
Lusamine's Freakish Experience

Dec 29th, 2016
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  1. *Author's note* For some context, this is some years after Lillie went to the Kanto region with Lusamine, like how the game ends. In this case, Lusamine recovered and went back to the Alola region to retake her position as the President of the Aether Foundation once more, but this time less hooked on trying to capture Nihilego. Yet, fate dictates the two together and you get what happens in this fanfiction.
  6. Lusamine could feel Nihilego's tentacles caressing her, as her clothes were ripped by it. They slithered around her body as she was held in place, her hands and feet binded by tentacles. They felt slimy as they moved closer, and a sensation of surprise and pleasure rippled through her as it pierced her vagina, sliding up along the walls of it, back and forth, back and forth. Then another one came from behind, penetrating her anus, with little resistance. Lusamine could feel the limb stirring up her insides, creating a feeling of ecstasy and the need to poop. As her first orgasm came, her cry of gratification was plugged by another appendage going down her throat, the choking from it causing tears and snot to flow down her face. Lusamine felt disgusting, but the pleasure from having the tentacles fuck her brain out overrode this. Then, when the tentacles finally released, she too released and felt her emptiness as her consciousness faded...
  8. Lusamine woke up in a daze, her eyes drawn to the IV's in her left arm and the lack of comfort of the hospital bed and gown. Near the end of the bed, Wicke was fast asleep in a chair, with her head on it. As Lusamine moved to wake Wicke up, an overwhelming need to cry took her and she started bawling. Like a mother to a wailing baby, Wicke awoke and swiftly moved to comfort the howling Aether Foundation president. As the president sobbed into Wicke's chest, a loud hissing sound could be be heard about the crying, and Wicke pulled down the bed's cover and moved Lusamine's hospital gown to reveal a yellow-tinged medical diaper. 'Poor thing,' Wicke thought to herself, 'She'll need them for a while after what happened on the Altar of the Moone. What could've left her in such such poor condition?' Lusamine had finally quieted down and fell asleep, resting comfortably in Wicke's bosom.
  11. "I will only say this once more: I do not need it! I am a grown women and wearing a diaper would be humiliating! Do you not hold any respect for me?"
  12. "Lusamine, you know I hold the upmost respect for you, and it is because of that I think you need to wear them! Imagine if you accidentally lost control at a meeting or in front of the employees."
  13. "No means no, Wicke. I am a big girl and I don't need it! I am not a little baby."
  14. The mannerism struck Wicke as odd, but she pressed on. "I know you're not a baby, but sometimes older folk need diapers when they can't control it very well."
  15. "I'm only in my 40's! I'm not even that old! Say that to me when I'm much older! And stop acting like my mommy. I am a big girl, not a child."
  16. "You're not a child, you say? You talk like a toddler in an adult's body! How can you be responsible if you speak like a toddler and are throwing a fit like one?! Why don't you just put on the diaper already and be one if you're going to act like this!"
  17. Unable to refute her point, Lusamine was backed into a corner. Unlike her previous self, she couldn't find a way to fight back and the frown on her face started quivering. She then burst into tears and fell to her knees, unable to feel what was coming out of her body, as her white of her tights grew wet and a puddle, from under her, started to flow onto the wooden floor of her office.
  18. Wicke was taken aback by this display and the sharp smell coming from Lusamine, but she was quick to recover and try to calm Lusamine down. Moving her away from the mess she had just made, Wicke took Lusamine's head onto her lap and let the girl cry as she sung a lullaby to try and calm her down. As they sat there for what felt like a long time, Lusamine had finally been reduced to just sniffling, and Wicke made sure to check what the source of the smell had been. She lifted up the back of Lusamine's dress, only for her suspicions to be true: Lusamine had done more that piss herself; She had also pooped her panties. It must've been a large load too, since the black half of her tights were stretched enough to see her now white and brown underwear. Wicke took note to make sure Lusamine didn't forget about this.
