
Tojo + Jake vs Peter

Sep 17th, 2015
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  1. [14:46] == Peter_Locke [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  2. [14:47] <Tojo_Hajimura> (How high are we?)
  3. [14:47] <Jake_Brandt> not high, first floor.
  4. [14:48] <Tojo_Hajimura> K, From there that makes it easy
  5. [14:48] <Tojo_Hajimura> I don't even think we need to roll stealth ...
  6. [14:49] <Tojo_Hajimura> Well, might as well to be safe
  7. [14:49] <Jake_Brandt> ((Both of us roll stealth?, or just Tojo.))
  8. [14:49] <Tojo_Hajimura> We've teleported 25ft+5*N, where N=12, so 85 feet of distance teleported away from the window. Where does this place us, DM?
  9. [14:50] <`DM> just tojo if he's holding you
  10. [14:50] <Peter_Locke> ((You have an Int mod of 12?))
  11. [14:50] <Tojo_Hajimura> (no, N= number of PP thrown into it)
  12. [14:50] <Tojo_Hajimura> (Isn't it?)
  13. [14:51] <Peter_Locke> ((N=rank))
  14. [14:51] <Peter_Locke> ((Maxes at int mod))
  15. [14:51] <Peter_Locke> ((For flashstep, costs 3 PP per rank))
  16. [14:58] <Tojo_Hajimura> Roll 1d20+2 for multistrike with Liquid Nitrogen vials (5pp cost, 2 targets to the RIGHT hand side of the escape)
  17. [14:58] <`DM> Tojo_Hajimura rolled 1d20+2 for multistrike with Liquid Nitrogen vials (5pp cost, 2 targets to the RIGHT hand side of the escape) [ 1d20=14 ]{16}
  18. [15:01] <`DM> Two of the officers are taken down. Roll perception.
  19. [15:01] <Tojo_Hajimura> roll 1d20+0 perception (tojo)
  20. [15:01] <`DM> Tojo_Hajimura rolled 1d20+0 perception (tojo) [ 1d20=18 ]{18}
  21. [15:02] <`DM> Before the officers are engulfed in a cloud of nitrogen you notice them drop their guns before they cover their faces.
  22. [15:03] <Tojo_Hajimura> "ground" Tojo says to Jacob before beginning his hasty roll into the cloud
  23. [15:04] <`DM> Roll acrobatics.
  24. [15:05] <Tojo_Hajimura> roll 1d20+2 for acrobatics (why? its kinda my MOVE action to move into the cloud)
  25. [15:05] <`DM> Tojo_Hajimura rolled 1d20+2 for acrobatics (why? its kinda my MOVE action to move into the cloud) [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  26. [15:05] <Jake_Brandt> ((Sorry, was afk.))
  27. [15:06] <`DM> You accurately roll yourself right onto where the pistols are. How very convenient.
  28. [15:07] <Tojo_Hajimura> Use a minor action to pick up both pistols, (and if possible, toss one to Jake)
  29. [15:08] <`DM> You pick up the pistols.
  30. [15:09] * Jake_Brandt runs into cloud of smoke
  31. [15:09] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 acrobatics
  32. [15:09] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 acrobatics [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
  33. [15:13] <Jake_Brandt> ((I thought acrobatics was running, sorry. can I use the ath modifier then?))
  34. [15:14] <`DM> ((u can reroll with the athl mod)
  35. [15:14] <`DM> ((otherwise u can just... not roll and run anyways))
  36. [15:14] <`DM> ((its a move action))
  37. [15:14] <Jake_Brandt> ((Does move and athletics for running make a difference?))
  38. [15:15] <`DM> ((well yeah if you wanna roll then you can get something extra if u get a 1 or 20))
  39. [15:15] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Yes, you can do fancy flips and shit. Otherwise nothing XD))
  40. [15:15] <Jake_Brandt> ((Nevermind, just doing move action.))
  41. [15:15] <`DM> ((ok))
  42. [15:15] * Jake_Brandt uses move action to Run into cloud of smoke.
  43. [15:16] <`DM> Jake: You run into the cloud of smoke, and are now probably about five feet away from Tojo.
  44. [15:16] <Jake_Brandt> ((Can I roll perception?))
  45. [15:17] <`DM> ((for anything specific or do u just wanna like... percieve things))
  46. [15:17] <Jake_Brandt> (( To see or hear Tojo.))
