
Night guests

Dec 29th, 2014
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  1. >You are sleeping in your bed. It has been a tough day between all the maintenace of the plane ponies.
  2. >You would think they would know how to fix themselves, but they are more like pilots. Lots of attitude and no knowhow. Same as back on earth.
  3. >You dreamt dreamy dreams. A peaceful sleep. That is until you started to get a weird, sinking feeling that caused you to wake up.
  4. >It was dark in your bedroom. The only illumination was a slight green glow coming from your alarm clock.
  5. "Is anyone there?" You ask aloud.
  6. >Silence was the answer.
  7. >The feeling of being watched intensifies and you gaze into the dark.
  8. >Quickly, you jump out of bed and hit the lights.
  9. >In the corner of your bedroom stood the SR-71 plane pony who was just gazing at you.
  10. "God damnit, Secrets! You gatta stop doing this!"
  11. >" can see me?" She asked with worry.
  12. "Of fucking course I can see you. You are invisible to radar, not my eyes!"
  13. >"Oh..." She said defectively, " I will just leave."
  15. "Yeah you do that. And that goes for you drones too!"
  16. >Your closet door opens and out falls three drone ponies. They try to stand up but keep falling over each other.
  17. >You look at Secrets. She looks sad, but starts to walk out your door.
  18. >"Maybe next time, anon."
  19. "Not a chance."
  20. >The drone ponies start to leave too.
  21. >"We are sorry to have spied on you. We try and keep you safe." They say in unison.
  22. 'They don't know any better. You were the only one who even gave them the time of day. They weren't bad, just misguided.' You thought to yourself.
  23. "Wait..." You say.
  24. >Each drone pony turn their head to you.
  25. >"Yes, Anon?"
  26. >Man that unison thing is kinda creepy.
  27. "You guys can stay."
  28. >Small smiles sweep across their faces.
  29. >"We would like that. The closet is small. May we just stand here?"
  30. "No."
  31. >The small smiles were quickly replaces by frowns.
  32. "There is enough room in my bed."
  33. >So you fell asleep, this time a little less alone, to the sounds of beeping. A drone hugging your left arm, your right, and one by your feet.
  35. >You awoke several hours later, but not to the sounds of your alarm clock. Instead, smells of cooking fill the air.
  36. >More importantly of breakfast foods. Your stomach growls in anticipation.
  37. >Wait. Oh gods Secrets better not be down here. She has been trying to spy on your for months now, never giving you space. Is this the next step in her plan because this might work.
  38. >You start walking downstairs to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes wafting through your nose.
  39. >When you turn the corner, your are dumbstruck. You did not expect this.
  40. >In the kitchen, the three drones were going about, making breakfast, setting the table, and cleaning up.
  41. >One of the drones, who must have been cooking the pancakes, had flour on her face.
  42. 'God damn they were cute'.
  43. >"Good morning Anon. Did you sleep well?" They all said.
  44. "Y-yeah. did you guys do this? I thought you guys ate JP-8, not human..err..pony stuff."
  45. >"You had a book which told us how to cook." One drone said.
  46. >"We read the book. We are fast learners." The second one said.
  47. >"You did not have the appropriate resources in your kitchen." The last one said dully.
  49. >"We had to travel to the market." They said in unison, but with a hint of sadness.
  50. >The plane ponies did not like going into town. Even though pegasi and other plane ponies flew through the air like they did, the ponies did not look upon them with anything other than fear. The ponies saw the three as weird. They talked similarly, they did not share the same interests as the others, and they were, as the ponies would say, emotionless.
  51. >You knew better. They had emotions that rivaled any pony, but you had to understand them. A small smile was the same as loud cheering or glee. You just had to understand them.
  52. "Did they give you a hard time?"
  53. >You tried to hide it, but there was a twinge of anger in your voice.
  54. >"It was..." One of them said, "Like the other times."
  55. "You guys get over here now."
  56. >Slowly they all stopped what they were doing and walked towards you. Too slow for you though, and you ran up to them and wrapped them in a big bear hug.
  57. "You guys are amazing. Don't let those fools get you down. I wouldn't trade you guys for anything else in the whole world."
  58. >You nuzzled each one. They nuzzled back with gusto.
  59. "You have flour on your face." The one who cooked said. Almost as if there was giggling in her voice.
  60. >You put them down and wiped your face.
  61. "I guess I do! If you wanted to get me a flour, you should have gone to the garden."
  62. >Their heads cock to the side.
  63. >"That was a joke, correct?"
  64. "Haha yeah. It wasn't that good."
  65. >"It was funny. We get it." They said with a small smile.
  66. "It smells so good in here. I can't wait to eat. Thank you guys! This is amazing, really. You are the best."
  67. >"We hope it will be adequate sustenance for you."
