
Pumaroh Sheet

Feb 2nd, 2015
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  1. Name: Pumaroh "Hunter of Hunters"
  2. Solar Exalted: Dawn Caste
  3. Concept: Champion of the marginalized and protector of the weak.
  4. Motivation: To build a functional kingdom, marry a human princess, and watch his people prosper.
  5. Characterization: Bold, doesn't think before he speaks. Physically powerful and immensely inspiring. Has issues admitting when he's wrong, extremely defensive. Prideful to a fault. Can (literally) hold a grudge for centuries.
  6. Physical Description: 7 foot tall beastman facial structure is mostly human aside from a feline nose pad, pointed ears, and feline teeth. Has half a glasgow smile, his teeth can be more accurately described as fangs and his hands have claws that could slice a man's belly open. His body is covered in fur that ranges from creamy beige to tan brown. He has a long tail used primarily for balance and typically wears a suit of Lamellar Armor over his chest, arms, legs and tail. He rarely goes into battle without a razor harness (straps of leather adorned with vicious razors to wound people being grappled) and fighting gauntlets that allow him to use his claws as well as parry attacks. He carries a Longbow with him everywhere he goes (or more accurately he banishes it Elsewhere and summons it when needed) Typically he's accompanied by a mixed retinue of beastmen and humans. Escaped slaves, tribal warriors, street toughs and all manner of human trash discarded by society.
  7. Anima: His Anima usually manifests as a golden flame, burning across his form as well as forming a crown of ethereal fire above his head.
  9. Notes: Beastman-Feline Template 9 BP of mutations.
  10. Fur: The mutant’s skin changes, and he is now covered in light fur. The character gains one die in all Survival pools and
  11. does not need to wear clothing to protect him against the elements.
  12. This pox also adds 1L/1B to the mutant’s soak. This pox cannot be hidden.
  13. Large: The character grows to an unusual size. He gains one dot each in Strength and Stamina and an additional -0 health level. This pox is still (barely) within normal size range, and the mutant can still pass as a normal (if very large) human. (Taken more than once, this pox becomes a deficiency.)
  14. Tail: The character gains a tail. A pox tail is basically cosmetic. It is furred like a cat’s, but the mutant cannot use it to manipulate things, hang from branches or attack. The mutant gains two dice in Athletics pools as the tail aids in balance. The tail can be hidden under clothes.
  15. Claw+Fangs: The mutant gains short but sharp claws AND fangs. Clawed punches or kicks inflict lethal damage, and a fanged mutant’s bite also delivers lethal damage. Claws can be retractable or hidden under gloves, but fangs are visible whenever the mutant eats or speaks.
  16. Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Scent): The mutant’s sense becomes unnaturally acute. The character gains two dice on all Awareness rolls relating to that sense. This pox is physically obvious in unusual eye color or shape, large pointed ears, an elongated nose and so forth.
  17. Night Vision: The mutant’s eyes are adapted to see in the dark like a cat or an owl. The mutant can see as easily on a moonless night in a city or a deep forest as ordinary humans can on an open plain or leafless forest on the night of the full moon, and can see as well under the full moon as well as ordinary mortals can in full daylight.
  18. ---------------
  19. -Virtues-
  20. Compassion:**
  21. Conviction:**
  22. Temperance:**
  23. Valor:***
  24. ---------------
  25. Willpower:*****
  26. ---------------
  27. Essence:***
  28. Personal Pool: 14
  29. Peripheral Pool: 31
  30. Attuned Motes: 6
  31. ---------------
  32. Virtue Flaw
  33. Root Virtue: Valor
  34. Name:300 Confirmed Kills
  35. Limit Break Condition: Any time the character is disrespected or humiliated.
  36. Description: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little mortal? I’ll have you know I graduated top of humanity as Dawn Caste, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on The Realm, and I have over 300 confirmed Terrestrial kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top marksman in the entirety of Creation. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this world, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over I AM? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Gold Faction Assassins across Creation and your Manse is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the The First Age and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what shining solar retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn barbarian. I will shit Valor all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
  38. ---------------
  39. Intimacies
  40. Ironwood Grove: Pride in his Kingdom
  41. Ironwood Workers: General fondness, wants them to work hard and earn their keep
  42. Ironwood Nobles: Mixed emotions, some are good warriors and hard working merchants, others are wealthy parasites or hard to control.
  43. Local Humans: No strong feelings either way, willing to hurt or help as the situation calls for it.
  44. Local Beastmen: combination of paternal protective emotions and competitive aggression, takes it personally when beastmen commit atrocities or act poorly as it reflects badly on him and his kin.
  45. Spinner-In-Gold: Uncertain of how to react to such an odd beastwoman, potentially useful, useful as an advisor and craftwoman and sorceress.
