
Faerzen and Nick say farewell

Jun 13th, 2015
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  1. [17:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> ok so... im dressed in pink and i smell like menthol... what now?
  2. [17:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh! I forgot something inside.
  3. [17:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> ok, ill not go anywhere :p
  4. [17:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let me quickly retrieve something from my workshop
  5. [17:26] * Faerzen_Norstov dashes inside
  6. [17:27] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks around and stretches, making his back make cracking noises as he does so
  7. [17:27] <Nick_Varnegs_> ahhh... that's so much better
  8. [17:27] * Faerzen_Norstov returns shortly holding two objects in his hands
  9. [17:28] * Faerzen_Norstov holds out what looks to be a very dark navy blue bracelet
  10. [17:28] <Nick_Varnegs_> huh?
  11. [17:28] * Faerzen_Norstov puts a similar salmon-colored one on his wrist
  12. [17:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> These are walkie talkies!
  13. [17:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> Basically, remote communicators
  14. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... hmm?
  15. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh!
  16. [17:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> like that chat thing that comes with sabath?
  17. [17:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> If you press down on the large round part of the bracelet and then talk, it will come out on the other one.
  18. [17:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, except audio only
  19. [17:30] * Faerzen_Norstov presses his bracelet
  20. [17:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> "See, like this. You can hear me now."
  21. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> this... is... amazing!
  22. [17:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> thanks faerzen!
  23. [17:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> How about you make an attempt?
  24. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright... let me see
  25. [17:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> You are currently 1 for 2 when it comes to modern technology
  26. [17:31] * Nick_Varnegs_ takes the blue brazalet and presses the round part
  27. [17:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> hello?
  28. [17:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> <you hear your voice coming from Faerzen's bracelet>
  29. [17:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Excellent!
  30. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> great!
  31. [17:32] <Nick_Varnegs_> but... just a question... does this mean we are going separate ways?
  32. [17:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not necessarily, though perhaps
  33. [17:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> I simply figured it would be best to be prepared in case we get separated
  34. [17:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> to cover more terrain?
  35. [17:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> With this game, it's always best to be prepared for anything
  36. [17:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, that was one of the things I wanted to talk to you about before we leave
  37. [17:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh...
  38. [17:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> What do you think?
  39. [17:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> it sounds like a good idea... we always have prospit dont we?
  40. [17:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> My thoughts exactly!
  41. [17:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know where this key might be, so it would probably speed things along if we split up
  42. [17:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> Plus, you are more than capable in combat, so I don't believe you will need my assistance in that area
  43. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> dont worry about it :)
  44. [17:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> im sure you will be fine too
  45. [17:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> The doors that the key goes to are very plain, but there is a pair of them: they are double doors.
  46. [17:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> One is black and one is white, so it is entirely possible that the key is in two pieces that need to be joined for the key to be functional
  47. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> sounds plausible
  48. [17:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> Splitting up would also help us more efficiently recover the pieces if this were the case.
  49. [17:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((brb gimme 10 or so minutes... they are calling me for something))
  50. [17:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((idk if that's a dungeon idea for you AT, but there's an idea so that both Nick and Faerzen find something for the door))
  51. [17:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((black and white..... dat parallelism))
  52. [17:37] <KE> <I can make some dungeons as I go>
  53. [17:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((im back))
  54. [17:46] * Nick_Varnegs_ nods in aproval and understanding
  55. [17:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> i see your point
  56. [17:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> so tell me faerzen... what are we waiting for?
  57. [17:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> I do not know what we will find inside these spires, but look for a set of stairs leading downwards
  58. [17:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have encountered many things from traps, to monsters, to hallucinations, to teleportations, to puzzles
  59. [17:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> So be ready!
  60. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> sounds like my kinds of things
  61. [17:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> except... puzzles... i was never good for riddles and the sort
  62. [17:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Especially if we are spitting up for the time being, I wanted to finish our conversation from earlier, if you want to.
  63. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> which one?
  64. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> the one about... wings or the other serious one?
  65. [17:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> The.... other one
  66. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> i see....
  67. [17:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> you wanted to know...
  68. [17:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am very glad we dug deeper into personal flaws
  69. [17:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I still feel terrible with all of those things hanging over my head
  70. [17:50] * Nick_Varnegs_ takes a deep breath and summons his wings
  71. [17:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> What are you doing?
  72. [17:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> im... sort of... getting them here?
  73. [17:50] <KE> <Note the lack of a mask>
  74. [17:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> wait a second
  75. [17:51] * Nick_Varnegs_ decaptchalogues the mask
  76. [17:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> HOLY SHIT WHAT?!
  77. [17:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Wait a moment......
  78. [17:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> how does this even make sense?
  79. [17:52] * Faerzen_Norstov looks worriedly
  80. [17:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Uhhhhhhh
  81. [17:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> they... they look the same right?
  82. [17:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> i... kind of got worried
  83. [17:52] * Faerzen_Norstov cautiously walks around behind Nick
  84. [17:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yeah... they look the same to me
  85. [17:53] * Nick_Varnegs_ reaches around to touch his own spectral wings
  86. [17:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> ._.
