
V and A's business Chapter 3

Sep 11th, 2014
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  1. Chapter 3 Morning Rituals
  2. >You awaken to the sounds and smells of breakfast being cooked.
  3. >You keep your eyes closed and try to figure out what’s cooking with just your nose and ears.
  4. >From what you can hear, it sounds like eggs are being scrambled, and your nose detects the smell of cooking pancakes.
  5. >You also detect another smell, much different than any other smell you have ever smelt before.
  6. >It was a semi-acrid smell that made your stomach feel a little weird.
  7. >You open your eyes and crawl off the couch, which was possible twice at comfy as your old bed, and cautiously make your way into the kitchen.
  8. >There you see Anon, he’s bobbing his head to a tune in his head and is flipping a pancake.
  9. >He grabs the spatula and holds it like a microphone and sings, “… To change who I used to be. A reason to start over new, and the reason is YOU!”
  10. >He does a spin and comes face to face with you.
  11. >You are currently trying not to burst out laughing.
  12. >You fail miserably.
  13. “HAHAHAAHA, nice voice man!”
  14. >The blush on his face was redder than any cherry or tomato you have ever seen.
  15. “Good morning, Anon. I didn’t know you could sing so well.”
  16. >Now that you were done prodding him, you notice he really did have a good singing voice.
  17. >”Yeah… I used to be lead vocalist in a band back home, we did covers of other bands.”
  18. >You nod, a good way to get popularity was to cover other, more popular, bands.
  19. >If done right, it made both bands look good, if done poorly, it just made you look like posers.
  20. “Cool story bro… how is breakfast coming?”
  21. >He spins around again, seemingly just remembering that he had food on the burner.
  22. >”Just about ready, go sit down and turn on some music in the living room o we can jam during breakfast.”
  23. >You trot over to the table and pick up Anon’s iPod with your magic and try pushing on it.
  24. >It makes a click and the screen lights up.
  25. >This was without a doubt the coolest thing ever.
  26. >You see a button marked “music” and push it.
  27. >The device makes another click and brings up a new menu.
  28. >You see a button marked “random” and press it.
  29. >Music immediately begins playing, (
  30. >You had never heard of music like this.
  31. >it had a beat unlike any you had used before, and the vocals were so unique.
  32. >”Oh, good pick Vinyl! Daylight come and we don’t want to go home!”
  33. >Anon starts singing and dancing to the music and you can’t help but bust a few moves yourself as the song continues.
  34. >The track continues and the two of you are practically your own dance crowd.
  35. >Then the song ended and the next one started (
  36. >”Man, this is one of my old favorites!”
  37. >The song is much different than the other one, it had a catchy upbeat rhythm to it and a different type of vocal.
  38. >Listening to it made you feel happy and full of energy.
  39. >Anon and you continue to dance, admittedly with a much faster pace, and he bounces between dancing with you and keeping the food in order.
  40. >You keep this up till the song ends and the next one kicks in (
  41. >Once again, the music was much different than any previous music you had heard before.
  42. >It had a snappy drum in the background that made you bob your head around and the lyrics were unique and full of emotion.
  43. >You marveled at Anon’s impressive music collection!
  44. >”This was really popular back home!”
  45. >The two of you slow the dance down and grabs your front right hoof and pulls you upright and begins to drag you into a weird two step.
  46. >It was strange because you had never danced upright, but fun because he seemed to know what to do even if you didn’t.
  47. >His experience made it to where, even if you felt a little off kilter, the moves the two of you pulled must’ve looked like it was two professionals.
  48. >The tow of you dance this way until you smell the pungent scent of burnt eggs.
  49. “Anon, the eggs are burning!”
  50. >He lets you go and flips around to try to salvage the eggs.
  51. >while he does this the song changes again (
  52. >And again with the incredibly different music!
  53. >This song had a fast paced rock tone with a female singer that made you wanna hit a mosh pit!
  54. >The lyrics were about a woman who stole a guy away from another girl, but you didn’t care, the song was just too good for that to matter.
  55. >While you were jamming out, Anon had loaded up two plates with oodles of delicious pancakes, eggs, and on Anon’s plate, strips of meat.
  56. >The meat explained the smell that hit your nose earlier.
  57. >Just as the two of you sit down and start eating, with you avoiding looking at Anon’s plate, the song changes.
  58. > (
  59. >It started off very somber and when the colt started singing, you were drawn in by his emotions and word.
  60. >Than the chorus hit, and it gained a bit of complexity that you could appreciate.
  61. >Anon’s head was swaying back and forth with the song as he shoveled food into his mouth.
  62. >The two of you silently ate breakfast and listened to the music.
  63. >It was a nice change to what you had gotten used to in Ponyville…
  64. >You, alone, bored, and eating some shitty flavored dry cereal.
  65. >You promised yourself right then and there, you would never go back to that!
  66. >With renewed vigor you finish off the rest of your meal.
  67. >”Well, now that you have some food in ya, I would suggest working on your music line up for tonight!”
  68. >Anon was right, you had to focus on what music you would be playing so you were prepared!
  69. >”I need 10 songs for a full show, I would strongly suggest using the three you used in Ponyville, and pick 7 more that you think would fit the mood, they don’t have to be dubstep but never pick a classical song and you should be ok!”
  70. >You can understand the classical thing, most ponies would get sick and tired of the same music over and over again and this is Canterlot, the classical mecca.
  71. >You knew of a few songs that might fit in with what the crowd wanted, but you were gonna have to consult the list of music you had with you to get a better idea for your playlist.
  72. >”I have a few errands I need to take care of around town so I will leave you to it.”
  73. >You nod and levitate your music list out of your saddlebags… this was going to be one crazy night!
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