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because I hate clusterfucks, here are all 4 parts together

a guest
Oct 11th, 2014
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  1. In recent times, the house had become so crowded that people couldn't help but bump up against one another. At times, certain boards that didn't like each other were forced to meet face to face, and the screaming matches that ensued were things that no person wanted. Right now, for example, papa /v/ was screaming at all of the vidya people in the vidya hall about how faggoty they were (or was it about how they were literally raping women? No one could tell, honestly). When things like this happened, there was little else to do but either yell back and start a screaming match or get the hell out of his sight and ignore him for a while.
  3. /vp/ chose to do the latter. Putting on her Pikachu jumpsuit, she took up her 3DS and walked right into the central meeting room of the house. No one ever met there, anymore, and she could just curl up on one of the round clover couches, open up Pokemon X, and just blast her vidya as loud as she -
  5. "I still don't see why we can't play in your room, /tg/." "I already told you, /co/nrad, I can't fit you, /toy/, and /m/ in that space. Besides, no one ever goes into the meeting room anymore. Not since that one stunt that /b/ pulled."
  7. ...darn.
  9. /vp/ poked her head out from behind the couch, using her Pikachu hood as a radar. There were three men and a girl approaching from the paper-and-pen wing. She knew that the girl's name was Tori, but the other three didn't look very familiar. Why was that one guy wearing a trenchcoat and a mask? Why was that other guy in full spandex and wearing a helmet? Why did that new guy look...absolutely normal? He was the one who stuck out; the scraggly, light-weight guy who was carrying boxes upon boxes of what seemed to be table top games.
  11. "So what, that instantly makes your room tiny? Look, man, we're friends, right? Just tell me what happened, Teej. Are you hiding a girl in there?" The one in the trenchcoat joked. The man carrying all the boxes seemed to freeze, sputtering and coughing all over the place. "WHAT!? NO! DEFINITELY NOT! COME ON, /M/, /TOY/, BACK ME UP!" He practically screamed out, rushing to a table right in front of /vp/'s hiding spot. To the tune of snickers and giggles at their intrepid leader, the one named 'Teej' set up a big, elaborate set up.
  13. The most interesting thing to note was the fact that /vp/ knew those miniatures. There was a Gengar! There was a Charizard! Gardevoir, Bisharp, Honege, Greninja...they were all there! The young girl's eyes widened as the vast number of miniatures kept on multiplying. "Jesus, Tori, how many did you bring? This is probably the whole damn roster!" The one in the spandex asked. "Just enough for everyone to have the team that they wanted, /m/usashi. See? I even brought the limited edition Figma figure for you. It's the one that you could only get through Jump!" Tori replied. Now the snickering was coming from the other two men.
  15. There was more to the table than that, however. Other than the miniatures, /vp/ could recognize the tell-tale map of the Hoenn region. It was complete with detailed diagrams of each city, along with less detailed depictions of the routes and the dungeons. Nothing was left out; even the encounter rate for certain Pokemon were listed! Beyond that, bags of Cheetos and bottles Mountain Dew were procured. Teej made a point of cordoning off a special area for food and drinks, erecting a wall of boxes to separate consumables from non-consumables. "I spent weeks on this whole campaign, and I'm not about to have you faggots ruin it."
  17. Wait, campaign? Like...a journey?
  19. Her Pikachu ears perked up, and /vp/ tried to scoot the couch closer to the action. It seemed like they were bringing out strange Pokeballs to play with. Teej had a huge sack of these polyhedral Pokeballs; he didn't let anyone roll them just yet. "Alright, so all of you know the rules, right? I sent you guys the .pdfs, so you should all be familiar with it. Roll up some characters, and I'll be right back." He said calmly. Gesturing to empty seats, he bid everyone to sit while he went out of /vp/'s line of sight.
  21. Musashi and Tori sat together on one end, while Conrad took one of the far seats. One, two, three. There was a big seat that was stacked up high with books and reference material from the show and games. That was probably Teej's seat. Four. So why was there an extra chair? Were they expecting -
  23. /vp/ gasped as her hood was pulled back. Turning around, the normal looking guy was staring her right in the face. She could smell his breath; the aroma of new card smell wafted into her nostrils. "What are you doing here, /vp/? Aren't you supposed to be getting yelled at?" Teej asked cautiously. Caught by surprise and falling back to instincts, the girl did the only thing she could do.
