
Endeavorance. part V

Jul 21st, 2012
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  1. Part V
  2. >Just reached the outside of ponyville
  3. >its nearly dark
  4. >stare down the local pharmacy
  5. >crack your knuckles for what your about to do
  6. >rush into town unseen
  7. >move through the back allies trying to remain obscure
  8. >approach the side of the pharmacy
  9. >look at the awning overhead
  10. >pull out the horn
  11. >inhale
  12. >focus deeply
  13. >the beam holding up the other end of the awning starts to shake loose
  14. >it falls out
  15. >the far side of the awning clunks to the ground
  16. >see the pharmacist step outside to try and figure out what happened
  17. >go around to the back end of the pharmacy
  18. >inspect the back door
  19. >its unlocked
  20. >open it slowly
  21. >peer inside
  22. >see the pharmacist still out front
  23. >step in
  24. >start grabbing various minerals off the shelves
  25. >toss them into a bag
  26. >leave some change on the counter
  27. >move to the back door
  28. >open it
  29. >check the area
  30. >all clear
  31. >dart for home
  32. >reach home as it has just become dark
  33. >step inside
  34. >look around
  35. >the place is a complete wreck
  36. >any and every personal object imaginable is now scattered across the floor
  37. >step through the mess
  38. >enter the bathroom
  39. >its an even bigger wreck
  40. >turn on the hot water in the bathtub
  41. >attempt to remove your pants
  42. >cringe in pan from trying to work around your fresh leg wound
  43. >stop
  44. >leave the bathroom
  45. >enter the kitchen
  46. >look for a pair of scissors
  47. >sort through the mess on the floor
  48. >find the scissors
  49. >re enter the bathroom
  50. >cut yourself out of your pants
  51. >sink into the tub
  52. >wash away the dirt still in your wound from crawling on the ground in the forest
  53. >soak for a moment
  54. >slowly start peeling of the clothing fried onto your skin once more
  55. >clean off
  56. >grab the horn out of the pocket from your mutilated pants
  57. >focus on your wound
  58. >it closes over slowly
  59. >dry off
  60. >stand up
  61. >no pain
  62. >no scar
  63. >still limping though
  64. >head for your room
  65. >enter
  66. >its easily the worst wreck out of all the rooms you’ve been in
  67. >touch the bed
  68. >sit on it
  69. >stare down at your scattered personal belongings
  70. >rest for a moment
  71. >get up
  72. >pick out a fresh change of clothes from the many articles flung carelessly onto the ground
  73. >shut the bedroom door on the way out
  74. >step back into the kitchen
  75. >approach the stove
  76. >knock on the top of it
  77. >feel around the sides
  78. >clench the top of it
  79. >lift it off
  80. >inspect the cast iron plating
  81. >walk over to the basement door
  82. >head down the steps with the cast iron
  83. >reach the bottom
  84. >observe the basement
  85. >it hasn’t been trashed
  86. >spread a sheet down on the floor
  87. >unload the minerals onto it
  88. >plop the cast iron down next to the minerals
  89. >grab a two-by-four and set it next to the cast iron
  90. >clench the horn in your hand
  91. >inhale deeply
  92. >start working
  93. >spend the entire night mixing minerals, shaping wood and bending iron
  94. >the sun rises 10 tireless hours later
  95. >look at the finished project
  96. >a single, impractical, makeshift gun
  97. >complete with too many bullets to count
  98. >pick it up
  99. >clench it tightly in your hands
  100. >no idea if it will work properly or explode in your hands
  101. >it probably doesn’t shoot too accurately
  102. >and it doesn’t resemble any known weapon from earth
  103. >but it will serve as a good replacement for the knife
  104. >for self defense or otherwise
  105. >load it up
  106. >inspect its craftsmanship
  107. >The plunking of hooves overhead interrupts your scrutinizing
  108. >look up
  109. >see the dust falling out from the rafters
  110. >hear the guards speaking indistinctively
  111. >the plunking stops
  112. >the basement door opens
  113. >The guard shouts to his associates
  114. >“…start looking through the basement”
  115. >shuts the door
  116. >turns around and sees you
  117. >stare him down
  118. >he stares back
  119. >his eyes move back and forth between your face and the gun
  120. >silence consumes the basement
  121. >only noise is the guard’s breathing patterns
  122. >inadvertently start breathing in sync with him
  123. >try to pull the trigger
  124. >hesitate
  125. >worry the gun might misfire to horrendous effects
  126. >the guards continues to stand frozen in his stare
  127. >he gulps
  128. >see the fear in his eyes
  129. >contemplate on what to do
  130. >feel your lip quivering
  131. >he takes a step back toward the door
  132. >pull the trigger on an sudden impulse
  133. >recoil at the sound of the blast
  134. >the bullet flies through his neck and out the back
  135. >his body topples down the stares clumsily
  136. >walk over to him
  137. >watch him fade out
  138. >no turning back now
  139. >start breathing heavily
  140. >lip continues to quiver
  141. >walk up the steps slowly
  142. >rest a hand on the door
  143. >open it
  144. >“Corporal, what was that noise?”
