
Tsundere Rarity

Dec 29th, 2012
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  1. >"Well I NEVER!"
  2. >You are Anonymous, and Rarity is currently glaring daggers at you.
  3. >All you did was walk into her boutique, so you're not really sure what she's so angry about.
  4. "What is it?"
  5. >All she does in response is purse her lips and look you up and down.
  6. >Then before you know it she's shoving you out.
  7. "Wha... Rarity!"
  8. >The only thing you hear when her hooves leave you is the sound of the door slamming behind you.
  9. >You honestly don't know what it is that makes Rarity act like this. The only reason you're trying to see her now is because the clothes she sewed for you when you got to Equestria are finally getting holes in them.
  10. >She had managed to replicate everything from polos to ties, and it ended up being comfortable and stylish at the same time.
  11. >You've always been grateful to her, but every time you come to see her like you have today...
  12. >Well, she behaves strangely.
  13. >The reason why escapes you.
  14. >You turn back around and knock on the door.
  15. "Rarity, I just need some new clothes!"
  16. >You wait a minute, and with no response, knock once more.
  17. "Rarity, seriously, open up!"
  18. >"Shoo!" she shouts from the other side, "I don't need a filthy animal tracking dirt in my boutique."
  19. >Huh... today is particularly bad, it seems. She rarely resorts to name calling.
  20. >You kick the door and scowl.
  21. "Can you maybe, just for one day, stop being such a bitch?"
  22. >Silence.
  23. >You throw your arms up in the air and turn away from the boutique.
  24. >Trying to understand Rarity would only make your head hurt, and you're not in the mood for dealing with that crap right now, so you make your way back to the library.
  25. >Sometimes Twilight needs your help, and she's a lot more fun to be around than someone like Rarity.
  26. >The afternoon is spent taking your mind off the bahavior of a certain white mare, and you never bring it up with Twilight.
  27. >You've always been taught to handle personal problems personally. No reason to bring the other girls into it when you've already made sure Rarity knows what you think of her.
  28. >Twilight isn't very talkative today, but the library ends up meticulous because of that.
  29. >You're mostly left to your own thoughts as you work.
  30. >As the day is winding down and the sun begins to set, Twilight turns to you, "Anon, have you noticed Rarity acting... strange this past week?"
  31. >Well, she's usually calling you uncouth and brutish, but this seemed magnified at the boutique earlier this morning.
  32. >Was it something you did?
  33. >No, more than likely not. She always treats you like that.
  34. >Come to think of it you haven't seen her at all for the past week until today.
  35. "I haven't had much time to be around Rarity. Usually I'm bumping into her in the market, but this past week I haven't even seen her tail going around the corner."
  36. >"She's been shut in the boutique. I think I know what it is, but I'd like to make sure I haven't been the only one noticing before I jump to conclusions."
  37. >Now you're curious.
  38. "So what's wrong with her?"
  39. >You don't expect Twilight's face to go red at that question, "Um... it would be best to ask her that question. It's not my business to answer it."
  40. >Well, that certainly means it's personal.
  41. >Maybe you shouldn't ask questions you don't really want the answer to.
  42. >Twilight clears her throat, "Um, would you like to stay for dinner?"
  43. "Yeah, sure. Easier than cooking for myself."
  44. --------
  45. >In the year you've been here you've managed to purchase a piece of land and get a small house built for yourself.
  46. >It wasn't too difficult with everyone offering you a job.
  47. >You cycle helping the girls.
  48. >One day you'll work at Sweet Apple Acres, and the next you'll work at Sugar Cube Corner.
  49. >It didn't take you long to accrue enough money to live comfortably.
  50. >Your house is as simple as it gets.
  51. >One bedroom, one bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen with a dining room attached. No second floor required.
  52. >Your room is a bit disorganized. There's a book shelf opposite the bed, and there are a few dirty shirts on the ground.
  53. >You think to yourself that perhaps it's time to do laundry... at least until your face hits the pillow, then all you can think about is sleep.
  54. >What you don't expect is to be woken in the middle of the night by a tapping on your window.
  55. >Your eyes open and you sit up in bed. You look behind you at the window and narrow your eyes.
  56. >You're not sure, but you think you can make out something white against the darkness of the night outside.
  57. >As your vision clears and gets used to the dark you manage to make out who is at your window.
  58. "Rarity?"
  59. >She taps on your window with her hoof again, this time a bit harder.
  60. >You stumble out of bed and flick the light switch on, blinking groggily as the light stings your eyes.
  61. >When you open the window Rarity glares at you. "It's a wonder you're able to get up in the morning at all, Anonymous."