  25. "PIKACHU, USE IRON TAIL!" She screamed, launching her foot right into /tg/'s gut. "Sweet mother of Fuck, WHY!?" "Good job, Pikachu! Now use Electro Ball!" More kicks were sent into his gut, and it was some time before Teej realized he could just step out of range. Holding his abused abdomen, he growled, "What the fuck, /vp/? I didn't even do anything! Sweet mother of Bahamut, fuuuuck..." Pulling her hood back over her head, she retreated as far away into the couch as she could. "I don't wanna go back over there! Just let me play Pokemon in peace!"
  27. "Well, fine, you can do that! Jesus, I just wanted to know if you wanted to join us for a Pokemon Homebrew game in GURPS. I set up the rules pretty easy, so you can jump in, but if you don't wanna play, just say so..." Teej groaned. Wait, he wanted to play? Before the notion fully registered in her head, the man hobbled back to the table. His arrival was crowned with yet more snickering from the peanut gallery. "Yeah, well, fuck you guys, too. See if I let you get any good Pokemon coming out of the gate."
  29. /vp/ flipped her 3DS back open, putting herself back in the game. As time went on, however, the sounds of dice rolling and jokes being tossed around reached her ears. "Who's that Pokemon?" "It's Pikachu! GODDAMMIT!" "No, you can't stick two Magnemite together and use the polarity as a Matter Displacer, Conrad." "Teej, don't get Cheeto dust on the Figmas, please! I had to write out thousands of forms from Musashi's SJ Novels to get those!" "Wait, you did WHAT!?" The sounds of merriment blocked out Alakazam's Psyshock attack. She couldn't even focus on her 3DS, anymore.
  31. /vp/ wanted to join them.
  33. -----
  35. When she was born, papa /v/ taught his daughter and his son that a game could only be fun if there was a controller in your hand and you were the only one playing. It was also only fun if you weren't having fun while playing it, and you could only enjoy a game when fondly remembering it in your head. /vp/ was raised with a very competitive brother, who always went to VGC and competed with the best of the best. Uncle /vr/ was much more relaxed, but even he was kind of a hardass when he wanted to play multi-player games. No one in her family was just in it for fun, and /vp/ started to an outcast.
  37. So when she saw this group of people, rolling dice and enjoying themselves, she was just a little bit envious. One could even say she was jealous. The girl in the Pikachu jumpsuit once again peeked over her fortress of couch-itude to look at the group of nerds. She could see that Conrad had amassed some of the larger, more heroic starter Pokemon. Poochyena and Ralts, a Ninjask and a Makuhita... "He picked some good ones." She mumbled to herself. Tori and Musashi seemed to have a joint operation going on, with one of them owning the more elaborate models while the other one owned speedy, Shonen-type heroes. How did they get Gallade and Pangoro in Hoenn? That didn't seem right. Well, maybe the biggest worry was that they had those two in the same team as Delcatty and Espeon.
  39. Teej didn't have any Pokemon, however. He actually had some human models in front of him. "A trio of giant, Voltorb-toting green suits stop you in your tracks. They seem to be laying Voltorbs all over the new bridge over the lake." He said with a mischievous smirk. They seemed to be on Route 110, on that place where you're supposed to surf to get to the other side. Setting the three models of big, green, mean villains right on top of the bridge, Teej yelled, "OI, YOU GITZ! DIS 'ERE'Z MORK'N'GORK TERRITORY, IT IZ! I'S DA BIGGEST, AND I SAYS WE DON' NEED NO STUNTY BRIDGE! WE'Z GONNA BLOW UP DIS BRIDGE AND MAKE A BOAT!"
  41. Not the most convincing of plots, sure, but it was pretty clear that these green people were supposed to be as dumb as the villains in the show. /vp/ was entranced by the voices that everyone (except for Tori) could pull off : Conrad assumed a heroic pose with Musashi, and both of them began to make speeches of various lengths and differing languages. In summation, Tori chimed in. "They're saying we're going to beat you guys up and take your money."
  43. /vp/ couldn't help but chortle at that. She also couldn't help wanting to be a part of this very stupid group.
  45. They were having fun with each other, doing very dumb things and taking pleasure from their camaraderie. They weren't just rolling dice; they were having an honest-to-goodness adventure. The only thing missing was the actual Pokemon! Biting her lower lip, /vp/ began to inch closer and closer to the action. Soon, there was no more couch left to hide behind. She would have to sneak in and avoid their eye sight, or else they might...they might...
