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Koha/Sayu/Kikka radio

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Jan 24th, 2013
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  1. The show starts off with a discussion about how Aika has come down with the flu and how it seems like everyone is getting it.
  3. Sanma: Mitsui is out today -
  4. Sayumi: Even though you brought Aika a present.
  5. Sanma: Yeah, a birthday present--
  6. Koharu: Whoa, how nice!
  7. Sanma: Some hand cream. Look we're gonna introduce you, so--
  8. Shoji: Hold on, hold on-
  9. Koharu: Gimme [a present] please, please! Koharu wants one too!
  10. Sanma: Look, we're gonna introduce you, so --
  11. Koharu: Koharu wants a present too.
  12. Shoji: Wait, please!
  13. Koharu: Okay.
  14. Sanma: We're trying to say that [because of Aika's absense] Koharu is here today-
  15. Koharu: Oh really?
  16. Sanma: Whatd'ya mean 'oh really?' Man, you're pretty painful.
  17. Koharu: Am not!
  18. Sanma: You are. [laughing]
  19. Koharu: Not at all.
  20. Shoji: I totally get it.
  21. Sanma: Well, I've figured out why you quit MoMusu.
  22. Michishige/Koharu/Kikkawa: [Nervous laughter and squeeling]
  23. Koharu: No no no, I'm scared.
  24. Sanma: Why at such a time, so half assed…
  25. Koharu: But since I quit I've been really successful!
  26. Sanma: Successful!? That's uh….
  27. Koharu: I'm still working at it, little by little. [She's less confident here, fading out a little.]
  28. Sanma: So as a model you're doing CanCam, is it?
  29. Koharu: CanCam.
  30. Shoji: That's amazing!
  31. Sanma: Would you be more successful staying in Morning Musume or being a model CanCam, that's a hard choice right?
  32. Koharu: Ah, you're right…
  33. Shoji: Do models talk this much?
  34. Koharu: They don't talk much, no.
  35. Shoji: That's what I thought.
  36. Koharu: They dont' talk at all.
  37. [Lots of laughter from Sanma/Shoji]
  38. Koharu: Sometimes we appear on variety shows and get to talk, that's about it.
  39. [More laughter and background chatter from all]
  40. Koharu: Am I talking over you today?
  41. Sanma & Shoji: You are.
  42. Koharu: Sorry.
  43. Sanma: You're like an old lady -
  44. Kikka: Aika's not here, but she's [Koharu] actually wearing Osaka-style clothes.
  45. [Note: People from Osaka have a reputation for wearing flashy clothes. This comment follow's Sanma's remark about Koharu sounding like an old lady. There's a stereotype that Osaka grandmas are noisy.]
  46. Sanma: The leopard print?
  47. Kikka: The leopard print-
  48. Koharu: It's black though, black!
  50. They talk a bit more about Koharu's clothes and then get back to the point that Aika is off today so Koharu is filing in. Koharu wonders if Sanma & Shoji remember her from the first time she appeared. Shoji insists that of course they do, they just had an entire conversation with her. She asks them to remember her, and they insist that they do. She says she plans to come back lots, even her agency said so. Sanma jokes that he's got three talkative/pushy people today - the one who's gonna keep on coming (Koharu), the one who thinks she's cute (Sayu) and - what's Kikka's deal? They talk for a little bit about how Kikka idolized Koharu when she joined.
  52. Shoji: Koharu-chan, what do you plan to do going forward? Keep modeling?
  53. Koharu: Modeling, variety television, everything.
  54. Shoji: Oh anything - a multi? [Japanese-English: a "multitalent" is a talento (entertainer) who does things from all genres]
  55. Koharu: Yeah.
  56. Shoji: Could do an entire drama?? [said with disbelief]
  57. Koharu: I will, I will. Huh, are you offering me a role?
  58. Shoji: Uh... yeah.
  59. Koharu: You're lying aren't you?
  60. Sanma: She said "you're lying aren't you?" Of course he's lying! He doesn't have any power to do that.
  62. Some more boring talk that leads to…
  64. Sanma: I'll likely come down with sickness or something too, but there's nothing to do but get through it with vigor [Sayumi mm-hms and agrees as he talks]. In 57 years, even with all this widespread outbreak, I've never gotten sick.