  87. [17:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh dear
  88. [17:53] <KE> The wings feel luscious and feathery-sleek
  89. [17:54] == KE has changed nick to ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]
  90. [17:54] * Faerzen_Norstov returns to his previous spot on the front lawn
  91. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> this is bad
  92. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think
  93. [17:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, you definitely summoned wings
  94. [17:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> And it is very worrisome
  95. [17:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ummmmm
  96. [17:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... are this two actually here this time?
  97. [17:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmm.
  98. [17:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> They seem more solid this time
  99. [17:55] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks worried and fascinated at the same time
  100. [17:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> Almost just like mine, as a matter of fact, but shiny, oily black
  101. [17:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> And.... without the faint gold trim
  102. [17:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... does my subconsious like wings that much?
  103. [17:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Actually, they seem identical to your normal wings, only they are material now
  104. [17:56] * Faerzen_Norstov looks at Nick again over his glasses
  105. [17:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> this is somewhat ridiculous
  106. [17:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Really, Nick?
  107. [17:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Did you just ask that question?
  108. [17:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  109. [17:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes
  110. [17:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> I think you have established on multiple occasions that not only your subconscious but also your conscious likes wings that much
  111. [17:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....
  112. [17:58] * Faerzen_Norstov begins chuckling
  113. [17:58] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks around awkwardly and scratches his head
  114. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> yeah...
  115. [17:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> lets make sure of something first
  116. [17:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> Can you still fly with these?
  117. [17:58] * Nick_Varnegs_ reaches around and touches between his shoulders
  118. [17:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> im not sure i-
  119. [17:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> If they are fully material, it is entirely possible that the muscles are not prepared for flying yet
  120. [17:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> You never had to use physical muscles before
  121. [17:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> this is worrying
  122. [18:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmm?
  123. [18:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is something wrong with your back?
  124. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> i can feel them
  125. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> are they this sensitive?!
  126. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> holy shit what im going to do?!
  127. [18:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> nononononono
  128. [18:01] * Faerzen_Norstov walks up to Nick and puts his finger over Nick's mouth
  129. [18:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Shhhhhhh
  130. [18:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> It really isn't that big of a deal, Nick
  131. [18:01] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks surprised and is shaking slightly
  132. [18:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> Physical feeling is simply what comes along with physical wings!
  133. [18:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> You will get used to it eventually
  134. [18:02] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're going to have a heck of a time getting your shirt off now, I must say
  135. [18:02] * Faerzen_Norstov walks around behind Nick
  136. [18:03] * Nick_Varnegs_ blushes slightly
  137. [18:03] * Faerzen_Norstov pokes at hole in the back of Nick's shirt
  138. [18:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> be... be careful
  139. [18:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> It seems your wings burst clean through this
  140. [18:03] * Nick_Varnegs_ shudders and is surprised
  141. [18:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> We will need to cut a line up to your collar in order for you to be able to take this off
  142. [18:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> are they REALLY that sensitive?
  143. [18:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps we can install a zipper or something
  144. [18:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> just... do it
  145. [18:04] * Faerzen_Norstov goes inside to the kitchen to get a pair of scissors
  146. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  147. [18:04] * Nick_Varnegs_ looks behind and plucks a small-ish feather from his wings
  148. [18:04] <Nick_Varnegs_> OW
  149. [18:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> It isn't going to be easy to construct a nicer fastening mechanism, but I have something we can use in the mean time
  150. [18:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> Don't move, I don't want to cut you with these!
  151. [18:05] * Faerzen_Norstov puts the cold metal of the scissors against Nick's back and starts snipping away at his sweater and jacket
  152. [18:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose this is one of the advantages of wearing a dress?
  153. [18:06] * Nick_Varnegs_ moves slightly in surprise at the sudden coldness
  154. [18:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> i suppose so
  155. [18:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> Thankfully they already have shoulder straps so this isn't necessary
  156. [18:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ugh! Your clothes are so tough!
  157. [18:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> I am having a difficult time getting enough leverage to cut through these
  158. [18:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> i dont lke where this is going
  159. [18:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> Could you lay down on the ground for a moment?
  160. [18:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> s-sure
  161. [18:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> It's really awkward trying to hold the scissors at this angle to get leverage
  162. [18:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> Just face down for a quick moment
  163. [18:08] * Nick_Varnegs_ lays down on the floor and moves his wings around to allow faerzen more space
  164. [18:08] <Nick_Varnegs_> that... felt weird
  165. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov kneels next to Nick
  166. [18:08] * Faerzen_Norstov braces himself with one hand against Nick's back and cuts with the other hand much more effectively than before
  167. [18:09] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... how is that going?
  168. [18:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Much more effective mode of attack than before!
  169. [18:10] * Faerzen_Norstov grunts with effort, trying to cut through a particularly stubborn seam
  170. [18:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> there goes the rest of my clothing integrity
  171. [18:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, almost there!
  172. [18:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> ill take this as your revenge for what i did to your shorts
  173. [18:11] * Faerzen_Norstov rearranges Nick's shirt around the area where his wings are to get better access to the collar
  174. [18:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> I just have the collar left!
  175. [18:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> be careful :c
  176. [18:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ooooooh, yes, I don't want to cut your neck now, that would be atrocious
  177. [18:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> and now that you are there... would you mind telling me what does it looks like behind there? are they.... connected to me in the same way yours are
  178. [18:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> They seem to be.
