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a guest
Nov 16th, 2010
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  1. ┌─[ 19:22 ][ revolution:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/2K Games/BioShock/Builds/Release ]
  2. └─> WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine-test2/ WINEARCH=win32 wine Bioshock.exe -dx9 -nointro
  3. fixme:process:GetProcessWorkingSetSize (0xffffffff,0x72ea38,0x72ea34): stub
  4. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x8c): stub
  5. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x98): stub
  6. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xa4): stub
  7. fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x72f038,0x00000000), stub!
  8. fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS)
  9. fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x14c620,0x14c520): stub
  10. fixme:avrt:AvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW (L"Pro Audio",0x72cd38): stub
  11. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xf4): stub
  12. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x100): stub
  13. fixme:xinput:XInputGetState (0 0x72d0d8)
  14. fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 53 (SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS)
  15. fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 51 (SPI_SETFILTERKEYS)
  16. fixme:d3d9:Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 stub
  17. fixme:imm:ImmReleaseContext (0x1007e, 0xb0fe670): stub
  18. fixme:d3d_surface:surface_load_location Downloading RGB surface 0x102b5608 to reload it as sRGB.
  19. fixme:d3d_surface:surface_load_location Downloading RGB surface 0x102b5810 to reload it as sRGB.
  20. fixme:d3d_surface:surface_load_location Downloading RGB surface 0x102b59b8 to reload it as sRGB.
  21. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x134): stub
  22. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0xf4): stub
  23. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x104): stub
  24. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x108): stub
  25. fixme:thread:SetThreadIdealProcessor (0x110): stub
  26. wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x00000000 at address (nil) (thread 0009), starting debugger...
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