
Faerzen dream talks with Byron about Nick

May 29th, 2015
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  1. [12:23] <masterfulShooter> Hey Faerzen...are you, uh...all good? a health standpoint? No cuts or anything? Just...uh...asking.
  2. [12:26] <masterfulShooter> Anyway, besides that, do you know anything about purifying water from stuff like soda?
  3. [12:26] <masterfulShooter> I really really need a fucking shower right now
  4. [12:26] <masterfulShooter> Holy shit, Ive never really thought about taking showers or anything like that until all of this shit started
  5. [12:26] <masterfulShooter> Speaking of past me relating to current you know anything about...weight loss?
  6. [12:26] <masterfulShooter> I feeling a little fucking disgusted with myself and I really dont want to be that monster Nick described
  7. [12:27] <masterfulShooter> Are you still dreaming by the way?
  8. [12:27] <masterfulShooter> I wanted to talk about Nick
  9. [12:27] <masterfulShooter> and also feelings and stupid shit like that
  10. [12:27] <masterfulShooter> ANYWAY, respond as soon as you can
  11. [12:27] <visceralVanguard> oh hi byron just the person i was going to talk to
  12. [12:27] <visceralVanguard> sorry if about the brevity and haste of my diction and style, ive been rather.... preoccupied and i dont have much time before its too late.
  13. [12:27] <visceralVanguard> you certainly have a lot of things you want to talk about! i dont know how long it will take me to get to wherever im going but until then im all yours.
  14. [12:28] <visceralVanguard> once i get there well well have to see.
  15. [12:28] <visceralVanguard> hopefully we can talk showers and self image problems but im sorry im going to have to direct this conversation in another direction first.
  16. [12:28] <visceralVanguard> wait a moment....... why did you ask if i was dreaming do you have a reason to believe that i am?
  17. [12:28] <visceralVanguard> if theres a way you can tell im dreaming..... thats not good at all
  18. [12:29] <masterfulShooter> Why, whats going on?
  19. [12:29] <visceralVanguard> why did you think i was dreaming?
  20. [12:29] <masterfulShooter> Uh,,,
  21. [12:29] <masterfulShooter> I was just dreaming
  22. [12:30] <masterfulShooter> a little while ago
  23. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> but i wasnt
  24. [12:30] <masterfulShooter> caught a ride to prospit
  25. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> oh shit
  26. [12:30] <masterfulShooter> and by caught a ride i mean
  27. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> thats bad
  28. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> uhhhhh byron
  29. [12:30] <masterfulShooter> beat and kidnapped
  30. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> i have some things i want to talk to you about
  31. [12:30] <visceralVanguard> and im not really sure what to do
  32. [12:30] <masterfulShooter> yes?
  33. [12:33] <visceralVanguard> i was exploring on lowab
  34. [12:34] <visceralVanguard> and for some reason i fell asleep
  35. [12:34] <visceralVanguard> and i had this horrible nightmare of a twisted tea party
  36. [12:34] <visceralVanguard> but something wasnt right since I wasnt on prospit
  37. [12:34] <visceralVanguard> but i could feel what was happening on prospit
  38. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> nick......
  39. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> he told me so many terrible things i never want to hear him say again
  40. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> he threatened me
  41. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> blamed me
  42. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> called me an egomaniacal control freak
  43. [12:35] <visceralVanguard> which may be true
  44. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> woah you heard that
  45. [12:36] <masterfulShooter> wait
  46. [12:37] <visceralVanguard> but then he......
  47. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> so does that mean you were
  48. [12:37] <masterfulShooter> double dreaming??
  49. [12:37] <visceralVanguard> i think so?
  50. [12:37] <visceralVanguard> but i woke up in prospit now
  51. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> nicks pulse is racing theres blood on the sheets next to me and my neck is bruised
  52. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> theres a bloody machete and glaive on the ground
  53. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> and i remember feeling a blade pressed to my neck
  54. [12:38] <masterfulShooter> ooooh SHIT
  55. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> and nick threatening to kill me
  56. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> im honestly really sorry
  57. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> for not believing you earlier
  58. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> but this is serious and we need to do something
  59. [12:38] <masterfulShooter> yeaah
  60. [12:38] <visceralVanguard> i got the fuck out of there and im in hiding now
  61. [12:39] <visceralVanguard> in case he wakes up again
  62. [12:39] <masterfulShooter> well i have bad news
  63. [12:39] <masterfulShooter> he's awake
  64. [12:39] <visceralVanguard> i dont want to, but im going to need to return with my crossbow
  65. [12:39] <visceralVanguard> and take care of business before he wakes up here in prospit
  66. [12:39] <masterfulShooter> hes back on locam
  67. [12:39] <masterfulShooter> so if you want to
  68. [12:39] <visceralVanguard> if he is awake in the real world, that is okay for now since i havent built his house up
  69. [12:40] <visceralVanguard> but i think everyone on prospit is in danger
  70. [12:40] <visceralVanguard> im not sure what happens when your dream self dies but i am going to look in this book and see if i can find anything
  71. [12:40] <masterfulShooter> ((shit shit shit shit shit ur going to find my dream self))
  72. [12:40] <visceralVanguard> i dont like the idea of killing nicks dream self but if i have to, it is a necessary price
  73. [12:40] <masterfulShooter> ((i need to keep this lie going))
  74. [12:41] <visceralVanguard> it is also entirely possible that it doesnt matter that everyone on prospit is in danger since it is a dream
  75. [12:41] <visceralVanguard> in which case i will not bother disposing of his dream self
  76. [12:42] <masterfulShooter> so the derse guy wanted me to assasinate the white queen or something
  77. [12:42] <visceralVanguard> both because i dont want to and because it will probably only send his real self further over the edge
  78. [12:42] <visceralVanguard> i really dont know what to do
  79. [12:42] <visceralVanguard> as much as i hate to admit it
  80. [12:42] <visceralVanguard> im terrified
  81. [12:42] <masterfulShooter> well i dont know about
  82. [12:42] <masterfulShooter> anything nick can do
  83. [12:42] <masterfulShooter> so
  84. [12:43] <masterfulShooter> dont die?