  47. What, exactly? What might they do to her? Send her back to vidya hall, where Papa /v/ was STILL yelling at people? These people didn't seem the type. Hopefully, they might even let her play! Maybe! Honestly, the chances of that were low, since she kicked the guy who was leading the group in his stomach, but, as Karen would say, "Doesn't hurt to try." Or was it, "Dark Pokemon are love, Dark Pokemon are life?"
  49. No, that wasn't important. Right now, she was sneaking! Crawling on the ground, the minuscule ten-year-old kept her Pikachu ears and her lightning bolt tail low to the ground. "Pika, pika pi." She whispered to herself, going closer and closer to her goal. If she could approach from behind the two posing heroes, then Teej and Tori wouldn't be able to see her. They just had to keep their posing up, and everything would be fine.
  51. "Suddenly, from out of the blue, a girl in a yellow Pikachu jacket stumbles in from the nearby bushes."
  53. Darn it.
  55. Conrad and Musashi were taken aback by this sudden interruption of their posing. Tori, in the meantime, was wondering exactly where Teej was getting this. "/tg/, what - " He held up one hand to her, asking for the two poseurs to go ahead and sit back down. Sure enough, when they did, a flash of yellow began to speed-crawl back to the couches. "/vp/, come on, don't run. We already know you're there, so you might as well join us at the table. I got an extra character that you can use, and we've got enough miniatures for you to pick a starter. Just don't pick one that's overpowered." Teej called out.
  57. Just as quickly as she had begun to crawl away, /vp/ was soon seated in the empty seat beside Teej. A character sheet was given to her, along with the choice of whichever first-evolution Pokemon she wanted. "Um...Buneary." She replied, plucking her best bunny friend out and placing it beside her. After that, Teej handed the girl some dice and a small primer of the rules shaped in a Pokedex. To her surprise, it even opened up to a small screen with readouts and everything! "Yeah, so I talked to /g/ and got him to help me with this. Had to pay that asshole more money than a dwarf has stone just so that he would even consider it. Anyway, let's get back to the journey."
  59. "Wait! We don't even know her name, yet!" Tori spoke up.
  60. "Yeah, we do, dear. It's /vp/."
  61. "No, I mean - okay, we know her board, but what's her NAME?"
  62. "Do they even have names in the vidya hall? I just hear them calling each other their board names."
  63. "Guys, this is detracting from the game!"
  64. "Shut up, Conrad, mommy and daddy are talking. He's right, though - let's just call her /vp/."
  65. "Since when were you so callous? Just call her whatever she wants to be called, Musashi!"
  67. /vp/ pulled the hood over her head, slinking into the chair. While she wasn't about to run away, the fact that they were making such a big fuss about her didn't make her feel so good. "Guys, can - can we just do whatever this is? I don't have a name, okay?" She mumbled. It was too quiet, and too late - the 'loving' couple had broken down into a discussion about naming and the need for them, with Conrad trying to chip in and bring everyone back to the matter at hand.
  69. Teej sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Turning to /vp/, he gave her a look. "Okay, kid, I know it's a touchy subject, but we really do want to call you something other than what your dad calls you. Truth be told, he's an asshole; doesn't even name his own kids properly. If you want, we'll call you /vp/, but it'll be easier on you and on all of us if you just made a name up. Can you do that for us?"
  71. /vp/ looked at the bickering people, then to /tg/. "I don't even know how to make a name for myself, though. Usually, when I name my Pokemon, I just call them 'DICKS' in all caps." She murmured. Teej had to scoot in just to hear her. Adding to her statement, she asked, "How did you guys make your names? Did someone in your board make names for you? Most people in my board are either talking to my brother about VGC right now, or they're talking to me about how to raise shinies. Names don't even come up."
  73. "Yeah, that would make a problem, huh... okay, how about this? Instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks, and about what's going on with this or that person, why don't you just pick a name that you like? Those guys are going to just shit-talk until you settle the argument, anyway, so why not just...I dunno, call yourself Valerie or something?" Teej asked. His words seemed to hit a chord in the glum girl's heart, and her jumpsuit's ears perked up. "You mean...I can just do that?"
  75. "Yeah. I don't see why not."
  77. "Oh. Okay. Um, well... call me Violet. Violet Pink." "Oooh, a classic 'color-as-a-name' thing, huh? Red and Green would be proud."