  145. >see another guard standing in the kitchen
  146. >he freezes upon seeing you
  147. >locks into a similar stare
  148. >aim at him
  149. >pull the trigger
  150. >he screams in agony as body lunges back over the corner of the kitchen table
  151. >blood trails onto the kitchen tiles near your boots
  152. >find it easier to waste this one than the last one
  153. >not tempted to watch him fade out
  154. >see a another move out from around the living room corner
  155. >waste him with even less hesitation than the previous one
  156. >pause
  157. >look over your shoulders
  158. >your lip stops quivering
  159. >breathing patterns go back to normal
  160. >see the guard in the living room moving around
  161. >step over to him
  162. >look down at him
  163. >watch his twitching from nerve reflex
  164. >observe the where the bullet entered
  165. >it punched a clean through his armor
  166. >continue to observe him until he stops moving completely
  167. >see movement out of the corner of your eye
  168. >look towards your bedroom
  169. >the door is ajar
  170. >slowly step down the hallway
  171. >approach the ajar door
  172. >rest a hand on it
  173. >push it the rest of the way open
  174. >see another guard in there
  175. >backed into the corner
  176. >shaking in panic
  177. >tries to speak
  178. >“B-by…By order o-of Celestia, you are under A-arrest”
  179. >there is absolutely no conviction in his voice
  180. >pause for a moment
  181. >hear the shaking in his breathing patterns
  182. >its making his armor chatter
  183. >rest your hand on the doorknob
  184. >shut the door slowly
  185. >aim at it
  186. >pull the trigger
  187. >the bullet punches clean through the door
  188. >the chattering of armor stops
  189. >complete silence fills the air
  190. >hear a loud thud on the ground
  191. >open the door
  192. >observe all your belongings even more violated than they were previously
  193. >the guard lays lifelessly on the ground
  194. >his eyes staring a thousand yards past the ceiling above him
  195. >shut the door
  196. >think on the guards words
  197. >look out the window
  198. >stare down Canterlot in retribution
  199. >plot a payback for being hunted
  200. >head back down into the basement
  201. >take the remaining iron
  202. >grab the horn
  203. >manage to forge a suppressor after an hour
  204. >fit it onto the tip of the gun
  205. >test fire it
  206. >its not the best, but adequate
  207. >step out the back door
  208. >head for Canterlot
  215. >You smile lightly as you drape your coat over the hanger
  216. >She fidgets about and presses her frail little forearms against her swollen breasts as she waits uneasily for your Answer
  217. Why would I mind? Of course!
  218. >Expelling a relieved sigh, she drops her arms to her side, revealing her pert nipples protruding through the thin cotton fabric sleeveless shirt
  219. >“Oh. thank you so much, Anon.”