  179. [18:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh
  180. [18:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> that's... unusual
  181. [18:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> You have two bones protruding into your back here and here
  182. [18:12] * Faerzen_Norstov pokes bones
  183. [18:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> And a knot of muscle here in the center
  184. [18:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Presumably to help them support the weight of your body
  185. [18:13] * Nick_Varnegs_ squirms and lets out a small sound
  186. [18:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Does that tickle?
  187. [18:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...not tickling
  188. [18:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh?
  189. [18:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> its that sort of weird sensation.... a...... i dont know...
  190. [18:15] * Faerzen_Norstov rubs knot of muscle between Nick's wings
  191. [18:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, like what I was describing before?
  192. [18:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Ah, well then I will get back to your shirt then
  193. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> y-yes
  194. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...o-ok
  195. [18:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> This collar is really thick!
  196. [18:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> need a knife or something?
  197. [18:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> I need to lift it off of your neck so I don't accidentally slip and cut you
  198. [18:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm already half way through
  199. [18:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh.
  200. [18:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> So this shouldn't take long. Sorry if this hurts, but I'm probably going to end up leaning on you quite a bit
  201. [18:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> go on
  202. [18:17] * Faerzen_Norstov braces himself with his left forearm down Nick's upper spine, hand holding the collar of the shirt away from Nick's neck and elbow resting between his wings
  203. [18:17] * Faerzen_Norstov cuts at the collar with his other hand
  204. [18:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmph
  205. [18:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Alllllmost
  206. [18:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> Therrrrrre
  207. [18:17] * Nick_Varnegs_ shudders and shakes slightly
  208. [18:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> too much
  209. [18:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> elbow
  210. [18:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> elbow
  211. [18:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> faerzentheelbow
  212. [18:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Just a biiiiiit more!
  213. [18:18] * Nick_Varnegs_ begins to squirm trying to get faerzen off from him
  214. [18:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> <you hear a pop from your collar>
  215. [18:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> There wer go!
  216. [18:18] <Nick_Varnegs_> <you see nick is blushing heavily>
  217. [18:18] * Faerzen_Norstov gets up off the ground
  218. [18:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Now stand up and I can tape your shirt back together
  219. [18:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> Have you seen tape before?
  220. [18:19] * Nick_Varnegs_ is breathing heavily as he stands up
  221. [18:19] <Nick_Varnegs_> n-no
  222. [18:19] * Faerzen_Norstov decaptchalogues his green tape (Cl - CHLORINE)
  223. [18:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is a strong strip of fabric-like material with adhesive on one side, so it is sticky and can be used to hold things together
  224. [18:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> <you can see nick not paying attention and looking around nervously>
  225. [18:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> I can use this to tape the back of your shirt back together for now, but then whenever you want to take it off, you can peel this tape off and your shirt will come off with no problems!
  226. [18:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> t-thanks
  227. [18:20] * Faerzen_Norstov waves his hand in front of Nick's face
  228. [18:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hello?
  229. [18:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> Did you hear any of that?
  230. [18:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> huh?
  231. [18:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> What are you supposed to do when you want to take your shirt off?
  232. [18:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> ....
  233. [18:21] * Faerzen_Norstov frowns slightly
  234. [18:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> I thought so
  235. [18:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...remove the.... tape?
  236. [18:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> Close....
  237. [18:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> You need to make sure you peel it off
  238. [18:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... next time try to not to be so rough
  239. [18:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is quite strong in most directions except peeling
  240. [18:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry!
  241. [18:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think i get it
  242. [18:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> and.... it was a weird mix
  243. [18:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> mostly pain but... there was something else
  244. [18:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, did I contact your wings?
  245. [18:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry about that. They are rather large and I could not really avoid them... :/
  246. [18:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> you... leaned your whole elbow between them
  247. [18:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh....
  248. [18:24] <Nick_Varnegs_> its... okay, you had.... n-no choice
  249. [18:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well then, I can leave first if you'd like and you can go back inside if you need to
  250. [18:24] <Faerzen_Norstov> On second thought, we still need to talk
  251. [18:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> Do you need to take a brief break?
  252. [18:25] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry about that....
  253. [18:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> its weird feeling both those things at the same time
  254. [18:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> but... i think im ok... it wasn't exactly.... pleasant
  255. [18:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> as i said before... it was mostly painful
  256. [18:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh... okay?
  257. [18:26] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, are you in a position to converse at the moment?
  258. [18:26] * Nick_Varnegs_ maintains an awkward silence
  259. [18:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> y-yes
  260. [18:27] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((nick is going to end up as a masochist wing fetishist before this night ends))
  261. [18:27] <Faerzen_Norstov> Great!
  262. [18:27] * Faerzen_Norstov hugs Nick
  263. [18:28] * Nick_Varnegs_ hugs back
  264. [18:28] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, let me put this tape on your back first
  265. [18:28] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh. right
  266. [18:28] * Faerzen_Norstov tears off several strips of tape, recaptchaloguing the roll (Cl - CHLORINE), and firmly pressing them over the new cut in Nick's shirt to hold the two flaps together
  267. [18:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> There, that should do it.
