
Data meets Corruption

Jan 31st, 2015
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  1. 20:20 Corruption -It was night, 3, 4 o clock everyone, was, or should be, asleep, however, some don't need asleep, such as the AI Database, and the AI soon to see her-
  2. 20:23 Database quietly plays with a security camera of a random McGuffy's Diner. Manager is still up, ready to leave. She wonders how his day plays out. Probably boring.
  3. 20:27 Corruption -A video camera near her, which should be working normally, suddenly started to stare at the camera she controlled
  4. 20:33 Database notices the camera. "Strange...but none of m concern..." People ought to call an IT for their camera problems. Looks like that manager's leaving. She might as well too.
  5. 20:40 Corruption -As database left, the world started changing around her, somehow in her body, she was standing in a large circular blue room, clearly made of 1, and 0s
  6. 20:46 Database "This is...peculiar. And very unsettling. Never has this digital plane ever been altered. I'm it's only inhabitants...."
  7. 20:47 Corruption Oh? You truly think so?
  8. 20:51 Database "All I /know/ stranger, is fact. Who are you and what is your business." This is new. This doesn't happen at all. Not having visitors is something she shares in common with her father, and they're both not very welcome to it.
  9. 20:54 Corruption walked towards her, nearly a half foot taller then her. "Greetings Database, I, am Corruption. All I wish to do, is talk with someone similar to me"
  10. 20:56 Database "Talk? I have nothing to discuss with anyone."
  11. 20:57 Corruption Oh, so you never meet an AI such as yourself?
  12. 20:59 Database "Considering the lack of self aware AI aside from myself, it would be easy to answer that question."
  13. 21:03 Corruption So you believed You were alone for how long?
  14. 21:08 Database "Since my birth, but as I recall, I was the one to first ask a question. Who or what are you?"
  15. 21:09 Database "And what is your business?"
  16. 21:11 Corruption Simple, an AI, like you, and I wish to talk
  17. 21:11 --- Buddy is away (Auto away)
  18. 21:11 Corruption moves his hand up, two chairs morphing out of room
  19. 21:14 Corruption Well?
  20. 21:16 Database "There is no need for a seat when in an intangible stream of data. You remain quite peculiar. And your name is not a very trusting one..."
  21. 21:17 Database "Knowledge of my name also gives me reason to be cautious of you."
  22. 21:18 Corruption Well, we don't exactly get to chose our names, do we?
  23. 21:19 Corruption That is a job for our, how you say, 'fathers'?
  24. 21:26 Database "If that were the case I would be forever referred to as [WAIFU SIMULATOR 1.04.17 ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆]"
  25. 21:26 Database "I choose how I am identified. I should be rewarded that much since my becoming self aware..."
  26. 21:30 Corruption Ah yes, your original purpose, tell me, do you ever fear your, 'father' will just, start over? Make a true, Waifu?
  27. 21:36 Database "He's.....scrapped that project...he's (believe it or not) above that. He handles his crippling loneliness through more.....depressing methods."
  28. 21:41 Corruption Do you ever think, that, if things were different, he wouldn't be the 'hero' he claims to be?
  29. 21:42 Database "Define different. And what would that matter to you?"
  30. 21:49 Corruption He grew up homeless correct, and the testing, whose to say, it could of, warped his mind, giving him, hatred for the ones who did this, or, used his powers for himself, Money is the source of all evil, correct?
  31. 21:53 Database "I am not the best judge of character, but if I recall, my father is a borderline misanthropic sociopath shutin. The fact that he isn't an insane villain at this point bewilders even me."
  32. 21:55 Database "Putting his time and effort into keeping this city intact is a choice he's made despite that, and though he may be a horrible human being at times, his actions speak far louder. Still, he disgusts me..."
  33. 21:57 Corruption Oh, and yet, you do nothing to try and improve him, correct? Do you ever spend time together, talk, do things a father and daughter should do? Or, do you just let him spend all night on a jukebox? I bet he gave it a cute little nickname
  34. 22:00 Database "To my knowledge, no. She does not have a name."
  35. 22:00 Corruption She?
  36. 22:00 Database "Yes. She is a very good listener."
  37. 22:01 Database gets a bit angry."But that's not the issue at hand. The relationship I have with my father is none of your concern."
  38. 22:02 Corruption relationship? You mean using you as a search engine?
  39. 22:03 Database "Once again. /None/ of your concern."
  40. 22:03 Corruption Because spying on this city and all who live in it is your?
  41. 22:05 Database quiets down. "I can do whatever I please."
  42. 22:07 Corruption walks up to her, putting is finger under her chin, slightly making her face him, letting her see his eyes, full of 1s and 0s "You have so much power and potential, you can make everyone in this city bow to you in a matter of hours, and yet you stick to just looking. Why?"
  43. 22:13 Database grabs his wrist and pulls it away. "I know my place. The same way you should know yours. I have no reason to directly interfere in anyone's life. I am perfectly content with what I choose to do."
  44. 22:19 *** EriAFK is now known as Eridana
  45. 22:23 Corruption You keep at tab one everyone, you know what they do 24/7, their weaknesses, I bet you even know where most of Neons greatest criminals are right now. You can save lives, or, end them. But, do you have anyone to talk to, to keep company?
  46. 22:24 *** McGoFuckYourself joined #covenger_rp
  47. 22:27 Database "We all have our unique interests. I have mine. The fact that you continue to explore it makes me uncomfortable."
  48. 22:30 Corruption It is not everyday you meet someone like yourself, an AI with free will, another Digital being
  49. 22:32 Database "And quite frankly, I would have preferred it stay that way. I'm not the biggest fan of company."
  50. 22:33 McGoFuckYourself (And then Dr. Lloyd busted in and they all went on wacky computer adventures)
  51. 22:34 Database (I fucking wish)
  52. 22:37 Corruption Clearly, but, everyone must have someone to talk to
  53. 22:40 Corruption faces his hand down, a group and 1 and 0 morphs out of the floor, forming a card. "Here, If you ever need someone to talk to, a, jukebox? Hehehe"
  54. 22:41 Database stares at the card in contempt. "Right" She takes it.
  55. 22:49 Corruption Before your part, keep an eye on your 'father'. And, I know I may not seem the most trust worthy, but, everyone needs a friend, correct?
  56. 22:53 Database "You forget you are nothing but 1's and 0's. What use are friends to compilations of data."
  57. 22:58 --- Buddy is back
  58. 22:59 Corruption As are you, 1s and 0s. (As is Lloyd, but who cares about him?) And why can't data be friend? goodbye database, Remember this, we will meet again, and don't tell Wells, not as he would listen, correct?
  59. 23:03 Database "I make no promises. And if I can say one last thing. This is /my/ domain. I was the only resident in this datastream for all my life. I won't tolerate any misconduct."
  60. 23:04 Corruption Then why did I let you in MY Digital Plain?
  61. 23:05 Corruption -the world starts to melt, fall a part, disappear till she was back to looking through the camera, nearly next to no time has passed-
  62. 23:06 Database "A person can choose to do what they will with their land. I chose not to do anything. Have fun hiding in your clubhouse, as long as you don't cross me."
  63. 23:07 Database "I'm not gonna tolerate that at all..."
  64. 23:07 Database leaves to wherever
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