but to listen to me."
  387. [20:38] <AlexanderPyrite> "this is the first suit I've ever owned"
  388. [20:38] * AlexanderPyrite looks lovingly at it
  389. [20:38] <AlexanderPyrite> "they we'rent big when im from"
  390. [20:38] <AlexanderPyrite> "mostly among the elite"
  391. [20:38] <Lyra_Bel> "You could have gotten one for free!"
  392. [20:39] <AlexanderPyrite> "wheres the fun in that?"
  393. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> "But-!"
  394. [20:39] * Lyra_Bel sighs
  395. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Screw it, sure"
  396. [20:39] <Lyra_Bel> "Sure"
  397. [20:40] <Lyra_Bel> "S'pose this means I can save my secret evil source for later, so that's nice I guess"
  398. [20:40] <AlexanderPyrite> "look im sorry about this, but i feel like i should earn it"
  399. [20:40] <AlexanderPyrite> "its one of the few things i have earned"
  400. [20:40] <Lyra_Bel> "And a pointless risk is the way to go about doing that?"
  401. [20:41] * AlexanderPyrite grabs the suit and finds somewhere he can change
  402. [20:41] <AlexanderPyrite> "come on Lyra"
  403. [20:41] <AlexanderPyrite> "This is sabath"
  404. [20:41] <AlexanderPyrite> "no way we're safe"
  405. [20:41] * AlexanderPyrite jogs over and changes
  406. [20:41] <Lyra_Bel> "That's... actually a good point"
  407. [20:41] * Lyra_Bel scowls again
  408. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> *Grumbled* "Stupid my-own-justification..."
  409. [20:42] * AlexanderPyrite returns in full suited up ness
  410. [20:42] * AlexanderPyrite holds tie
  411. [20:42] <AlexanderPyrite> "Uh, you know how to tie one of these?"
  412. [20:42] <AlexanderPyrite> roll 1d20+1 performance
  413. [20:42] <`DICE> AlexanderPyrite rolled 1d20+1 performance [ 1d20=3 ]{4}
  414. [20:42] <Lyra_Bel> "Why on earth would I know?"
  415. [20:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "dunno, people at least used them then right?"
  416. [20:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "Eh..."
  417. [20:43] <Lanased> Alex you grapple your hands using the tie
  418. [20:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "yeah ill look it-"
  419. [20:43] <AlexanderPyrite> "fuck"
  420. [20:43] <AlexanderPyrite> roll 1d20+2 dex
  421. [20:43] <`DICE> AlexanderPyrite rolled 1d20+2 dex [ 1d20=3 ]{5}
  422. [20:43] <Lanased> Oh god
  423. [20:43] <Lanased> Your hands
  424. [20:43] <Lanased> You cut off circulation
  425. [20:43] <Lyra_Bel> "What the heck Alex"
  426. [20:43] <Lanased> They're going numb
  427. [20:44] <AlexanderPyrite> "fuck"
  428. [20:44] <Lyra_Bel> "I get that you dunno how to work it, but this is definitely not the solution"
  429. [20:44] <AlexanderPyrite> "please help me"
  430. [20:44] * AlexanderPyrite ttempts to untangle himsel
  431. [20:47] <Lyra_Bel> "Alright, let's get this mess over with"
  432. [20:47] <Lyra_Bel> Roll 1d20+1 to untie
  433. [20:47] <`DICE> Lyra_Bel rolled 1d20+1 to untie [ 1d20=11 ]{12}
  434. [20:47] <Lanased> You manage to successfully untie the tie
  435. [20:48] * Lyra_Bel hands it back
  436. [20:48] <Lyra_Bel> "Here. Try not to hang yourself"
  437. [20:48] <AlexanderPyrite> "thanks"
  438. [20:48] * AlexanderPyrite laughs awkwardly
  439. [20:48] * AlexanderPyrite grabs a computer and quickly looks it up
  440. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> "Actually, keep it off for now"
  441. [20:49] <AlexanderPyrite> "ok, sure
  442. [20:49] <Lyra_Bel> "Better not to have an easy target if we get in a fight"
  443. [20:49] * AlexanderPyrite unbuttons the top button
  444. [20:49] <AlexanderPyrite> "augh that shit is constricting
  445. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "That might be the deadly spiders you insisted on wearing"
  446. [20:50] <AlexanderPyrite> "that too"
  447. [20:50] <AlexanderPyrite> ((how does alex look in his new suit?))
  448. [20:50] <Lyra_Bel> "Though realistically, there's no way they can all reach your skin without being in serious danger of getting crushed..."
  449. [20:51] <Lanased> < Dope as all hell >
  450. [20:52] <AlexanderPyrite> "True, so let not worry about the nonfatal, potentially nonharmful spiders"
  451. [20:52] <AlexanderPyrite> "Come on, whats next?"
  452. [20:52] <Lyra_Bel> "Fine, sure. Next up was food."
  453. [20:53] * Lyra_Bel leads the way to the party room where she and Maskwraith had chilled in
  454. [20:53] * AlexanderPyrite follows
  455. [20:53] * Lyra_Bel captchas all the food and drinks from the table
  456. [20:53] * AlexanderPyrite has a bit of swagger, barely noticable, but there from his new suit
  457. [20:53] <Lanased> What food?
  458. [20:53] <Lanased> What drinks?
  459. [20:53] <Lanased> The place is cleared out
  460. [20:53] <Lyra_Bel> "Darn it Maskwraith..."
  461. [20:53] <AlexanderPyrite> "he ate everything?"
  462. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Okay we duplicate the stuff I grabbed the first time"
  463. [20:54] <AlexanderPyrite> "what is he byron?"
  464. [20:54] <AlexanderPyrite> "that was mean actually"
  465. [20:54] <AlexanderPyrite> "Sorry byron"
  466. [20:54] <Lyra_Bel> "Sorry Maskwraith"
  467. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Look, whatever. This is fine"
  468. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> "You've got your magic warm clothes, so now we run another dungeon"
  469. [20:55] <AlexanderPyrite> "I have some apples and meat too"
  470. [20:55] <Lyra_Bel> "Perfect."
  471. [20:55] <AlexanderPyrite> "but i ditched it on prospit when i freaked out about saving a dragon"
  472. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "... Less perfect, but still workable"
  473. [20:56] <AlexanderPyrite> "arent we still locked up on derse?"
  474. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "Yup"
  475. [20:56] <Lyra_Bel> "So that'll be fun"
  476. [20:57] <Lyra_Bel> "Come on, dungeon time"
  477. [20:57] * Lyra_Bel exits the caves and flies to the mausoleum
  478. [20:57] * AlexanderPyrite follows
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