
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 9

Nov 2nd, 2013
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  1. ==================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. A policy of noninterference was suggested by Twilight, and she was put in charge. Her efforts to enforce the policy have been in vain, as Anonymous keeps meeting new ponies. Through her studies of Anonymous she is beginning to question if noninterference was the right call, especially after learning of Anonymous' social behavior.
  4. Last Chapter: Twilight and Anonymous paid a visit to Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. As a helpful distraction Twilight asked Pinkie to bake some food for Anonymous to try at Applejack's. Twilight also asked Rainbow to ask Applejack to get some natural style foods to try, and to find Fluttershy. While Twilight and Anonymous wait on the hill, they go through the drawings. Twilight manages to communicate in some way before Anonymous runs off into the woods. Fluttershy catches up and the two ponies chase after Anonymous. A Bandersnatch attacks, and Twilight has to use her magic to throw Anonymous into the air. When Anonymous is placed on Twilight's back, it wraps its arms around her neck tightly causing her to suffocate. After a crash landing to escape Twilight and Anonymous are more than a little shaken up.
  6. Posted in Thread 871
  7. ==================================================================================================================
  9. >The creature continues to cry into Fluttershy, and you watch the scene from your spot on the ground.
  10. >All you can see is the top of its head and Fluttershy’s back.
  11. >Thoughts of everything concerning Anonymous rise up alongside the returning soreness in your throat.
  12. >Not once have you done anything but try to help it.
  13. >Although ill-informed, you always had the best of intentions, and kept Fluttershy’s words at the forefront of your mind.
  14. >It was scared and you tried to keep it safe. When it looked threatened you had put yourself in the way.
  15. >You even gave it the benefit of the doubt, and argued its case.
  16. >And yet, that brief moment lingers. The vain struggle, the frantic desperation, the absolute terror.
  17. >Every ounce of energy your body had to give went into that moment, and all that was left now is heavy exhaustion paired with bitter uncertainty.
  19. >Your body and sense of invulnerability was bruised sapping away the motivation to move, but Fluttershy had relieved most of the mental grief.
  20. >As she hangs onto the creature you lay down to rest. The bodily pain was still muted, but stiffness was setting in.
  21. >A nap would be great right now; even better if you could be in your own bed; in your own house. With your companions Spike and Owlicious to keep you company.
  22. >But there’s still so much you have to do, so much you have put aside for Anonymous.
  24. >Sleep threatens to take you. Not even the foreign cries of the creature can distract the fatigue.
  25. >The temptation to give in is overbearing, the notion of letting someone else deal with it all whispers sweetly into your ears.
  26. >But that’s not you. You don’t give up on solving a problem, especially when others are counting on you.
  27. >Progress was being made, things are starting to connect. You just have to keep pushing forward.
  30. >Once Anonymous’ crying shifts into soft sobs you gingerly rise up from your position on the ground.
  31. >There are lunch plans you need to get to, and you should all clean up first.
  32. >If anyone is suited to treat Anonymous it’s Fluttershy, not the hospital.
  34. >Any hints of ache or strain are hidden in your tone. You try to maintain your usual calm demeanor, but your body demands you keep your voice low.
  35. “Come on, Fluttershy. Let’s take Anonymous to your place and treat those wounds.”
  36. >Slowly lifting herself up, she allows Anonymous to cling to her in order to stand.
  37. >”Alright, Twilight.”
  38. >Once upright the creature proves at least healthy enough to move on its own.
  39. >Anonymous remains on the side of Fluttershy opposite of you.
  40. >Using her for support it staggers towards the cottage with its face towards the ground.
  41. >There’s a hint of a glance here and there, but it is mostly following her blind.
  43. >Silence carries through the air save for the slow tender steps across the hills.
  44. >The injuries make walking a chore, and heavily slow the pace.
  45. >For once it was Fluttershy who was in the lead; unharmed by today’s events.
  46. >Anonymous was just able to keep up with her assistance, and you fell slightly behind.
  47. >Every few minutes your butterfly marked friend would sneak a troubled look at you from the corner of her eyes.