  268. [18:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> thanks faerzen
  269. [18:29] <Nick_Varnegs_> now... what did you want to talk about?
  270. [18:29] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, well, I think the two things I wanted to talk about were your mask and my book
  271. [18:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> Was there anything else you wanted to bring up?
  272. [18:30] * Nick_Varnegs_ slightly taps his back to see where faerzen cutted trought
  273. [18:30] <Nick_Varnegs_> apart from the weirdness of sprouting wings in like half a second... not much
  274. [18:30] <Faerzen_Norstov> <you feel a neat line going straight down from the back center of your collar down to the hole in your shirt where your wings are>
  275. [18:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, well, I don't really have a lot to say about your mask
  276. [18:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I do have some additional information on it
  277. [18:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Information that is quite relieving
  278. [18:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> the book right?
  279. [18:31] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes.
  280. [18:31] <Nick_Varnegs_> so... what did it tell you? i dont quite remember well
  281. [18:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> I asked it several questions about the nature of the mask
  282. [18:32] <Faerzen_Norstov> It informed me that the mask has no consciousness, no memories, and no mechanisms for feeding off of your thoughts
  283. [18:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh?
  284. [18:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is simply a game construct that provides you with tools and ways to channel your anger and stress
  285. [18:33] <Nick_Varnegs_> so... how does it works?
  286. [18:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> You wear it, and through it, the game gives you powers and abilities which you can then use
  287. [18:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> but... what about these?
  288. [18:34] * Nick_Varnegs_ flaps his wings
  289. [18:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> I'm afraid I have no explanation for that
  290. [18:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... should we ask it?
  291. [18:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I do have a word of caution for the two of us
  292. [18:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> Perhaps
  293. [18:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  294. [18:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> This book
  295. [18:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> Regardless of whether or not its identity is related to mine, is powerful and dangerous
  296. [18:35] <Faerzen_Norstov> Just like your mask
  297. [18:36] * Nick_Varnegs_ nods seriously
  298. [18:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> Even though it may not have a consciousness of its own, it can still be used for terrible things
  299. [18:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> Both are very powerful items, and both can be very dangerous if used in the wrong ways
  300. [18:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> However, that danger manifests itself quite differently
  301. [18:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> i see what you mean
  302. [18:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> One in the form of power, one in the form of wisdom and knowledge
  303. [18:38] <Nick_Varnegs_> you know... im sorry to derail this conversation... but this situation is quite unrealistic if you think about it
  304. [18:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> Really?
  305. [18:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> I would venture to say that almost every single thing in this game is unrealistic if you think about it!
  306. [18:39] <Nick_Varnegs_> how do you think i feel wearing pink with wings sprouting out of my back in another planet?
  307. [18:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> Teleporting gates, spontaneous item creation, mysterious monsters, ghostly floating guides, meteors from the sky
  308. [18:39] <Faerzen_Norstov> I know you may not like pink Nick, but get some perspective! ;)
  309. [18:39] <Nick_Varnegs_> it just doens't suits me :p
  310. [18:40] <Nick_Varnegs_> i look better in more earthen colors, this gives too much contrast to my skin
  311. [18:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well then, you will just need to roll around in some mud if you can manage to find any.
  312. [18:41] <Faerzen_Norstov> :)
  313. [18:41] <Nick_Varnegs_> tempting, but i dont want to ruin my feathers
  314. [18:42] <Nick_Varnegs_> do you think that door is related to the whole... contrast of black and white wings thing?
  315. [18:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have also been wondering that
  316. [18:42] <Faerzen_Norstov> Our paths through this game have been very similar in some ways
  317. [18:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> But starkly contrasted in others
  318. [18:43] * Nick_Varnegs_ reachs around and pokes in the area where faerzen was leaning "ow"
  319. [18:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> We both had no knowledge of this game beforehand, we both have strange lands, we both experienced family members dying in front of our eyes
  320. [18:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> i see where you are coming from
  321. [18:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> But your land is one of darkness and death, and mine is one of light and emptiness
  322. [18:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> knowledge vs. power
  323. [18:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> white wings vs. black
  324. [18:44] * Nick_Varnegs_ nods
  325. [18:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is almost poetic in some ways
  326. [18:44] <Nick_Varnegs_> an object that belongs to a carnival and the other to a study
  327. [18:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> this game seems to like methaphorical themes of that kind
  328. [18:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> And given these differences, I think it is best we keep those dangers in mind
  329. [18:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> Nothing much occurred this time around, but I would have no idea where to start controlling myself under the influence of that mask
  330. [18:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> Maybe I could use it for good, maybe I would lose control
  331. [18:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  332. [18:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have no way of knowing, and I fear what would happen if I tried to find out
  333. [18:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> when you tried it on...
