
A game???

Jun 16th, 2014
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  1. So, I played Fire Emblem: Awakening recently. The one thing that kept coming back to me is that none of my units were disposable. All the playable units had a name and a personality and all that. You couldn't use anyone as a sacrificial pawn; everyone was a knight and if you lost them, they could never be replaced and you had to restart the mission.
  3. I've had an idea for a game for a while that is essentially Fire Emblem but with some different ideas. The biggest change I'd like is that instead of having a bunch of main characters be the guys you fight with, have a few important characters and then a bunch of footmen.
  5. You would have, at most, five main characters who play important parts in the story, and then around eight soldiers under each of those main character's command. Each footman would have a randomly generated name, appearance and stats. If they die, they get replaced. However, with every kill they make they get experience. It would be like XCOM in the way that you start with a bunch of rookies who then grow into a squad of badasses. And then you have the squad leader who is a main character.
  7. So now you still have incentive to keep a unit alive, but at the same time if they die it's a regrettable loss but you don't have to restart the mission. You could have one squad who are total badasses with all the experience and the best equipment, and then two other squads full of inexperienced rookies who are there to be cannon fodder.
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