  48. >She keeps facing forward and pushing on, but frequently adjusts her speed.
  49. >It’s like she’s afraid one of you will fall over at any moment, but also in a rush.
  50. >You should strike up some conversation to take her mind off things.
  51. >Now is a good of a time as any for that apology.
  54. “I’m sorry for sending you home yesterday, Fluttershy.”
  55. >Although forced low, your voice keeps its humble yet factual tone.
  56. >She offers a quizzical expression in return. Her natural modest gait takes over.
  57. >”What do you mean?”
  58. “I should have let you stay and help. You’re really good with animals, but I was being selfish and didn’t realize how helpful you could be.”
  59. >”That’s okay, I—“
  60. “It wasn’t okay. Things would have been a lot easier with you there. You would have made a big difference.”
  61. >The spirit of your voice did not shift or waver.
  62. >What you said was true, and the important thing was learning from it.
  63. > Fluttershy offers a consoling smile. The same kind Celestia always gave when you explained your mistakes.
  64. >”I’m sure you did your best.”
  66. >Your best wasn’t the goal here. Keeping everyone safe was.
  67. “I wasn’t prepared for this. It’s so much different than taking care of Spike. There’s just so much we don’t know; so many possibilities we have to account for.”
  68. >”The important thing is to try. If it makes you feel better, I accept your apology.”
  69. >Where was she pulling all of this confidence from? Lives could potentially be at stake here.
  70. >Still, that did make you feel better; at least in regards to Fluttershy.
  71. >The thought of Anonymous still puts everything on edge.
  73. >It takes a lot longer for the three of you to reach the cottage, but eventually you get there.
  74. >As you all near the entrance Fluttershy calls out in her normal low voice.
  75. >”Angel Bunny, could you please get the door?”
  76. >The door swiftly opens despite the lack of urgency in her request.
  77. >Did she tip it off somehow?
  79. >Leading you passed the living room and into the kitchen, she directs Anonymous to a chair at the end of the table. She then leaves the room to get her kit.
  80. >You stand near the kitchen entrance on the opposite end.
  81. >The distance between you and Anonymous eerily similar to the gap in Ponyville earlier today.
  84. >Fluttershy swiftly returns with a large white case with a red cross.
  85. >Once she opens it you can see that it is full of bandages and gauze, ointments and salves.
  86. >”Take off your pack, Twilight, and let me take a look.”
  87. >You can wait.
  88. “Take care of Anonymous first.”
  90. >Moving over to Anonymous she offers a reassuring smile.
  91. >”Show me where it hurts.”
  92. >It does not react other than holding its stare.
  93. >Taking the initiative, Fluttershy lifts up Anonymous’ arms and looks down their length.
  94. >The scrapes are caked in blood and dirt.
  95. >Moving to her sink Fluttershy grabs and soaks a rag.
  96. >”Let’s start with getting you cleaned up.”
  97. >As the damp cloth drifts down the limbs the damage appears to wash away.
  98. >The blood has purged the wounds of foreign bodies, and has already started the seal.
  100. >It took several minutes for Fluttershy to finish with just one arm the cuts were so numerous.
  101. >The whole time Anonymous sat there silently, just watching her work.
  102. >It’s passive nature has returned allowing Fluttershy to turn and move the body at her will.
  104. >Save for the light red markings closing the holes and the various blotches of purple, everything looks fine.
  105. >Relatively speaking. No wide open gashes or deep wounds, but the creature would still probably want some time to recover.
  106. >With both arms now done Fluttershy tosses the rag into the sink, and grabs another.
  107. >After soaking the new one she turns around and stops. Her eyes shift from Anonymous to you then back to Anonymous again.
  108. >Her approach is more tentative this time. Once she gets back to her spot in front of Anonymous she sets the washrag on the table still dripping wet.
  109. >In a mix of reluctant courage she raises one of her front hooves to Anonymous’ chest.
  110. >”Does this hurt?”
  111. >Before you can even consider her intentions she gives the creature a poke.
