
Fluff-TV PSAs - 1

Dec 20th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. CanadaBro, July 26, 2014; 09:14 / FB 24120
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Fluff TV public service announcements.
  5. Recently, Fluff TV, the first television network for fluffy ponies, has been experimenting with PSAs (public service announcements). They’re set to appear between television shows on the network, although the more intense ones are only to play after dark.
  7. #1: “Enfies is not fow babbehs!”
  9. The camera pans to a saferoom. Several foals play together happily, playing “ball.” The ponies all happily play for several seconds before a large, tough-looking stallion walks into the frame. “Hewwo, babbehs.”
  11. They all greet him happily, except for one frightened looking white filly. “Babbehs, fwuffy needs to tawk to pwetty white babbeh over dewe fow a bit. Don’t wowwy, wiww bwing hew back soon.”
  13. He gives her a look, and the tiny foal stares at the ground while following the stallion. The camera follows them around behind a plastic play area (a bit like a miniature slide).
  14. The audience sees the filly whimpering slightly as the pony begins to position himself over her, but then the camera slowly pans up as the scene fades to black. One can hear several seconds of ‘enfing’ from the stallion, along with the pained whimpers of the filly.
  16. The scene then cuts to several fluffy celebrities from other shows standing in the safe room, mostly back-up dancers for the ‘danceh babbeh’ program.
  17. “Wemember, fwiends,” says one of the fluff celebrities. “Nevew, EVEW enf a babbeh.” In the background, the paedophilic stallion was seen being lowered into a sorrybox, and the filly is crying while being comforted by her friends.
  18. “And if you evew see ow heaw a babbeh gtting enffed, teww youw mummah ow daddeh, ow any uddew nice hoomin.”
  20. Effects on domestic fluffies in trial testing:
  22. Testing a population of approximately 1,000 ponies, this was found to have mixed results. Most of which were positive; several dozen ‘enfie babbehs’ had come forwards to humans and told them what happened, having been too afraid of their abusers beforehand.
  24. Unfortunately, it seems that many ponies hadn’t even thought of using foals for sexual purposes. This resulted in a handful of incidents in stallions who attempted to get an ‘enfie babbeh’, but the vast majority (~99.5%) of fluffies were absolutely appalled by the idea.
  26. There were also evidences of ‘helicopter parenting’ by fluffies after viewing the clip. Many would prevent their foals from playing with other fluffies in fear of them becoming “enfie babbehs,” while some even went as far as to prevent the foal’s own fathers from playing with them. This occurred in 5-8% of viewing parents, but seemed to be temporary. After being exposed to the idea for awhile (eight days or so), the mothers ceased being over-protective.
  28. #2: “Aww fwiends awe nice!”
  30. The shot begins with a group of fluffies happily playing at a fluffy park. We then see a lone, sad-looking pony clumsily walk towards the group. He only has three legs, with the fourth one replaced by a wheel. “Can fwuffy pway with fwiends?”
  32. The ponies look at him, then at the place where his leg used to be, before bursting into laughter. “DUMMEH POOPEH FWUFFY! WE NOT PWAY WITH YOU, DUMMEH! DON’T EVEN HAVE AWW YOUW WEGGIES!” The stallion moves forwards, bopping the crippled stallion on the nose before running away.
  34. The handicapped fluffy sits on his haunches, crying heavily. A fluffy’s voice is heard, and is that of the familiar mascot of Fluff TV (just a human simulating a fluffy’s voice, but they’re not intelligent enough to know that).
  35. “Nevew, evew be a meanie to a fwuffy just because they awe diffewent! Onwy bad fwuffies do dat!”
  36. “Hewe is how nice fwuffies act instead.”
  38. The shot of a similar group of ponies playing is shown, along with the same crippled fluffy rolling up to them cautiously. “Can… Can fwuffy pway too?”
  39. This time, the group smiled at him. “Yay! Nyu fwiend!” To the injured fluffy’s delightful surprise, the fluffy hugs him before rolling the ball forwards. The PSA ends with a shot of them all playing happily.
  41. Effects on domestic fluffies in trial testing:
  43. Variable. In our test population, we found that there was a significant correlation between disabled fluffies being treated better than they were before. However, this seemed to mostly apply for those with injured legs (although these make up most of fluffy injures). Interestingly enough, it was found that fluffies who had viewed the PSAs were also more compassionate to fluffy ponies with colouring considered unattractive.
  45. #3: “Dewe is no bestest babbehs!”
  47. A pretty, brilliantly pink mare is seen feeding a very chubby light purple foal. The filly’s (much thinner) sister is seen sitting a foot or two away, clutching her tummy and whimpering. “Pwease, mummah! Babbeh need miwkies!”
