
First AiE ever part 1: Anon the glorious failure! (clop)

Jul 7th, 2014 (edited)
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >You've been in Equestria for all of 8 months now.
  3. >Your status as the exotic scary new being in these parts had long since died down.
  4. >Sorta
  5. > And all it really took was some new near disaster involving a pretty pissed off sphinx and some thousand year old curse that had something to do with a plague of frogs.
  6. >Whatever
  7. >You totally helped out
  8. >Although some damn yellow pegasus, Flutterbi or whatever, didn't really approve of your tactics of batting the frogs away like an MLB pro and yelling "TO THE MOOOOOOOONNNAAAAAH!!! BEEEEYAATCH!!!"
  9. >Point was you had sorta become an accepted (read tolerated) member of society, even if there were the few who would still go out of their ways to avoid you
  10. >Well, actually, they almost all do
  11. >You don't mind much
  12. >At least you wouldn't if you still had a computer and internet and Steam and...
  13. >Now you're mostly just bored and admittedly a little lonely
  14. >You took up the hobby of whittling in the mean time
  15. >You still sucked at it
  16. >You've been working with a local contracting business
  17. >With Ponyville constantly being deconstructed, you were usually getting a pretty decent paycheck
  18. >You had moved into a home on the outskirts of town a little ways away from a stream coming out of the Everfree
  19. >Fishing was about the only source of protein you were really able to get around here other than eggs so you spent a lot of time at the waters edge
  20. >On this particularly sunny morning you woke up stark naked as per your preferred sleeping style
  21. >Another great perk of the contractor business was getting weekends and holidays off
  22. >Today happened to be a Friday and some holiday in Equestria
  23. >fuckyeathreedaysoff.jpg
  24. >You pull on some clothes and head into the kitchen to start up some omelettes
  25. >Garlic, tomatoes, onions, some cheese, green peppers, the works minus bacon
  26. >God do you miss bacon
  27. >After scarfing down some damn fine breakfast, you decide to go for a walk to the stream
  28. >Nothing better to do really
  29. >You've grown kinda fond of the place
  30. >You grab your knife and a small block of wood that you fiddle with as you walk
  31. >You stroll down the path from your house heading away from town a ways and take a sharp turn towards the stream
  32. >Coming up to the edge of the water, you follow it towards the Everfree
  33. >You arrive at your destination, a tree about 100 yards away from the edge of the Everfree
  34. >A half mile or so south of here is where Flutter...whatever, lives with a metric fuck ton of animals
  35. >You swear you heard a fucking bear roar from over there at one point
  36. >She actually seemed like a pretty nice per-...pony.
  37. >Still, she hardly said a word to you from day one and the whole thing with whacking frogs out of town while loudly vocalizing the 1812 Overture Finale (you had way too much fun that day) maybe turned her away from you even more
  38. >Still, she seemed to kind of like keeping to herself and her small group of friends anyways and she didn't bother calling you out after the thing with the curse of the sphinx was done with, so why worry with it?
