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a guest
Jan 23rd, 2015
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  1. paowz@laptop:~/sdb4/radxa_lite/sd_structure/u-boot-rk3188$ sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0
  3. DDR Version 1.04 20130830
  4. In
  5. DDR3
  6. 300MHz
  7. Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB
  8. Memory OK
  9. OUT
  12. U-Boot 2014.01-g89b5cf5 (Dec 30 2014 - 13:39:38)
  14. ChipVer: 310B20130131V101
  15. CPU: RK3188+
  16. Board: RK30xx platform Board
  17. total reserving memory(except stack) is :48m
  18. DRAM: 1 GiB
  19. arch_interrupt_init
  20. DMAInit: OK
  21. SdmmcInit=0 0
  22. FwPartOffset=2000 , 0
  23. storage init OK!
  24. Using default environment
  26. In: serial
  27. Out: serial
  28. Err: serial
  29. board_late_init
  30. unsigned!
  31. SecureBootEn = 0 0
  32. ##################################################
  33. uboot version: U-Boot 2014.01-g89b5cf5 (Dec 30 2014 - 13:39:38)
  35. #Boot ver: 0000-00-00#0.00
  37. ##################################################
  38. setup gpio int
  39. GetParam
  40. check parameter success
  41. partition(boot): offset=0x00002000, size=0x00002000
  42. empty serial no.
  43. Writing env to storage...
  44. done
  45. checkKey
  46. vbus = 1
  47. lcd_ctrl_init [38]
  48. i2c init OVER in board!
  49. set_lcdc_dclk: lcdc_source_clk = 768, clk = 71, div = 11
  50. rk30_load_screen for lcdc ok!
  51. lcd_enable [55]
  52. In charging!
  53. ERROR: [fastboot_find_ptn]: partition(kernel) not found, aborting
  54. table:
  55. ERROR: [do_booti]: booti: bad boot or kernel image
  56. Unable to boot:boot
  57. try to start recovery
  58. ERROR: [fastboot_find_ptn]: partition(recovery) not found, aborting
  59. table:
  60. 'recovery' does not seem to be a partition nor an address
  61. Unable to boot:recovery
  62. try to start backup
  63. ERROR: [fastboot_find_ptn]: partition(backup) not found, aborting
  64. table:
  65. 'backup' does not seem to be a partition nor an address
  66. Unable to boot:backup
  67. try to start rockusb
  68. startRockusb,341497
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