  65. Sayumi: [Starts to say something]
  66. Koharu: You haven't had the first symptoms?
  67. Sanma: Um- Michishige is talking.
  68. Koharu: Oh sorry.
  69. [Shoji and Sanma lecture/tease her a bit on interrupting]
  71. Sanma: Michishige, weren't you in charge of her training?
  72. Koharu: Just a little.
  73. Sayumi: Yeah, just a little.
  74. Sanma: Well you're in charge of her again today.
  75. Koharu: Please take care of me.
  76. Sayumi: But I think you can tell, she makes you want to give up on training. Halfway through.
  77. Koharu: Why? I'm not that weird.
  78. Shoji: You're like a slightly different Momochi.
  79. Sayumi: You might be right!
  80. Koharu: No way, no way! I'm cuter than Momochi!
  81. Shoji: You're a different form of Momochi.
  82. Sayumi: Momochi is cute too, but-
  83. Koharu: It's a different cuteness.
  84. Shoji: She's similar.
  85. Koharu: Sanma-san, aren't I cuter?
  86. Sanma: Weeelll I think it'd be a good fight, right about now. It's about now that your womanly charm will emerge. If you're pushy, men will pull away.
  87. Koharu: Ah, well -
  88. Shoji: You've gotta work on that a little.
  89. Sanma: I think Koharu would do best dating M guys. [More Japanese-English: M stands for masochist, but just refers to people with a more submissive/passive/quiet personality type.]
  90. Koharu: Whaaat nooo.
  91. Sanma: What do you mean no, you're an S aren't you? [S = sadist, which means more dominant/bossy/assertive personality type.]
  92. Koharu: I'm not S.
  93. Sanma: Huh? When it comes to love do you turn M?
  94. Koharu: I'm M.
  95. [Sounds of surprise from all]
  96. Sanma: So you'd put up with a lot of stuff?
  97. Koharu: I wouldn't.
  98. Sanma: Then you're S. You're not the type to just go "ok ok" to everything you're told and to listen, right?
  99. Koharu: I don't listen. I say everything [that I'm thinking].
  100. Sanma: So what about you is M?
  101. Koharu: Ummm…
  102. Sanma: Play? [Now he's talking about sex.]
  103. Koharu: [laughs] Not that. It's that I can't bully people. S people bully M people right? I don't do that.
  104. Sanma: Well that's a really severe S, but I mean in terms of general personality, you're more of an S to me.
  105. Koharu: I want to become M.
  106. [Laughter]
  107. Sanma: Well just watching you now, uhhh… it's amazing, you joined MoMusu at age 12 and quit at 17.
  108. Koharu: I did.
  109. Sanma: And you said now you're modeling for CanCam. So you wanted to be a CanCam model?
  110. Koharu: Yeah, that's right.
  111. [Laugther from Shoji]
  112. Koharu: I always liked CanCam.
  113. Shoji: Normally at 17 that's when people are like "Now it's my time! I'll take the center" and "I'll become leader."
  114. Koharu: I didn't want to become leader at all. But, well, I always… but I was actually there for 3 years right? 3~4 years.
  115. Sayumi: 5 years right? 12 to 17…
  116. Sanma: What's up with that cold attitude?
  117. Sayumi: What! I'm being normal!
  118. [Lots of everyone talking over each other]
  120. Sanma: So then you quit halfway through…
  121. Koharu: No, I thought "If I do it now I can still recover."
  122. Sayumi: You shouldn't say it like that, "recover"… (laughs) Recover from Morning Musume?
  123. Koharu: I don't mean it like that, um… I did Morning Musume-
  124. Sayumi: Koharu you're so mean! (laughing)
  125. Sanma: So being in Morning Musume was really the way to go right?
  126. Koharu: It totally was.
  127. Sanma: Of course. (laughing)
  128. Koharu: It was great.
  129. Sayumi: You definitely don't think that.
  130. Shoji: What you just said sounded like "Being in Morning Musume ruins you"…
  131. Koharu: No that's not it!
  132. Sayumi: That's cruel! [Sounding upset]
  133. Koharu: No no, I was thinking "If I keep on going this way forever, how will things turn out for me?"
  134. Sayumi: That's such a cruel way of saying it. I'm gonna cry. [Still upset]
  135. [Koharu is shouting some things here, but too much is going on at once to pick it out.]