  47. [15:18] <`DM> ((ok sure))
  48. [15:18] <Jake_Brandt> roll 1d20+2 to see or hear Tojo
  49. [15:18] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 1d20+2 to see or hear Tojo [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  50. [15:20] <Jake_Brandt> ((Now what?))
  51. [15:20] <`DM> You make out two shadows in the cloud.
  52. [15:21] <Jake_Brandt> Does moving again count as a minor action?
  53. [15:22] <`DM> You can't move any more.
  54. [15:22] <Jake_Brandt> Can I ready myself?
  55. [15:22] <`DM> ((for wht))
  56. [15:23] <Jake_Brandt> (( Opening Eyes wider to percieve better))
  57. [15:24] <`DM> ((uhhh i guess but thatll be 1 minor action))
  58. [15:24] <Jake_Brandt> ((That is all I have left.))
  59. [15:25] <`DM> ((ok so do you do it))
  60. [15:25] <Jake_Brandt> Yes
  61. [15:25] * Jake_Brandt opens eyes wider
  62. [15:25] <`DM> All nine officers move to surround the large cloud.
  63. [15:26] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Facepalm initiated. /)_-))
  64. [15:26] <`DM> Peter's turn.
  65. [15:26] * Peter_Locke hears the clamour and starts sprinting around the building to where everything's going down
  66. [15:27] <`DM> Peter: You notice your officers surrounding a cloud of gas.
  67. [15:27] <Peter_Locke> "What the heck."
  68. [15:27] <Peter_Locke> "Somebody tell me what's up!"
  69. [15:27] * Peter_Locke decaptchas and puts on a gas mask
  70. [15:27] <`DM> Peter: An officer looks at you and tells you: "Boss, the two kids, they're in that cloud! Knocked out two of our guys, I think."
  71. [15:28] <Jake_Brandt> ((How many turns left?))
  72. [15:28] <`DM> ((until?))
  73. [15:28] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((After peter's turn ,3))
  74. [15:28] <Peter_Locke> "Son of a..."
  75. [15:28] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Or 4))
  76. [15:28] <Jake_Brandt> (You had a turn, I had a turn, and peters turn will be three right?)
  77. [15:28] <`DM> ((yeah, im rolling for all of the officers))
  78. [15:29] <`DM> ((it's tojo -> jake -> officers -> peter))
  79. [15:29] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Oh, Turn, not Round))
  80. [15:29] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Well that bomb goes off faster than I thoguht))
  81. [15:30] * Peter_Locke readies an action to fire at the first person to attack
  82. [15:30] <Peter_Locke> End turn
  83. [15:31] <`DM> Tojo's turn.
  84. [15:31] <Tojo_Hajimura> I use a minor action to use my psionic Cantrip to hold the second gun (Hand), and I will now roll to throw the gun in Jake's general direction (Standard action)
  85. [15:32] <Tojo_Hajimura> roll 1d20+2 to throw gun towards Jake
  86. [15:32] <`DM> Tojo_Hajimura rolled 1d20+2 to throw gun towards Jake [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  87. [15:32] * Jake_Brandt catches gun
  88. [15:32] <`DM> ((wait a sec))
  89. [15:33] <`DM> You succesfully toss the gun at Jake. You hear a thud as it hits him on the arm and falls in front of him.
  90. [15:33] <`DM> Jake: You can assume that shadow in the cloud is Tojo.
  91. [15:33] <`DM> (((continue
  92. [15:35] <Tojo_Hajimura> (free action) to turn the volume down, and write "run away from the first shot fired"
  93. [15:37] <`DM> You do so.
  94. [15:37] <`DM> Jake: You hear him.
  95. [15:37] * Jake_Brandt does what Tojo says
  96. [15:38] * Jake_Brandt takes the gun before doing so though.
  97. [15:39] <`DM> Jake it's youre turn
  98. [15:39] <`DM> your
  99. [15:39] <`DM> fuck
  100. [15:39] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((He kinda just DID his turn))
  101. [15:39] <Jake_Brandt> (Actually, was that a minor and a move?))
  102. [15:39] <Jake_Brandt> ((Can I still do an action?))
  103. [15:40] <`DM> ((yeah))
  104. [15:40] <Tojo_Hajimura> (That was a minor and a standard, Prepare and pick up gun)
  105. [15:40] <Tojo_Hajimura> (No actual move action yet)
  106. [15:40] <Jake_Brandt> (Hmm to shoot or not to shoot.)
  107. [15:41] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((I wouldn't recommend it, it'd create return fire, and, well, Of course, it'd ruin the instruction))
  108. [15:41] <Jake_Brandt> (( But I want to shoot the pop in the donger.))