  85. [12:43] <masterfulShooter> by the way
  86. [12:43] <visceralVanguard> gee thanks thats great advice
  87. [12:43] <masterfulShooter> if im for some reason in the room
  88. [12:43] <masterfulShooter> i got thrown in there by the derse guy
  89. [12:43] <masterfulShooter> and thats when i woke up
  90. [12:43] <visceralVanguard> glad i just spilled all my problems on the table right now for that advice
  91. [12:43] <visceralVanguard> wait what room
  92. [12:44] <masterfulShooter> they just said
  93. [12:44] <masterfulShooter> theyll throw me in a tower
  94. [12:44] <masterfulShooter> and next i wake up
  95. [12:44] <masterfulShooter> kill the white queen
  96. [12:44] <visceralVanguard> oh in my room?
  97. [12:44] <visceralVanguard> i didnt see you there when i woke up
  98. [12:45] <visceralVanguard> but i also left in a haste
  99. [12:45] <masterfulShooter> okay
  100. [12:45] <masterfulShooter> well
  101. [12:46] <visceralVanguard> i dont even know if you can help right now
  102. [12:46] <visceralVanguard> im just really fucking scared and confused
  103. [12:46] <masterfulShooter> he seems really protective of u so
  104. [12:46] <visceralVanguard> and i wanted you to know nick is off the handle
  105. [12:46] <masterfulShooter> he wont see it coming?
  106. [12:46] <masterfulShooter> shit thats bad advice
  107. [12:46] <masterfulShooter> ive known nick was crazy since like
  108. [12:46] <visceralVanguard> i dont want to do anything drastic but i also dont want to do nothing and then its too late
  109. [12:46] <masterfulShooter> FOREVER
  110. [12:47] <masterfulShooter> but you didnt believe me
  111. [12:47] <masterfulShooter> >:/
  112. [12:47] <visceralVanguard> i knew he was in a delicate state of mind but i wanted to believe i could prevent it getting worse
  113. [12:48] <visceralVanguard> how stupid of me
  114. [12:48] <visceralVanguard> again
  115. [12:48] <visceralVanguard> so what do you think i should do?
  116. [12:48] <visceralVanguard> try and sneak up on him before he wakes up?
  117. [12:48] <visceralVanguard> oh god he still has that mask on
  118. [12:48] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <This fight with Nick is gonna be such a guilt trip :P >
  119. [12:49] <masterfulShooter> i mean do you even have to sneak up on him?
  120. [12:49] <masterfulShooter> justlike
  121. [12:49] <masterfulShooter> turn the building into lava or something
  122. [12:49] <visceralVanguard> oh interesting
  123. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> but my room
  124. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> maybe just my bed or something
  125. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> i should board up the window
  126. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> so he cant get out
  127. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> thats a good idea
  128. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> ill do that
  129. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> sigh
  130. [12:50] <visceralVanguard> i feel sick to my stomach
  131. [12:51] <visceralVanguard> everything has been telling me i need to kill nick
  132. [12:51] <visceralVanguard> but
  133. [12:51] <masterfulShooter> i wish i could offer better advice but
  134. [12:51] <visceralVanguard> im not sure ill be able to
  135. [12:51] <masterfulShooter> hey if im in there
  136. [12:51] <masterfulShooter> at least you could frame me
  137. [12:52] <visceralVanguard> oh god i could never do that
  138. [12:52] <masterfulShooter> so prospit doesnt kill you or anything
  139. [12:53] <visceralVanguard> okay um
  140. [12:53] <visceralVanguard> i kind of want to think about something else
  141. [12:53] <visceralVanguard> here let me find a place to sit down so i can type if for reall
  142. [12:53] <masterfulShooter> all right
  143. [12:54] <visceralVanguard> There, that is much better indeed
  144. [12:54] <masterfulShooter> so what did you want to talk about?
  145. [12:55] <masterfulShooter> i mean unless you wanted to talk about something i brought up
  146. [12:55] <visceralVanguard> I don't have anything particular in mind. I will need to do some research here soon, but I really would like to take my mind off of things.
  147. [12:55] <visceralVanguard> So I suppose I am referring to anything you would prefer to discuss.
  148. [12:55] <masterfulShooter> okay so first off
  149. [12:55] <masterfulShooter> do you know how to purify water and junk like that
  150. [12:56] <visceralVanguard> I am familiar with a couple of rudimentary water purification techniques
  151. [12:57] <visceralVanguard> But nothing as complex as extracting water from soda, unless you have advanced equipment which even I do not have at the moment.
  152. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  153. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> well shit
  154. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> okay
  155. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> hm
  156. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> second off
  157. [12:57] <masterfulShooter> do you know anything about weight loss?
  158. [12:57] <visceralVanguard> Oh SHIT. Byron, I need to go. After I do some more research, I shall hopefully talk with you soon. Assuming I am still in a fit state to talk.
  159. -- visceralVanguard [VV] bid farewell to masterfulShooter [MS] --
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