
SweetApple-What a Mess

Dec 5th, 2013
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  1. >what was i thinking?
  2. >all i was suppose to do was go out and get some berries for back home
  3. >and now i'm stuck here
  4. >in a closet
  5. >albeit a cozy closet
  6. >with lots of tasty clothes
  7. >but still
  8. flashback
  9. >it was a warm summer night
  10. >new moon tonight, but I could see very well in the dark, so it wasn't too bothersome
  11. >my father had sent me out to pick some berries at the edge of town for a recipe he was making
  12. >shouldn't be too difficult of a task, right?
  13. >right?
  14. >so i fluttered away from home out to the edge of the town to get some, when something caught my eye
  15. >something that i'm really wishing i hadn't seen right now
  16. >somebody had left there lights on
  17. >i knew that i should have just kept on going, but i couldn't help myself
  18. >i mean, just look at it
  19. >that warm, soft light
  20. >it makes me feel all fuzzy inside
  21. >the part of my head telling me to stop fluttering towards there house kept getting quieter and quieter
  22. >all i could think about was that mesmerizing, glowing ball
  23. >it was amazing
  24. >not only did they leave the lights on, but they forgot to lock the doors too!
  25. >i was able to go right in to the beautiful glowing source
  26. >the house was amazing
  27. >the room that had the light coming from it had all white walls, making the light from the lamp on the nearby desk bounce off the walls
  28. >it was like heaven
  29. >i could have stayed in there forever
  30. >i couldn't help but start dancing around
  31. >fluttering in the air
  32. >right next to the light
  33. >that beautiful, stunning, amazing lamp
  34. CRASH
  35. >"oh no!"
  36. >"oh why do i always have to make such a mess out of everything!"
  37. >out of my daze i could finally see what i had done to this poor earth ponies house
  38. >everything looked destroyed!
  39. >tables were flipped over
  40. >papers and pictures and book were scattered all over the floor
  41. >and worst of all, i broke their amazing lamp!
  42. >Of course I definitely would have tried to clean up the mess I had made
  43. >but I heard something upstairs.
  44. >A pony!
  45. >How could they have been home!
  46. Of course they were home you idiot, why wouldn't they be?
  47. And they would be asleep right now if you weren't such a screw up all of the time!
  48. >I had to get away from there somewhere.
  49. >So I fluttered away into the kitchen
  50. >Just in time to hear them scream in terror at the mess I had made.
  51. Nice going, dumbass.
  52. >I couldn't help myself though.
  53. >The lights were amazing!
  54. >I mean, really
  55. >Who could resist THAT!?
  56. >It's almost like they were begging me to come inside and mess everything up for the both of us.
  57. >Right?
  58. >Either way, I had to get away from them somehow.
  59. >I just couldn't face getting yelled at by them.
  60. >I hate it when other ponies yell at me.
  61. >It's just mean.
  62. >I could hear them trotting towards the kitchen.
  63. >Grunting angrily.
  64. Oh no ;~;
  65. >I made a dash for the nearest exit I could find.
  66. >The door just lead to another room in his house though!
  67. >An then another
  68. >An then I found myself looking back into the destroyed living room.
  69. >It's like a circle...
  70. >and he's still in the kitchen!
  71. >I decided to fly back up the stairs that he came down from, hoping that maybe of course I could find a window to fly out of.
  72. >And yes, in case you're wondering, it did occur to me that I could have just gone out the door I came in from.
  73. >Sadly, it's only occurring to me now, whilst hiding in his closet.
  74. Sigh
  75. >Sorry, anyway.
  76. >So I flew up the stairs and instead of finding an open window to fly out of, which there was one now that I think of it, I saw that he had turned on the light in his room before coming downstairs.
  77. Greeeeeeeat
  78. >And I tried to stop myself.
  79. >I really did!
  80. >But who could possibly fight against such beauty.
  81. >Such warmth
  82. >Such happiness..
  83. >It was up on the ceiling.
  84. >It was even more beautiful hen the light from before!
  85. >Just looking at in made me go into a trance.
  86. >I kept hovering closer to it.
  87. >and closer
  88. >and closer
  89. >It was so amazing.
  90. >It was like nothing I could possibly put into words!
  91. >Until I flew to close to it and hit my head on the ceiling, making a loud thud.
  92. >I heard him start galloping back upstairs, the fear in me overwhelmed the trance like state I was in.
  93. >I flew towards the nearest door I could find.
  94. >And now I'm here.
  95. >In his closet.
  96. >Eating his clothing, of course.
  97. >Because really, why not make it even worse!!!!
  98. >I need to learn some self control.
  99. >He's in the room now.
  100. >My heart is beating out of my chest!
  101. >I don't know what to do!
  102. >I look through an opening in the door.
  103. >Oh no!
  104. >He's coming this way!
  105. >He's coming towards the closet!
  106. >I can feel tears building up in my eyes.
  107. >I don't want to have to face this!
  108. I'm sorry ;~;
  109. >He opened the door
  110. >I can't look at him
  111. >Why am I shaking so much
  112. >I can hardly move
  113. >Don't cry
  114. >Don't cry
  115. >Don't cry
  116. >I said don't cry
  117. >Stop crying
  118. >I said stop crying!
  119. >Why can I stop crying.
  120. "Who are you?" he said.
  121. Now angrily, but more like he pitied me.
  122. >All I could manage was to grab onto his legs and beg for him not to be mad at me.
  123. >I'm so pathetic.
  124. "Come on, come on. Stop crying and just tell me who you are. I'm not mad anymore, okay?"
  125. >I looked up, wiping ears from my eyes
  126. >"My name is metronome." I managed to whimper out.
  127. >"I'm sorry I broke your house."
  128. "Listen, you don't need to be sad about it anymore, okay? You can just help me clean it up an then we can forget it ever happened."
  129. >"um.. okay."
  130. >"One last thing."
  131. "And what is that, metronome?"
  132. >"We probably shouldn't turn the lights on if I'm going to be helping clean up."
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