
MLP Willpower is magic- Prologue

May 4th, 2012
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  1. >Considering the fact that you live in Northern California, the sky is quite beautiful without the clouds.
  2. >The Redwood Forest is so peaceful during the summer. The sound of the wind whistling through the trees, and the soft ocean breeze enveloping your senses.
  3. >You can spot every star, every constellation. The clear night sky resembles the most crystalline diamond.
  4. >It's a nice enough night to go for a walk, and that's exactly what you are going to do.
  5. >You grab your coat, keys, and camera off of the kitchen table. Maybe you'll catch some good shots.
  6. >You walk out the back door and lock it. You might be the only recipient in this lonely forest, but you are still a paranoid fuck.
  7. >You can't help thinking how fucking beautiful the sky is.
  8. >You begin to walk on your own homemade trail, because the owner's was... well it was almost untrekkable.
  9. >The sound of gravel against your boots reminded you of your Dad when he came back home from work. You and your brothers would jump up and down on the couch to see what he brought home.
  10. >If you could turn back in time. Ugh, you could have acted differently...maybe things would still be the same...
  11. >You snap out of your little day dream and spot Moonstone Mountain. It got it's name for attracting so many space-rocks... maybe it's magnetic.
  12. >You make your way to the top of the Mountain. You can see half of the forest up here.
  13. >If only your dad was here. He would have loved this.
  14. >You decide to look up at the sky one more time before you head home.
  15. >You notice an odd yellow flash somewhere in the sky.
  16. >It was probably nothing.
  17. >But then you see a green flash, followed by a red one!
  18. >What is going on up there?!
  19. >The burst of light starts to get brighter and closer to you.
  20. >You are frozen. You don't know if you should be scared or amazed by this.
  21. >The lights dance around each other for a few minutes. Then finally the red and yellow light consumes the green light.
  22. >All you can think is wow. You wish you had internet, maybe this only happens once every thousand years.
  23. >You walk down the mountain side whistling a little tune your dad taught you a few years back.
  24. >Halfway down the mountain you spot a faint green sparkle.
  25. >It's getting closer and closer. This is unreal!
  26. >The light breaks through the atmosphere, and you have to shade your eyes as you notice how bright it really is.
  27. >You can see the outline of the object... Is... is that a man?
  28. >No, that can't be right... he is too small to be wearing a suit...
  29. >You flinch as the light explodes on the side of the mountain 100 yards up the mountain.
  30. >Boom!
  31. >A large cloud of debris bursts into the air. Rocks and pieces of dirt are flying past you.
  32. >You begin to walk up the mountain. Maybe it's radioactive, maybe it's alien, but you can't seem to turn around.
  33. >Almost as if your heart knows whats there, and wants to go.
  34. >And it feels good. You would expect to be feeling fear right now, but instead, you feel a sense of peace you haven't felt since...since your dad died.
  35. >You finally reach the crater where it struck.
  36. >The debris is just settling down as you first notice a faint green glow.
  37. >Maybe you shouldn’t go in there.
  38. >Before you can even think about it, the green light flashes even brighter, as if acknowledging your presence.
  39. >Maybe it can communicate. Maybe it's friendly?
  40. “Hello?”
  41. >You then hear someone coughing violently.
  42. “Hey in there are you umm, okay?”
  43. >“Yeah, I just fell a couple thousand feet, and struck the ground at the speed of sound, i'm fine. Now get your ass in here!”
  44. >You begin to walk towards the strange man, avoiding the rock shards, and splintered trees.
  45. >As you get close to him, you notice his Super-Hero like costume. You focus your attention on him as another fit of coughing envelops him.
  46. > Then you notice he is covered in blood and scratches, along with a sinister gash down his abdomen.
  47. >You rush over to the mans side. You remove your coat, and put it around the man's chest.
  48. “You're hurt! I need to get you to a hospital!”
  49. >The man coughs up more blood before he answers you.
  50. >“Don't worry about me, just listen to what I have to say, before it's too late.”
  51. >You begin tearing off pieces of your shirt. Using them as bandages, but the blood soaks thru in a matter of seconds.
  52. >The man places his hand on your shoulder, and gazes into your eyes. You notice that behind the mask, he has glowing green eyes, but the light seems to be fading.
  53. >“It's okay. I accepted death a long time ago. I do not fear it. Now, listen to my words.”
  54. >You continue to stare into the man's eyes, then you nod your head.
  55. >“Great. Now, what is your name?"
  56. >You manage to speak, "A... My name is Anon."
  57. >"Now Anon, I need to you take this ring, and understand something."
  58. >“I don't have that much time to explain, other than this ring holds tremendous power, and it has called for someone of honest heart to use it. That person is you Anon.”
  59. "Now, take the ring."
  60. >For some reason you trust this man.
  61. >You hold out your trembling hand.
  62. >The man drops the ring into your hand.
  63. >“There is no need to be afraid, here comes the fun part.”
  64. >The man begins laugh, but is soon cut off by another violent coughing fit.
  65. “I never caught your your name.”
  66. >“The names Hal. Hal Jordan.”
  67. "That name... it sounds familiar. Your father used to read you old comics... but those were just stories...
  68. >Hal reaches out his hand.
  69. >You stare at it for a moment.
  70. >“Shake it man. Don't leave a dying man hanging.”
  71. “Oh, heh, sorry.”
  72. >You grab Hals hand, and shakily pulls you close to him.
  73. >“Promise me that you'll never succumb to rage, or lose heart to fear!”
  74. “W-what?”
  75. >Hal strengthens his grip.
  76. >“Promise me!”
  77. “I promise.”
  78. >“Thank you. Now put on the ring, Anon.”
  79. “You want me to put this thing on?”
  80. >Hal shakes his head.
  81. >You think about it... what's the worst that could happen.
  82. >Well, you could explode, then you'd be dead...
  83. >Fuck it.
  84. >You pick up the ring with your thumb and index finger. You examine it for a moment.
  85. >It is the most astonishing thing you have ever seen.
  86. >It's dark green all around the outside, there seems to be symbols too that you have never seen before. The middle of the ring was glowing. There was a strange hour glass symbol directly in the middle of the ring as well.
  87. >“Come on Princess, I know you like jewelry, but I don't have much longer.”
  88. “Oh right, sorry.”
  89. >You slowly slide the ring onto your right index finger.
  90. >Once it connects to your knuckle a flash green light burst out of the ring. It floods thru your body, and you feel a sudden rush of energy flow through your limbs.
  91. >Hal grips your hand again.
  92. >“As soon as I die, this ring will take you to my home planet of Oa. I want you to tell the first person you come across, of my passing. Also, I need you to tell them that Sin-...”
  93. >Hal's hand begins to shake violently.
  94. “Tell them what!?!”
  95. >“I need you to tell them that Sine-”
  96. >He loosens his grip on your hand, then coughs up a mouthful of blood.
  97. >“T-tell them that Sinestro and Atrocitus have j-j-joined forc-”
  98. >His hand drops to the side, then his suit fades into green light, and flows into the ring on your finger.
  99. >Then a small green vapor slips out of his lips.
  100. >You lean your hand towards Hal's neck to check his pules, but before your hand reaches his neck a green ball surrounds you.
  101. >You are lifted up into the air, and then you are launched towards the night sky.
  102. >As you exit the earths atmosphere all you can think about is what Hal was talking about. Who are Sinestro and Atrocitus, and why are you going to another planet!?
  103. >You begin to panic as Earth gets smaller, and smaller.Then you remember Hal's words. “There is no need to be afraid, here comes the fun part.” I hope to God he is right.
  104. >End of MLP Willpower is Magic :Prologue.
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