  136. Sanma: So basically the point is that you thought Morning Musume wasn't for you?
  137. Koharu: It was for me, but I thought "I'd like to do one more thing, something a little different."
  138. Sanma: Ah, I see, I see.
  139. Koharu: Back then, I thought "I'm 17, so I can still try out lots of things" and I quit.
  140. Sayumi: So you joined Morning Musume to be part of Morning Musume, right? [Meaning out of love for the group, not ulterior motives]
  141. Sanma: Right, right.
  142. Koharu: Mmm...
  143. [Slight pause]
  144. Sanma: Is that wrong? Oh, you were thinking "I want to be famous so I'll join MoMusu?"
  145. Koharu: Yes, that's it. [Confidently]
  146. Sanma: So that's how it was [laughs]
  147. Sayumi: Huh, what do you mean? Be famous? Oh, just yourself? [Genuinely confused and surprised]
  148. Sanma: She means it was a step.
  149. Koharu: A step up.
  150. Sayumi: Oh, so it wasn't about Morning Musume-
  151. [Sanma/Shoji laugh a little at Koharu's phrasing]
  152. Shoji: You'd better watch out, people are gonna hate you. (laughing)
  153. Koharu: No way, no way!
  154. Sanma: This is a weird subject for a talk. "I used Morning Musume as a step up." (laughing)
  155. Sayumi: That's so cruel, you're going to make your seniors mad.
  156. Koharu: No, no - I joined Morning Musume because I wanted to be part of the entertainment world.
  157. [Sanma/Shoji hysterically laughing]
  158. Sayumi: And then after that it was all for yourself?
  159. Sanma: You can't say anything, you probably thinking of "stepping up" too.
  160. Sayumi: I'm completely satisfied just being in Morning Musume.
  161. Koharu: Huh? So you'd just give up there?
  162. Sayumi: For me, joining Morning Musume was my dream.
  163. Koharu: Seriously!?
  164. Sayumi: Right now I don't have any dreams beyond that.
  165. Koharu: That's definitely a lie.
  166. Sanma: Right?
  167. Koharu: Don't you agree that's definitely a lie?
  168. Sanma: I do, I do.
  169. Koharu: All I'm doing is expressing normal feelings.
  170. Sanma: Yeah yeah yeah, I get it, I get it.
  171. Sayumi: All I'm doing is expressing normal feelings too.
  172. Sanma: Yeah yeah yeah.
  173. Shoji: This has to be rough on your manager.
  174. Koharu/Kikkawa: It is.
  175. Shoji: There are times when it's best not to take things too far.
  176. Koharu: Really? What should I be doing?
  177. Shoji: Maybe you should like… return to Morning Musume and study some more?
  178. Koharu: That's impossible.
  179. Shoji: You'd be part of an organized group.
  180. Sanma: (Laughing) That's right, with her personality it'd be impossible to be in a group.
  181. Sayumi: I really think it'd be impossible for Koharu (laughs).
  182. Sanma: I see it now! With that personality you couldn't do group activities. Did your agency tell you [to quit because of that] or did you tell them?
  183. Koharu: No no, I told the agency "I want to try modeling"
  184. [Laughter]
  185. Sanma: You gave such a simple reason?
  186. Koharu: But it's really true.
  187. Sanma: You were going along in Morning Musume, dancing away, and you thought "Wait a minute, what am I…"
  188. Shoji: "This is all wrong, I shouldn't be singing!"
  189. [Laughter]