  79. -----
  81. The mouth of the gigantic Dragonite Building stood before them. Colored a sickly puce, the entirety of the head seemed to just be hunks of metal, welded together in the vague shape of the Pokemon it was supposed to represent. The fearless four heroes had spent hours climbing this massive construct from its base, defeating giant green 'Ork Boyz', as they liked to call themselves. Now at the top, they all took a moment to rest.
  83. Violet was nursing her Lopunny and Blaziken team (lovingly named 'DICKS', of course), while Conrad and Musashi pumped bottle after bottle of temporary boosters into their one-man superheroes. "We need an edge, Super Hero." They would murmur to their Pokemon. In a twist of irony, they had traded out their old teams for a Sawk-and-Throh combo, complete with posing and Original Backstories (TM). At the very edge of the tongue was Tori, comforting her Gallade and making sure all of his parts didn't just fall off.
  85. They had just enough time to rest, Violet thought to herself, before the big boss started wondering what was going on. Clearing her throat, she stood up and began to speak. "Um, guys? We should probably go in now, while they're surprised. If we don't, that big green guy might figure out that we're here." She tried to whisper quietly. Her allies nodded to one another, retrieved their Pokemon, and fell in behind the ten-year-old girl.
  87. ---
  89. "Okay, roll for Stealth." Teej murmured darkly. An evil glint sparkled in his eyes as he said this; he had some devious plot behind that big screen of his, so the only thing they could see were his eyes and his hair. "I roll the one with twenty sides, right? Okay, here goes." The whole table stopped what they were doing to watch the roll.
  91. 20.
  93. ---
  95. They entered the mouth of the big Dragonite without so much as a peep. Even when they opened the trap door leading to the brain of the building, they were undetected. Once they were all inside of the pitch-black room, however... "YOUZ GROTZ TINK YOU KIN JUST SNEAK AROUND LIKE LICKLE STUNTIEZ!?" A booming voice roared, shaking the entirety of their surroundings. Flames burst to life around them to illuminate the room.
  97. Standing almost ten men high, wearing heaps of metal all over his body and wielding a Scizor for a blade, the leader of the Mork'n'Gork Ork Boyz was nothing if not a giant of a man. Could he even be called a man, with how huge he was? In any case, this hulking beast roared out defiantly at his adversaries. "I'Z DA BIGGEST, SO I'Z DA BOSS! AND I'Z TINKIN' YOU LITTLE GROTZ ARE MUCKIN' ABOUT! TELL ME ONE GOOD REASON WHY I AIN'T SUPPOSED T'BE KRUMPIN' YA!"
  99. Conrad shot a look to Tori, who stepped up and began to talk. "Hi, hello, it's very nice to meet you." She said, motioning for Violet to approach. Bringing the little girl in front of her, she continued. "So, we're the construction agents for the building, and we're here to inspect the general foundation! You know, it's very important to make sure that each and every piece in a building is constructed to code. Why, I blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah..."
  101. The Warboss was distracted by this woman's chatter. Good. As he tried to follow along with her talking, he didn't notice the cloaked figure sneaking around the circular arena-room. What he did notice, however, was the fool who was brazenly walking up to him while wearing full white spandex. "Wait a tick... YOUZ TRYIN' TA KRUMP ME WHILE I'Z DISTRA...DISTAC...NOT LOOKIN'! WHY, I -
  103. ---
  105. "I'm rolling to push him out of the way!" Violet spoke quickly, dice on hand. Teej nodded once. The dice flew from her hands...and landed with a 3 facing up. Damn. "You fail! As fast as you can run, you're still a little girl, and your legs just can't seem to stretch out far or fast enough." He remarked. "Now, as for what's going to happen with the rest of you, you'll have to find out next time. Ooooweeeeooooooh." Conrad groaned out loud, while Musashi and Tori breathed out a sigh of relief.
  107. "Alright, team, good play, good play. You all get 400 experience for that last little stunt that Tori pulled, and everyone gets about three hundred Pokedollars for their troubles." Teej called alout. A resounding whoop came from the rest of the table, and Violet found herself joining in. As they all began to pack up and head home, Teej continued. "So, next time, Conrad, you're gonna be the one hosting, right? We could also..."
  109. It was as if their wordy game master had sprayed out some Max Repel into his mouth. /co/, /m/, and /toy/ were already heading back to their respective rooms, leaving Teej and Violet alone to clean up the mess. "...assholes." The scruffy man sighed, grabbing the map to roll it up. After that were the rulebooks, the /g/-related technology, the food, the drinks, the doodads, the whatsits, and every other piece of thing that he had brought. It appeared, to Violet, that Teej was used to people just up and leaving after a game.
