
World of Warcraft - Old God Speculation

Apr 26th, 2017
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  1. N'Zoth confirmed with Battle for Azeroth. Duh.
  3. holy fuckkk
  4. been watching speculation videos
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ETu0ZDlWOo
  6. YouTube
  7. Nobbel87
  8. Speculating on the future of WoW, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT *not clickbait* [Lore]
  11. Theres apparently 5 keys to unleash the old gods according to the guy who whispers to you in EN (Il'gynoth)
  12. 1 Keyturner, the master of ravens
  13. 5 keys
  14. -Aegis of Aggramar
  15. -Eye of Aman'Thul
  16. -Tears of Elune
  17. -Tidestone of Golganneth
  18. -Hammer of Khaz'goroth
  20. Keyturner and master of ravens
  21. - Archmage Khadgar
  22. We're gunna defeat sargaras, and use the Pillars to seal him away from Azeroth, but by doing so, unleashing N'Zoth paving way for a new expansion (Whispers of the Old Gods)
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erhJRo_Kz8Y
  24. YouTube
  25. MadSeasonShow
  26. WoW's Next Expansion? Prediction
  29. Major Enemies we've dealt with:
  30. (TBC) Illidan Stormrage
  31. (TBC) Kael'Thas Sunstrider
  32. (WotLK) Arthas/Lich King
  33. (Cata) Deathwing
  34. (MoP) Garrosh
  35. (WoD) Archimonde
  36. (Legion) Gul'dan
  37. (Legion) Kil'jaeden
  38. (Legion) Sargeras
  40. Major Enemies we haven't dealt with:
  41. Queen Azshara
  42. Old God N'Zoth
  43. Jaina Proudmoore(edited)
  44. Madarã - Today at 9:06 AM
  45. Keep in mind N'zoth is the aquatic old god that is based upon Cthulu.
  46. He's corrupted Deathwing/Neltharion, Queen Azshara, co-created Emerald Nightmare,
  47. N'Zoth was sealed in a location halfway between the Well of Eternity and the site where Uldaman was later built.
  48. N'Zoth can be released with a key, just have to find the lock
  50. Various Il'gynoth whispers
  51. "N'zoth... I journey... to Ny'alotha..."
  52. "To find him, drown yourself in a circle of stars" - Find N'zoth? Drowned?
  53. "The boy-king serves at the masters table. Three lies he will offer you" - Anduin? or Wrathion?
  54. "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it" - Jaina Proudmore? Sylvanas?
  55. "At the hour of her third death, she will usher us in" Again, Sylvanas?
  56. "The lord of ravens will turn the key" Archmage Khadgar? Open Pandora's Box of Old Gods, tryna seal away the Legion?
  57. "Five keys to open the way. Five torches to light our path" Five keys? Five pillars? Five Continents?
  58. https://www.reddit.com/r/warcraftlore/comments/54euhf/ilgynoth_whispers/?st=j1z2dpx5&sh=81ccb6ae
  61. "The king of diamonds has been made a pawn"
  62. This could refer to Magni Bronzebeard, during cataclysm he was investigating an old titan tablet but it turned out that it was trapped. He was cursed and turned into a diamond in old ironforge. He came back during the beginning of legion and he claims that through this curse he was also connected to the voice of the world "Azeroth" who used to be a titan. He is the one who told us about the pillars of creation, and if he truly is a pawn, he has ulterior motives, and he did it so he would unleash N'Zoth uponn the world.
  66. Beginninng of the fight - Tranquil planet in the background
  67. Phase 2 - Planet now conquered by Burning Legion
  68. Last Phase - Purple, Old god corrupted planet with tentacles, a homage to N'Zoth.
  69. reddit
  70. Il'gynoth Whispers • r/warcraftlore
  71. So Emerald Nightmare just was released this week, and while I'm a bit behind on posts, I wanted to open up a spoiler-y discussion on some of the...
  73. "Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it"
  75. Doesn't this refer to Azeroth, our titan planet? This would mean she's already corrupted by the old gods and this ties in with the diamond king quote, with Magni being made a pawn by listening to a corrupted titan-soul
  76. I wanna make a cult nnow
  77. start ushering in the return oof the old gods
  78. become a shadow priest
  79. N'Zoth is probably the fucker under tirisfall glades. he IS connected with the Emerald nightmare and corruption. Thats probably why the faerie dragoooons are there
  80. We need to find out what the circle of stars is
  81. onlything i can think of is that faerie circle
  82. but yuo cant drown there
  83. or can you
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