  46. ---------------
  47. -Physical-
  48. Strength:***(*)
  49. Dexterity:****
  50. Stamina****(*)
  51. ---------------
  52. -Social-
  53. Charisma:***
  54. Manipulation:***
  55. Appearance:**
  56. ---------------
  57. -Mental-
  58. Perception:***
  59. Intelligence:**
  60. Wits:**
  61. ---------------
  63. -Abilities-
  64. ---------------
  65. -Dawn-
  66. Archery:***
  67. Martial Arts:***
  68. War:****
  69. ---------------
  70. -Twilight-
  71. *Occult:****
  72. ---------------
  73. -Zenith-
  74. *Integrity:***
  75. *Presence:***
  76. Performance:***
  77. Resistance:***
  78. Survival:**
  79. --------------
  80. -Night-
  81. Athletics:***
  82. Awareness:**
  83. *Dodge:***
  84. --------------
  85. -Charms-
  86. First Excellency: Archery, Athletics, Awareness, Dodge, Integrity, Martial Arts, Occult, Presence, Performance, Resistance, War
  87. Archery:
  89. ESSENCE ARROW ATTACK Cost: 2m; Mins: Archery 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental Keywords: Combo- OK, Obvious
  90. Duration: Instant
  91. Prerequisite Charms:
  92. None
  93. The character charges an arrow with Essence. The effects are based on the character’s fighting style and anima. This Charm always adds the character’s Essence in damage to an Archery-based attack. In addition, players can pick one of the following effects when purchasing this Charm.
  94. Righteous Judgment Arrow: The Solar can spend a third mote on this Charm to add four extra dice of damage to the attack. This variation has a distinctive visual effect usually related to the character’s anima. Pumaroh's Arrows blaze with golden fire and scream like a wildcat as they soar through the air. Characters can purchase additional effects for this Charm at a cost of one experience point each or one bonus point for both.
  97. Cost:—(1m per attack); Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type:
  98. Permanent
  99. Keywords: Obvious
  100. Prerequisite Charms: Essence Arrow Attack
  101. The bane of the mortal archer is his dependence on ammunition, but Lawgivers can use this Charm to shape sparkling arrows of Essence. This Charm permits a Lawgiver to make ranged attacks without using ammunition. Each such attack costs one mote of Essence. The Exalt can attack as if using any form of ammunition without Resources cost, such as a broadhead, fowling, frog crotch or target arrow. This Charm permanently enhances the Exalt’s capabilities. Therefore, shaping motes into ammunition is an unrolled reflexive action and not a Charm activation.
  104. Cost: 1m; Mins: Archery 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 3)
  105. Keywords: Combo-OK
  106. Duration: Indefinite
  107. Prerequisite Charms: Phantom Arrow Technique The Chosen may set aside their weapons for a time, but a life of peace can never be their fate. The Solar first draws a ranged weapon that he owns and has used to inflict damage in battle. This Charm banishes that weapon to Elsewhere. The Solar can then draw the weapon directly from Elsewhere later, using a miscellaneous action. The Charm ends when he does so. If he cancels the Essence committed to this Charm while the weapon is Elsewhere, the weapon falls to the ground at his side. This Charm can banish only objects (including artifacts) deliberately created as ranged weapons.
  109. Occult:
  111. Cost: 3m; Mins: Occult 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
  112. Keywords: Combo-OK
  113. Duration: One scene
  114. Prerequisite Charms: None
  115. Spirits cannot hide from the Lawgivers. Spirits such as demons, ghosts and gods often move through the world in dematerialized form, completely hidden from all observers. This Charm lets the character see, hear, smell and feel—but not touch—dematerialized creatures. It makes dematerialized creatures within the normal range of the character’s senses valid targets for the character’s Awareness actions, including reflexive Awareness actions.
  118. Cost: 1m; Mins: Occult 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
  119. Keywords: Combo-OK, Dawn, Obvious
  120. Duration: Instant
  121. Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Detecting Glance
  122. The Solar Exalted may attack even the subtle Essence of dematerialized spirits. This Charm enhances an attack, making dematerialized creatures within the attack’s normal range valid targets. The attack deals aggravated damage to spirits, materialized or otherwise. This Charm is explicitly permitted to supplement actions using other Abilities. Note that if the character cannot see the spirit he attacks, he receives the normal -2 external penalty.