  62. "Rarity... it's the middle of the night."
  63. >"It is not. In fact, it's ten in the afternoon. I remember you boasting at a party about your night owl tendencies. If it was midnight I wouldn't have come to see you; that would be rude."
  64. >You bring a hand to your face and take a deep breath.
  65. "Jesus fucking Christ. It was rude to wake me up."
  66. >"It was not. You wanted clothing, and I worked all day to make you some. If anyp0ny is being rude, it would be you."
  67. >You're starting to get slightly angry by now.
  68. "You didn't say you would be making them!"
  69. >She looks surprised at that. In fact, she looks downright shocked, "Anonymous, what are you talking about? I even came to deliver them personally... At no cost to myself, of course! Don't let that primal brain of yours give you any ideas."
  70. "What the fuck are you even... WHAT?"
  71. >She flinches, "Keep your voice down. You'll wake the neighbors, and I don't want my reputation ruined."
  72. >You don't even know what to say right now.
  73. >She sewed you your clothes, and came to deliver them herself, but she sure as hell isn't acting the part.
  74. >Maybe she doesn't like you, but her nature forces her to be charitable towards you.
  75. >Yeah, that makes sense. She IS the element of Generosity.
  76. "Whatever, just bring everything. I'll let you in."
  77. >"Delightful!"
  78. >You give her a flat stare.
  79. >"Erm... I mean, your home better be spic and span. I don't want to wash my hooves!"
  80. >With that final word she disappears from your window.
  81. >Weird mare.
  82. >By the time you get to the door and open it she's looking rather impatient. "Why must you walk on two clumsy legs?" She shoves past you, a pack of clothes floating behind her, "Really Anonymous, it's like your species evolved to be dirty."
  83. "Whatever."
  84. >You shut the door and follow closely behind her as she makes her way to your room.
  85. >"Perhaps I should have brought cleaner for you as well."
  86. >This girl just does not STOP.
  87. >Nag nag nag.
  88. >You bite your tongue for now. She did sew your clothes, and you do owe her for that.
  89. >"Oh my. Are those... DIRTY shirts?! On the FLOOR?!"
  90. >Okay, that's it.
  91. >You stomp to your room and stare her down with a fierce glare.
  92. >She returns it.
  93. "What the fuck is your problem?!"
  94. >"Perhaps I should be the one asking that question!"
  95. "Do you make a habit out of alienating everyone you know, or is it just me?!"
  96. >"You are not even worth the effort of alienation. Think of it as complete disregard! Why are you so uncouth!?"
  97. "Maybe I do it just to annoy you, because you're such a fucking bitch!"
  98. >What comes next... you're not exactly expecting it.
  99. >Rarity lurches forward and tackles you to the ground. Before you have time to realize what just happened, her lips are locked with yours.
  100. >She pulls away, still glaring at you, "You are a beast. You are impolite, disorganized, messy, slow, and worst of all you are RUDE."
  101. "What the f..."
  102. >"BUT..." her gaze softens, "You are also kind, compassionate, selfless, and, so far as I can tell, attractive."
  103. "Rarity..."
  104. >"Shush." She steps from you and huffs, "Perhaps you hate me, and I cannot blame you for that, but you have to realize that I have pet peeves, as any mare does."
  105. >You sit up and glare.
  106. "There's a difference between having pet peeves and treating someone like this."
  107. >She blushes, "I know, and I AM ashamed. It's just... you do things that infuriate me. Applejack I can handle, because she's a friend. However, when somep0ny I um... have my eye on acts like this? It is quite difficult to handle."
  108. "So that's your excuse?"
  109. >"Today was an especially horrid time for me. This past week I've been cooped up working for a reason."
  110. "And what reason would that be?"
  111. >You're not sure her face can get any more red than it already has, "Estrus. Having you around me is... difficult. Perhaps I should be leaving now, but I just wanted to show you."
  112. "Listen Rarity, I don't even..."
  113. >"I know."
  114. "That's not what I was going to say. You're a beautiful girl, it's just... it's kinda hard to tell you want something from me with all the name calling."
  115. >"Oh I know. It's like I'm a little school filly again, an absolutely disasterous state of affairs."
  116. "Listen... Maybe when your um... estrus is over, we can go out for dinner or something. I'll try to be more clean if you'll just calm down with the name calling, deal?"
  117. >You hold out a hand and Rarity smiles before putting her hoof into it, "Deal."
  118. >She leans into you and gives you another kiss, this time it's less surprising.
  119. >"I'm looking forward to it... Darling."
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