  109. [15:41] <Jake_Brandt> (( But I want to shoot the popo in the donger.))
  110. [15:41] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((L8er :3))
  111. [15:42] <`DM> ((wait no all youve done so fari s pick up the gun.))
  112. [15:43] <`DM> ((ill make that a minor action. u have a major and a move))
  113. [15:43] <Peter_Locke> ((Used move to ready an abscond))
  114. [15:43] <`DM> ((ok
  115. [15:45] <Jake_Brandt> (So only a major?)
  116. [15:45] <`DM> ((yes
  117. [15:46] <Jake_Brandt> ((What bonus do I get for perception? I widened my eyes.))
  118. [15:47] <`DM> advantage
  119. [15:48] == Tojo_Hajimura [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
  120. [15:48] <Jake_Brandt> roll 2#1d20+2 for perception
  121. [15:48] <`DM> Jake_Brandt rolled 2#1d20+2 for perception [ 1d20=17 ]{19}, [ 1d20=17 ]{19}
  122. [15:48] == Jaczac [~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:ec98:cbbd:c67:225e] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  123. [15:49] <Jake_Brandt> ((Darn, two 19s.))
  124. [15:49] == Tojo_Hajimura [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  125. [15:50] == mode/#RPGStuck_C3S8 [+o Jaczac] by ChanServ
  126. [15:50] <`DM> You notice that there are approximately 11 shadows surrounding you now, the closest of which is Tojo. You can hear seagulls nearby.
  127. [15:50] == Tojo_Hajimura [] has quit [Client Quit]
  128. [15:51] <Jake_Brandt> ((How many bullets does a gun have in it?))
  129. [15:51] <Jaczac> ((what gun do you have))
  130. [15:51] <`DM> ((no metagaming. but you can tell the gun is obviously fully loaded because of its weight))
  131. [15:52] <Jake_Brandt> ((I don't get to see how many barrels there are?))
  132. [15:52] <`DM> barrels?
  133. [15:52] == Tojo_Hajimura [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  134. [15:52] <`DM> these pistols have 1 barrel
  135. [15:52] <`DM> theyre like glocks
  136. [15:53] <`DM> theyre not revolvers
  137. [15:53] <Jake_Brandt> (So only one bullet?))
  138. [15:53] <`DM> jacob knows that there's more than 1 bullet in the magazine
  139. [15:53] <Jake_Brandt> ((But I didn't.))
  140. [15:54] <Jake_Brandt> ((I don't know much about guns other than they use gunpowder.))
  141. [15:55] <Jake_Brandt> (So my turn is ended?))
  142. [15:55] <`DM>
  143. [15:55] <`DM> thats what youre holding
  144. [15:55] <`DM> and yeah your turn is over
  145. [15:56] <`DM> The police officers wait outside of the cloud.
  146. [15:56] <`DM> Peter's turn.
  147. [15:56] <Peter_Locke> "Shields out, guns drawn. Be ready for anything."
  148. [15:56] * Peter_Locke equips his riot shield
  149. [15:57] <Peter_Locke> "This doesn't have to end in violence!"
  150. [15:57] <Peter_Locke> "Get down on the ground and we can work this out!"
  151. [15:58] <`DM> "Boss, we didn't bring any gear... just our guns." An officer whispers to you.
  152. [15:58] <Peter_Locke> "Then be ready for anything."
  153. [15:58] <Peter_Locke> "I don't expect this to go well."
  154. [15:58] <Jake_Brandt> ((How many rounds left?))
  155. [15:59] <`DM> ((1 til smoke 2 til bomb))
  156. [15:59] * Peter_Locke readies action to fire once Tojo or Jake attack
  157. [15:59] <Peter_Locke> End turn
  158. [15:59] <`DM> Tojo's turn
  159. [16:02] <Tojo_Hajimura> (Would having the Telekinesis hand squeeze the trigger without regard for aim qualify as a MINOR?)
  160. [16:03] <Peter_Locke> ((Cantrip telekinesis, right?))
  161. [16:03] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((yes.))
  162. [16:03] <Peter_Locke> ((All cantrips are standard))
  163. [16:03] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Kk))
  164. [16:04] <Tojo_Hajimura> I have the hand squeeze the trigger, without regard for aim, then begin wheeling in the opposite direction, downgrading my minor to turn it into a Charge, rather than a move.
