

May 23rd, 2014
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  1. [18:37:45] Common channels for Hidden_Glimmer []: #Fourcannon
  2. [18:37:46] <Alerderna> hay
  3. [18:37:47] <Alerderna> hay Hid
  4. [18:37:48] <Alerderna> Hid
  5. [18:37:48] <Alerderna> Hay
  6. [18:37:49] <Alerderna> Hid
  7. [18:38:12] <Hidden_Glimmer> Hay
  8. [18:38:17] Alerderna tucks Hidden in :3
  9. [18:38:26] <Hidden_Glimmer> Nuu, i got IC to do...
  10. [18:38:42] Alerderna gibes Hid a good night kissu on her forehead and puts a glass of water on her side table
  11. [18:38:59] Hidden_Glimmer doesn't wanna go to sleep now...
  12. [18:39:38] Alerderna sings Hidden a lullaby
  13. [18:42:22] Hidden_Glimmer is not sure if Aler knows what a lullaby is
  14. [18:42:32] <Alerderna> [sh]
  15. [18:43:02] Alerderna would get into the morbid ones his grandma used to sing him, but no.
  16. [18:43:18] Alerderna ssshhhh's Hid, petpatting her mane trying to get the fugger to sleep.
  17. [18:47:50] Hidden_Glimmer is not going to sleep, she has to bring chaos and destruction first MWAHAHAHA no
  18. [18:50:59] Alerderna continues petpatting the blue-ish mare trying to settle her inner Discord 'cause that'd be bad, mmmkay?
  19. [18:52:12] <Hidden_Glimmer> N-no
  20. [18:52:20] Hidden_Glimmer is on energy saving mode
  21. [18:52:44] Alerderna kisses Hid's forehead once again. "Hush now, quite now..."
  22. [18:53:05] Hidden_Glimmer licks Aler's nose
  23. [18:53:22] Alerderna scrunchiefaces a bit. "sssshhhhh, or I'll bite that tongue."
  24. [18:54:34] Hidden_Glimmer covers her muzzle with the blanket and puppy eyes at aler
  25. [18:55:42] Alerderna isn't phased! He went back to petpatting da mares mane. "Ssshhhh, no tears. Only dreams now."
  26. [18:56:13] Hidden_Glimmer nibbles on Aler's hoof and gnaws on it's ti
  27. [18:56:16] <Hidden_Glimmer> *tip
  28. [18:56:38] Alerderna puuuuuulls it back and gibes Hid's nose a boop. "pls. It's time to sleep."
  29. [18:57:27] Hidden_Glimmer nuzzles the hoof and smiles brightly with big, shiny eyes
  30. [18:58:09] Alerderna gibes Hid's nose a peck and goes into another lullaby to try 'n get her to sleep.
  31. [19:07:57] <Hidden_Glimmer> S-stop making me sleepy...
  32. [19:08:40] Alerderna shakes his head and goes into another one, petpatting da mares mane as he does
  33. [19:15:44] <Hidden_Glimmer> Ugh. Alright, i go to bed in a few minutes...
  34. [19:16:46] Alerderna yays a bit externally and tucks Hid in a bit more
  35. [19:30:27] Hidden_Glimmer [] has quit IRC:
  37. [16:24:10] <Alerderna> wat r u doin' still up? >c
  38. [16:24:21] <Hidden_Glimmer> IT's... half to eleven...
  39. [16:24:28] <Hidden_Glimmer> It'S not that late.
  40. [16:24:32] <Hidden_Glimmer> But thanks for worrying~
  41. [16:24:48] <Alerderna> ssshhhhh
  42. [16:24:50] Alerderna tucks Hid in
  43. [16:25:03] Alerderna gibes Hid a good night kissu on the forehead
  44. [16:25:28] Hidden_Glimmer scrunchies and pulls the bat under the blanket
  45. [16:25:45] Hidden_Glimmer hugs and squeezes him tightly from behind. "Nu!"
  46. [16:26:48] Alerderna is pulled under and squeezed "Hhgggghhhhhh, p-pls."
  47. [16:27:10] Hidden_Glimmer giggles and bites Aler's neck just to taunt the bat
  48. [16:28:14] Alerderna wriggle's 'n wraggle's to no success, it seems ;o; "staaaaahp. I need to tuck you iiiinnnnnn."
  49. [16:30:10] Hidden_Glimmer nibbles on his neck and wraps one of his hindlegs between her own. "I will go to sleep! In a bit!
  50. [16:31:06] Alerderna just doesn't resist anymore. he's k with this now. "pls. I'll even get you chocolate milk."
  51. [16:32:20] Hidden_Glimmer gives his neck a slow, long lick. "Nope! I just want a few more minutes!"
  52. [16:33:10] Alerderna is also k with this. An ear flicked and he bit his lower lip a bit. "p-pls. I'll even sing a lulably."
  53. [16:42:22] Hidden_Glimmer [] has quit IRC:
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