  68. "More than adequate. You put your heart in it and that is all I care about."
  69. >Those pearly eyes looked at you longingly.
  71. "Hey. How about after breakfast I we go to the hanger for a wash and wax?"
  72. >Quick beeping emanated from the trio.
  73. >"That would be..." They pondered for a bit, "wonderful."
  75. "My god. That breakfast was amazing!" You say, belly full.
  76. "I might just have to pay you guys to make me some more a couple times a week!"
  77. >"You do not have to pay us. What are...friends for?" Chiming in unison the drone say, but with a cheery tone.
  78. >"But please." One said.
  79. >"Don't make us." The second's voice almost quivering.
  80. >"Go to the market again." The third said, almost squeaking.
  81. >They collectively shivered.
  82. "Was it that bad?"
  83. >"They look at us funny."
  84. >"They try not to talk to us."
  85. >"Or even acknowledge us."
  86. "They are just stupid." You say trying to make them feel better.
  87. >"They are of average intelligence."
  88. "That's not...What I mean is I perceive them as stupid for their actions. Why they would do that is beyond me."
  89. >"Oh. Understood."
  90. >You start clearing the table. They cleaned up almost everything, it was the least you could do.
  91. >"Anon..." One of them spoke up.
  92. "Yes?"
  93. >"Why...why do they hate us?" Her eyes wide. The others looked down at the floor. They were smart. Really smart. But some things were just out of their grasp to understand. And that made their lives confusing.
  94. "I..."
  95. >You try to come up with something nice, to try and spin it as best as you could. But you know them, and they like the truth more than anything else.
  96. "I don't know. Maybe they are scared. You guys are so in sync with one another, something they can never have, and they are scared by that. I don't try to understand the ponies in the town. They talk about friendship and kinship, but if something is different than them they shell up until it leaves. It hurts my brain to think about it."
  98. >"It doesn't hurt our brains. It just makes us sad."
  99. "They did the same thing to me. I don't like going into town either. If I could I would just stay at the hanger all the time with you guys."
  100. >"We like you." They said together.
  101. "W-what?"
  102. >"You make us not sad." Said one.
  103. >" We are not sad when you are around." Said the other.
  104. >"You make us not feel different." Said the last.
  105. "Well I like you guys too." You said, not sure about where this was going.
  106. >They looked at each other quickly, then back at you.
  107. >"We use the word 'like' to describe romantic feelings. Our feelings."
  108. >Gazing upon the three, their normally metallic gray cheeks were filled with rosy color. They fidgeted more than usual, looking left, right, at the ceiling, at their hooves, then back at you.
  109. >"We sense you are in a state of shock."
  110. " not at all. I just...I just didn't expect that at all."
  111. >"We just wanted to let you know. You told us before it is not good to keep our feelings inside, like we usually do."
  112. >"This was a calculated risk. The results could be good or bad."
  113. >You stood there sort of dumbstruck. Did this drones just say they liked you?
  114. >You didn't say anything for a moment, but their eyes were upon you now. They leaned a little forward waiting for your reply.
  115. "This is a lot to take in."
  116. >"We understand. We anticipated you wanting to think about this, as we thought about it. We will leave so that you might process the information."
  117. >The drones together turned and headed out of the kitchen. They were walking close to one another, as if offering support if the answer was less than good.
  118. "And where do you think you three are going?"
  119. >They turned around quickly. Hope danced upon their faces and in their eyes.
  120. "I promised you guys a good cleaning, didn't I? Lets head down to the hanger. We can talk there. Sound good?"
  121. >They nodded in agreement. It wasn't exactly what they wanted to hear, but they were still happy. They looked so cute. They really were an amazing bunch. And they made you food!
  122. >Ah fuck it.
  123. >You got down on one knee, and beckoned them over. They were cautious but came close to you.
  124. "Close your eyes."
  125. >"But.."
  126. "Trust me. Close your eyes."
  127. >Each looked at you with wide eyes, then closed them. Normally they would never do such a thing. Their whole life revolved around seeing and relaying information. But they trusted you.
  128. >Then, with the swiftness of a fighter jet, you gave each a small kiss on the nose.
  129. They opened their eyes. Their mouths were slack from shock.
  130. >"Did you just kiss us?" They asked in unison. Their voices, however, had a tone that you have not really heard before. It kind of scared you.
  131. "Was I not supposed t-"
  132. >Before you could finish your sentence, the trio pounced on you, causing you to hit the floor. You were on your back.
  133. >Before you could say anything else, or try and apologize for your actions, you felt a slimy thing upon your face. One of the drones was licking you.
  134. >She raised her head and gazed in your eyes. It seemed like she had the biggest smile on her face than ever before.
  135. >"We are glad you like us too."
  137. Source:
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