  190. Koharu: I really thought that! "I shouldn't be singing"
  191. Sayumi: Huh? You thought that?
  192. Koharu: I did.
  193. Sanma: Being in MoMusu you actually could do everything.
  194. Koharu: Modeling too?
  195. Sanma: You can do talk shows, modeling, or rather you'd be in magazines in outfits and stuff.
  196. Sayumi: Even while you were in Morning Musume you were able to model, right?
  197. Koharu: Yeah but in Morning Musume, your fans are mostly men.
  198. Sanma: Right, right.
  199. Koharu: As a model, you have a lot more female fans, so it's different. It's a different direction.
  200. Sayumi: What's wrong with that? [Having male fans]
  201. Shoji: There are girl fans too, a fair amount.
  202. Sayumi: Yeah, there are girls too.
  203. Koharu: But I wanted to receive support from female fans.
  204. Sanma: Aaah.
  205. Sayumi: You were able to do that in Morning Musume too… (laughs)
  206. Koharu: But isn't it difficult, being an idol? You kind of have to curry favor with men.
  207. [I can't make out Sanma/Shoji here]
  208. Sayumi: "C-curry favor" is… (surprised and nervous laughter)
  209. Sanma: Well, we weren't that mature at 17 to think about changing jobs, so that part is amazing.
  210. Sayumi: It certainly is.
  211. Sanma: Kikka watched Koharu and respected that way of life, right?
  212. Kikkawa: Uh.. I didn't see it…
  213. Shoji: You respected her without watching her?
  214. Kikkawa: No it's just that I didn't really know she felt all of this…
  215. Sanma: What do you mean "felt all of this"?
  216. Sayumi: Her naivete?
  217. Kikkawa: Yeah…
  218. Koharu: But this is normal, seriously.
  219. Sanma: Right? Yes yes yes. In American society, or in the fashion industry, you have to assert yourself or you won't get hired. That's amazing~.
  220. Koharu: Yeaah.
  221. Sanma: You're not supposed to say "yeeaah" (laughs).
  222. Sayumi: (laughing) You can't just keep saying "yeaaah" at Sanma-san. [She means that Koharu should be more polite/responsive towards someone very senior to them in the entertainment industry]
  223. Sanma: Hey, mentor. What exactly did you teach her?
  224. Sayumi: I seriously did everything to do with taking care of her.
  225. Sanma: No way!
  226. Sayumi: I called taxis for her, I made phone calls for her-
  227. Sanma: You made calls for her!?
  228. Sayumi: I made calls for her, I was her phone line? And I taught her how to record a video, I taught her everything. Everything, seriously.
  230. Sayumi then talks about how Koharu really didn't know how to do anything. She had to go to Koharu's house and help her use her phone and her fax machine [everyone is shocked], how to tape their TV shows, everything. Shoji thinks that's probably forgiveable since she was so young, and Sayumi says she was young too and couldn't give a proper explanation. Koharu still thought it would be faster to have Sayu do everything, so she called her over. Shoji says it's Sayu's fault for not forcing her to learn to do things on her own and being more strict, but Sayumi says it was her first time being a mentor so she went all out and before she knew it she wasn't teaching Koharu dancing or singing, just how to live in her house.
  232. Then they talk a little bit about Koharu's hometown. It's cold there. She doesn't go back often.
  234. They talk about Koharu's modeling career - she's having fun. She says it's different from being in Morning Musume, there are no rehearsals. You just show up for the real photoshoot or fashion show and go. Sanma says other models practice on their own time, but she says she does fine just learning as she goes. Sanma says she should think about her selling point as a model and she seems confused, so he basically explains how posing works and how people come up with poses that focus on their best assets.
  236. He asks what she thinks is better about her than other models. She says her face. Sayu compliments her long legs.
  238. Sanma asks for her best model face which she calls her "chun" face. This is apparently that face.
  240. Sanma: Well, today Mitsui came down with the flu, so-
  241. Sayumi: As a stand in,
  242. Sanma: Koharu came…
  243. Koharu: Thanks goodness.
  244. Shoji: She said "Thank goodness" (laughs)
  245. Koharu: If you didn't need a stand in I never would have had the chance to be on Young Town!
  246. Sayumi: Mitsui is suffering right now.
  247. Koharu: She's suffereing, but for ages I haven't been invited to be on YoungTown. For aaaages it's probably just been me [left out].
  248. Sayumi: You can understand why you haven't been invited.
  249. Sanma: Yeah, the manager is like "This was really a casting failure."
  250. Koharu: Seriously!? Should I calm down? I got it.
  251. Sanma: You need a cool down period (laughs)
  252. Koharu: I get along really well with my manager. I really love (him/her).
  253. Sanma: Man, you've made me hate the flu.
  254. Sayumi: He misses Aika (laughter).
  256. There's a long section about dreams and stuff that's boring. People who were worried about Kikka being overshadowed as guest - she talks plenty through the rest of the show. The stuff above is really in the first 15 minutes or so.
  258. There's a slightly interesting bit where some questions are asked about Kikka looking up to Koharu. Koharu says she should give up on that, and Kikka responds "Yeah, today was kind of… but… well…" Koharu gives her some advice on losing weight, she recommends running.
