
Curse of the Vampire Fluffy

Oct 31st, 2012
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  1. >You are a monster.
  2. >You feed off blood.
  3. >You are a vampire fluffy.
  4. >And tonight you are going to claim a fluffy pony for your meal.
  5. >You are skulking along the sidewalk.
  6. >Your little cape flutters behind you.
  7. >Then you see her, a beautiful unicorn and her daddy.
  8. >He is wearing a trench coat and holding a long leather leash attached to her neck.
  9. >They walk to a large house and go through the door.
  10. >You lick your lips at the thought of tasting her blood.
  11. >You can almost taste it now and you smack your lips.
  12. >You notice you taste it even more.
  13. >You notice that you really are tasting blood.
  14. >You have bit your tongue by accident.
  15. >You run around yelling until your tongue quits bleeding.
  16. >You focus back at the house.
  17. >You turn into a fluffy bat to swoop in.
  18. >You see her sitting in the middle of the floor.
  19. >You flap your wings faster building up speed.
  20. *WATHUD*
  21. >You slam into the window and bounce off.
  22. >You stagger in front of the home.
  23. >You see that the house has a pet door.
  24. >You change back into your fluffy form and tip toe inside.
  25. >You look around and see that the man has taken off his coat.
  26. >He is dressed in black wearing a clerical collar.
  27. >He seems to be an old man and has taken out his hearing aid.
  28. >Your fluff feels hot in this house.
  29. >You see the man is looking down at his fluffy pony waving his finger.
  30. >She has done a bad poopie.
  31. >He points to a room and tells her to do atonement.
  32. >She walks away crying with her head held down.
  33. >You stalk toward where she went.
  34. >you bump a stand.
  35. >It starts to wobble.
  36. >A gold plated bowl tips off the side and falls landing next to you.
  37. >Liquid comes spilling out cover you.
  38. >You feel like your body is on fire and smoke starts to roll off your fluff.
  39. >You run around screaming in pain and roll on the floor.
  40. >The old man walks back in carrying a plate.
  41. >You look around and see a trash can.
  42. >You hobble toward it an quickly leap over the rim.
  43. >You wiggle and kick your way into the trash bin.
  44. >The man sees the bowl on the ground and wonders how the holy water got knocked off.
  45. >He looks in at his fluffy unicorn still doing penance.
  46. >He shrugs then puts the bowl back on the stand.
  47. >He walks over to the trash can oblivious to the smoke inside of it.
  48. >He dumps the extra garlic in that he doesn’t need for cooking.
  49. >There is a huge yell of disgust as the garlic goes in.
  50. >The man looks around like he hears something.
  51. >He doesn’t notice the trash can is now wobbling.
  52. >He looks back, his fluffy hasn’t moved.
  53. >He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to the kitchen.
  54. >The trash can tips and you roll out.
  55. >There are patches where your fluff is burned away and garlic cloves dangle on your body.
  56. >You spit out a large clove that was in your mouth.
  57. >You shake yourself getting the rest of the garlic off.
  58. >You quickly run away from it.
  59. >You turn and see the unicorn fluffy.
  60. >She is in a little prayer stance trying to say a Hail Mary.
  61. >She is sitting in front of a row of candles.
  62. >She can’t remember what comes after Hail so is mumbling the same word over and over.
  63. >You start to stalk toward her.
  64. >>You see her neck and start to drool.
  65. >You get right behind her your mouth open and your fangs out.
  66. >You look closely at her collar.
  67. >It is cover in crosses.
  68. >You feign away from her.
  69. >She turns hearing you behind her.
  70. >You try to shuffle to where she isn’t looking keeping your eye on her.
  71. >You walk into the candles and set yourself on fire.
  72. >You start yelling and running in circles.
  73. >The fluffy looks around but you seem to run around where she isn’t looking.
  74. >You look and see a puddle on the floor.
  75. >You run toward is and start to roll.
  76. >You hear the sizzling as the flames die out.
  77. >You give out a sigh of relief.
  78. >You notice the sizzling is still going on.
  79. >You put yourself out in the holy water.
  80. >Skin is sloughing off you as you randomly run around babbling incoherently in pain.
  81. >You fall out the pet door outside.
  82. >There is a click behind you.
  83. >You crawl painfully to the pet door and pad at it.
  84. >The man has locked it.
  85. >You shake your hoof at the door and weakly babble angry grunts at it.
  86. >You crawl off trying to regenerate going another night without feeding.
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