  125. Cost: 2m; Mins: Occult 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 10)
  126. Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
  127. Duration: Instant
  128. Prerequisite Charms: Spirit-Cutting Attack
  129. The heroes of the First Age used Ghost-Eating Technique to slay the Neverborn and the demon hordes. Spirits normally dissipate rather than dying when they lose all of their health levels to damage. The Solar invokes this Charm after making a successful attack that damages or dissipates a spirit. In addition to the normal damage from this attack, this Charm transfers a number of motes from the spirit to the Solar equal to (the Solar’s permanent Essence x 2). If the spirit loses its last health level to this attack and dissipates, this Charm consumes the spirit utterly. Its Essence dissolves, and it will never be remade. This charm cannot absorb more motes from a spirit than total levels of damage dealt by this attack. Motes drained do not go into the Solar's essence pool, rather these torn-off fragments of spiritual power swirl invisibly around him, empowering him to continue his assault on unruly spirits. For each mote drained the Solar may launch one Spirit-Cutting Attack at no mote cost Phantasmal images of captured spirits flicker and churn through the Solar's anima until all Spirit Cutting attacks have been used or the scene ends, at which point the drained power dissipates.
  131. Presence:
  133. Listener-Swaying Argument
  134. Cost: 5m; Mins: Presence 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
  135. Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion, Social
  136. Duration: One scene
  137. Prerequisite Charms: Any Presence Excellency
  140. Locked in debate, the Solar's words fall so sweetly upon the ears of listeners that those of his opponent become harsh and discordant in comparison; such tonal inflections render the content of the conversation irrelevant. While this Charm is active, third-party observers to any debate the Solar engages in believe the Lawgiver to have decisively won the argument, regardless of the merit of his words (or lack thereof). Where possible, this is achieved by subtle introduction of bias. The observer glosses over the Solar's flaws and strictly judges his opponent’s words and delivery. Against more rational opponents or those using objective criteria, Listener-Swaying Argument induces outright hallucinations—whatever is necessary for the witness to believe in the Solar's victory.
  143. The unnatural mental influence imposed by Listener-Swaying Argument affects all observers with a Dodge MDV lower than the Solar’s ([higher of Charisma or Appearance] + Essence), and costs 2 willpower to resist at the time of activation. Characters can also correct memories clouded by this Charm, but only with external prompting to remember the debate or a personally compelling reason approved by the Storyteller. The victim must pay three Willpower to fix each scene of damaged memory.
  145. Performance
  147. Cost: 5m; Mins: Performance 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
  148. (Speed 4 in long ticks)
  149. Keywords: Combo-OK, Compulsion, Social
  150. Duration: One scene
  151. Prerequisite Charms: None
  152. Others listen when the Lawgivers speak. In ancient days, they commanded the attention of Primordials, beasts and gods. This Charm involves a performance or oration, and the Solar’s player rolls (an appropriate Social Attribute + Performance) when invoking Respect Commanding Attitude. This Charm exerts unnatural mental influence on everyone who can see or hear the character. If the extra successes exceed a given target’s MDV, that target suffers a compulsion to stay in the Exalt’s company and respectfully observe the performance. Resisting this compulsion for five minutes costs one Willpower, up to a maximum of three Willpower per scene, and such resistance allows the target to leave, heckle or even forcibly silence the character.
  154. Resistance:
  156. Cost: 1; Mins: Resistance 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
  157. Keywords: Stackable
  158. Duration: Permanent
  159. Prerequisite Charms: None
  160. The Exalted are like the mountains: not easily worn down by such mortal things as men. This Charm gives the Lawgiver additional health levels. A player may purchase this Charm up to once per dot of the Resistance Ability her character possesses. Each purchase provides one of the following, at the player’s option, determined at the time of purchase:
  161. • One -0 health level
  163. War:
  166. Cost: 5, 1wp; Mins: War 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
  167. Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, War
  168. Duration: One scene
  169. Prerequisite Charms: none
  170. This Charm costs 5 motes with used in combat or social combat, or five motes and one willpower when used in mass combat. It renders allies fearless within a range of Essence x20 yards. At Essence 3+, in addition to listed effects, whenever the Solar or an Ally under the effect of Heroism-Encouraging Presence channels Valor to enhance an action they add successes rather than die at a rate of one success for every die that would've been added. If the action succeeds the character is automatically refunded the willpower spent to channel Valor.
  173. Cost: 10m, 2wp; Mins: War 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Dramatic
  174. Action)
  175. Keywords: Obvious, Touch, Training
  176. Duration: One week
  177. Prerequisite Charms: Heroism-Encouraging Presence
  178. Under the banner of the Solar Exalted, even bandits and peasants become deadly warriors. This Charm involves training a military unit. This Charm requires five or more hours of effort in any given week to bear fruit. This Charm increases the Drill of a unit by one for each week of training, to a maximum of Drill 5. In each week of training, the trainer picks one trait to train: Valor, Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Archery, Dodge, Martial Arts or Melee. This Charm increases that trait for each member of the unit by one dot, to a maximum of 4. The Solar can train with the unit or as a solo unit, increasing her own traits. He cannot increase others’ traits past his own.
