
elise/hana c-s supports!

Oct 14th, 2016
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  1. --C SUPPORT--
  2. ELISE: Oh, what's that over there?
  3. HANA: Hiiiyah!
  4. ELISE: Wow, she's so pretty! And look at the way she moves! So cool!
  5. HANA: ...Huh? Who's that over there?
  6. ELISE: I've been spotted!
  7. HANA: Oh, hello, Princess Elise! I'm sorry I didn't see you there. Is there something you need?
  8. ELISE: Uh, no, not really!
  9. HANA: Well, okay. I'll just get back to training, then.
  10. ELISE: So cool...
  11. HANA: Did you say something?
  12. ELISE: Nope! Definitely not!
  13. HANA: Uh, alright.
  14. ELISE: ...
  15. HANA: Hiyah!
  16. ELISE: ...Heehee.
  17. HANA: ...My apologies, Princess Elise, but I just remembered I have something urgent to take care of. If you'll excuse me?
  18. ELISE: Oh, of course! Um, what was your name again?
  19. HANA: I'm Hana, loyal retainer to Lady Sakura.
  20. ELISE: Oh! Cool! Nice to meet you, Hana. See ya later!
  21. (ELISE leaves)
  22. HANA: Well, that was weird. Whatever.
  24. --B SUPPORT--
  25. HANA: Hiiiyah!
  26. ELISE: Um... Hana? Helloooo?
  27. HANA: ...Oh. Hello, Lady Elise.
  28. ELISE: Um, I wanted to ask... Are you busy?
  29. HANA: Well, yeah. I'm always busy training. I have to be on top of my game to protect Lady Sakura.
  30. ELISE: That's sorta what I wanted to talk to you about, actually! I have a problem I think you could help with.
  31. HANA: Sure, Lady Elise! I'll do my best. But like I said, I need to focus on protecting Sakura first and foremost.
  32. ELISE: Don't worry, I know! See, I know you work reeally hard, and that you're suuper strong and suuper pretty.
  33. HANA: Jeez, you don't have to butter me up! I already said I'd help.
  34. ELISE: Hey, I'm just tellin the truth here. But anyway, here's my problem.
  35. ELISE: I'm... not.
  36. HANA: Lady Elise, that's just not true! You're beautiful!
  37. ELISE: Well, gosh. Thanks, Hana! But, um, that's not the part I was talking about.
  38. HANA: ...Oh.
  39. ELISE: I meant... That I'm not strong like you are. All the time, I have to be watched over and protected by everyone else...
  40. HANA: But... You're a princess, so of course everyone would protect you. Heck, for your retainers, it's their job!
  41. ELISE: I know! It's just... I don't want that anymore. I never wanted that! What I DO want is to be strong like you! I want you to train me!
  42. HANA: ...I don't think I can do that.
  43. ELISE: Why not!? I need to be able to protect myself, right? I can't be helpless like this forever!
  44. HANA: I see your point, Lady Elise, but I just can't agree to this. I'm sorry, but I need to get back to my training.
  45. ELISE: Hana, please!
  46. HANA: No! Listen, you're a princess. You're this really important light in a lot of people's lives, and you give everyone hope for the future. Of course it's important that you be protected. But... It's just not your job.
  47. HANA: Your retainers work really hard for you. If you got stronger, what do you think they would do? They'd just have to work harder and throw themselves into more and more danger!
  48. ELISE: No they wouldn't!
  49. HANA: Yes, they would!
  50. ELISE: Hmph! Fine!
  51. HANA: Where are you going?
  52. ELISE: To find someone else to train me!
  53. (ELISE leaves)
  54. HANA: ...Gods, that girl is stubborn.
  56. --A SUPPORT--
  57. ELISE: ...Hana?
  58. HANA: Yes, Lady Elise?
  59. ELISE: I wanted to talk to you about the other day. I realized I probably hurt your feelings.
  60. HANA: It's alright, don't worry about it.
  61. ELISE: No, it's not! You're my friend, and I don't like that I made you angry!
  62. ELISE: But I don't like what you said, either. I know you're right, but... I can't stand it! I don't think you were right at all!
  63. ELISE: If I was able to protect myself, it doesn't mean Arthur and Effie would have nothing to do! They still do bunches of other stuff besides protecting me.
  64. HANA: ...
  65. ELISE: Just think about Sakura! If something happened to you, how would she feel?
  66. HANA: I...
  67. ELISE: She'd be so sad! She'd blame herself... For not being strong enough.
  68. HANA: I guess... You're right...
  69. ELISE: That how I feel! All the time! I've never been able to protect myself. I keep having to watch Arthur... and Effie... and all my siblings... get hurt over and over again for my sake! Can't you imagine how that feels?