  334. [18:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> You have experience with it, however
  335. [18:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> You know it
  336. [18:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> i was sort of... afraid you could have gone out of control
  337. [18:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was as well
  338. [18:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> It may very well be that that fear is what prevented much of my anger exhibiting itself through the mask
  339. [18:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I know now, as that mask is not my area
  340. [18:47] * Nick_Varnegs_ decaptchalogues the mask and looks at it empty sockets
  341. [18:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Likewise
  342. [18:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> This book
  343. [18:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> It contains a great amount of knowledge, knowledge that could be very helpful
  344. [18:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> But it also contains a great amount of knowledge that is dangerous, and should not be known or acted upon
  345. [18:49] <Faerzen_Norstov> It is difficult to know when you ask it a question which is the case
  346. [18:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> The questions you asked it ended up resolving themselves relatively mildly
  347. [18:50] <Nick_Varnegs_> i wonder what could have happened if i kept talking to it
  348. [18:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> But had your conversation delved any deeper into my motivations behind my actions, you and the mask, lying
  349. [18:50] <Faerzen_Norstov> There is no saying what could have happened
  350. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> I cannot claim to fully understand how this book works
  351. [18:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> dont remind me of that.... dont get me wrong, but that book is fairly annoying
  352. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> And I cannot claim to know how to ask beneficial questions
  353. [18:51] <Nick_Varnegs_> sorry to any faerzen i just insulted and the one in front of me
  354. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I am working on it
  355. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh no, I completely agree with ouy
  356. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> *you
  357. [18:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have engaged in many a fierce debates and arguments with it
  358. [18:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Reading the book, it is easy to spot one of our many altercations
  359. [18:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes...
  360. [18:53] * Nick_Varnegs_ continues moving his wings around, seeing what movement he can move
  361. [18:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((he can do**))
  362. [18:54] * Nick_Varnegs_ maintains silence for a few seconds
  363. [18:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> If the book is actually some iteration of myself, it would explain our disagreement all the more
  364. [18:54] <Faerzen_Norstov> But my point is, both of these items are reasonable by themselves
  365. [18:55] <Nick_Varnegs_> but dangerous in the wrong... or even right hands?
  366. [18:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> But when coupled with an owner or user, they can become quite dangerous, and it is important that that user is familiar enough with the object to control both it and themselves
  367. [18:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> ...exactly
  368. [18:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> You cannot say you fully understand the mask and how to control yourself when wearing it, but you are learning more about it and about yourself
  369. [18:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> The same goes for me and this book
  370. [18:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> i wonder if the rest of the effects of the mask will carry over till i dont need it anymore
  371. [18:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> While neither of us may entirely understand the other's interactions with their item, I think it is important that we give each other some degree of trust in that area
  372. [18:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> :)
  373. [18:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((just a min, got a phone call))
  374. [18:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((im back))
  375. [18:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> dont worry, i would trust you with almost anything
  376. [18:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> I think it is important that we keep each other in check
  377. [18:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Because it would be very easy for either of us to get too carried away and deeply buried within the mask or book
  378. [18:59] * Nick_Varnegs_ 's eyes lose focus for a second
  379. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> You may gain powers from that mask which I do not fully understand, that I fear
  380. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> I may gain knowledge from this book which I do not readily share that you fear
  381. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> But, do some extent, I think that is okay and how it should be
  382. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> If that goes too far though.....
  383. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> I noticed that you found the book with me in Prospit
  384. [19:00] <Faerzen_Norstov> Is that correct?
  385. [19:00] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes
  386. [19:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> i left it at your side after putting you back in your tower
  387. [19:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> I specifically made the book disappear before I fell asleep at the bottom of that pit
  388. [19:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> And yet it had reappeared when you found me
  389. [19:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> That indicates my subconscious is becoming more and more tied to that book
  390. [19:01] <Nick_Varnegs_> or it wanted to be found
  391. [19:01] <Faerzen_Norstov> The same is true with your mask, and these wings might be an even further supporting fact for that statement
  392. [19:02] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... im still not sure how this two work now
  393. [19:02] * Nick_Varnegs_ stands up and tries to take off... failing tremendously
  394. [19:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose what I am trying to say is that it is important for us to get to know our tokens, but be careful that we do not know them so well that we lose ourselves in them
  395. [19:03] * Nick_Varnegs_ falls facefirst to the ground
  396. [19:03] * Faerzen_Norstov bursts out laughing
  397. [19:03] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, I suppose that is one way to lighten the mood!
  398. [19:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> lets maintain ourselves and eachother in chec-
  399. [19:03] <Nick_Varnegs_> ow
  400. [19:04] * Nick_Varnegs_ flaps a few times to help himself get of the ground
  401. [19:04] <Nick_Varnegs_> you are quite right about that
  402. [19:04] <Nick_Varnegs_> i fear i lost control over this :/
  403. [19:04] <Faerzen_Norstov> You're okay. :)
  404. [19:05] <Faerzen_Norstov> I suppose this is all a very round about way of me saying..... sorry.
  405. [19:05] <Nick_Varnegs_> aww... come here
  406. [19:05] * Nick_Varnegs_ hugs faerzen
  407. [19:05] * Faerzen_Norstov hugs back
  408. [19:05] * Faerzen_Norstov lets out a long breath
  409. [19:06] * Nick_Varnegs_ breathes slowly
  410. [19:06] * Faerzen_Norstov releases Nick
  411. [19:06] <Nick_Varnegs_> is everything okay now?
  412. [19:06] <Faerzen_Norstov> I.... I was afraid
  413. [19:06] * Nick_Varnegs_ releases faerzen
  414. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> There are still things I have learned from this book which I haven't shared with you yet
  415. [19:07] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Guys, You are going to love the magic loot I generated for your dungeons>
  416. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> <omgyes>
  417. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> And I don't know when I will
  418. [19:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> <oh yeah>
  419. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> But I still stand by the fact that I haven't.