  260. This has nothing to do with the "scandal" but it's kind of funny?
  262. Kikka: But don't you think running makes your breasts shrink?
  263. Sanma: I don't see the big deal.
  264. Kikka: No no no I don't want that!
  265. Koharu: I think if you wear a sports bra it's okay. I think it's bad for them to sway.
  266. Kikka: Oh really, a sports bra?
  267. Sanma: Are breasts really that important to your persona?
  268. Kikka: I want to have them.
  269. Sanma: Why do you need them in this job?
  270. Kikka: They're just important to a woman.
  271. Sayu: To a woman, right?
  272. Kikka: As a woman.
  273. Sanma: But now they have all kinds of bras to make them bigger!
  274. Koharu: They do, they do, they totally make them bigger.
  275. Kikka: But don't you want real ones?
  276. Sanma: Ohh that'd be nice, are you going to play a sexy role in a drama or something?
  277. Kikka: No, it's not - I don't play those kinds of roles but…
  278. Sanma: So what were you talking about that has you so busy?
  279. Kikka: The rehearsals for my musical.
  280. Sanma: Ohh I see [blah blah blah promo for her musical] so you think it'd be cuter if you had some breasts to fill out that costume.
  281. Kikka: That's right. It's a musical so I'd stand out.
  282. Koharu: I've got it! I thought up something great.
  283. Sanma: What is it?
  284. Koharu: Sanma-san, um - if you lose a little weight in your stomach, they'll look a little bigger right?
  285. Kikka: That seems to be true. If you're really tiny here it looks bigger here.
  287. Boob Science! 
  289. There's a long boring stretch of talking. Sanma talks about how life was harder back in the day and shit. Response:
  291. Koharu: I don't like it when people get mad at me. It makes me hate them.
  292. Sanma: Right? You're not used to it.
  293. Koharu: I'm not. [Sayumi laughs]
  295. They talk about the 10th anniversary of the 6th gen and ask what Sayumi's most memorable experience has been in the last 10 years.
  297. Sayumi: I can't really pick one from 10 years but..
  298. Sanma: But today you talked about mentoring this girl [Koharu] and you actually went to her house to fix her electrical wiring…
  299. Koharu: What's the big deal! Wasn't it a good experience?
  300. Sayumi: A good experience!? You don't hold back do you.
  301. Koharu: Huh, did I really do anything that bad?
  302. Sanma: Yeah, if you'd had a manager from Yoshimoto [his agency] you would have gotten hit. The normal thing to do is say "I beg your pardon/I'm sorry."
  304. Sayumi then talks about how her most memorable experience was her first concert in her home prefecture, Yamaguchi, and how moved she was by everyone calling her name and holding up all pink glowsticks. Her family even wrote "Michishige" on a sign and held it up in the audience.
  306. Sanma: That would really erase all of the bad times. Stuff like your helpless junior who you watched out for, and after all that said "I'm qui~tting" and just quit. Even though you did all of those things for her, she thought "I think I want to be a model" and quit. That'd definitely piss me off. [Sayumi laughs in the background]
  307. Koharu: Is it that bad?
  308. Sanma: It's bad.
  309. Koharu: Seriously? Sanma-san do you seriously think that?
  310. Sanma: It's bad.
  311. Koharu: Aaaah…
  312. Sanma: That's the end of that.
  314. They talk about how many new year's greeting cards Sayumi received, going back and forth on the topic. Randomly Koharu jumps in and said "I send them!" and there's a breif pause. Shoji says "Why did you jump in?" Sayumi laughs and says "She jumps in wherever she feels like it." Sanma says she's like a cockroach in winter.
  316. Eventually it's Koharu's turn to read a letter. Sanma says he's worried.
  318. Koharu: From NariNari-san in Yamaguchi prefecture. "To Koharu, being called a health nut is a compliment!"
  319. Sanma: You want to be called a health nut?
  320. Koharu: No not really.
  321. Sayumi: What? NariNari-san went to the trouble to write you a letter. [Sanma is laughing]
  322. Koharu: No no - after I quit Morning Musume, I did some stuff where I was supposed to be a health nut, but...
  323. Shoji: What's up with you?
  324. Koharu: No it's true! It was true! I even put out a book, and I planted crops, I went all out. But it got kinda hard…
  325. Sanma: What was hard about it?
  326. Koharu: When I'd really delve into "health" I'd get headaches.
  328. From there Sanma talks about how it can be bad to go overboard and Koharu says that around that same time her modeling career started so she gave up on the health thing. More uninteresting talk and then Koharu reads another letter.