  19. After Lusamine had almost completely calmed down, Wicke lead her to a bathroom adjacent to the office and wiped Lusamine down. Lusamine's tights had been ruined in her accident, but the dress was still fine. Cleaning her front and back, little gasps of pleasure sometimes escaped Lusamine's mouth as Wicke purposefully teased her a little. With her lower body clean, Wicke swiftly put Lusamine in a medical diaper, with no resistance from the president of the Aether Foundation. With Wicke leading her down to Wicke's office, Lusamine soon realized how short her dress was. Her long hair hid it from the back for the most part, but the sway from walking left the front wide open. And if she pulled the dress down to cover the front, the sides were partially in-view. It was already humiliating enough to be diapered and have Wicke lead her by the hand, but the off-chance that someone might see her in this condition was ridiculous. Even though no employees would be on the top floor without permission, the thoughts of being caught in a diaper made her shiver, and going into Wicke's office only helped minimally.
  20. There, in Wicke's plain office was her desk and a courtesy couch, for business talks. Wicke invited Lusamine to sit with her, and shivers went down her spine as she sat down. Quietly, Wicke asked, "Lusamine, do you remember what happened before your little 'accident'?" Lusamine quickly stiffened up as Wicke continued. "You acted like a child and told me I was acting like your 'mommy.'If you really think of me as one, then I'd need to punish naughty little girls who have accidents, right?" Before Lusamine could react, Wicke already had her over her knee, constrained. "I have just the punishment in mind. Let's start with, I don't know, five spanks for your little tantrum earlier?" There was naught a moment to argue as Wicke's hand came down and the sound of flesh colliding with plastic resonated throughout the room. And then it came again. And again. And again. And once again. Her padding saved her from the brunt of the blows, but the psychological effects were damaging to Lusamine. Even as she found little pain in a hit, she cringed in anticipation of the next, afraid that it might be worse.
  21. When the first five were done, Wicke started again, "How was that, my wittle girl? Let's see how you do with another five." As Lusamine started to struggle out of Wicke's grip, she was only constricted more, and a scowl began to form on Wicke's face. "Did you really think that would work? Just for that, no diaper for the rest of the spanking." More fear grasped Lusamine and she shivered in frightened anticipation of the next blow. After what felt like forever to her, Lusamine recieved the beginning of Wicke's next set of punishment. The first CRACK! of Wicke's hand on her bottom rippled through Lusamine's body and echoed throughout the office. The impact set Lusamine on the verge of tears, but the second spank pushed her overboard. With tears running down her face, Lusamine begged Wicke to stop, that she would be a good girl, that she would listen to mommy Wicke, but the slaps kept coming. By the end of the second set, Lusamine's buttocks was red and on fire, while her untouched front-side was feeling all tingly. Lusamine knew she couldn't take anymore, but she also knew that Wicke was nowhere near done.
  22. "There was five for the tantrum and five for your little accident, for ten total. I'm really enjoying this and I believe you are too, so how about we take it a step further? I think another ten will do nicely for the dirtier part of your wittle accident." Wicke's cooing didn't fool Lusamine, as she tried to prepare herself for more. Despite this, Wicke didn't hold back and her smack demolished all of Lusamine's preparation. After another some spanks, her butt had finally gone somewhat numb, but Lusamine was biting her hip in pleasure, rather than pain. She was feeling hot and bothered by this abuse, and a thought crossed her mind: 'Maybe Wicke was right. I really am enjoying this.' Then the final wallop came, and so did Lusamine.
  23. The strike sent Lusamine over the edge and she felt herself ejaculate, as she loudly moaned in pleasure. Heavy breathed from it, Lusamine was panting as the area was stimulated again. Wicke took it upon herself to start rubbing Lusamine's clit and the president as no time to react. She wanted to stop Wicke, but, exhausted from her recent orgasm, Lusamine let her touch her down there, moving across it softly, edging her finger tip between the lips. As this went on, Lusamine's body was shuddering from the gratification, awaiting a second climax. Just before her peak, a light scratching sound came from behind and she was surprised by the sudden sensation of her diaper on herself once more. Lusamine feared Wicke did it as a tease, but the continuation of the rubbing, this time through the foreign object, intensified the orgasm, and her discharge was more than just ejaculate. Still over Wicke's knee, she felt herself let go in her diaper, unable to even resist the action, burnt out from recent events.
  24. While attempting to catch her breath, Lusamine was pulled into Wicke's embrace and they lied there on the couch, with only Lusamine's shallow gasps to fill the silence. Wicke then broke the dead air with, "Y'know, if you make sure to wear your diaper and play nice, I could be a good mommy for you. You look so cute in your wittle nappy."
