
joint lesson

Jul 30th, 2013
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  1. You slip away to the southeast and successfully evade your pursuers.
  3. Stygian Crossroads.
  4. A noxious, red-hued fog overwhelms the area with a thick, palpable vapour. Mhaldor's major thoroughfares converge here to form a public square of freshly laid cobblestones. A great obsidian monolith dominates the centre of the crossroads, upon which the seven truths of Evil are inscribed in a spidery script. An open roadway extends to the northwest, travelling deeper into the mountain city, while to the northeast a massive pile of rubble and broken timbers slides down the slope where the roadway once stood. Continuing higher up is Mhaldor Road, no end to its climb in sight. Far below lie the imposing gates to the city, and to the east and west walkways are outlined by irregular patterns in the ground. Some graffiti has been scrawled here. It reads, "Live without the constraints of Virtue and nothing will be denied you." A rune shaped like a butterfly has been sketched into the ground here. A rune like an open eye has been sketched into the ground here. A runic totem is planted solidly in the ground. A small mhun miner has been nailed upon a ridged, blood stained cross and left to perish. The cadaverous figure here atop the Idol of Corruption seethes with hatred. A large school of piranha swims here inside a deep, murky pool. There are 2 knights of the Maldaathi here. A sewer grate looms darkly beneath your feet. Tattered robes envelop an ominous lich who lies in wait. The leather-bound Apocrypha lies closed upon an obsidian pedestal. Hands clenched before himself in a ready stance, a monk of the Tanjinn appraises the area with a focused gaze. A ladder of long, soft leaves comprises a wispy Weaver's Fern along the ground. An obsidian eye sigil is here. A look of disgust plastered across his face, Mhaldorus intently surveys his surroundings. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. An elegant bloodstone bench is here. A black stone chest is here. Saliaria is here, sprawled on the floor. You may ENTER SUBDIVISION from here.
  5. You see exits leading northeast, east (open door), west (open door), northwest, up, and down.
  7. She is a beautiful siren. She is a stunning lass, standing just over of six feet tall. Her hair is a soft pink shade, though it is indescernable whether this is natural or artificial, and hangs loosely a few inches past her shoulder blades. A few long braids frame an innocently soft face, her pale lavender eyes gazing shyly from behind long lashes. Her tall body possesses a slim figure, an average chest sitting atop a tiny waist and trim hips, which in turn lead into stunningly long legs.
  8. Despite the petite size of her form, her entire lithe body is covered in tightly corded muscle, giving her the appearance of a dancer or acrobat.
  9. She is wearing:
  10. necromancer's boots, and
  11. a drab wool dress
  13. As Antidas pulls his whip back further, you hear a sudden 'SNAP' and see Saliaria's body go limp beneath him. His deed done, Antidas unravels his whip and steps back from his victim, leaving her lifeless corpse on the ground as a warning to others of the folly of crossing him.
  14. Saliaria falls limply to the ground.
  15. Saliaria has been slain by Antidas.
  16. Golden sovereigns spill onto the ground from Saliaria's corpse.
  18. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Pray to Lord Thoth."
  20. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "And hope that he sees fit to grant you new life."
  22. Jurixe shakes her dark head slightly, eyeing the corpse on the ground.
  24. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "She is not even here."
  26. Antidas begins chopping away at the neck of the corpse of Saliaria with a serrated dirk of cold steel.
  27. Antidas finishes decapitating the corpse of Saliaria, leaving only a pool of blood where the head had been.
  29. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "I know, I mean she likely did not hear you."
  31. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Aye, I noticed that after I spoke."
  33. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "What was her transgression?"
  35. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "More disrespect from the mouth of a slave than I have seen in a very long time."
  37. Jurixe exhales in something resembling a faint sigh as her gaze flicks upwards.
  39. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "Slumber seems to dull the minds of most our slaves."
  41. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Quite."
  43. Saliaria arrives from the down.
  45. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Once again, slave."
  47. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "You will bow when you enter the room with those above you in rank."
  49. Antidas raises an eyebrow at Saliaria.
  51. Saliaria says, "Reading, looking for where it says I have to bow."
  53. Half-hidden in the shadows, Jurixe's grey eyes gleam with a dark amusement.
  55. Antidas growls faintly.
  57. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "I."
  59. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Said."
  61. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Bow."
  63. Antidas snaps his fingers in front of Saliaria.
  65. Saliaria drops to one knee before Antidas.
  67. Saliaria stands up and stretches her arms out wide.
  69. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Much better."
  71. Saliaria smirks.
  73. Antidas shakes his head sadly from side to side.
  75. Saliaria says, "What did you want?"
  77. You say to Antidas in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "The day our slaves require to find common sense in scrolls is the day they are no longer of use."
  79. Antidas's eyes sparkle with amusement at you.
  81. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says to you in Mhaldorian, "No matter, this one will not be a slave for long."