  220. Meet me upstairs in about five minutes
  221. >You watch her trail up the winding staircase as fast as her thin legs can accelerate her, Dipping down and catching a glimpse up her skirt as she makes her way
  222. >the instant the show is out of sight, you to your watch and make note of the time
  223. 1:17...her folks wont be home for atleast another four hours
  224. >After rejoicing with a clap of your hands, you creep your way over to the bathroom to freshen up
  225. >Slipping out of your clothes as quickly as possible, you try to give yourself a quick pat down with a damp rag
  226. >Right as you’re drying off you hear her calling
  227. >“Anon, Where are you?”
  228. >With that out of the way, you pop out of the bathroom and announce your approach
  229. I’m coming, Shy
  230. >“Hurry! Please?” You hear a slight groan of discomfort in her voice as you bolt up the stairs
  231. >By the time you make it up to her room standing you see her standing in the middle of it motioning for you to go the bed in an uncharacteristic fit of impatience
  232. >“Where have you been? Come here!”
  233. >With that, you pop a seat on the bed and she follows suit by sitting on your lap facing you, her legs thrown over your hips.
  234. >She plants her hand on the base of her shirt and pulls it up. It gets stuck on the relative snugness of her tender bosom, larger than before she had started nursing but not disproportionately so.
  236. >You slid your thumbs underneath her shirt. She bits her lip as the both of you liberate her boobs from their tight prison, before casting the dislodged article off to the side
  237. >She lets out another relieved sigh. You give her another light smile before planting your lips in the center of her chest and playfully motorboating her, admiring the firmness.
  238. >Normally this would elicit a cute giggle from her but they’re really full today
  239. >“Come on, already. They’re sore!”
  240. Alright, Alright
  241. >With that you take to her right breast, enveloping that adorable, pink, stiff, little nipple of hers in your lips and sucking.
  242. >She looks down at you, Biting her lip again. Her breasts seem to be a little backed up as they would normally be flowing like a faucet
  243. >She acknowledges this and takes her sore boob from underneath, squeezing on it lightly in hopes of hastening the release
  244. >After a few seconds of nothing she looks to you for aid
  245. >“Could you…help me?”
  246. >You pause your sucking for the short seconds you cup your hand around hers, Resuming the your sucking the instant you issue a firm squeeze.
  247. >With that, the floodgates open and your palate is surged over with a mouthful of sweet though otherwise indescribable liquid gold.
  248. >She lets out a cute little yelp the on the moment of release before panting for a few seconds while you continue your work on her.
  249. >She rolls her eyes back and takes a few short hyperventilations before sighing in relief
  250. >“Thank you, Anon.” she utters softly as she takes a hand to your head and begins stroking your hair
  251. >Of course, you’re happy to help but your too preoccupied trying to guzzle her milk to tell her that right now
  252. >“And the other one?”
  253. >You nod softly, pulling her suckling breast around by the nipple with the motion of your head in the process and articulate the only vocal response possible right now
  254. Mhmm!
  255. >While you’re Determined not to let a drop from your current project go to waste, you begin multitasking by planting a hand on her belly
  256. >gradually sliding it up her body, you admire every last trace of her satin-like skin gliding smoothly against your palm as it slowly makes it’s way to the bottom of her other breast.
  257. >With the tip of your index finger leading the way, you slid your palm across her mound and begin kneading it softly.
  258. >she moans ever so softly as she rolls her eyes back a second time and bites her lip once more
  259. >Sliding your other hand southward, you slip in underneath her the band of skirt and rest a finger outside on the outside of her panties, feeling a wet spot. She enjoys her nipple play a great deal it seems
  260. >She gasps and looks down at you in surprise the second your finger makes contact. Though this is just the tip of the iceberg
  261. >You give her a nice firm petting. Just enough to get your fingers lathered up in her juice before taking the wetness back up to her chest and smearing the little dab you came back with across her nipple
  262. >With that in place you begin squeezing and pulling on it with your fingers just as she takes her free hand and begins massaging the doughy skin below
  263. >Draining and drinking the last few drops off of righty, you pull of it and take a deep breath before blowing cold air on her cum coated nipple
  264. >The both of you hold still for a moment, watching as it and hardens, looking like a little pink smooth stone.