  420. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> But that folder....
  421. [19:07] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was scared
  422. [19:07] <Nick_Varnegs_> you can.... you can tell me when you feel ready
  423. [19:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> I never should have purchased it.
  424. [19:08] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Can I break your guys' character for a minute and pause this conversation?>
  425. [19:08] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((sure?))
  426. [19:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> ((sure))
  427. [19:08] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Alright
  428. [19:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> sup?
  429. [19:08] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> So, just to give you guys a preview
  430. [19:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> ooooooooo
  431. [19:08] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Here are the names of the magic item loot
  432. [19:09] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...inb4 wing harnesses
  433. [19:09] <Faerzen_Norstov> O_O
  434. [19:09] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> The Shæd, Liar's Dice, Scorpion's Harp, Monocle of Vice, Tides of Wile, Box of Comeliness, and The Chain
  435. [19:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> inb4 our bosses are
  436. [19:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((those are from wow))
  437. [19:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> I like how this is dungeon-ception
  438. [19:10] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((not the items... the val'kir))
  439. [19:10] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> If you want, feel free to share your guesses on what the items are
  440. [19:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Here's a dungeon, but to do this dungeon, here's another dungeon :P
  441. [19:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> every rpg ever
  442. [19:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> The Shæd: how do you pronounce that?
  443. [19:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> Shade?
  444. [19:11] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Shade
  445. [19:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> that sounds ominous as fuck
  446. [19:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> ^
  447. [19:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> having an item litteraly called "the shade"
  448. [19:12] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> There will be one black dungeon and one white one
  449. [19:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> and "the chain" also sounds somewhat dangerous
  450. [19:12] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> The Chain is spoopy
  451. [19:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> but for some reason i can only think of a grappling hook when i think magic loot called "the chain"
  452. [19:13] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Nope
  453. [19:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> The Box of Comeliness just makes me smile
  454. [19:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> or something like the "death's grapple" from darksiders
  455. [19:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> like.... what?
  456. [19:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> i think its called that
  457. [19:13] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> These items where chosen with a specific player in mind
  458. [19:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> The box of making things look nice
  459. [19:13] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> The Chain is a literal set of metal chains
  460. [19:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> its like a purple hand thing that you throw and grapple stuff
  461. [19:14] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> @Faerzen, exactly
  462. [19:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> omg, that's hilarious
  463. [19:14] <Nick_Varnegs_>
  464. [19:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> this, this is what i imagine with "the chain"
  465. [19:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> Liar's Dice remind me of the coin item at the shop
  466. [19:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> but dice
  467. [19:14] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Nope
  468. [19:15] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> A bit better than that I should think
  469. [19:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> reroll your destiny?
  470. [19:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> ^
  471. [19:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> An in game item that lets you reroll your character
  472. [19:15] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> It isn't the D4 from BOI
  473. [19:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> kek
  474. [19:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> huehuehue
  475. [19:15] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Nothing to do with rerolling people
  476. [19:16] <Nick_Varnegs_> Monocle of Vice: but that one... that one sounds dangerous as fuck
  477. [19:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> yeah
  478. [19:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> Faerzen has a thing for monocles
  479. [19:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> but vice
  480. [19:16] <Faerzen_Norstov> o.o
  481. [19:16] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> These items were chosen with a specific player in mind for each
  482. [19:17] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> I recommend ignoring the names, they are misleading
  483. [19:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> do you like hellraiser AT?
  484. [19:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> wait, what do you mean by ignore the names
  485. [19:17] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> When actually choosing, that is
  486. [19:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> oh
  487. [19:17] <Faerzen_Norstov> I see
  488. [19:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm
  489. [19:17] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> You won't even know them IC
  490. [19:17] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Hell raiser?
  491. [19:17] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Never heard of it
  492. [19:17] <Nick_Varnegs_> lament's configuration anyone?
  493. [19:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> nope
  494. [19:18] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Anyways, just wanted to leave Yall with something to think about
  495. [19:18] <Faerzen_Norstov> :D
  496. [19:18] <Nick_Varnegs_> :D
  497. [19:18] * Nick_Varnegs_ brofists AT
  498. [19:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> I really want mime to come back so Sage can try out the alchemized items she made
  499. [19:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> She was low on grist, so she purposefully made some terrible weapons
  500. [19:19] <Nick_Varnegs_> cool
  501. [19:19] <Nick_Varnegs_> hehehehe
  502. [19:19] <Faerzen_Norstov> and I had to come up with lolzy ways of making weapons bad
  503. [19:19] <Nick_Varnegs_> its that the guy with the glass boxcutter?
  504. [19:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> yeah
  505. [19:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> he takes damage on attacking too right?