  114. >Anonymous lets out a dull yelp, and Fluttershy quickly retreats her hoof.
  115. “Fluttershy, you shouldn’t—“
  116. >”It’s okay, it’s okay.”
  117. >The calming whispers were directed more towards Anonymous than you.
  118. >”I’m just going to help.”
  119. >Her uneasiness never left, but neither did her resolve.
  120. >Using the same hoof she slowly grabs the end of Anonymous’ front protection.
  121. >She doesn’t intend to…
  122. >She does!
  124. >The veil rises bit by bit. You can’t just sit there for this, you need to see!
  125. >Stuck in the same awkward pace as Fluttershy, your mind tries to hustle you forward while your body tries to stop you in your tracks.
  126. >Despite the reservations of your instincts, you are in position next to Fluttershy before she registers what is underneath.
  127. >”Oh my….”
  129. >A sea of harm is in full display. The trauma from the harsh landing lay bare across the creature’s skin.
  130. >There’s no extra protection, no hidden weapon, not even a mound of fur.
  131. >It’s just more skin, heavily bruised and stained with a few spots of blood. The only thing the clothes did was prevent most of the dirt from getting in there.
  132. >Visions of every single living being you know of play through your head.
  133. >How? Just how?
  134. >How can something grow that big with no protection?
  135. >There’s so many dangerous creature’s in the world, of all shapes and sizes.
  136. >It needs to have something!
  137. >Even minotaurs have horns!
  139. >The creature has shown no signs of being able to do magic, or move particularly fast, or blend in.
  140. >Does it actually try to wrestle against enemies? Using its arms like two giant anacondas?
  141. >Even then it has to compete with fangs and claws.
  142. >If it was some sort of ambusher the idea would hold more water, but it constantly gave away its position.
  143. >What advantages does it have? What is its niche in the wild?
  144. >From its hooves, to its hands, to its posture Anonymous resembles a minotaur.
  147. >It lacks the horns, but the hands appear more developed. They more resemble the hands of….PRIMATES!
  148. >The research done last night jumps at you. It must be more reliant on tools than you first thought.
  149. >And if Anonymous was the result of a magic experiment primates may have been one of the components!
  150. >Before continuing the thought a sudden motion from in front demands your attention.
  152. >After one too many seconds of staring, Anonymous pushes the front end back down.
  153. >Fluttershy’s grasp breaks, and the creature returns an agitated stare.
  154. >”Ah, sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it; it just wasn’t what I was expecting.”
  155. >The flight path of logic was delayed as you register the exchange.
  156. >All of this time the clothes could have just been acting as a sort of disguise, hiding the vulnerabilities.
  157. >”Please let me just….”
  158. >She tries to raise the front end again, but Anonymous is not cooperating this time.
  159. >Bringing that fact to light was probably unnerving for the creature. You certainly would want to hide your weaknesses if you were in its place.
  160. >Spurned on by her desire to help, Fluttershy keeps at it.
  161. >She can’t make even the tiniest amount of progress against Anonymous’ firm hold, which sets off a cold reminder of its strength.
  162. >”It’ll only be for a minute…”
  164. >You can follow your lead later, but now it was your turn to help Fluttershy.
  165. >Putting your own hoof on her shoulder, you coax her to cease the tug-of-war.
  166. >She means well, but even her caring nature can sometimes blind her compassion.
  167. “Fluttershy, let it keep the clothes. If that makes it happy we’ll just have to work around them.”
  168. >Almost immediately she snaps out of it and relents in delicate defeat.
  169. >”Alright.”
  172. >Still caught in the moment you continue to watch the procedure
  173. >Grabbing a bottle from the case with her mouth, Fluttershy dumps some liquid on a gauze pad.
  174. >”This may sting a little.”
  175. >Anonymous lets out a flat and short groan as the pad touches the skin, followed by a sharp hissing noise.
  176. >Fluttershy dabs a few times at each mark, and then moves to the next.
  177. >As the next cut is brushed she brings her face near the previous spot and gently blows on it.
  179. >Oddly enough, the creature does not try to pull away from her or retract from the pain.