  49. “SHADDUP, DUMMEH BABBEH! Mummah onwy gives miwkies to da bestest babbeh! Mummah knows bestest!” The foal raises her head from the mare’s teat with an audible pop. “Yeah, dummeh! Bestest babbeh gets da bestest miwkies!” She lowers her head, beginning to suckle once more.
  51. Then, a rather famous fluffy known as BlueBerry FluffyBum (a former dancie baby who rose through the ranks to become the fluffy equivalent of a popstar) walks into view.
  53. “You a bad mummah! Have two miwkie pwaces,” he points to her teat, “so can feed two babbehs!”
  55. The mother looks down at her baby, then the other baby, then back up at the fluffy popstar. “… Bwuebewwy is wight! Was a dummeh mummah! Come hewe, babbeh!” The smaller foal happily runs over, beginning to thirstily suckle. Of course, stubborn fluffies weren’t nearly as easy to convince in real life, but the entire process had to be streamlined for television.
  57. BlueBerry FluffyBum looks right at the camera. “Wemembew, dewe is no bestes babbeh! Aww babbehs awe good, so gives aww babbehs lots of miwkies to make dewe tummeh owwies go ‘way.”
  59. The camera pans back to the mare. She takes the chubbier foal off of her teat and puts the filly in her fluff before beckoning another foal to come suckle from off-camera, the thin colt excitedly beginning to latch on and drink.
  61. “And mummahs need to feed aww dewe babbehs, so wemembew to let aww babbehs dwink, not just two!”
  63. Effects on domestic fluffies in trial testing:
  65. Unfortunately, this did little in changing the minds of lone fluffy pony mothers. Most would say something along the lines of “dummeh danceh fwuffee… Mummah knows best!” And then continue displaying favouritism. Some foals would remind their mothers of the commercials, only to be punished physically.
  67. However, amongst fluffies who lives with others, the incidence of having a “bestest babbeh” dropped dramatically. To fluffies who weren’t nursing mares, the commercials incited anger, and fluffies who had in the past allowed favouritism discouraged the practice. There are many reports of fluffy mothers being nose booped or stomped until they let their foals suckle equally.
  69. #4: “Babbehs nu can go back in tummeh!”
  71. An enormously obese white fluffy is seen sat on her haunches, looking down at her suckling foals. “Hmm. Babbehs dwinking wots and wots, but stiww vewy smaww.” She picks one up, eyeing the two-day old foal curiously. Then, her face lights up, an idea having come to mind.
  73. “Mummah wiww put babbehs back in mummah-howe! If dey in mah tummeh, babbehs can gwow biggew and come out when they big and stwong!” Before the foal can protest, it’s stuffed into her mouth. Then, the second one, while peeping erratically, is forced down her maw as well.
  75. Once again, BlueBerry comes into frame.
  77. “Nuuu! You a bad mummah!”
  78. “Huh? Why?”
  79. “You nommed youw babbehs! “
  80. “Nuuu! Mummah just put dem back in tummeh!”
  82. “But babbehs can’t go back in tummeh. You ated them. Babbehs dead.” He said this simply, no hint of sadness or empathy in his voice.
  84. The brilliantly white fluffy’s eyes widen. “Bu… But…”
  86. The dapper male stallion turns to the camera as the mare begins to wail in sadness in the background, tears streaming down her fluff as her multiple chins wobble back and forth. Strangely, BlueBerry still has the big, friendly smile on his face that he always has. It’s actually quite discomforting.
  88. “Wemembew, babbehs can’t go back in tummeh! Eating babbehs gives them wowstest owwies and fowever sweepies.”
  90. Effects on domestic fluffies in trial testing:
  92. In the population sample of 1,000 fluffies, all of them reacted in rage, disgust, and confusion. Some examples of their thoughts on the matter are displayed below:
  94. “Babbehs can’t evew go back in tummeh! Evewyfwuffy know dat!”
  96. “Why was that mummah so stupee!?”
  98. “STUPIEE DUMMEH MUMMAH!” This was followed by spraying the television with faeces.
  100. All in all, this was the only PSA of the first batch that didn’t make the cut. Incidences of fluffies eating their babies are sketchy as best, and seems that it could only occur amongst uneducated fluffies in the wild, or those trained to do this by abusers.
  102. The lead writer of the PSA was questioned about this, and only responded with “It definitely happens! I read about it on the Booru! Fucking Snowball. FUCKING SNOWBALL! THAT CUNT THOSE STORIES MAKE ME SO MAD AAAHHHH—“ He had to be tazed by security staff and escorted off the premises. Psychological screening will be put in place for future employees of Fluff TV.
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