
Kimura vs Baldev

Aug 5th, 2016
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  1. Kimura: With a massive sigh, Ayumu would stand from his seat and begin moving about. Dammit, Kimura! What are you even thinking about so damn hard? He was unsure himself, but something unsettling was about, and his natural instincts simply couldn't allow him to leave it alone. He needed to be alone, secluded, where no one could see or be hurt by his practicing of the art of swordplay. Striding quickly, he was directing himself towards the beach, not wasting time by getting lost in the gardens, and leaping over anything in his way with a bit of Bull's Strength. Soon, he would stand barefoot upon the sand, and draw out his blade, focusing on the flow and churn of the water nearby, and syncing his slashes with the ambient music.
  3. Baldev: The assassin had a mission today, from an anonymous source by the name 'Nebula'. It was money; lots of it, too. Exactly 13,000 Euros, to be precise, and for what? To kill a mercenary -- the bodyguard of an idol, by his apparent research. Maybe this wasn't the best place to do this, considering who tended to hang around, but Marcus had no fear. He viewed his target from afar. A man taller, older than himself, but seemingly much less built, though that did not take away any advantages his opponent had. The dhampyr followed close behind, though out of sit via a crouch walk, but once they reached the bay he stopped and proceeded to wait. The target was... practicing? Well, this would prove to be interesting. Slowly pulling his weapon from its sheath, the heavyset man rose to a stand, and began his approach -- an initial dash setting him off, to be followed with an overhead swing from behind, which would connect like a truck.
  5. Kimura: Idle, and silent, Kimura only allowed the occasional grunt to escape him, but something still troubled the man. It was then he heard it: the fast-paced crunching of sand that signaled an approach. Turning in an instant, thanks to the Snake's Strike, he managed to block the sudden attack, but the assailant's blade crashed into him with an incredible amount of force that seen him careening backwards, only to sink his fingers into the muddy sand and call upon the Bull's Strength again, halting a few meters away. "I knew it!" he shouted, quickly judging the arc and lunging forward, then up into the air, for a ferocious strike from above. He did not switch forms now, his legs outstretched and his hair splayed in all directions, both hands on his blade for maximum output of power, a return of the overhead strike.
  7. Baldev: Marcus grunted, following through on his attack and sending his enemy backwards, into the water. But that reaction time... No, this wasn't just some normal human. This had to be some kind of powered individual, but the question was -- mutated or scientifically developed? He didn't have much time to think on this, as his opponent was already returning blows. Grunting, what had he said? No matter -- his blade came up in a single hand to smash into the others, a resonating clang clearing the area as the pure strength of the blow caused him to sink into the sands. But that was not all he had; Baldev's free hand shot outwards, gripping Kimura by his left ankle and turning to throw him into the ground, quickly following through with a piercing motion aimed directly at his throat.
  9. Kimura: Well now! He certainly wasn't expecting hand-to-hand to be mixed into this! Suddenly grappled and thrown into the dirt, his sense of time was incredibly slowed by the adrenaline now pumping through his veins, and he had a quick second to roll out of the way of the attack, and jump to his feet. His blade had been tossed aside, so in an effort to try and distract his opponent, he brought his foot up above his head and slammed it down onto the back of Marcus's exposed neck, before dashing off towards the water to attempt to pick up his blade, should the strike hit. Then Ayumu would perform another dashing strike, with his blade held down and to the side, his shoulder leading the charge.
  11. Baldev: The tip pierced the sand, becoming lodged in it, before Marcus was forced into a kneeling position by the sudden strike, which nearly managed to bruise the spinal column beneath. Nearly. The rush would be met with an initial growl, as he contorted his body to catch the diagonally swinging blade in his teeth, cutting the ends of his lips ever so slightly as his teeth sunk in and ruptured the metal, smashing the sword in two and leaving Ayumu disarmed for the follow up tackle that was coming.
  13. Kimura: Wha-- the katana broke?! Internally cursing a thousand times, instinctive reflexes took over, and his command was to jump. So he did. Kimura leaped above the incoming tackle, planting his right foot on Baldev's wide back and lunging towards the sword left in the sand. Swiftly, he grasped the hilt, rolling to a stop just behind the other male and raising it over his head for what he thought would be the finishing blow to this short-lived battle. With a resounding, "Haaaaaah!" did he bring down the other's blade, attempting to slash open his own back, with a confident glint in his eyes.
  15. Baldev: Fucking shit! Goddammit! No, Marcus, keep your cool. You can't let the adrenaline and anger take over. As his back was stepped upon, the man growled, before quickly turning -- his footing and strength was enough to keep him from falling face first into the ground, and a quick turn was made to counter the incoming blow. His forearm shattered the side of the blade, chunks of the katana getting lodged in his skin, before his right arm followed up with a massive straight directly to Kimura's nose, aiming to break it and render the man blind. He needed to escape. And he needed to now.
  17. Kimura: He broke it again?! And this time, his own blade! What the hell was this man, and how was he so brutish yet able to counter the nimble movements Ayumu prided himself on?! No time to think, yet again, as the cartilage of his nose was suddenly shattered and he was sent flying into the sand. The blood began filling his eyes, spreading quickly and rendering him entirely blind for the time being. He did not move, fully expecting death to come, and mourning over his failures as a man... He never became a father. Oh, the thought of that nearly brought him to tears, but he refused to die sobbing. And Mizzy... Boss. Boss! No, he wasn't going to die! Not now, not while she still needed him! He attempted sitting up, calling upon the Bat's Sonar to map out the area. He had to retreat -- he couldn't win at this point, and so he threw himself up and over the nearby hedges, before camping there after making a clattering noise in an attempt to trick Baldev into thinking he ran.
  19. Baldev: Watching the other fly off and manage to move away, Marcus grunted and grumbled, moving to pick up the pieces of the swords. This was... unexpected. He thought it would be easy. Mercenaries usually weren't all that much -- sure, they had guns, but guns didn't exactly work when they couldn't see him coming. But this one had reacted so quickly, and the way he fought spelled out superhuman experiences. Growling and groaning, he would walk down the beach, having collected the pieces so he could not be tracked and disappearing...
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