  39. >You walk up to the tree and plop down in your favorite spot where it's roots meet the tree forming a perfect curve like the back of a chair
  40. >You've been coming to this same spot long enough, you've worn the patch of grass into soft dirt where you sit
  41. >It's your go to fishing spot now
  42. >You've been sitting there for several minutes not really thinking about anything just tossing the block of wood around before you start to really have no idea why you are out here
  43. >Oh yea, cause you're a lonely freak of nature to the inhabitants of this place and they don't seem to want anything to do with you so you don't have any friends
  44. >Well...this blows
  45. >You pull out your carving knife
  46. > You're not really even sure what you are carving but you start anyways
  47. >You've only been sitting there for maybe 20 minutes before you pause to really take in your surroundings
  48. >This place really is beautiful
  49. >Each breath you take is the purest quality air that has ever graced your lungs
  50. >You take a glance at the Everfree
  51. >Even though it's pretty dark, it still looks on the outside like any other forest
  52. >You look out in front of you
  53. >You've seen this view many times sitting here with a fishing pole between your legs
  54. >In the distance are tall snow-capped mountains looming over this valley
  55. >Beneath that is a rolling green hill That the sun slowly sneaks behind at the end of a hard day, casting radiant hues akin to molten metal and strands of velvet across the sky
  56. >Currently the sun is high in the sky so there is nothing but bright blue as far as you can see dotted with the odd white puff of clouds
  57. >On top of the hill, a figure that is bent at an awkward angle like a pretzel
  58. >Wut
  59. >You pull yourself out of your reverie and focus in on the odd shape
  60. >How you didn't notice it before is beyond you
  61. >It's moving and bending at a different angle now
  62. >If you didn't know any better and had the movements been a bit more sporadic, you would have thought it was some shit straight out of Silent Hill
  63. >You quickly realize it is another pony of course
  64. >Although you've never seen a pony quite as...flexible as this
  65. >Shit, you've never even seen a human as flexible as this outside of National Geographic
  66. >You watch this pale pony twist and turn in ways that shouldn't be possible before you finally get a good look at their mane and tail
  67. >It is a bright pink and teal in equal parts striping both head and tail
  68. >You try to remember if you've run into this pony in the past, but-...oh who the fuck are you kidding? The only time you even go into town is for the market for groceries, and work. And even then you generally tune out everything but your destination
  69. >All these ponies do is stare at you
  70. >And it wasn't for a lack of trying
  71. >You weren't the most socially awkward person on Earth but these ponies wouldn't even give you a chance
  72. >It's been almost a year since you showed up, why can't they get over it, how different you are?
  73. >You finally notice your target has a pair wings matching her cream-colored coat
  74. >Well no wonder
  75. >You don't pay any attention to the ponies on the ground as is
  76. >You sure as hell don't notice the ones hovering above you either
  77. >The whole fascination with flying horses thing kind of ran it's course and if you were caught staring up in wonder at any of the pastel ponies, it was often met with a disgusted look so you just stopped
  78. >She does have a familiar haircut though
  79. >It reminds you of...oh shit, what was her name again?
  80. >Oh yea, Princess Twilight Sparkle
  81. >With the Princess title attached, you made damn sure you would remember that name
  82. >Especially after she consulted with Princes Celestia, the mover of the god damn sun, upon your arrival and made the decision to let you stay here once it was discovered you really had no clue how to go back to your own world no matter how much you wanted to
  83. >Home sucked at times, but at least you had friends to talk to or go drinking with
  84. >Here, you can still go drinking hard cider or go running
  85. >By yourself
  86. >You realize how long you've been staring at the stretching wonder, and put your attention a bit more on your block of wood again
  87. > You're hands have been moving of their own accord for a few minutes now
  88. >You begin to get an idea as you further cut into the wood
  89. >While stealing a few quick glances up at the pony on the hill, you start to make sense of the shape now in your hands
  90. >You still kinda suck at this, but what else are you gonna do to kill time?
  91. >After a few more minutes pass, the 'pony' in your hands still sucks
  92. >The head is lopsided, the ears are enormous, the body is bumpy and misshapen, and the tail is starting to look more like it's taking an enormous shit
  93. >absolutelydisgusting.png
  94. >The real pony is now lounging about in the grass looking out towards town
  95. >You keep trying to carve away and accidentally slip cutting into your thumb
  96. "AH shit!"
  97. >A bit of blood from your thumb drops from the knife and splashes on the ground
  98. >God fucking dammit
  99. >You give up carving for the moment and put some pressure on the wound
  100. >You put the knife away and just lounge for a while, cradling your cut thumb
  101. >You're thumbs dull throbbing is dying down now at least
  102. ...
  103. >But something is nagging at you
  104. >You don't even know what, just some feeling you have, this primal instinct that keeps telling're being watched
  105. >You look around and even up into the clouds
  106. >Nothing out of the ordinary
  107. >You ignore it for the moment...but it's just getting worse
  108. >Or maybe it's that ungodly smell that's slowly getting worse
  109. >What the hell even is that?
  110. >Whatever it is, it's causing some deep rooted urgent need to be away from the spot you are currently sitting in.
  111. > don't remember ever seeing glowing dots in the Everfree
  112. >It can't be fireflies, it's way too early for that
  113. >...and fireflies typically wink out after a while...and don't stay still
  114. >Okay seriously, did someone step in shit or something?
  115. >That goddamn smel-
  116. "Mother of god..."
