
The Dazzlings Take The L And Move On

Mar 7th, 2018
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  1. >Well the Battle Of the Bands didn't go well.
  2. >The three sirens still feel that stage far behind them.
  3. >They stride further and further away, but it still feels so close to them.
  4. >So close, they may as well still be on it.
  5. >Getting booed by those who were supposed to adore them.
  6. >They find no comfort in talking.
  7. >Their pendants are shattered, their voices forever ruined.
  8. >Silently, they shy away.
  9. >Refusing to even consider facing the music that stopped playing for them.
  10. >Now they hide in their apartment they rented.
  11. >Waiting for whatever nightmare this is to end so they can wake up.
  12. >As if waiting will do anything.
  13. >The fame is gone, it's just going to take time for it to sink in.
  14. >The only red glow is coming from the stove top.
  15. >Ramen noodles are being boiled.
  16. >It'll have to suffice for food for now.
  17. >But it's thrown away; no appetite.
  18. >No one sleeps.
  19. >Night turns to morning, and the spotlight of the rising sun couldn't be more un-welcomed.
  20. >Adagio clenches her fists only for a few seconds.
  21. >Searching in her mind for a way to reverse this.
  22. >It's already over, and her so-performers have already taken their L's.
  23. >Adagio faces away from hers as it shines through the window.
  24. >Birds chirping as dew drips off of the grass blades outside.
  25. >Bags are under Adagio's eyes.
  26. >She knows she can't sit here forever.
  27. >At least not before the other two get back up sometime in the late afternoon.
  28. >Having payed their debt of a full night's worth of sleep.
  29. >They would have missed lunch anyway.
  30. >Now Adagio sits on the couch, letting the ceased booing still play in her head.
  31. >She frowns, then frowns deeper.
  32. >The leader needing to hatch a plan that will never grow.
  33. >Feeling a clash of remorse and vengeance that the Mane six will never know.
  34. >She closes her eyes and opens them; nope, still here.
  35. >How many years has it been?
  36. >It can't just end right now all of a sudden, can it?
  37. >She has to do something.
  38. >Like fall to her side and soon get taken by force by her own fatigue.
  39. >Not a single tear is shed, too much shock.
  40. >Aria and Sonata find Adagio passed out on the couch as 7 pm.
  41. >They're the first of the three to note that Adagio turned the TV on.
  42. >Was subconsciously trying to distract herself from the stage.
  43. >They turn it off and make some more ramen noodles with hot dogs they find in the freezer.
  44. >Time to get used to this kind of food again.
  45. >Until... neither of them even know what.
  46. >They wait together for Adagio to awaken and strike the strive for vengeance into their hearts.
  47. >Sonata suggests that they maybe get daytime jobs somewhere.
  48. >Aria plays around with the blame, pointing it anywhere but towards herself.
  49. >Adagio awakens to them arguing.
  50. >She stops them and looks out the window, asking if the show is still going to happen this evening.
  51. >She doesn't feel her pendant on her.
  52. >The answer is no.
  53. >Aria does what she can to convince Adagio tp let it go.
  54. >That she's acting desperate, that she might as well follow Sonata outside to get some groceries.
  55. >The store's going to close soon.
  56. >The store closes without any of the Dazzlings getting anything.
  57. >Sonata got lost on the way over, ended up going back to find Adagio and Aria arguing loudly.
  58. >She's physically drained enough to go back to sleep and get up in time to make it to the store when it opens tomorrow morning.
  59. >When it's not too dark to see which streets are which.
  60. >Adagio's suggested plan falls flat before it even starts.
  61. >Aria just sits there with her arms crossed, waiting for Adagio to finish blowing off stream and leave her alone already.
  62. >She's not going back up on stage.
  63. >No matter how badly Adagio wants it.
  64. >There's no more promises of a cheering crowd, Adagio's heart isn't in it strongly enough to persuade Aria.
  65. >She eventually quiets down and goes back to silently planning.
  66. >Aria watches TV and drains her mind of the concern.
  67. >Sonata lies in her bed, imagining how much all of the kids at CHS must hate her now.
  68. >And Adagio didn't get a chance to have any ramen noodles before they were all gone.
  69. >...
  70. >Weeks later.
  71. >Trips to the store have become common.
  72. >A time time has begun for the Dazzlings.
  73. >They can't do much in public anymore besides go the the side of town where they rarely showed their faces before.
  74. >It's a good thing the store was always in that direction.
  75. >The one with the kind of food they need to survive now.
  76. >Finally, they start to get used to living like this.
  77. >But not to feeling like this.
  78. >The stage is far behind Aria and Sonata, but they still feel emptiness.
  79. >Adagio still stands on it, facing away from her L.
  80. >Still harboring a plan in mind as she watches Aria pout at the TV in the living room.
  81. >As she watches Sonata blankly stare at the window.
  82. >She twiddles her thumbs.
  83. >Looks around, stands up, sits back down.
  84. >Still not getting off of that stage.
  85. >Aria sits on the couch, motionless, waiting for the sky to get dark so she can go to bed where it's more comfortable and away from Adagio's eyesight.
  86. >Still not getting back on that stage.
  87. >She's done, and assumes Sonata is as well.
  88. >Seeing as she shows no interest in going back to that school.
  89. >It just brings up sour feelings in them.
  90. >Nothing new to add to it; the Battle of the Bands was lost.
  91. >Taken by some outsiders who resisted the Dazzlings.
  92. >How unfortunate the magic didn't work on them.
  93. >It costed the trio their haven.
  94. >Now it's in disarray, and all they can do is hold the L and let it go.
  95. >Now Adagio sits in front of the TV, but it's not on.
  96. >She wants to think.
  97. >It's been even more weeks now.
  98. >Adagio is devoting too much time to thinking.