  165. [16:04] <Peter_Locke> ((Dashing is also standard))
  166. [16:05] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((/)_-))
  167. [16:05] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((I'll say it like this, then, I RUN.))
  168. [16:06] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((Wheel to be precise, but w/e.)) Turn Over.
  169. [16:06] * Peter_Locke pops readied action
  170. [16:08] <Peter_Locke> Roll 1d20+5
  171. [16:08] <`DM> Peter_Locke rolled 1d20+5 [ 1d20=20 ]{25}
  172. [16:09] <Peter_Locke> Roll 2d6+5 damage
  173. [16:09] <`DM> Peter_Locke rolled 2d6+5 damage [ 2d6=12 ]{17}
  174. [16:09] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((I think you made a few mistakes there.))
  175. [16:09] <Peter_Locke> Roll 2d6+5
  176. [16:09] <`DM> Peter_Locke rolled 2d6+5 [ 2d6=8 ]{13}
  177. [16:09] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((1, obscured vision, 2, COMPLETELY obscured vision))
  178. [16:10] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((3, perhaps you saw the muzzle flash, but the hand was a small distance away when it fired.))
  179. [16:11] <Tojo_Hajimura> ((NVM smoke over.))
  180. [16:11] <Jake_Brandt> ((TOJO DIED!?!))
  181. [16:12] <Peter_Locke> ((Subzero but not dead))
  182. [16:12] == Serket [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  183. [16:12] <Jake_Brandt> ((I swear to god if he dies I am shooting you in the dick.))
  184. [16:12] <Serket> (( 0_0
  185. [16:12] <Serket> (( Why are people dying
  188. [16:13] <Serket> roll 1d413+612
  189. [16:13] <`DM> Serket rolled 1d413+612 [ 1d413=107 ]{719}
  190. [16:15] <Jake_Brandt> Jake: Engage Rage Mode
  191. [16:15] <Jake_Brandt> (( ))
  192. [16:16] <`DM> Uhhhhh
  193. [16:17] <Serket> (( Jake confirmed Page of Rage
  194. [16:17] <`DM> The sight of your fallen ally and possible partner allows you to enter rage mode... I guess
  195. [16:17] <`DM> You still have a major minor and move
  196. [16:17] <`DM> Also a gun
  197. [16:17] <`DM> And a very knocked out Tojo in front of you
  198. [16:18] <`DM> And ten middle aged white men with guns surrounding you
  199. [16:18] <`DM> From a distance that is
  200. [16:18] * Jake_Brandt moves in fronts of Tojo and starts firing randomly.
  201. [16:18] <`DM> woaoaoaoaohaa
  202. [16:18] <`DM> OWAH
  203. [16:18] <`DM> wait a second
  204. [16:19] <`DM> im gonna pretend that didnt happen and leave this at a
  205. [16:19] <`DM> NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z....
  208. [09:21] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Would picking up Tojo's gun be a minor?
  209. [09:21] <Peter_Locke> Jake's turn, then the cops', then Peter's, then the house explodes
  210. [09:21] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Would picking up Tojo's gun be a minor?
  211. [09:22] <Peter_Locke> Picking stuff up is a minor action, yeah
  212. [09:22] <`DM> ill let it be a move
  213. [09:22] == Letaali [] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  214. [09:23] * Jake_Brandt[Rage] picks up Tojo's pistol while twitching
  215. [09:23] <Peter_Locke> "This doesn't have to end this way, Jacob."
  216. [09:24] <Peter_Locke> "Put the gun down."
  217. [09:24] * Jake_Brandt[Rage] checks to see if Peter's mouth is covered with the riot shield as a minor action.
  218. [09:25] <`DM> looking isn't a minor action
  219. [09:25] <Peter_Locke>
  220. [09:25] <Peter_Locke> Yes
  221. [09:25] <`DM> you still have a minor and major
  222. [09:26] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> shoot the two police officers next to him in the throat with each of your guns
  223. [09:26] * Jake_Brandt[Rage] shoots the two police officers next to him in the throat with each of your guns
  224. [09:27] <Peter_Locke> "NO!"
  225. [09:27] <Letaali> ((no rolling needed?))
  226. [09:27] <`DM> nah
  227. [09:28] <`DM> blam blam you blast those two white men to bits
  228. [09:28] <`DM> their heads that is
  229. [09:28] <`DM> you are now blood-splattered
  230. [09:28] <`DM> roll 7#1d20
  231. [09:28] <`DICE> `DM rolled 7#1d20 [ 1d20=7 ]{7}, [ 1d20=8 ]{8}, [ 1d20=8 ]{8}, [ 1d20=5 ]{5}, [ 1d20=5 ]{5}, [ 1d20=1 ]{1}, [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
  232. [09:28] <Peter_Locke> "OPEN FIRE!"