  111. With the last box stacked high on the table, Teej sat down and looked to Violet. "Hey, /vp/ - I mean Violet. What are you still doing here?" He asked. Vi looked up from her 3DS and glanced to her room. While there wasn't any yelling anymore, there was still this aura of hatred, malice, and the faint echoes of SJWs. "Ah. Right. Well, if you want, I can chill out with you for a while. I don't have anything I need to do until /k/ hits me up for the shooting range, so you and I can just talk."
  113. Just talk? But what would they talk about? How she had STAB on him from being an Electric Type? "You don't have to. I'm just waiting for someone to come get me, I guess." She replied with a shrug. "I don't wanna go back there and play like the rest of them do. I just wanna have fun." Teej sighed again, this time more wistfully, and turned his chair around so he could lean forward. "Look, let's not talk about that, alright? Here, let me ask you what you liked about the campaign."
  115. What did she like? Well... "I liked that you guys made jokes. I liked that you guys used minis and weren't playing the game to beat each other. I liked that we worked together as a team. I liked that, uh, I like that we all were friendly and used the power of friendship. I also liked that we had fun." Vi replied softly. "I like that we don't yell at each other, or say mean things to each other, or call each other mean names..." By the time she was done with her list, the young lady was starting to tear up.
  117. Teej cupped her cheek, dabbing away at her eyes with his thumb. "Hey, come on. Don't cry. When you're at the /tg/ table, you're not supposed to think about all that sad stuff. Right here, right now? You're a strong Pokemon trainer, having fun with her friends." He said consolingly, sitting close enough to pull her into a hug. While she sobbed into his shoulder, he continued on. "I know that it's tough to be the only one to want to have fun on your own, but that doesn't mean you should be bullied for it."
  119. "But then why do they do it? Why won't they just leave me alone?" The girl sobbed, pulling away to look at Teej with puffy eyes. Ah, damn it, he was a sucker for those. "Teej, why can't they just stop bullying people and have fun?" She asked. For a moment, the man didn't answer. How was he supposed to? He couldn't just say that was the way things were; that'd crush her little heart! But, maybe...
  121. Teej cleared his throat. Getting up off of the chair, he knelt down right in front of the little Pikachu-girl. "Okay, here. I can't tell you why things are bad for you, but I can say that I've got a temporary solution to your problems. See, there's this Winter Ball dance that I'm thinking about going to. I'll be up front - I asked some other girls, too, and I'm not sure if I'm going with them as well, or not. But if you want to have some fun, maybe get away from your crazy family for a while, maybe you and I can go together?"
  123. "What I'm trying to say is... /vp/, would you like to go to the Winter Ball with /tg/?"
  125. -----
  127. In the days following /tg/'s proposal, the female of the /vp/ twins rode high on Cloud Route Nine. Simply thinking about the whole situation was enough to send her cheeks burning brightly, and she just couldn't help feeling giddy and excited about the upcoming event. Her giddiness was tempered by anxiety, however, when a prevalent question came to her thoughts. "What should I wear?" She thought to herself, pacing around her shared room. The Winter Ball was a fashionable event, right? Some of the rumors she had gotten from /c/ informed her that there would be a martial arts theme, so she would have to put something along those lines. Rushing to her closet, she began to throw clothes left and right, tossing the appropriate ones onto her bed.
  129. Now, normally, none of this would bother the other tenant of the room, but when the fourth skirt threatened to knock his 3DS out of his hands, the older twin brother had to act. "Goddamn it, you little - quit throwing shit at me! I'm trying to breed a penta-perfect Hasty Treecko, and all of these fucking clothes flying everywhere is going to ruin it!" The young man roared, hopping down from the top bunk. "Besides, why are you even throwing clothes around? You look fine, and you don't have to dress up for anything! If you wanna go clothes shopping, just throw the old stuff in the trash, Vanille!"
  131. "You just wouldn't understand, Viol!" Vannile snapped in reply, continuing to dig deeper. No, that wouldn't work. She needed some belts, sashes, something that would look good with a white button-up. "I have to get ready for it!" A long and flowing skirt? Wait, no, she needed her cycling shorts! Yeah, cycling shorts and a cute little skirt that frilled before ending mid-thigh! That'd impress him, right?