  180. >It allows Fluttershy to once again do as she pleases, giving itself over to her care.
  181. >Maybe it does understand, or at least recognizes your intentions.
  183. >Like gears shifting into place you feel a mental click.
  184. >Social animals would rely on the aid of others. It could be familiar with this practice.
  185. >If it wasn’t a pet or an experiment then its species has its own form of medicine.
  186. >Even the simpler animals have methods of healing, types of foods and plants to eat to fight certain conditions, but this was a more advanced process.
  187. >Pair that with everything you learned so far today, one of your originally low possibilities nears the top.
  188. >This new species may actually be a new civilization.
  190. >As Fluttershy circles the creature’s arms with bandages you watch for any signs of comprehension on its face.
  191. >It offers very little, the eyes only passively observing and its body numb in full submission.
  192. >Maybe Anonymous’ species actually has a sort of symbiotic relationship with another one?
  193. >An agreement where one species takes care of them when they are hurt, and receives something in return?
  194. >That could explain a few things, especially if that other species is ponylike.
  195. >The docile state, the comfort found in company, the tendency for co-operation instead of competition.
  196. >But still things don’t add up.
  199. >If being either civilized or part of a membership is the case then why has no one heard of it before?
  200. >Princess Celestia and Luna used to travel the whole world regularly.
  201. >Even ancient ruined temples were being explored by other ponies and nations.
  202. >Why did this creature just suddenly show up? Why was it alone? Where are the others like it or the theoretical partner species?
  203. >The only option to make any sense is the result of some spell or a mix of spells.
  204. >Anonymous may have been sent here before the caster even saw the end effect. Accidentally including a transportation spell in a transformation spell isn’t that farfetched.
  206. >”There, much better.”
  207. >Anonymous now had a mix of white bandages and exposed skin on its arms and legs.
  208. >Stuck in your own speculation you didn’t even notice Fluttershy do the bottom half.
  209. >She is absolutely beaming with good cheer, and gives a short happy nod to Anonymous.
  210. >”How do you feel now?”
  211. >A sound starts to roll out of the creature’s mouth, but it just as quickly cuts itself off.
  212. >Barely a peep had made it through.
  213. >Instead it opts to poke at the bandages, letting out small winces before pulling back and trying again.
  214. >Don’t poke at it…..bah.
  216. >The urge to scream rises in tandem with the frustration.
  217. >Everything remains so hypothetical.
  218. >For each question answered two more appear.
  219. >At least the new information gave you some faith back in the big question.
  220. >Anonymous isn’t hiding something horrible.
  221. >It still has potential to be dangerous, though.
  223. >There’s a tinge of venom accompanying that thought.
  224. >How ugly it is to be bitter.
  225. >Even if it didn’t mean to cause harm, it still did.
  226. >You’ll admit you haven’t done everything right, but you went out of your way to help Anonymous.
  227. >You freely gave of yourself, but asked so little in return.
  228. >And a part of that fact eats at you.
  231. >However, that is paired with guilt.
  232. >To the largest extent Anonymous has been kind, and it actually needed you all of this time.
  233. >If it had wanted to, it had many opportunities to hurt you from on your back.
  234. >Or to hurt Fluttershy, or the crusaders.
  235. >Not once did it show any such desire.
  236. >If it was going to hurt anyone, even accidentally, at least it was you.
  237. >You were the one responsible for it. The one tasked to learn about it.
  238. >If it was not for a combination of factors you could have gotten away safely.
  239. >And you can forgive Anonymous eventually.
  241. >Anonymous has stopped poking at its bandages after a few times.
  242. >It now leans forward a little allowing Fluttershy to lift the fabric on its back.
  243. >The front still remains a no go zone, but after attending to the limbs Anonymous seems to trust her a little more now.
  244. >Using the fresh rag she had brought over she again cleans, sterilizes, and bandages the area.
  245. >The way it is positioned in front of you makes it look meek. It reminds you a little of how the creature looked when you first investigated it.
  247. >”All done.”
