
Wrap The Fluffy

Apr 18th, 2012
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  1. >Fluffy pony made a mess the last time you left her at home while you were at work
  2. >Poo everywhere in the house
  3. >Despite the fact you tried to show her the proper way to do it, in a sandbox
  4. >Of course she didn't learn
  5. >You decide to give her only the necessary meal today
  6. >She wouldn't need to poo for more than eight hours, considering the small amount of good given
  7. >It's about time to go to work, there's a important meeting today with stakeholders
  8. >Given the fact the next pet shop is miles away from your home and animal diapers can be pretty expensive
  9. >You think of something rather unusual solution
  10. >You call fluffy pony
  11. >She asks "pway? pway?"
  12. >You say "Yes, this play is called wrap the fluffy"
  13. >She gets excited "pway! pway!"
  14. >You plug her asshole with a little cork
  15. >And wrap duct tape around her so she can't take it off
  16. >You say "Oh that's it, you won the game!"
  17. >She gets more excited "fwuffy won! fwuffy won!", she doens't mind the duct tape very much
  18. >You tell her she can't eat during the day, it would spoil her appetite
  19. >Fluffy pony says she wants to eat
  20. >You're late for work, you yell at her "No eating until I return! Or else!"
  21. >She cries sadly
  22. >You grab your folder and go to work
  23. >Forgot your backpack at the couch, and realize that just after you arrive at work
  24. >You can't say to your boss you have to go back, it's an important meeting after all
  25. >You think she won't be able to open it anyway
  26. >Fluffy pony finds your backpack, one of its pockets it's half open
  27. >She puts a lot of effort, but manages to open the pocket
  28. >The pocket is filled with candy and energy bar sufficient for you during one whole day
  29. >She gazes at all the candy in there, starts opening them with
  30. >A baby dog would open the packs with far more efficiency than her
  31. >She thrilly eats every single candy and energy bar within the pocket
  32. >Her stomach is fairly full
  33. >Fluffy pony waits until her stomach gets more space
  34. >But she's on a sugar rush, wants more and won't stop looking
  35. >There's another pocket half opened
  36. >Fluffy pony finds a little white box with some terms she wouldn't dream understanding
  37. >She again, puts a lot of effort to open the little box
  38. >Fluffy pony gazes at the pill chart that comes out of it
  39. >Eats all eight pills ferociously, she didn't know they were laxative pills
  40. >Few moments after that, she needs to poo
  41. >She gets in her usual fecal position, and starts forcing her buttock muscles but nothing happens
  42. >She has a worry expression on her face
  43. >Fluffy pony makes more and more effort, but that only aggravates her necessity to poo
  44. >"Why no poopy? Why no poopy?" fluffy pony repeats incessantly
  45. >She feels a keen pain in her bowels and start running desperately in circles
  46. >The laxative is in full effect, her digestive system is in high activity
  47. >The pain is getting more and more intense
  48. >"Why tummy ouchie? Why tummy ouchie?" She cries.
  49. >She bumps her ass against in the wall and realizes that there's something else in her ass
  50. >Fluffy pony tries every possible thing her limited mind can think of to take off the cork
  51. >She rolls in the ground, she tries scrubing her ass against the wall but nothing seems to work
  52. >The duct tape is too efficiently stuck on her
  53. >She starts vomiting because of the pain forming in her stomach, but most of the candy is on her intestines at this point
  54. >The pain is growing in an accelerated rhythm, it's becoming unbearable for her, she can't stand a single moment of it anymore
  55. >As her cries grows more and more pathetic by each second, "Whaaaa, tummy ouchie! Fwuffy hwurt!"
  56. >Tears start droping from her eyes
  57. > Fluffy pony feels utter and sheer pain roaming through her intestines and stomach
  58. >"Waaah! Waaaaaah! She squeals pathetically
  59. >She's feeling such an excruciating pain she never thought possible
  60. >Fluffy pony is in complete agony!
  61. >And she screams, screams and screams
  62. >Finally her intestines bursts and she gives a final and torrential vomit, this time it's not an unsual vomit
  63. >You arrive at home after a demanding day of work and find fluffy pony in a pool of vomit, feces and blood
  64. >Seems like she made a mess after all
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