  233. [09:28] <`DM> okay i guess you scared the shit out of 7 officers
  234. [09:29] <`DM> peter its your turn
  235. [09:29] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> I still have a minor
  236. [09:29] <`DM> you shot twice
  237. [09:29] <Peter_Locke> Can I enter Rage mode now?
  238. [09:29] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> at once
  239. [09:29] <`DM> you shot twice my friend
  240. [09:29] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Alright
  241. [09:30] <`DM> peter roll will
  242. [09:30] <`DM> 1d20+wis
  243. [09:30] <Peter_Locke> wot
  244. [09:30] <Peter_Locke> Roll 1d20+2
  245. [09:30] <`DICE> Peter_Locke rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=8 ]{10}
  246. [09:30] <`DM> ok u dont enter rage mode
  247. [09:30] <`DM> u keep ur composure
  248. [09:30] <`DM> ur not upset enough i mean
  249. [09:30] <Peter_Locke> Roll 1d20+5 to hit
  250. [09:30] <`DICE> Peter_Locke rolled 1d20+5 to hit [ 1d20=3 ]{8}
  251. [09:31] <`DM> jesus
  252. [09:31] <`DM> youre holding the shotgun right
  253. [09:31] <Peter_Locke> Pistol
  254. [09:31] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> I would say that at least scraped me
  255. [09:31] <`DM> oh
  256. [09:31] <Peter_Locke> Same as everyone
  257. [09:31] <`DM> jacob's arm is grazed by a very hot, fast rubber bullet
  258. [09:31] <`DM> it makes a small cut
  259. [09:31] * Jake_Brandt[Rage] snarls
  260. [09:32] <`DM> hotbits on
  261. [09:32] <`DM> ok u have a minor left
  262. [09:32] <`DM> yeah
  263. [09:32] <`DM> and ur move action too
  264. [09:33] <Peter_Locke> Can I ready a move action to tackle him?
  265. [09:33] <Peter_Locke> I don't wanna knock him prone or anything, that'd be standard
  266. [09:33] <Peter_Locke> But what happens if I just run into him?
  267. [09:34] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> You'd probably knock a gun off me.
  268. [09:34] <`DM> you would like
  269. [09:34] <`DM> sorta tackle him but not really
  270. [09:34] <`DM> more like bump into him
  271. [09:34] <`DM> like u know how in gta
  272. [09:34] <`DM> u run into someone u just like, bump em
  273. [09:34] <Peter_Locke> Fair enough
  274. [09:35] <Peter_Locke> In that case, ready an action to abscond if he comes after me
  275. [09:35] <Peter_Locke> Or to chase him if he goes after one of the others
  276. [09:35] <`DM> ok
  277. [09:35] <`DM> 1 minor left
  278. [09:36] <Peter_Locke> Switch to real bullets
  279. [09:36] <Peter_Locke> End turn.
  280. [09:36] <Letaali> (( :o ))
  281. [09:36] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> ((The house is exploding this turn
  282. [09:36] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> ((The house is exploding this turn))
  283. [09:36] <`DM> the bombs blow the fucking apartment to shit
  284. [09:36] <`DM> everyone nearby
  285. [09:36] <`DM> takes
  286. [09:36] <`DM> roll 2d4+4
  287. [09:36] <`DICE> `DM rolled 2d4+4 [ 2d4=7 ]{11}
  288. [09:37] <`DM> nonlethal damage
  289. [09:37] <`DM> actually scratch that
  290. [09:37] <`DM> roll 3d6
  291. [09:37] <`DICE> `DM rolled 3d6 [ 3d6=8 ]{8}
  292. [09:37] <`DM> ok no wait scratch that
  293. [09:37] <`DM> roll 3d3d4
  294. [09:37] <`DICE> `DM rolled 3d3d4 [ 3d3=5 5d4=13 ]{13}
  295. [09:37] <`DM> 13 nonlethal damage
  296. [09:37] <`DM> and is knocked out for like i dunno
  297. [09:37] <`DM> a little while
  298. [09:38] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Do I get any advantage on lifesaving throws?
  299. [09:38] <`DM> no
  300. [09:38] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Alright.