  70. HANA: Well...
  71. ELISE: I'm sick of it! I can't let people I care about keep getting hurt because of me. So I wanted to ask you again if you'd train me.
  72. HANA: ...
  73. ELISE: Please! Pretty please, Hana! *sniff*
  74. HANA: Alright. I understand.
  75. ELISE: Really? You really mean it? You'll help me get strong?
  76. HANA: I'll do what I can, yeah. But it's not gonna be easy.
  77. ELISE: That's fine! I'm ready!
  78. HANA: It won't happen right away, either. It'll take time.
  79. ELISE: I know, jeez! Hana, I'll do whatever it takes! Anything... *sniffle*
  80. HANA: Gosh, Elise, don't cry!
  81. ELISE: I just... I need to protect everyone. I can't be a burden anymore... *sniff* They've done so much for me, and... and... *sobs*
  82. HANA: Oh, come here... It's okay. They'll be okay.
  83. HANA: Jeez. You're just like her...
  85. --S SUPPORT--
  86. ELISE: Take that! And that!
  87. HANA: Woah! You nearly got me there, Elise.
  88. ELISE: Hehe, I'm getting a lot better, huh?
  89. HANA: You sure are! It's because of all this hard work you've put into it!
  90. ELISE: Yup, I know I need to try really hard to get any better.
  91. ELISE: ...But, you know... I thought I'd get better with this, too, but... I'm still just as scared as I was before.
  92. HANA: That's natural, though. I wouldn't worry so much about it.
  93. ELISE: Huh? What do you mean?
  94. HANA: Well, everybody gets scared. Even the toughest and most fearsome warriors are afraid of something. It doesn't make you any less strong.
  95. ELISE: You mean you get scared, too?
  96. HANA: Of course I do. I may have been fighting nearly my whole life, but war is still... horrifying. I can't count how many times I thought I was going to die. But you can't let that stuff get to you. You have to keep fighting!
  97. ELISE: Because there's people who care about you, right?
  98. HANA: Er... I meant to say because you have people to fight for, but...
  99. ELISE: There's people who care about you enough to fight for you, too, you know. Sakura definitely does! And I care too!
  100. HANA: You... care about me? But why?
  101. ELISE: Because you're my friend, silly!
  102. HANA: You already have enough people to worry about, though... And I do dangerous stuff all the time! I don't want you to worry about me. I'm just going to burden you.
  103. ELISE: Hey, don't talk like that! You could never be a burden to me! I care about you a lot!
  104. ELISE: Like, a lot a lot.
  105. HANA: What do you mean?
  106. ELISE: Like... Arrgh! You're super cool! You're tough and strong and really pretty! You're really brave, too, and you're so devoted! And I get happy when I think about you!
  107. ELISE: But, I worry about you a lot, too. When I see you fighting on your own I have to stop myself from running over to help you! I get scared you might get hurt really bad... And I have to keep checking up on you to make sure you're alright!
  108. HANA: That's what all those vists outside training were about?
  109. ELISE: Yeah! I just needed to know you were safe. And I'm no dummy, I know what I'm feeling. It's just... you care so much about Sakura, and you don't like it when people worry about you, so I thought I'D be the one burdening YOU, and I didn't want to make you mad again, and-
  110. HANA: Elise, it's okay. I'm really honored to have you feel that way about me.
  111. ELISE: But you don't...
  112. HANA: I care about you, too, Elise. A lot a lot.
  113. ELISE: You do!?
  114. HANA: Yeah! And I'm really happy to hear you say that stuff. I'm just worried.
  115. ELISE: Why?
  116. HANA: Because like I said, I'm just going to make you worry about me more, especially if we're, um.
  117. ELISE: Oh shush about that! I'm gonna worry about you no matter what happens! It just means I have to try and protect you.
  118. HANA: I can't let you do that, though. I'm the one who's supposed to protect you!
  119. ELISE: Hmm...
  120. ELISE: How about we just protect each other?
  121. HANA: You mean, equally? I don't think...
  122. ELISE: That what couples are supposed to do, isn't it? Be equal?
  123. HANA: You're not wrong, but...
  124. ELISE: Listen. I'm not gonna stop wanting to protect you. People always tell me I'm as stubborn as an ox! So just let me!
  125. HANA: Okay, okay! Then... I vow to protect you, as long as I live.
  126. ELISE: Ditto.
  127. HANA: Come on, this is supposed to be serious!
  128. ELISE: Heehee. I love you, Hana.
  129. HANA: Jeez... I love you, too.
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