
07. Create Table People - Compile time error

Sep 28th, 2016
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  1. CREATE TABLE people (`id` INT NOT NULL auto_increment primary key,  `name` varchar(200) not null,
  2. `picture` blob, `height` float (2), `weight` float (2), `gender` enum('m', 'f'),  
  3. `birthdate` datetime, `biography` text (65635) );
  5. insert into people (`id`, `name`, `picture`, `height`, `weight`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `biography`)
  6. values ('1', 'Maria', '/home/Pictures', '1.70', '65.50', 'f', '1983-05-09', 'She is new to this position and needs some training.' );
  8. insert into people (`id`, `name`, `picture`, `height`, `weight`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `biography`)
  9. values ('2', 'Ivan', '/home/Pictures', '1.90', '90.50', 'm', '1988-09-12', 'In this section of the tutorial, you have learned how to add data to your database, and also how to execute SQL statements using MySQL Workbench.' );
  11. insert into people (`id`, `name`, `picture`, `height`, `weight`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `biography`)
  12. values ('3', 'Eva', '/home/Pictures', '1.77', '77.30', 'f', '1955-10-30',
  13. 'In 1994, Schreiber made his first film, Mixed Nuts, playing a transvestite opposite Steve Martin.
  14. For the next several years, Schreiber established himself in independent films, including Denise Calls Up and Party Girl (1995),
  15. co-starring Parker Posey; Walking and Talking (1996), featuring Catherine Keener and Anne Heche;');
  17. insert into people (`id`, `name`, `picture`, `height`, `weight`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `biography`)
  18. values ('4', 'Gavin', '/home/Pictures', '1.79', '98.50', 'm', '1943-02-28', 'Gavin MacLeod was born as Allan George See on February 28, 1931 in Mount Kisco, New York.
  19. His father was part Chippewa Indian and owned a gas station, and his mother was a middle school dropout who would later work for Readers Digest' );
  21. insert into people (`id`, `name`, `picture`, `height`, `weight`, `gender`, `birthdate`, `biography`)
  22. values ('5', 'Hillary', '/home/Pictures', '1.60', '66.00', 'f', '1967-06-23', 'When Hillary Clinton was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2001,
  23. she became the first American first lady to ever win a public office seat. She later became the 67th U.S. secretary of state in 2009, serving until 2013. ' );
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