  265. >Fluttershy, using the hand that had been caressing you this whole time, pulls your lips to her stiff little teat
  266. >You waste no time unleashing on it, forming a tight valve around it with your mouth
  267. >Quick to respond, she resume massaging it
  268. >This one was a lot more co-operable; You feel the load of her mammary gland flooding your mouth almost instantly. The milk flows fast but not faster than you can chug it
  269. >Her letting out another short cute little moan only provokes you further as you begin suckling on her nipple hungrily like a dehydrating infant, nibbling and rolling it around with your tongue
  270. >She wraps her legs around you tightly and begins massaging her tit to hasten the draining
  271. >In a matter of minutes, you have her fully emptied
  272. >With the job done, you pull off of her and look up
  273. >She lets out a relieved sigh “Much Better”
  274. >She closes her eyes and smiles for the first time in the after noon, arching her back and slowly swaying her perky boobies from side to die
  275. >With such an inviting pose, you cant help but to bury your face deep into her cleavage again.
  276. >Now that she has nursed, they feel a lot softer. And her mood has elevated no doubt as She wraps her arms around your head and pulls you into with all the strength her frail little muscles can produce
  277. >She swings her torso to and fro. Her C’s slap you playfully as she lets out that cute giggle you were wanting to hear the first time you tried this
  278. >After their jiggling ceases, you roll your head up and look into her cyan eyes
  279. >Unwrapping her limbs’ holds on you, she slides down and locks lips. Her tongue permeates across your lips gently before you follow suit and do the same to her.
  280. >Though you have a surprise for her as you had saved a cheekfull of her milk.
  281. >Catching her off guard, you snowball it into mouth.
  282. >“Hmm!?” She voices with a muffle, as your lips are still locked
  283. >After a second she realizes what it is and snowballs it back to you
  284. >The both of you take a minute to exchange, saliva, milk and tongue contact. Snowballing the load back and forth playfully
  285. >By the time you break, the milk has been so diluted by either of you, it’s taste is nearly gone
  286. >The both of you down it just before she rests her hands on your cheeks and grazes them with your thumbs
  287. >“Mmm…I-I love your tongue, Anon”
  288. >You smile mischievously
  289. What say we get you out of that skirt?
  291. >“Okay” She says meekly before standing up and repositioning herself on a chair
  292. >Continuing with “Give me one little second to get out of these shoes” as her slender fingers rest at the top of her left shin and grip the pink polka dotted leggings. With a good tug she pulls the slack out and up, bringing the legging all the way up to her thigh, releasing the elastic suspending it and letting it rest
  293. >“Huh, I didn’t know those were thigh high” you say to yourself as she issues the same treatment to her other leg
  294. >With the leggings untucked and out, the boots fit far looser and she is effortlessly able to shed them and cast them off
  295. >You slip out of your shirt and pants and continue watching in anticipation as she stands up, undoes her skirt and drops it to her ankles in the slowest way possible, Almost as if she’s trying to act extra seductive.
  296. >With you naked and her reduced to just her underwear and leggings, your eyes go south and land on that wet spot on her panties
  297. >She takes a second before looking down too, realizing that was the focus of your gaze.
  298. >Looking back up at you she bites her lip and suppresses a giggle before smiling shyly and resting her fingers on the elastic bands of her leggings a second time as she prepares to shed them
  299. >But before she can, you cut in
  300. Those can stay on
  301. >“Hehe, alright” she says before turning around and facing her cute little ass toward you, still holding that shy smile all the way.
  302. >Planting her legs about a step apart, she bends over and perks her ass up before sliding off her panties in a manor slower and even more seductive than her skirt
  303. >Watching it go from her hips to her ankles feels like it is taking an eternity
  304. >Anon jr apparently agrees as he is going berserk
  305. >But before you can entertain his needs, you best fill in that implied promise of yours.
  306. >Don’t want to leave your lady unsatisfied
  309. >Just as she turns around, you emerge from your seat on the bed only to drop down to your knees in front of her
  310. >Starting at her shins You plant your palms on her and glide your hands up her tall smooth leg as you admire both her form and the leggings. (I have a leg fetish. Big whoop! Wanna fight about it?)