  99. >Thinking and wallowing in the feelings.
  100. >What if there's a way to restore the haven?
  101. >To take the stage back and...
  102. >How much work is that going to take?
  103. >She's gotten used to the good tasting food.
  104. >Adagio will admit that it's something she missed out on while feeding off of hatred.
  105. >Now that someone has subverted that, she turns to something she's been ignoring.
  106. >She doesn't have to worry about dressing up to get onto stage.
  107. >Or working on a schedule.
  108. >Having places to be all the time, new targets to feed off of.
  109. >Aria finally started sitting next to her.
  110. >Not really talking to her, nothing further than a few glances.
  111. >Sonata seems to be moping less.
  112. >She's really been getting attached to her new job at the fast food restaurant on the end of town the trio just found out about.
  113. >She's the first to move on.
  114. >Earning her own money and finding happiness in the little things like she always knew she could.
  115. >It's easier than singing with the other girls on stage.
  116. >In fact, she's perfectly fine with working multiple shifts and being the one who brings in a paycheck for rent.
  117. >Becoming social.
  118. >Plus, spending time away from the sad old apartment is a big plus.
  119. >This new environment is where Sonata likes to be; at her job.
  120. >She talks to and has fun with people, has free food since she works there, and gets to build something new around her.
  121. >Aria spends her days washing all old thoughts away with sitcoms and premiere movies with spurts of commercials.
  122. >Eventually grows very lazy, but content.
  123. >Listens to music; instrumental music.
  124. >Now she can call herself happy.
  125. >Even though she's bored a lot of the days, but something inside is still reminding her of itself.
  126. >All she has to do is think back a few months.
  127. >And wonder what on earth Adagio still thinks of all this after all this time.
  128. >...
  129. >Even adagio has been wondering such a thing.
  130. >She doesn't know what is under her feet at this point.
  131. >She stands but she can't feel herself on her feet.
  132. >Sits down and waits for each day to end, forgetting to plan.
  133. >Puts it off until her heart returns to it.
  134. >Revenge will surely come one day.
  135. >She just knows it, but she also knows that she doesn't actually know it.
  136. >Just waiting until she knows what she knows.
  137. >How she really feels about this versus how she wants to feel.
  138. >Well, one day, Aria and Sonata walk up to her.
  139. >She's in the middle of making lasagna in the kitchen after a long day of nothing.
  140. >They come up tp her and ask to have a talk.
  141. >Sonata apparently made enough money for a vacation.
  142. >Aria's getting bored of looking at the insides of these same old walls just as much as Sonata used to be.
  143. >Adagio confesses that she shares this feeling.
  144. >The three talk about where to take a trip to.
  145. >One thing after another comes up.
  146. >Turns out they can pay less for an RV than this apartment.
  147. >They don't really have many physical objects that they own anyway.
  148. >Staying on one side of town to avoid scorn more easily is no fun either.
  149. >It's like staying out of the apartment.
  150. >The Battle of the Bands soon comes up in conversation from this.
  151. >Adagio seems hesitant to talk about it.
  152. >she eventually talks about it.
  153. >She talks about the apartment.
  154. >And the RV.
  155. >And how she's sick of being reminded of all the time she's spent in this apartment being all for nothing.
  156. >This is how the three share the feeling about the apartment.
  157. >Again, one thing leads to another.
  158. >Adagio turns away from the stove, having turned it off 40 minutes ago.
  159. >Turns around to face Aria and Sonata, carrying their L's with Adagio's L between them.
  160. >...
  161. >Leased.
  162. >That's what the sign in front of the apartment says.
  163. >...
  164. >Three weeks later.
  165. >Far away from town.
  166. >Today was move-out day.
  167. >The open road has a single RV driving along its length.
  168. >Heading into the countryside.
  169. >The bright afternoon sun shines off of the roof.
  170. >And the stage is far behind it.
  171. >Adagio happily hums as her hands hold the steering wheel.
  172. >L in her fingers.
  173. >She takes a deep breath, taking in the wind from the opened side window.
  174. >Aria and Sonata are in the back chilling out and enjoying themselves.
  175. >Not even having a single thought about the stage back in the town the already forgot about.
  176. >The song is over, but the story is only beginning.
  177. >Pit stop after pit stop, the Dazzlings prance out of their RV and see all the sights they can.
  178. >Into the cities, into the hills, into the open plains...
  179. >They explore what they find, partaking in activities along the way.
  180. >Finding new things to enjoy, spending so much more time outside.
  181. >Traveling together and bonding more than they have ever since they came into this world.
  182. >The weight of the L's grows lighter and lighter until they can't feel it anymore.
  183. >None of the three young ladies care anymore.
  184. >The time to move on has come and gone, and it was made good use of.
  185. >Now the three gaze is awe as they drive past a vast canyon at the end of the day.
  186. >They visit a site of the ancient natives.
  187. >They watch plays in the middle of a downtown area one day, not registering what they use ro feel in the presence of a stage.
  188. >It's nice being in the audience and enjoying the show.
  189. >It's even nicer being in the audience that enjoys the stage that is the world around them.
  190. >Relaxing and having fun every step of the way.
  191. >Doesn't matter if it's day or night, everything's right.
  192. >The past doesn't mean a thing now, it's all about the now and converting the future into what the now is.
  193. >At one point, the Dazzlings stay at a hotel that has a few cushioned chairs outside beside a pool, overlooking a large grassy knoll.
  194. >Beyond that is the rest of the world.
  195. >The three of them put on their sunglasses and inhale the cool summer air.
  196. >Not remembering how many years have passed by now.
  197. >They stare up at the clouds through their shades.
  198. >Daydreaming in the dream life they never knew they wanted until now.
  199. End, I guess.
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