  83. Saliaria says, "Then I don't have to wait for you to hurry up and tell me what you wanted."
  85. Saliaria inclines her head politely.
  87. Saliaria leaves to the down.
  88. 4345h, 4022m, 20410e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:38:554tt saliaria
  89. st tar Saliaria
  90. [Omnipave]: TARGET: Saliaria
  91. Target tar = Saliaria.
  92. 4345h, 4022m, 20410e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:41:685
  93. 4345h, 4022m, 20410e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:42:073switch blue
  94. You will now use blue tipped arrows.
  95. 4345h, 4022m, 20395e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:44:082snp d
  96. [Aetos]: Wielding weapon set 'bow'.
  97. sheathe 364572
  98. sheathe 263765
  99. aim Saliaria d
  100. snipe Saliaria d
  101. You are not wearing an empty weapon holder suitable for that weapon.
  102. 4345h, 4022m, 20395e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:144
  103. You swirl an iron-tipped whip, coil it up neatly and slip it onto an iron belthook.
  104. 4345h, 4022m, 20395e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:596
  105. A Lupine bow flies free from a black leather baldric as you swiftly draw it.
  106. 4345h, 4022m, 20395e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:601
  107. That weapon is not in a holder from which you can draw.
  108. 4345h, 4022m, 20395e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:606
  109. You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow.
  110. You draw in a deep breath and begin to focus your aim on Saliaria.
  111. 4345h, 4022m, 20375e, 17818w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:611
  113. You feel confident that your aim is accurate.
  114. 4345h, 4022m, 20375e, 17818w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:45:616
  115. You train your expert eye on Saliaria and let fly an arrow with breathtaking precision.
  116. Your aim augments the flight of your arrow.
  117. Your arrow strikes true!
  119. Antidas slides a serrated dirk of cold steel into a stygian wrist sheath with a quiet 'swish'.
  120. 4345h, 4022m, 20330e, 17800w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:47:483
  122. Antidas swirls a fierce two-tailed whip, coils it up neatly and slips it onto an iron belthook.
  123. 4345h, 4022m, 20330e, 17800w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:47:489
  125. Antidas starts to wield an ephemeral bow of shadow in his hands.
  126. Tendrils of dark shadow streak towards Antidas from all corners as he holds his hand out, twisting
  127. and weaving rapidly until a sleek bow of pure shadow forms in his grip.
  129. You have recovered balance on all limbs.
  130. 4345h, 4022m, 20330e, 17800w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:47:739
  131. You pull an arrow from your quiver and nock it to your bow.
  132. You draw in a deep breath and begin to focus your aim on Saliaria.
  133. 4345h, 4022m, 20310e, 17858w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:47:987
  135. You feel confident that your aim is accurate.
  136. 4345h, 4022m, 20310e, 17858w cexkdb-[Paused]16:59:47:992
  137. You train your expert eye on Saliaria and let fly an arrow with breathtaking precision.
  138. Your aim augments the flight of your arrow.
  139. Your arrow strikes true!
  140. Your aim is no longer fixed on Saliaria.
  141. 4345h, 4022m, 20255e, 17848w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:47:999
  143. Antidas draws in a deep breath and begins to focus his aim on a distant target.
  144. 4345h, 4022m, 20255e, 17848w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:48:004
  146. Antidas exhales softly.
  147. 4345h, 4022m, 20255e, 17848w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:48:009
  149. Antidas trains his expert eye on a distant target and lets fly an arrow with breathtaking precision.
  150. Saliaria has been slain by the might of Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful.
  151. Saliaria has been slain by Antidas.
  152. ANTIDAS killed SALIARIA
  156. 4345h, 4022m, 20255e, 17848w cekdb-[Paused]16:59:48:015
  158. Antidas exhales softly.
  160. Antidas's eyes sparkle with amusement.
  162. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Excellent aim, as always, Naga."
  164. Jurixe's lips curl upwards in a faint smirk.
  166. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "I could say the same to you, Naga."
  168. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "Now, I suppose you would like the honours."
  170. In the distance you hear a guard yell, "Saliaria is now considered an enemy of the City of Mhaldor, you are ordered to kill her on sight!"
  172. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says in Mhaldorian, "Already done."
  174. Antidas smirks.
  176. An ivory fang gleams as Jurixe chuckles softly, the sound low and melodic.
  178. You say in Mhaldorian in a cool, silken voice, "There can be no other more synchronised partnership in the history of Naga, I think."
  180. Antidas ceases to wield an ephemeral bow of shadow.
  181. Antidas releases his grip upon his bow and lets it fall, the ephemeral weapon dissipating into a plume of smoke and shadow as it hits the ground.
  183. Antidas's eyes sparkle with amusement.
  185. Naga Antidas Wintermourne, the Vengeful says, "Of that, there is no doubt."
  187. In a rare show of something resembling affection, Jurixe's gloved fingers close around one of Antidas's hands for a moment, before she turns and melts into the shadows.
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