  301. [09:38] <`DM> ambulances are on their way
  302. [09:38] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Can I start doing lifesaving throws anyway?
  303. [09:38] <Peter_Locke> If you get to, my whole side gets to as well
  304. [09:39] <`DM> yea man its your call now
  305. [09:39] <`DM> either end up in the hospital or potentially fight everyone some more
  306. [09:40] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> If I go to the hospital I will end up in jail again.
  307. [09:40] <`DM> you go ot jail after recovery
  308. [09:40] <`DM> or you escape the hospital like that one level in hotline miami
  309. [09:40] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Is There a window in the hospital?
  310. [09:40] <`DM> duh
  311. [09:40] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Hmm.
  312. [09:42] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Go to the hospital
  313. [09:43] <`DM> ok
  314. [09:43] <`DM> you are all passed out
  315. [09:43] <`DM> the ambulances come and the medics take you all to the hospital
  316. [09:43] <`DM> uhh
  317. [09:43] <`DM> jake roll will for me
  318. [09:43] <`DM> 1d20+wis
  319. [09:43] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> roll 1d20+2
  320. [09:43] <`DICE> Jake_Brandt[Rage] rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=7 ]{9}
  321. [09:44] <`DM> can you improv a nightmare right now
  322. [09:45] <Jake_Brandt[Rage]> Yes.
  323. [09:45] <`DM> please do
  324. [09:45] == Jake_Brandt[Rage] has changed nick to Jake_Brandt
  325. [09:46] <`DM> peter
  326. [09:46] <`DM> where is anastasia now
  327. [09:46] <`DM> it is like 2-3 hours after the explosion
  328. [09:46] <`DM> everyone's in the hospital now still knocked out
  329. [09:46] <Jake_Brandt> ((Do you want me to post the nightmare on the reddit?
  330. [09:47] <`DM> here if it's okay
  331. [09:47] <`DM> unless you wanna do that weird formatting
  332. [09:47] <Peter_Locke> Ana's chilling on her roof, watching the stars and dealing with a killer hangover
  333. [09:47] * Jake_Brandt enters his nightmare
  334. [09:48] <Peter_Locke> Actually, what time is it at this point?
  335. [09:48] <`DM> night
  336. [09:48] <Letaali> ((oh man, can't wait to improv a nightmare. Tons of source material to use.))
  337. [09:49] <Peter_Locke> Then yeah, Ana's on the roof
  338. [09:51] <Jake_Brandt> Everything is dark, except for a flickering streetlamp. Corpses of his family and lovers surround it, barely in view. Jacob tries to speak, but cannot, it is as he is mute. As he walks to the streetlamp, he notices his father standing against it, smoking a cigar. "Look at you, can't even finish the job! I always knew you would be a failure without
  339. [09:51] <Jake_Brandt> us. You should have killed yourself instead! HAHAHAHA!."
  340. [09:53] == Jaczac [~Jaczac@2601:647:4c01:e8b9:8df0:8947:16d0:7628] has joined #RPGStuck_C3S8
  341. [09:55] <Jake_Brandt> His father takes out the screwdriver from his eye before continuing to speak. "You didn't even have the balls to do the deed while I was awake! Isn't that right honey?" The remains of Jacob's mother pool around his feet, staining the bedroom carpet no more.
  342. [09:57] <Jake_Brandt> The gelatinous blob or gore start to crawl up his legs, almost embracing him before digging itself into his calves.
  343. [09:58] <Jake_Brandt> *of
  344. [09:59] <Jake_Brandt> Jacob finally lets out a pained screech before waking up.
  345. [09:59] <Jake_Brandt> ((Okay guys, I need to go. Cya.))
  346. [09:59] <Letaali> ((cya))
  347. [09:59] <`DM> bye
  348. [09:59] <`DM> jac
  349. [09:59] <`DM> can u give him a level or something
  350. [10:00] <Letaali> ((also, an insane person would have more twisted dreams))
  351. [10:00] <Jake_Brandt> ((Did I forget to tell you the main reason you don't see his parents is because they were consumed?))
  352. [10:00] <Jake_Brandt> ((And I would have fleshed it out more if I had the time,))
  353. [10:01] <Letaali> ((I mean that your parents just tormented you in that dream and bit. An insane person would have eaten them again in that dream and enjoyed it))
  354. [10:01] <Peter_Locke> ((Can confirm))
  355. [10:01] <Jake_Brandt> ((I don't have the time, sorry.))
  356. [10:01] == Jake_Brandt [] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client]
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