  248. >Fluttershy drops the veil back down and Anonymous sits back up.
  249. >”I really wish you’d let me do the front too.”
  250. >Catching your stare it locks its eyes with yours.
  251. >”You’re turn, Twilight.”
  252. >Immediately Fluttershy breaks the moment and draws your attention.
  253. >Well, you avoided her for long enough.
  255. >You move back to where you were originally standing. Taking off your bag you set it on the far end of the table.
  256. >Anonymous watches from its chair as Fluttershy drops the dirty rag into the sink.
  257. >Soaking a new, larger, towel she joins you and starts brushing your coat against the grain, searching for where the ground hit you the hardest.
  258. “It’s nothing too major. Just some sore spots on my back and rear legs.”
  261. >Without even looking at you she gives your ribs a poke.
  262. >The pain causes you to let out a small yelp and wince similar to Anonymous. At the end you offer a sheepish grin.
  263. “Ow! And there too.”
  264. >She returns to the procedure, her conduct strictly clinical.
  265. >”Stretch out your wings, please.”
  266. >Doing what was asked proves more difficult than expected.
  267. >A light burn was present at the base.
  268. >Your impromptu doctor lightly brushes against the tips and works her way to the base, a few damaged feathers fall here and there as she wipes across each section.
  270. >When she reaches the base you let out a reverse hiss as you suck in air.
  271. >Her hoof gives another brief pass. The parting of your fur where the joints meet your back allows for a chilly sting from the air.
  272. >”How long were you wearing your saddlebag, Twilight?”
  273. “Um…I used it last night for a bit, and then put it back on this morning. Why?”
  274. >The damp cloth travels across the spot in question causing your back to retract into itself.
  275. >”Oh, it’s nothing too serious; just some light chafing. You shouldn’t wear your pack if you are going to fly.”
  276. >Searching through the first aid kit she pulls out some ointment.
  277. >After putting down a small layer she applies it to your tender joints. A cold soothing sensation causes a light shudder.
  279. >”Try not to use your wings for a day or so. You really shouldn’t do too much at all with how hurt you are. Just take it easy for a while.”
  280. >That’s not really your call.
  281. “There’s still a lot to do, and I have to stay close to Anonymous.”
  282. >”Nurse Fluttershy’s orders. Anonymous needs to rest too.”
  283. >Well you can always try.
  284. “I’ll see what I can do, but we really need to get to Applejack’s for lunch.”
  285. >The reminder brings her back to her usual self.
  286. >”Oh, okay. I’ll be quick.”
  287. >In no time at all you mirror a partial pony mummy with bandages around your chest, hind legs, and the base of both your wings.
  290. “Thanks Fluttershy. We should get going now.”
  291. >”It was nothing. Um…can you wait for me to feed the animals their lunch first?”
  292. >Getting back to the farm was important, but having her along was more so.
  293. “Of course.”
  295. >Once Fluttershy starts opening the various food containers all sorts of animals start to gather around the cottage.
  296. >Anonymous outright leaps from the chair to take a look at the commotion.
  297. >It goes towards the fluffy ones that came inside, like the pair of minks, with a sort of wonderment in its eyes.
  298. >That doesn’t look like a predatory nature, but you still charge up your horn to be safe.
  299. >With the return of some confidence in Anonymous’ good nature, you allow the buildup to be slow to prevent another backlash from the strain.
  300. >The inquisitive minks seem more interested in examining this new creature than running.
  301. >Anonymous reaches for each one with a separate hand. In turn the minks push their noses up towards the foreign appendages and sniff.
  302. >Both hands stop and allow the curious duo to investigate. After a short moment of silent introduction contact is made.
  303. >Anonymous runs its hands down the entirety of the lunch patrons, the minks showing no fear in this new guest.
  305. >The display delights Fluttershy as she joyfully gives out food to all of her animal friends.
  306. >As you watch, the spell in your hold triggers a remembrance of Anonymous’ possible origins.
  307. >If it was product of magic a dispel should return the separate components to their normal state. There’s also the slight chance it could reverse the teleport spell, and send the ingredients back to their master.