  117. >The glowing dots are moving now
  118. >You should have fucking realized that they would be coming from 3 pairs of eyes
  119. >...that are attached to some giant wooden dog...thing
  120. >What is this I don't even...
  121. >They are slowly coming out of the forest and approaching the pony
  122. >Fuck
  123. >It's pretty obvious by now that smell is coming from these big ugly fuckers
  124. >HOW can that pony not smell it yet?
  126. >Your basic instinct is to run like a goddamn Kenyan
  127. >But dammit, you are not about to turn tail and let some pony get mauled by some giant wooden fuckers
  128. >They may not care much for you, but they will really hate your guts if you allowed for that to happen
  129. >Against your better judgement, you get to your feet and don't run like a bitch
  130. "What the hell am I doing?"
  131. >You start running over rocks and a fallen tree stump over the stream and towards the hill
  132. >You gulp in a deep breath of air and bellow out as loud as you can
  134. >The ponies ears dart up followed soon by their head
  135. >You hear the most terrifying roar you've ever encountered emanating from the big wooden dogs as if they had each devoured an entire T-rex which had previously devoured a lion
  136. >If your roar didn't get their attention, that one sure as fuck did
  137. >You falter for a moment from the shock but keep on trucking
  138. >You stop dead in your tracks
  139. >One of the big bastards sniffs the air and looks right at you, the other two slowing their charge and doing the same
  140. >You feel a slight throb in your hand and chance a quick glance down in time to see a fat glob of blood hit the ground at your feet
  141. "Oops"
  142. >At this point you are already about halfway up the hill, the dogs about three fourths and the pony...
  143. "H-Huh?"
  144. >You look around for them
  145. >They were right there, how the hell did...
  146. youDENSEmotherfucker.jpg
  147. >You look slightly up and towards town
  148. >There they are, high tailing it out of there on their, big, fluffy, glorious, fucking wings.
  149. >A quick worried glance back in your direction
  150. "One does not simply fly away from danger!"
  151. >You and the dogs are the only one's who could really hear that
  152. >They dogs aren't laughing
  153. >Actually they are headed right the fuck at you
  154. >You aren't laughing either
  155. >You have fucked up now
  156. >You turn on a heel and do what you should have done from the beginning
  158. >You're no Usain Bolt, but fuck if you weren't moving at the speed of sound
  159. >You take a gamble and peak back over your shoulder
  160. >Bad idea
  161. >The one in the lead leaps at you
  162. >It knocks your candy ass down like...well, a tree falling on you
  163. >You're forward momentum helps you out though and you grab hold of the damn thing and roll with it
  164. >Sorta
  165. >As you regain your senses, you look at what you have in your hands
  166. >You've gotten a hold of it's...ears?, which are still firmly attached to the head
  167. >The body's fallen to pieces while you were tumbling down
  168. >The head snaps once at you and then barks it's horrendous breath at you
  169. "ZOMBIES!"
  170. >You shriek and throw the head with all your might
  171. >As luck would have it, you managed to hit one of the following dogs right in it's big ugly ass head, shattering them both into several pieces of assorted branches, rocks, and leaves
  172. "Get fucking wrecked-OH SHIT!"
  173. >Ever the smart ass, you completely ignored the third and final dog still upright and right the fuck in front of you
  174. >It takes a swipe at you with it's giant branch claws that tear through your shirt and into your chest
  175. "GYAAAAH!!!!"
  176. >You scream and stumble backwards
  177. >The dog leaps, jaws open
  178. >With reflexes you can only have gained through years of playing too much vidya, you reach out in time to grab the thing in midair by the snout and lower jaw and use all your effort to slam them shut
  179. >You now have a very big, very pissed off wood dog in your hands
  180. >This can only end badly
  181. >It's mouth may be out of commission for the moment, but it's feet and claws are still very much alive
  182. >It takes several swipes and you gain new large cuts up and down your body
  183. >Okay, fuck this
  184. "THIS!!!"
  185. >You gain your footing
  186. "IS!!!"
  187. >You wind up your leg channeling your focus, chi, and entire being into your foot
  188. "SPARTA!!!!!"