  506. [19:20] <Faerzen_Norstov> well, they don't know that yet, but yes
  507. [19:20] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> One last thing
  508. [19:20] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh lord, that's so evilishly cool
  509. [19:20] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> You guys should read Terese's story
  510. [19:20] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> If you aren't
  511. [19:21] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Terese is really a good representation of your character's child
  512. [19:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh
  513. [19:21] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Manipulative like Faerzen, Raging and Destructive like Nick
  514. [19:21] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> :P
  515. [19:21] <Faerzen_Norstov> hehehe
  516. [19:21] <Nick_Varnegs_> just like dad... and dad
  517. [19:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> ^
  518. [19:22] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> I'm really proud of how her RP is turning out
  519. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> hehehehe
  520. [19:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> okay, I'm not sure how internet will work in Europe, but I'll try when I get the chance
  521. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> i cant wait till she snaps... that will be interesting
  522. [19:22] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Oh, She snapped Nick
  523. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> good luck faerzen
  524. [19:22] <Faerzen_Norstov> she already had a suicidal episode
  525. [19:22] <Nick_Varnegs_> dude
  526. [19:23] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> You guys should get back to RP
  527. [19:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> mind if i go to the bathroom first?
  528. [19:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> YES
  529. [19:23] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> I gtg and do stuff, so you'll have to ping me and wait if you want to go dungeon
  530. [19:23] <Faerzen_Norstov> but go ahead
  531. [19:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> sure
  532. [19:23] <Nick_Varnegs_> just give me a second
  533. [19:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> im back
  534. [19:25] <Nick_Varnegs_> ((ok guys... stage, set... action))
  535. [19:26] <Nick_Varnegs_> [19:08] <Faerzen_Norstov> I never should have purchased it.
  536. [19:27] * Nick_Varnegs_ puts a hand on faerzen's shoulder
  537. [19:33] <Faerzen_Norstov> I was terrified of what would happen if you found the folder, and I now see that I horribly overreacted
  538. [19:33] * Nick_Varnegs_ gives a somewhat weak smile and tries to find the correct words to say
  539. [19:34] <Faerzen_Norstov> I should be using what I learn to protect everyone, not cower behind a wall of fear and knowledge
  540. [19:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...
  541. [19:34] <Nick_Varnegs_> faerzen
  542. [19:35] <Nick_Varnegs_> look... i dot know what to properly say in this moment
  543. [19:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> but what have you done... everything... the mistakes we make along the way, every fear and moment of anger... those make us who we are today
  544. [19:36] <Nick_Varnegs_> dont blame yourself for it
  545. [19:36] <Faerzen_Norstov> I agree
  546. [19:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> However, I need to take responsibility for this mistake and learn from it
  547. [19:37] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, it makes me who I am, but who I am doesn't have to be a person that continues to make that same mistake
  548. [19:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> that's the rest of the point i didn't know how to express
  549. [19:37] <Nick_Varnegs_> thanks for being better at wording your ideas
  550. [19:38] * Faerzen_Norstov gives a weak smile
  551. [19:38] <Faerzen_Norstov> So...... I'm sorry
  552. [19:38] * Nick_Varnegs_ wraps his arms around faerzen and hugs him tightly
  553. [19:39] * Faerzen_Norstov hugs back warmly
  554. [19:40] * Faerzen_Norstov whispers in Nick's ear, "Thank you"
  555. [19:41] * Nick_Varnegs_ whispers in faerzen's ear "you're welcome"
  556. [19:41] * Nick_Varnegs_ stops hugging faerzen
  557. [19:42] * Nick_Varnegs_ gives faerzen a few reassuring taps on his back
  558. [19:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well then......
  559. [19:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes?
  560. [19:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> Shall we be off then?
  561. [19:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> i... i suppose so
  562. [19:43] <Nick_Varnegs_> anything else you want to do before leaving?
  563. [19:43] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmm
  564. [19:44] * Faerzen_Norstov looks over his shoulder at his bag
  565. [19:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, I have food, I have a light, I have this communication device....
  566. [19:44] * Faerzen_Norstov taps wrist
  567. [19:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> I have my crossbow, and I have my wings
  568. [19:44] <Faerzen_Norstov> I think I should be all set!
  569. [19:44] * Nick_Varnegs_ taps wrist "everything ready then"
  570. [19:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> Which spire would you like to visit?
  571. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...hmmm...
  572. [19:45] <Nick_Varnegs_> there's that big one with the candle over there
  573. [19:45] * Faerzen_Norstov sweeps his arm out, gesturing to the variety of rocky spires on the horizon topped with various light sources
  574. [19:45] <Faerzen_Norstov> That does look like a most excellent destination
  575. [19:46] <Nick_Varnegs_> in that case... wish me luck
  576. [19:46] <Faerzen_Norstov> I must say I have a hankering for that old-fashioned light bulb over there
  577. [19:46] * Nick_Varnegs_ begins taking flapping his wings attempting to take off
  578. [19:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Stay in touch!
  579. [19:47] * Nick_Varnegs_ falls to his butt after raising a little
  580. [19:47] <Nick_Varnegs_> for fuck's sake! is it really that hard when they are connected to you?!
  581. [19:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Oh, well I suppose that is one way to do that
  582. [19:47] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I am afraid it is
  583. [19:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> :/
  584. [19:48] <Nick_Varnegs_> what do you think i could do? :I
  585. [19:48] <Faerzen_Norstov> Maybe if you.... put the mask on too you can help control them like you used to?
