

Feb 27th, 2017
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  1. (show presentation) Good Afternoon everyone. Piracy is a word used for people that steals and attacks ships at sea (show pirateship) (smiles)... Well those people are not around anymore since it is not profitable as before. Oh! wait hold on... Actually those people who steals and attack ships are actually still around.. they simply evolved and transcended in a place where everything is made virtually (shows one piece picture). ooops wrong slide. (Shows internet) they now steal through the internet without any hint of respect to the authors of the work. These pirates are most likely beside you or behind you since we filipinos are known for stealing unauthorized files in the internet.
  3. I'm sure everyone has heard about plagiarism and movie piracy, these two are the most common illegal deeds done by the filipinos. Why do filipinos do piracy in the first place? Most people would answer that it is because we are in 3rd world country in which we lack money to be able to get access to these movies and other things in the internet. I however believe that we just lack education and knowledge about piracy.
  5. What you guys have been doing are harming the authors of the works more than you could possible think. It could bring you temporarily moment of joy for yourself but you are not respecting the authors of these works!. They spent hundreds or even thousands of hours on these movies, documents and even softwares. And here you are trying to use their works without their permission at all for your own good. So selfish and simple minded. Imagine if Leonard made a software that is worth years of his efforts and some friend of his decides to steal his software and proclaim it as his own. and ended up becoming a millionaire. not only leonard lost the opportunity, he also would have a traumatic experience in the future and have trust issues. Another scenario is that what if a the upcoming spiderman movie got leaked in the internet and everyone decides to download it, wouldn't that cause marvel to go bankrupt and have less movie productions in the upcoming years?
  7. In United States, the online piracy has been a huge problem in which it cost the U.S economy between $200 to $250billion per year and responsible for the loss of 750,000 American jobs. according to the statistics of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA). With these tremendous numbers, all i could do about this is to let you guys know how much harm we bring to other people.
  9. I myself started following the rules when I was in united states because of this one event. about 4years ago. I was trying to get a video game for a cheaper price and i sent my friend a link about this website selling it for lot cheaper price. My friend responded "Don't ever buy on those websites, it does not help the author of the game instead you are helping someone else who does not deserve it" Since then, I never did any of what a pirate would do instead i begun paying large sums of money if I want to get something.
  11. I just then realized how terrible of a person I am when i was not even thinking about the people who worked hard on their work and I was using it illegally. When you pay for a movie, your not only getting access to their movies, your actually supporting them to make some more of these. I'm sure everyone here does not like their things being stolen at all, if that is that the case then dont do piracy. piracy is a crime.
  13. Thank you.
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