  179. --------------
  180. -Background-
  182. The Ironwood Tribe: A group of misfits and outcasts, bandits, barbarians, and freaks, cajoled and bullied into protecting those to sick, old or young to do it themselves. Their knowledge skills are sufficient for surviving in small groups and for planning large scale raids but no one in this tribe currently has a smidgeon of experience at running a kingdom.
  184. Resources:***
  185. Ironwood Grove: An estate on the edge of a particularly unpleasant patch of jungle, it's sole saving grace would be the fertile flood plain soil and the abundant sources of wood, hide, and meat that the jungle provides. Sadly the settlement is little more than log cabins and a wooden palisade with the odd latrine ditch and garbage pile. Most of the weapons and armor the Tribals use are stolen from slaver caravans or made with tools and resources, also stolen from slaver caravans. Make no mistake this is a Bandit's fortress.
  186. --------------
  187. -Equipment-
  188. Natural Weapons:
  189. Punch: Speed 5 Accuracy+1 Damage+0
  190. Kick: Speed 5 Accuracy+0 Damage+3DB
  191. Clinch Speed 6 Accuracy+0 Damage+0
  193. Lamellar:
  194. Lamellar armor is a breastplate composed of a series of interlocking horizontal bands. Lamellar is lighter and more
  195. flexible than a standard breastplate and allows better air circulation. Lamellar armor is assumed to include greaves to
  196. protect the wearer’s lower legs, a skirt to protect his upper legs and bracers to protect his wrists and arms.
  197. Soak +6L/8B Mobility -2 Fatigue 1 Cost *** Tags-May be concealed under heavy jacket or cloak.
  199. Razor Harness
  200. A razor harness is a brutal and bloody wrestling enhancement, consisting of leather straps covering the wearer in spikes
  201. and blades that wound grappled foes.
  202. Speed 6 Accuracy -1 Damage +3L Defense- Rate 1 Minimums * Str Cost *** Tags C,P
  204. Fighting Gauntlet
  205. Fighting gauntlets are either articulated metal gloves or full-hand leather gloves covered in overlapping metal plates.
  206. Though they slow the character’s blows, a character using fighting gauntlets may use her Martial Arts Ability to block attacks
  207. that inflict lethal damage. (Second stat bar reflects item clinched.)
  208. Speed 5 Accuracy +0 Damage +5B Defence +2 Rate 2 Mins Str ** Cost ** Tags- M
  209. Speed 6 Accuracy -1 Damage +3B Defence - Rate 1 Mins Str ** Cost ** Tags- C,M,P
  211. Yash-Tem-Baun's Bow
  212. This bow is made from Orichalcum and filigreed with what appears to be some form of bluish crystal (though this crystal flexes with the bow) It hums distantly, like a harp string having been plucked and is supernaturally accurate and powerful. At one point it held an enormous beautiful gem though that gem crumbled into dust with the death of it's last owner. It's string is made of a bluish transparent material. It is for all intensive purposes an Orichalcum Long Powerbow.
  213. Speed 6 Accuracy +6 Damage +3L Rate 3 Range 350 Attune *** Cost 6 Tags 2, B, O
  215. Broadhead
  216. Broadhead arrows have broad triangle- or leaf-shaped heads. The arrowhead is wide, to increase the amount of tissue damage
  217. done on a successful hit, but it still tapers to allow the arrow to penetrate armor. Broad arrows inflict the firing character’s
  218. Strength +2L as their base damage.
  220. Fowling
  221. Fowling arrows do not have a point. Instead, they have a round wooden bulb at the tip. They are normally used to hunt
  222. birds, which would be ruined by a direct hit from a normal arrow. However, they can also be used to stun targets without killing
  223. them. Fowling arrows inflict bashing damage equal to the firing character’s Strength +2B as their base damage.
  225. Frog Crotch
  226. Frog crotch arrows have a Y-shaped head, with the arms of the Y facing forward, sharpened on the inside. These arrows
  227. inflict hideous damage on tissue but perform terribly against armor. Frog crotch arrows use the firing character’s (Strength + 4L)
  228. as their base damage, but the lethal soak of the target’s armor is doubled before applying the damage.
  230. Target
  231. Target arrows have no blades on their heads, simply hardened steel tips. Target arrows do the firing character’s Strength
  232. +0L as their base damage, but are piercing, treating the lethal soak of the target’s armor as half its true value (rounded down)
  233. when the damage is applied.
  235. Great Ironwood Seed: An enormous round husk, rusty in color and shaggy in texture. It weighs as much as four men and is the size of horse. It was transported with great difficulty from deep in the jungles of the silent crescent and currently serves as a minor object of worship facilitating ancestor worship and rituals venerating various nature gods and spirits. It is however a source of much devotion and an object held in great reverence by his people.
  236. --------------
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