  586. [19:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> let me see
  587. [19:49] * Nick_Varnegs_ puts on the mask
  588. [19:49] * Nick_Varnegs_ raises with some more ease and falls after a minute or so
  589. [19:49] <Nick_Varnegs_> ... this was easier when they didn't exist
  590. [19:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, there isn't a whole lot you can do about it now
  591. [19:51] <Faerzen_Norstov> I would venture it would only take a couple minutes to fly over to that spire
  592. [19:51] * Nick_Varnegs_ stands up and begins doing all sorts of stretching movements
  593. [19:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> You can climb up the ladder to my treehouse and gain some initial height
  594. [19:52] <Faerzen_Norstov> Gliding is waaaaaaaay easier than flying with material wings
  595. [19:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> hmmm... that would work
  596. [19:52] <Nick_Varnegs_> it seems like it
  597. [19:53] * Nick_Varnegs_ aproaches the treehouse and manages to fly to it
  598. [19:53] <Nick_Varnegs_> alright... alright... this is tiring as well
  599. [19:53] * Faerzen_Norstov climbs up ladder to treehouse and clamors onto the roof
  600. [19:54] <Nick_Varnegs_> either that or your elbow left me land-stranded
  601. [19:54] * Nick_Varnegs_ manages to fly up to the roof next to faerzen
  602. [19:55] * Faerzen_Norstov looks at his feet
  603. [19:55] <Faerzen_Norstov> Sorry about that.....
  604. [19:55] <Nick_Varnegs_> its... okay i guess
  605. [19:56] <Nick_Varnegs_> atleast ill take your word for it when you say the wings are.... sensible
  606. [19:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Yes, I suppose you can see now why they are so sensitive
  607. [19:56] <Faerzen_Norstov> Now imagine having a ten minute long massage!
  608. [19:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Hmmmmmmmmmmm???
  609. [19:57] * Nick_Varnegs_ blushes
  610. [19:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> honestly... i wouldn't mind that
  611. [19:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well yes, clearly neither did I
  612. [19:57] <Nick_Varnegs_> hehehehehehehe....
  613. [19:57] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, are you feeling ready now?
  614. [19:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> yes... i think i am fine now
  615. [19:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay, on three? :)
  616. [19:58] <Nick_Varnegs_> okay...
  617. [19:58] <Faerzen_Norstov> We'll go together :)
  618. [19:58] * Nick_Varnegs_ cracks his knuckles
  619. [19:59] <Nick_Varnegs_> :)
  620. [19:59] * Faerzen_Norstov stretches his arms and wings
  621. [19:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> Okay.....
  622. [19:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> 1!
  623. [19:59] * Nick_Varnegs_ makes a few strong flaps, sending a small burst of wind
  624. [19:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> 2!
  625. [19:59] * Faerzen_Norstov bends his knees, preparing to jump
  626. [19:59] <Faerzen_Norstov> 3!
  627. [20:00] * Faerzen_Norstov leaps off of the roof
  628. [20:00] * Nick_Varnegs_ jumps too
  629. [20:00] * Nick_Varnegs_ flaps his wings strongly and in a wide movement, just as he said to faerzen
  630. [20:00] * Faerzen_Norstov glides towards the spire topped by the old-fashioned lightbulb
  631. [20:06] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Nick: The spire in front of Nick glows with a bright white flame, as if some of the chemicals in Faerzen's lab escaped into the candle wick. The blue candle drops wax down over the side of the rock spire, dropping down out of sight. A small door lies next to the opposite base the candle is slanting in
  632. [20:08] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> Faerzen: The spire in front of Faerzen is lit up dimly by an old lightbulb, which, he realizes flickers on and off at seemingly random. The only visible enterance to the tower is a window which seems to have been boarded up with a ancient wood like substance some aeons previous
  633. [20:09] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> The lightbulb's design is reminiscent of the ancient ones with powered tungsten filaments versus the more modern advanced LED+ lights like Faerzen is used to
  634. [20:10] * Faerzen_Norstov presses his communicator
  635. [20:10] <Faerzen_Norstov> Well, Nick, I seem to have arrived with no incidents.
  636. [20:11] <Faerzen_Norstov> We sort of went in opposite directions so I lost sight of you. Have you landed yet?
  637. [20:11] * Nick_Varnegs_ presses his communicator "same here, i should be careful around this wax though"
  638. [20:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> it seems there's an entrance here too
  639. [20:11] <Nick_Varnegs_> how about yours?
  640. [20:12] <Nick_Varnegs_> and... yes, kind of a rough landing but im okay
  641. [20:12] <Faerzen_Norstov> I see a boarded up window, but no other apparent entrances to the spire.
  642. [20:13] <Nick_Varnegs_> do you have anything to break trough?
  643. [20:13] <Faerzen_Norstov> Not particularly, no.
  644. [20:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> oh
  645. [20:14] <Faerzen_Norstov> The wood seems to be ancient though, so hopefully whatever is holding them in place does not have too much strength left
  646. [20:14] <Nick_Varnegs_> i hope so
  647. [20:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> ...take care faerzen, im going into the spire
  648. [20:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Likewise!
  649. [20:15] <Faerzen_Norstov> Let me know if you need anything. :)
  650. [20:15] <Nick_Varnegs_> same thing, see you in some time... or in prospit
  651. [20:16] * Nick_Varnegs_ stops pressing his communicator
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