  330. Koharu: From NariNari-san in Yamaguchi prefecture. "Michishige-san, you really worked hard to mentor Koharu! I'm really interested."
  331. Sanma: You didn't really do it, right? You gave up…
  332. Sayumi: I did juust a little bit!
  333. Sanma: I can't believe you had to go to Yoshizawa for advice. What was it like for you?
  334. Sayumi: I asked her "I'm calling a taxi for her and things like that every day, is this what mentoring is about?"
  335. Sanma: What'd Yoshizawa say?
  336. Sayumi: "Uh no!"
  337. Koharu: But it's not that big of a deal right? Was it really that hard?
  338. Sanma: (Laughing) Uh, uh, well, having the person in charge of you call you a taxi - what were you thinking?
  339. Koharu: I didn't really understand what to do, to be honest.
  340. Sanma: But you just know, as a person. You'd say "I beg your pardon, would you mind calling a taxi for me?" [his example is said very humbly and politely]. That's how normal people would ask.
  341. Koharu: Well I thought she was a great person, I said "Thank you so much!" But I guess I didn't say "I beg your pardon" or anything.
  342. Sanma: She said it [thank you]?
  343. Sayumi: She did say "thank you so much." But she'd call me over to her house in the morning and stuff. Because we lived close to each other. She'd say "Can you come get me in the morning?"
  344. Koharu: I couldn't really get up [in the morning].
  345. Sanma: Aren't you supposed to be the junior?
  346. Sayumi: [Laughing] That's right, but…
  348. Next it's Kikka's turn to read a letter. It's about attending the coming of age ceremony.
  350. Sanma: Oh - did you have your coming of age ceremony too?
  351. Kikka: That's right, on the 13th.
  352. Sanma: Did you go?
  353. Kikka: I couldn't go.
  354. Koharu: It was my coming of age ceremony too.
  355. [Mumbling from Shoji, laughter from Sayumi]
  356. Sanma: Right now we're talking about Kikka.
  357. Koharu: Sorry, I wanted to say it.
  359. [In the background as Kikka gets ready to read the next letter]
  360. Shoji: (softly) Try not to say pointless things okay?
  361. Koharu: Ok. Sorry.
  362. Kikka: Can I continue?
  363. Shoji: Yes.
  364. Koharu: Sorry.
  366. The next corner is mostly about Sanma. Until:
  368. Sayumi: [Reading a letter] "During her own fan club event, Kusumi Koharu-chan answered the question 'What was the most
  370. important thing you learned from Michishige-san?' She said… 'Nothing in particular.' "
  371. Koharu: That's wrong, that's wrong.
  372. Sayumi: Are you calling it a lie?
  373. Sanma: What do you mean it's a lie? It's true that you said it.
  374. Koharu: I did, but I wasn't thinking that way. I was asked lots of questions and I first answered most of them with "Nothing in particular." There was another question about Michishige-san and I answered it!
  375. Sayumi: What'd you say?
  376. Koharu: She's super kind, I seriously respect her. I said that. [Sayumi laughs]
  377. Sanma: I can tell by listening to you, you really didn't learn anything.
  378. Koharu: Really?
  379. Sanma: And you [Sayumi] didn't teach her anything.
  380. Sayumi: [Laughing] Sorry, Koharu-chan.
  381. Sanma: It's your fault she turned out this way.
  382. Sayumi: Whaaat? I'm sorry [laughing]
  383. Shoji: Weren't you on a comedy show? [To Koharu]
  384. Koharu: I was.
  385. Shoji: What you should have done is go to watch them first, before you appeared in on TV. [Laughing]
  386. Koharu: [Quietly] That's true…
  388. Next they do a corner where the girls say sexy lines in a super sexual moe anime voice. It's Koharu's first time trying this and she's really terrible at it. She just reads the lines normally. Kikka does the best. Sayu does one well, one kind of lame.
  390. Ending:
  392. Sanma: Are you going to be able come again? [He's referring to how poorly she did in the sexy voice part, like "are you going to be able to pull that off"]
  393. Koharu: I can, I can. I can come next week
  394. Shoji: Impossible.
  395. Sayumi: Next week!? [Laughing]
  396. Shoji: You should take a little break.
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