  189. With your mighty scream that would make Gerard Butler proud, you push the dog backwards and drop kick it's happy yappy ass right in the nads
  190. >Which, of course, were made of rocks
  191. >It's 'eyes' become much larger and it lets out a loud whine before the whole creature falls apart much like the others
  192. >Your foot is on fire, but the dogs are think
  193. >With an evil green glow, the pieces of dog slowly begin to float into the air and reform into their original shape
  194. "Oh gimme a break"
  195. >You didn't mean that literally
  196. >You've backed yourself into the stream by now, the water up to your ankles
  197. >In your moment of stunned revelation, one of the first dogs that went down, the one whose head you popped off probably, is already leaping at you
  198. >It slams into your chest
  199. >You hear crunching and go flying back into your favorite tree completely clearing the stream with the force of the blow
  200. >You land on your ass and do the only thing you can think of
  201. >You pull out your carving knife as a last ditch effort
  202. >You hate the idea of being eaten alive, but you're pretty numb all over right now so it may not be too terrible
  203. >At least you're gonna die sitting in your favorite spot
  204. >You just can't believe your shitty luck
  205. >Here you are trying to help one of these ungrateful damn horses, and what do they do?
  206. >Leave your happy ass to the demons
  207. >That fuck
  208. >The dogs are now fully reconfigured and are now circling around you and your tree
  209. >You're breathing pretty heavy now. You can feel blood dripping from your open mouth
  210. >You hurt
  211. >Everywhere
  212. >Even breathing is hurting your chest
  213. >You probably broke a couple ribs with that latest assault
  214. >You look to each of the dogs still circling closer
  215. "...come...*cough*...come get some, bitches!"
  216. >Gotta be the smart ass dontchya?
  217. >Your head is drooping and you are already losing focus
  218. >Your arm holding up the useless blade is shaking barely a foot above the ground
  219. > You notice a piece of carved wood on the ground to your left
  220. >That ugly ass pony replica you were attempting stares back at you, a bit of dried blood from when you cut your thumb stuck on it's snout and legs
  221. >You chuckled
  222. >You couldn't even really do that right in your short life
  223. >What a way to go
  224. >Close to the chunk of wood is a small black stone, no bigger than your palm
  225. >Guess you could try throwing it at one of these fuckers
  226. >Maybe they'll choke on it
  227. >Yea fucking right
  228. >Your eyes snap open suddenly
  229. >You look up at the dogs just past the knife in your hand, inching ever closer
  230. >With a final jolt of adrenaline, you quickly grab the rock with your free hand
  231. >You raise the knife to it and hesitate
  232. >Eaten by demon tree dogs, or burnt alive at your own hand?
  233. >That's assuming you can even start a flame
  234. >The dogs tense up and glare at you
  235. >Fuck you if you think you're getting a free meal today fuckers
  236. >You choose 'blaze of glory' option
  237. >You strike the knife on the rock
  238. >A single, tiny spark flies off towards them
  239. >It's small, but it's enough
  240. >They snarl at you
  241. >They start to advance
  242. >You begin striking madly at the stone in the direction of your feet where the shavings from your sculpture lay
  243. >Sparks are coming off every strike now and it's causing the dogs to slow their advance and flinch back a bit
  244. >Some of the sparks hit the shavings near your feet and stay momentarily
  245. >Man, if only you had a good fart in you right now...
  246. >You are running out of steam and you still don't have even a little spark staying for more than a few seconds
  247. >I'm givin' 'er all she's got cap'n! I don't have the power!!!
  248. >Welp, balls
  249. >At least you tried
  250. >Goodnight folks, you've been a lovely audience! Don't forget to tip your waiters.
  251. >With one last ounce of desperate strength, you push forward one more time
  252. >A blinding light bursts in front of you like a fucking Halo MAC gun, wiping away the dogs and a whole mess of other shit towards the forest
  253. >You're too out of it to even question what the dick just happened
  254. >Your arms drop to your sides
  255. >You begin to lose focus again as a few colorful figures come into view
  256. >You notice the one leading the several figures is a nice lavender color
  257. >The last thing you remember before completely losing consciousness, is a voice saying, "Timber wolves?! What in the hay are they doin' round these parts again?"
  258. "I'm not sure, but we can't worry about that! Anon is loosing a lot of bloo..........."
  259. >Timber wolves
  260. >What a stupid fucking pun/name
  261. >Blackness overtakes you
  263. END PART 1
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