  25. "Thank you, Wicke. I'll be a good girl for you."
  26. "Well, I'm a tad tired. Do you want to just sleep like this?"
  27. "I really am comfortable,so I'm fine with that."
  28. "Good night, Lusamine."
  29. "Good night, Wi-," Lusamine paused, then corrected herself. "No, good night, Mommy."
  34. Almost a decade after leaving the Alola region, Lillie was finally back home. Before going around the islands to meet old friends, she went to go see how her mother was doing. Lusamine had left her care a few years back, to re-assume her place as the Aether Foundation President, but not much had circulated about her, but rather Wicke, curiously. Lillie had assumed that her mother took a lower position due to her previous actions, but something didn't feel right about it. She decided to ask Wicke before seeing her mother. The elevator buzzed quietly while Lillie thought of the questions she wanted to ask Wicke and her mother. They would have so much to talk about. If Wicke had any tea, Lillie knew she would have to hold out, her bladder feeling a little strain after the water she drank while coming over to the Aether Foundation. When the elevator finally opened, Lillie was more excited to see her mother. She was just one door away from seeing Wicke and her mother.
  35. Lillie opened the door slowly, glancing in to see if she was accidentally interrupting something, but Wicke's office had changed considerably. Instead of the plain, orderly room she last remembered, it was vibrant and children's toys were scattered about. A cradle was in the corner, obviously too large for a normal baby. A startled Wicke greet her, and so did her mother on Wicke's lap. Her mother, in a diaper, with a pacifier in her mouth, was resting confortably in Wicke's bosom, looked up to see Lillie and her face lit up. Instead of walking over, Lusamine crawled over to her, further shocking Lillie. And then she spoke, "Wiwwie! I missed you!" The baby talked disgusted Lillie, and it showed on her face.
  36. Wicke hurried over and pulled the babied president off of Lillie and bagan to explain the situation: "Shortly after your mother returned, something attacked her on the Altar of the Moone. She eventually recovered, but some habits of hers while she wasn't in the best condition remained, and I was afraid any trauma from what happened on the Altar would resurface, so I built a space for her to stay stress-free. And while she remained her, I took over as the president of the Aether Foundation." Lillie's distaste was still apparent, but the worst was yet to come.
  37. All the new information was a tad bit dizzying for Lillie, but an unexpected sound and her mother's found finally did Lillie in. A low hissing noise reverberated in the room, accompanied by Lusamine saying, in a childish tone, "Oopsies! Lusamine went pee-pee'd!" Before losing consciousness, she heard another hissing and the sound of a panicked Wicke.
  39. Lillie woke up in a daze, on an unfamiliar tiled floor. Her hands and feet were covered in irremovable mittens, and she was only in someone else's white t-shirt and a wet diaper. A pacifier was stuck in her mouth, wrapped around her head, unable to be taken out. She struggled to take off her binding, but it was no use. Looking at her surroundings, she was in a bathroom, but the door looked locked. A few rams against it only gave her a stinging shoulder. All she could do was sit there, so she did. With no clocks, Lillie had no sense of time and lied down on the tiled floor, awaiting someone to rescue her. Then the cramps started. She knew it wasn't that time of the month for herself yet, reducing it down to only one possibility: She needed to take a shit. This thought sent her into a frenzy and she went back to striking the door. Crash after crash against made no difference to her body, as she felt the moment getting closer. Lillie knew she was an adult. Lillie knew wetting the diaper while unconscious was bad, but messing it while awake was worse. Lillie knew she wasn't a little baby like her mother had been reduced to. Yet all this knowledge did nothing as Lillie felt her bowels empty. She heard the crackling of poop as it bent against the wall of the diapers. Lillie could smell how disgusting it was, how disgusting she was. As the last bits and a few farts came out, Lillie was on her knees, sobbing. She was in utter contempt of her mother wearing and using a diaper, yet here she was, in almost the exact same situation. After the deed had been finish, the door finally opened.
  40. Standing tall in the doorway was Wicke, with a sadistic look on her face. "Poor thing," Wicke cooed, "What ever could have happened to you? All bound up like that and you even messed your wittle diapie. Such a naughty girl," she tsked, "Guess I'll have to change your dirty little diaper... After your punishment."
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