  311. >After crossing over her knee, your grip into the baby smooth skin of her doughy thigh only partially covered by the legging. You take a moment to knead it before throwing her knee over your shoulder
  312. >Looking up, you find three things
  313. >First off, she looks absolutely magnificent from down here. She looked great before but now…DAYUM!!
  314. >Second, your face is about an inch away from her flower, now dripping with arousal. Her scent is strong though very pleasant.
  315. >Third, she is now sporting a rather mischievous smile of her own. It must be a serious turn on for her to be the dominant one in, well...anything, for a change
  316. >Not spending but a second more to recognize and analyze those, you lean in and plant a gentle, tender kiss on her velvety smooth, swollen, dripping, clean and shaven lips
  317. >She gives another gasp, widens her eyes and drops her jaw.
  318. >You both know its just a mocking expression for show, though you still take delight to the combined picturesque view of this angle, her stunning body and that sexy expression she just made
  319. >With contact established, you press your tongue into her and begin feeling your way up the length of her slit, getting a good idea of her taste before your tongue makes contact with her clit
  320. >“Mmmmmmm” she voices slowly and softly in approval as you search around her pink button
  321. >Upon you finding a spot she take positively, you feel her shudder in her hips slightly
  322. >“That’s it, right there…” she says as she grabs your head and pulls you into her sex deeper
  323. >You begin grinding your head around as her “mmm”s continue.
  324. >You feel her weight coming down on you as you are slowly taken down to lying on your back
  325. >By the time your laying flat, Shy’s swollen, pink, dripping wet lips are taking up ¾ of your vision.
  326. >she hovers above your face for a short moment before coming down, grinding her clit against your lips for a good thirty seconds before returning to her position of hovering
  327. >She looks down at you before taking a hand down to her slit, popping two fingers but an inch in and spreading herself open
  328. >“Come and tonguefuck me, Anon” she says before crashing back down on you, barely leaving you with enough time to instinctively open your mouth wide enough for your tongue to be able to penetrate her with any effective depth
  329. >You do manage to do just that though. She spreads her legs and resumes grinding. Her “mmm”’s have abruptly ceased and been replaced with seductive moans.
  330. >Determined to ensure your lady is satisfied, you take your right hand and begin fondling her nipple, prompting her moans to become louder
  331. >You begin stroking that sensitive spot on her clit with your left hand
  332. >Her individual moans stop and are replaced with one long solid moan
  333. >“OH! I’M GONNA CUM!!!” she exclaims
  334. >With that, you muster all your jaw strength to having your tongue penetrate into her as deep as possible. The moan is soon accompanied by a violent shaking stemming from her hips and you feel your mouth being flooded with more of her sweet juices.
  335. >Though this is more overflow than you can handle. Your face gets soaked and you loose quite a bit of the precious nectar to the carpet
  336. >It tastes pretty good, Kind of like rose water
  337. >After the quivering stops, she springs back up and relocates herself to sitting on your lap, her soaked flower resting against your shaft
  338. >She takes a minute to catch her breath before dropping down to have her face meet yours
  339. >“Mmm! Anon, that was so hot!” she says in a bubbly voice as she merrily licks the excess cum off your face
  340. Did I do good?
  341. >“You did great!” she says, still dragging her tongue all over you
  342. >You let her finish before the both of you stand up
  343. >She looks down at your erect member, giggling as she recalls there is still plenty more kinky sex to be had
  344. >“Sit down on the bed, I’ll do the work this time”
  345. >With no reasonable objections on your part, you do just that
  346. >With your dick ready and waiting, she climbs up on onto your lap and suspends herself just above it
  347. >She takes your head and grinds it into her vulva, still swollen and dripping wet, and rattles her around, throwing Anon jr’s helmet violently around in the tent clench of her lips
  348. >Pausing, she looks down at your erect member then back up to you before giving a sly little wink. With no warning at all, she drops herself and takes your length in a split second
  349. >The both of you let out a moan after that
  350. >Just as promised, she goes fast away to work, bouncing and gyrating together in the same motion while you relax
  351. >She wraps her arms around the back of your head, locks her lips together with yours searching for a nice tight spot for you.
