
DLR - Agatha Finch

Mar 8th, 2016
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  1. Name: Agatha Finch
  2. Race: Human
  3. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d8
  4. Skills: Faith (Arcane) d8, Fighting d4, Healing d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Streetwise d4
  5. Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 6, Charisma: 0, Grit: 1
  6. Gear: Unarmed Strike d4 (Str), Colt Peacemaker d6 (2d6+1, 12/24/48), Double-Barrel d6+2 (1-3d6, 12/24/48), Knife, Bowie d4 (Str+d4+1)
  7. Special Abilities:
  8. •Curious: Must check out everything and solve all mysteries
  9. •Stubborn: Always wants her way; Never admits she's wrong
  10. •Vengeful: Seeks to right all wrongs against her
  11. •Arcane Miracles: Gain the Miracles arcane background
  12. •Nerves of Steel: Ignore 1 point of wound penalties
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