
60 Flat Earth questions

May 25th, 2019
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  1. Conspiracy
  2. Why are there bubbles in space?
  3. Why are there animals on mars?
  4. Why are all images of earth composites?
  5. What causes the International Space Station green screen glitches?
  6. Why are there no visible stars and satellites when looking at earth from space?
  7. What do rockets push off in space?
  8. How did the astronauts make a call from the moon 200,000 miles away from earth in 1969?
  10. Government
  11. Why was NASA created by 25 Nazis?
  12. Why are all Astronauts and Nasa employees' freemasons?
  13. Why do all astronauts on the apollo missions refuse to swear on the bible that they actually walked on the moon?
  14. Why are 55 countries blocking off Antarctica from the public?
  15. Why is Congress calling for a censorship of information about flat earth?
  16. Why did Nasa admit to not being able to leave low-earth orbit in 2016 after going to the moon in 1969?
  17. Why did Nasa admit to destroying the technology to go back to the moon?
  18. Why does Nasa in Hebrew mean to decieve?
  19. Why is the UN symbol a map of the flat earth?
  21. Earth
  22. Why is there no curvature if the curvature of the earth is 8inches/mi^2?
  23. How do we know what is beneath the earths crust if the deepest hole ever dug was 7.6 miles?
  24. Why is the sky blue?
  26. Firmament
  27. Why are rainbows dome-shaped?
  28. What is refracting the sun's light to create rainbows?
  29. What causes the sun's halo-effect?
  30. What is stopping the earth's atmosphere from depressurizing?
  31. What creates the sprites above the clouds if clouds create lightning?
  32. Why can't rockets shoot straight up when going into space?
  34. Moon
  35. What causes lunar waves?
  36. How is it possible to see a full moon?
  37. Why are the impact craters on the moon perfectly circular?
  38. Why are there no impact trails on the moon?
  39. Why are there craters on the side of the moon facing earth if the moon rotating around the earth is tidally locked?
  40. How does a lunar eclipse glow red if there is no sunlight hitting the moon?
  41. Why is the sun visible during a lunar eclipse?
  42. How can we see blue sky through the moon?
  43. Why can we see stars through the dark side of the moon?
  44. Why is moonlight colder than shade?
  45. Why are there no hot spots on the moon if the moon is a sphere?
  46. Why have we never seen the backside of the moon from earth?
  48. Sun
  49. Why do sun rays hit the earth in a pyramid shape if the sun is larger than the earth?
  50. How does a solar eclipse block out sun light if sun rays hitting the earth are parallel to each other?
  51. How can the equator be the hottest part of the earth's crust if it's rotating around the sun on a 23.5-degree tilt?
  52. Why does the sun seem to move away and get smaller instead of going under the horizon?
  54. Gravity
  55. Why does a helium balloon rise when the mass should be getting pulled down by gravity?
  56. Why does everything fall at a constant 9.8 meters per second squared in a vacuum if mass attracts mass?
  57. How are ships able to float when ships have more mass then water?
  58. Why don't satellites and space debris get pulled down by gravity but stay in orbit?
  59. Why don't we feel any apparent spin while on the earth when it's spinning 1000 mph?
  60. Why is gravity still a theory?
  62. Stars
  63. Why do star trails happen every night if we are moving 1.3 million miles/hour through space?
  64. Why do stars and planets look like luminaries when looking through a Nikon p900?
  65. Why don't constellations ever change if we are moving through space?
  67. Magnetic Field
  68. How does the earth's core have megnetic properties when molten iron loses its magnetism when heated?
  69. How does a compass work if there are two magnetic fields?
  71. Planes
  72. Why don't planes dip downward to account for curvature when they fly?
  73. Why are there no flight paths over Antarctica?
  74. How do gyroscopes work on planes?
  75. Why do planes use the flat earth map when flying?
  77. Religion
  78. Why do majority of religions and cultures believe the earth is flat with a dome over it?
  79. If the earth is flat and enclosed system, how did we end up in here?
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