  352. >Her being the good girl she is, she finds it fast. Without losing her hold on your member, she hoists herself up and repositions her body so that your face is directly in front of her breasts again. Lastly, she flicks the long strands of her hair down so that they rest in between her cleavage
  353. >You feel her canal tightening around your now diamond hard member as her legs wrap around your waste
  354. >Her gyrating resumes
  355. >then her grind
  356. >She begins bouncing up and down on you so fast you can hear her thighs and ass slapping against your lap loudly
  357. >She watches you clench your teeth together, knowing what that means
  358. >Lowering her head over you, she breathes heavily on your neck as she speaks
  359. >“Anon, are you gonna cum?” she whispers seductively
  360. >you respond through a lockjaw
  361. Yeah…
  362. >“Mmm, yeah. Cum for me” She continues her dirty talk as her canal grows even tighter
  363. >The slapping noise becomes twice as frequent as she begins bouncing faster and faster
  364. >She lays down more taunting “I know you want to. Cum inside me. Come on baby, Cum inside me.”
  365. >You begin panting heavily, something that you know can only fuel her hunger for your seed
  366. >“Come on baby. Cum for me. Cum inside me! Mmmm YESSS!!! Cum for me, Anon! Cum for me baby”
  367. >And within the blink of an eye her grinding stops and her hold on your member becomes so tight, it‘s almost is if you were in a vacuum press.
  368. >“YESS!!! Come on, Baby. Cum for me. I love you baby! MMMM! Come on! Cum for Shy, Cum inside me! Cum for me, Cum for me!”
  369. >In the depths of her, you feel her inner lips kissing the head of your throbbing member softly before gripping just the tip in an even tighter suction
  370. >That’s enough to push you over the edge and apparently she is aware of this as she grabs your head and forcibly pulls you into her cleavage. Holding you there tight, swaying her body to and fro while her breasts smother you and her hair lightly caresses your skin
  371. >“Mmm, yeah. That’s a good boy” She says at a now normal volume, but still seductive voice the instant you begin emptying your seed into her, continuously throwing your face around in playful motorboat
  372. >“Mmmm…I love it when you cum inside me” she utters in the same tone as you are ejecting the last of your DNA into her
  373. >Even though your balls are drained easily in under five seconds, the after glow seems to go on forever. Pulling your head back, she locks lips one you one last time for the best kiss of the night before you find your way back inside her glorious prison
  374. >With your member still buried deep inside of her, and her arms still wrapped around your head the both of you finally collapse to the mattress, You resting on top of her with your face still resting on her lady pillows and the satin she calls her hair
  375. You turn your head and release your mouth from its muzzle made of warm, soft, doughy boobage and strands of pink silk so you can spit a sentence out
  376. Love ya, Shy!
  377. >“Hehehe…I love you too” she exclaims in another cute giggle as you see her licking her lips and biting them
  378. >Turning your head a little more, you try to reach for her nipple with your mouth a second time but all you can do is go for a couple half ass licks at her sensitive pink skin, as it is not quite in reach
  379. >“I got it” She says in a bubbly voice as she pinches it and relocates it, stuffing it in your mouth in a bit of a forceful fasion.
  380. >Immediately you return to suckling on her in a tender fashion to see if by chance you had missed some milk
  381. >Though before you get too lost in the sensation, your mouth releases it’s hold on her teat
  382. when you realize an important question
  383. Hey, Shy?
  384. >“Yeah?”
  385. How many hours we get before your folks get home?
  386. >“Umm. A lot. They’re going to be out of town all weekend”
  387. >If you could move you would be dancing. Though being nursed by Fluttershy aint a bad celebratory choice either
  388. Awesome
  389. >You say your word softly and let that marvelous sensation of post-sex bonding overwhelm and overtake your being as you return your lips, teeth and tongue to sucking, nibbling and licking her adorable pink nipple
  390. >She lets out another cute giggle as she begins caressing your head
  391. >“This weekend is going to be fun..."
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