

Mar 28th, 2016
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  1. ROBLOX College Life Stats
  2. TheDude99999: (Friend of mine.)
  3. XxCroulsxX: (you know her?)
  4. cutierose11: (I know)
  5. XxCroulsxX: (ok)
  6. XxCroulsxX: (ok continue)
  7. cutierose11: A group of college guys walk in and one of them look at me and whistle*: Damn girl!
  8. XxCroulsxX: (oh gosh)
  9. cutierose11: Stays siletn8
  10. TheyLoveShiiii: (( xD
  11. cutierose11: *
  12. TheDude99999: "..." I narrow my eyes at him.
  13. XxCroulsxX: (my fish is stuck on a plant brb)
  14. cutierose11: The group sit down*
  15. cutierose11: Once the bell rings and girl with a lot of books in her arms rushs in and sits down, she gets out a notebook and pencil, and gets ready to w
  16. XxCroulsxX: (back)]
  17. cutierose11: write*
  18. TheyLoveShiiii: || I'd walk in. ||
  19. XxCroulsxX: XD
  20. XxCroulsxX: Oh Hello!
  21. cutierose11: Alright.
  22. TheyLoveShiiii: " H-Hi. "
  23. cutierose11: Hello, I am Albinia Surgui.
  24. XxCroulsxX: :D
  25. cutierose11: I am your instructor for today.
  26. TheyLoveShiiii: " I- I'm Milo Tate. "
  27. cutierose11: I'm sure you all are here for a medicial science lecture.
  28. cutierose11: Nice to meet you.
  29. XxCroulsxX: Oh...Milo...Nice to meet you!:D
  30. TheyLoveShiiii: " You too. "
  31. cutierose11: Pulls down a screen and turns on the projecter, a presentation shows up slowly*
  32. XxCroulsxX: My name is Alisha Ploki
  33. TheyLoveShiiii: " Nice too meet you alisha. "
  34. cutierose11: Today, we will talk about emotions and their effects.
  35. TheDude99999: (Btw, just imagine it as a huge lecture room w/ a lot of ppl.)
  36. cutierose11: As well as a little bit of the reproduction system.
  37. TheyLoveShiiii: (( Kk.
  38. XxCroulsxX: (yeah i know)
  39. XxCroulsxX: (oh god i think my pets dead brb again)
  40. cutierose11: Ok, my little angels. Come on up.
  41. TheyLoveShiiii: || Milo would turn her phone and place it in her bag. ||
  42. TheDude99999: Three kids go up to you.
  43. cutierose11: Ok, the first emotion we will talk about is anger.
  44. TheDude99999: A boy goes up and acts angry.
  45. cutierose11: Haru, act as angry as you can.
  46. XxCroulsxX: (back)
  47. TheyLoveShiiii: || Milo would sit and watch silently. ||
  48. cutierose11: As you can see. The muscle with stiff up from the amount of pressure from the blood amount cycling the body. The fast the blood goes, the mo
  49. cutierose11: more it can stiffen a muscle or tissue.
  50. cutierose11: (I'm just making stuff up at this point)
  51. cutierose11: (XD)
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