  308. >The spell would be of no danger to the components, but it could change everything. If it works Anonymous wouldn’t be Anonymous anymore.
  309. >If it doesn’t work then that would give more than enough proof to eliminate the magic probability.
  310. >Do you risk it? Do you risk possibly losing Anonymous for some solid answers?
  313. >Anonymous sits with the minks who are enjoying their fish, while Fluttershy moves from group to group around the house
  314. >None notice the purple glow of your horn shift to the neutral white.
  315. >If you don’t find out now the possibility will never leave.
  316. >The doubt would forever continue to grow and grow.
  317. >You HAVE to know!
  319. >The neutral white glow soon coats the creature, containing just a hint of purple.
  320. >Anonymous lifts its hands from the minks and brings them to its face.
  321. >Every millisecond endlessly holds back the answer you are not sure you anticipate.
  322. >The hands work to push the creature up. One leg shifts underneath as the other unravels.
  323. >Before it can fully rise, the aura expires with zero fanfare.
  324. >The spell has run its course.
  325. >And Anonymous is still there.
  327. >All energy leaves your horn along with every chance of Anonymous being a child of magic.
  328. >Relief, remorse, annoyance, and anxiety swirl together like a soup within you.
  329. >You may have gotten more answers than you bargained for, but it had to be done.
  330. >With magic now kicked completely off the feasibility ladder, you have made a giant leap towards some sort of final answer.
  332. >Anonymous is standing in the kitchen looking kind of confused.
  333. >The stare appears to indicate it connected the surrounding glow with you, but it doesn’t seem to be able to figure out what you did.
  334. >How could you explain it? Should you explain it?
  335. >You barely have a means to communicate as is, and even if you could tell it doing so may do more harm than good.
  336. >Maybe you’ll try later.
  337. “That was nothing really, just a small test.”
  338. >Offering an awkward smile and a dismissive wave of your hoof you try to convince Anonymous, assuming it can understand the motions.
  339. >The reply is as fruitless as any other. It promptly breaks eye contact and sits back down with the minks.
  342. >With the dispel a bust, it is back to the drawing board.
  343. >That primate lead should still be followed. Fluttershy has a lot of books on animals, maybe she has something?
  344. >Twirling around the room you find no sign of yellow. Where did she go?
  345. >As you move towards the living room Anonymous scoots away from you a bit when you pass by.
  346. >That’s new.
  348. >She’s not in the living room either.
  349. “Hey, Fluttershy! Do you have any books on monkeys or gorillas?!”
  350. >A cushioned yell comes from upstairs.
  351. >”Just feeding the birds. One second.”
  352. >True to her word it doesn’t take long for her to come back down the stairs.
  354. >”Thanks for waiting. What are you looking for?”
  355. “Any books on primates, preferably science or biology editions.”
  356. >”Oh. I, uh, I have a few.”
  357. >Walking over to one of her shelves she pulls away some bags full of bedding. Behind them is a collection of animal books.
  358. >Animal Alphabet, Equestrian Bestiary A-Z, General and Advanced Pet Care, Biology Series 4.
  359. >So that’s where the first copy went.
  360. >Grabbing the latest Biology edition with your magic you remove it from the shelf.
  361. “This one should do for now. Thanks Fluttershy, I’ll return it in a few days.”
  362. >”No worries, I don’t use that one much anymore after finishing it.”
  363. >She read the whole thing already? It’s a science tome, and you put in the order for one last month.
  365. >”Sorry for keeping you waiting. We can go now.”
  366. “Alright, let’s head out.”
  367. >The both of you head back into the kitchen.
  368. >You put the book in your saddlebag and wear it out the door. Meanwhile, Fluttershy coaxes Anonymous up from the floor.
  369. >”You should head back home now Mr. and Mrs. Mink.”
  370. >The pair rushes out the door soon followed by Fluttershy and Anonymous. Once everyone is outside Fluttershy closes the door.
  371. >With Anonymous on one side of her and you on the other the three of you head to Applejack’s.
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