  133. A balled-up camisole hit her square in the back. Viol folded his arms and let out a barking laugh. "That's what you get, sis. Now tell me what you're getting ready for, or else I'll throw another one!" What a brat. With a heavy sigh, Vanille turned and propped her fists on her hips. "If you MUST know, Viol, a dashing, elegan/tg/entleman has asked for my hand at the Winter Ball! I'm going to go dance with him, eat some of those little weenies, and hang out with all of our friends at the event! And most importantly, you're not invited!"
  135. Wait a minute, there's a dance going on? And he wasn't invited!? Well, it wasn't that he c-c-cared or anything, but if his sister was going, then he wanted to go, too! Grabbing Vanille's shoulders, Viol spun her around just as she was about to undress. "Hold on, you snarky little Sviper! Why're people asking YOU to this Winter Ball thing, and why didn't I get a memo? Furthermore, who's this creepy fartbag that's asking you to go with him? Is it /cm/? It's /cm/, isn't it? I'll punch his goddamn teeth out! And you know that papa /v/'s gonna flip his shit if he knows you're going out! And why didn't people ask me!?"
  137. "Calm down, Viol! I'm going with /tg/, and he's the nicest - "
  139. "/tg/!? THAT CROTCHETY-ASS LARPER!? WHERE IS HE!? I'LL DO A SINGLES DUEL WITH HIM RIGHT NOW!" Viol ignored the banging from the walls, ignored the complaints from /vr/ and the incoherent gargles from /v/. More than anything, he was a young man who wanted to protect his sister. If someone was going to hurt a single hair on her head, he wouldn't hesitate to bring him down. To the sounds of protest from his sister, he stomped to the front door and kicked it open...
  141. ...only to have said door be caught by a lanky, scruffy man. His hair was currently in a low ponytail, and he wore the image of a frowning lemon on his shirt. "Oh, hey, look at that. Just the girl I wanted to see." The scruffy man said. He stepped inside of their room, going around the mouth-agape Viol to talk to Vanille. Not that he had cared to look, but the young man could clearly see that this stranger had the bruised imprint of a tentacle on his cheek. "So, some things happened with some people, some words were exchanged, and, basically, I don't think I can go near /d/emona for a while. I hope that doesn't bother you too much. Oh, and I can't go around Em...was it Emily? Ah, whatever. I can't go near /mlp/."
  143. Vanille couldn't speak. Her heart wasn't ready. Instead of responding to the most handsome of nerdy-cool guys in the world, she scrambled around the room to make it as presentable as possible. Clothes flew back into the closet at the speed of Agility, embarrassing objects (her whole damn computer screen, Viol's badge collection, etc.) were suddenly out of sight. Standing prim and proper, a prim and proper Vanille made her best attempt at looking as if nothing had happened. "Of course, dear Teej. I couldn't care less about those boorish louts. Why, should I ever meet this 'Demona' woman, I say I should challenge her to a Pokemon Match!"
  145. It was almost enough to make Viol want to drop kick his own sister. He had bigger fish to fry, though.
  147. Grabbing Teej by the collar, Viol shot his meanest, greenest look at his face. "Hey, you asshole! I heard you're trying to take my sister out on a date!" He hollered. His prey winced at the sheer volume that was blasting in his ears. It was like a thousand dwarves were rolling in from the mountain tops, grumbling about elves. "Well, I wanna know why a creepy old man like you is going to take her on a fucking date! I also wanna know that you're not going to drug her and rape her! You better tell me RIGHT THE FUCK NOW, OR I SWEAR TO ARCEUS-"
  149. "Alright, kid, calm down. First and foremost, you failed your listen check." Teej said softly, clasping a hand over the smaller man's mouth. He pushed Viol back just far enough so that the little boy couldn't reach, even when he tried his best. "I'm taking your sister to the Ball. I'm not trying to do anything funny to her, and I'm definitely not going to do anything she doesn't want me to do. Second of all, no one ever said that I couldn't take two people, and I don't think it'll be weird if I take you and your sister both. There's more than enough room in the Behemoth. Consider this me asking you to come with Violet and me to the ball." Wait, Violet? A sidelong glance to his sister revealed her to be too blush-y and embarrassed to even look in their direction. "Last but not least, I want to know how you two feel about an adventure...well, before that, let me ask how you feel about going to the ball."
  151. With that said, Teej let go of Viol's mouth. Setting him down gently, he waited for a response...
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