
it wont leave my head so u can have it

Jul 5th, 2018
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  1. Deep under the water, in quiet hidden bubble dwellings, amid a newly grown, vast undersea forest, a primal rhythm echoed faintly through the water. A symphony of sadness and lust, of anxiety and ecstasy, of worry and of passion. The merfolk who were tasked with making something of this sudden growth were nonetheless attracted by their curiosity to the source of the sound – a dwelling on the far end of its complex. This dwelling in patricular normally made no more noise than the whistling of a tea kettle, the gentle snap of a simple spell being cast, or the sound of books falling off of the shelf.
  3. They were shocked to see the notoriously non-emotive librarian who lived there doing much more than just emoting with the queen of Darastrith in front of a window that hadn’t even had its covers drawn. They whispered among themselves in surprise, and a few rushed off to spread the gossip they had happened upon. This would be in the papers by morning if they could get ahold of that filigree boy.
  5. But the onlookers were of no importance to the pair within. There was nothing that mattered to them but each other in that moment, that tangle of limbs that they had become.
  7. The queen cried out loud enough to hear through the water as she felt the prickle of magic pulse through her fur from his firm but gentle touch. Each movement brought her closer to a height she’d never thought possible as he showed her through example just the kinds of things her new mana was capable of.
  9. So it went that the next few seconds would be like a cascade of dominoes.
  11. In the moments where she felt herself hit that peak of ecstasy, a cry through the aether broke through into her mind. She heard her sister’s voice and almost felt a surge of fear shatter the moment. She felt something swell in her soul and burst into reality in a spectacular display of light.
  13. And suddenly, she wasn’t pressed against that bed anymore.
  15. In her state of mind, she mistook the whorl of colors and pathways in the space before her as what some people called “seeing heaven”. Her hazy, blind consciousness latched onto a beacon of red and blue, swirling together but never quite blending into purple, and followed it. It was strangely familiar, like it was trying to steal her away into the night.
  17. When she next became aware, she had fallen on cobbled pavement on a busy city street, before a gateway made of pipes and steamworks that made her wonder for a moment how she ended up in her sister’s capitol city. But no, this couldn’t be that place. She had never seen a sigil quite like that one before. It almost resembled a dragon.
  19. Next, her eyes found a black cat sitting across the street at what could only really be described as a cafe. She still felt the pull from her that she had a moment prior, and the cat looked extremely confused.
  21. Finally, it dawned on her that she was naked in the middle of a busy city street.
  23. Oh.
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