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sb.ini clean [cpcookieman]

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Nov 21st, 2012
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  1. PATH=.
  3. # Boot HIP file
  4. BOOT=HB00
  6. ShowMenuOnBoot = 1
  7. VideoSystemAutoDetect = 0
  8. VideoSystem = NTSC
  10. # Can the player get hurt ? 1 == YES, 0 == NO
  11. G.TakeDamage = 1
  13. # Delay timers on taking damage before you can take damage again
  14. G.DamageTimeHit = 1.5
  15. G.DamageTimeSurface = 1.5
  16. G.DamageTimeEGen = 1.5
  17. G.DamageSurfKnock = 1.75 # Must be non-zero
  18. G.DamageGiveHealthKnock = 1.75 # Zero to disable knockback by default
  20. # Cheats enabled?
  21. G.CheatSpongeball = 0
  22. G.CheatPlayerSwitch = 0
  23. # Can I always portal with the pause menu? 1 == YES, 0 == NO
  24. G.CheatAlwaysPortal = 0
  25. G.CheatFlyToggle = 0
  26. G.DisableForceConversation = 0
  28. # Initial inventory counts (useful for debugging)
  29. G.InitialShinyCount = 0
  30. G.InitialSpatulaCount = 0
  32. # Play music? 1 == YES, 0 == NO
  33. NoMusic=0
  34. # Report SFX sizes?
  35. SFXReport=0
  37. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  38. # Global powerups -- can be given in game with the following
  39. # events (sent to player or dispatcher):
  40. # Give PowerUp 0 = BubbleBowl
  41. # Give PowerUp 1 = CruiseBubble
  42. #
  43. G.BubbleBowl = 0
  44. G.CruiseBubble = 0
  46. # Frame rate clamping
  47. # set to 0 for 60/50 fps, 2 for 30/25 fps, etc.
  48. minVSyncCnt = 0
  50. ## Profiling options:
  51. # '1'
  52. # '2'
  53. # - function level profiling
  54. # '3'
  55. # - assembly level profiling for specified routines
  56. # - For each of the following ProfFunc* use the full name of the
  57. # function/method to profile. (eg, hot spots identified by profile level 2)
  58. # - NOTE: 'X' and 'Circle' buttons are reserved in profiler mode
  59. # - ALSO: Debug controller 'Start' resets profile tracking
  61. # Profile=2
  63. # ProfFuncTriangle = IntersectBranch
  64. # ProfFuncSquare = IntersectLeaf
  65. # ProfFuncLeft =
  66. # ProfFuncRight =
  67. # ProfFuncUp =
  68. # ProfFuncDown =
  71. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  72. # HIP/HOP loading
  73. # Enable HIP/HOP scene loading protocol? 1 == YES, 0 == NO
  74. EnableHipHopLoading = 1
  76. #--------------Full Game File---------------------------------
  77. # Task menu (says where to warp to for each task)
  78. Menu01 = HB 01 01 01 02 03 05 07 08 # The Neighborhood
  79. Menu02 = JF 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 # Jellyfish Fields
  80. Menu03 = BB 01 01 01 02 02 03 04 04 # Downtown Bikini Bottom
  81. Menu04 = GL 01 01 01 01 02 03 03 03 # Goo Lagoon
  82. Menu05 = B1 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Poseidome
  83. Menu06 = RB 01 01 01 01 02 03 03 03 # Rock Bottom
  84. Menu07 = BC 01 02 02 02 02 03 04 05 # Barnacle Cave
  85. Menu08 = SM 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 04 # Sand Mountain
  86. Menu09 = B2 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Industrial Park
  87. Menu10 = KF 01 01 02 02 04 04 05 05 # Kelp Forest
  88. Menu11 = GY 01 01 01 02 02 03 03 04 # Flying Dutchman's Graveyard
  89. Menu12 = DB 01 01 02 02 03 04 01 06 # Spongebob's Dream
  90. Menu13 = B3 02 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 # Chum Bucket Lab
  91. Menu14 = PS 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 # Patrick Sock Spatulas
  92. Menu15 = KS 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 # Mr Krabs Spatulas
  94. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  95. # Camera system parameters
  97. zcam_pad_pyaw_scale = 0.18; # bigger number => faster yaw rotation about player
  98. zcam_pad_pitch_scale = 0.77; # bigger number => faster look up/down
  100. # near position:
  101. zcam_near_d = 3 # distance (relative to player)
  102. zcam_near_h = 1.8 # height (relative to player)
  103. zcam_near_pitch = 10 # pitch in degrees
  105. # far position:
  106. zcam_far_d = 5 # distance (relative to player)
  107. zcam_far_h = 3 # height (relative to player)
  108. zcam_far_pitch = 15 # pitch in degrees
  110. # zoomed in, above-looking-down position:
  111. zcam_above_d = 0.3 # distance (relative to player)
  112. zcam_above_h = 2.4 # height (relative to player)
  113. zcam_above_pitch = 68 # pitch in degrees
  115. # zoomed in, below-looking-up position:
  116. zcam_below_d = 0.65 # distance (relative to player)
  117. zcam_below_h = 0.2 # height (relative to player)
  118. zcam_below_pitch = -68 # pitch in degrees
  120. # high bounce camera
  121. zcam_highbounce_d = 0.2 # distance (relative to player)
  122. zcam_highbounce_h = 5.0 # height (relative to player)
  123. zcam_highbounce_pitch = 75 # pitch in degrees
  125. # Wall jump camera
  126. zcam_wall_d = 7.5 # distance (relative to player)
  127. zcam_wall_h = 2.0 # height (relative to player)
  128. zcam_wall_pitch = 18 # pitch in degrees
  130. # camera collision parameters
  131. xcam_collis_radius = 0.4; # bigger number (not > 0.5 please) should keep sb in frame better.
  132. xcam_collis_stiffness = 0.3; # bigger number (keep it between 0 and 1) moves quicker in response.
  134. # "smart" camera rotation parameters (camera "over-rotates" to
  135. # get around behind player when he's running sideways or backwards)
  136. zcam_overrot_min = 25 # angle at which rotation adjustment starts (0 degrees = forward)
  137. zcam_overrot_mid = 90 # angle at which rotation adjustment peaks
  138. zcam_overrot_max = 170 # angle at which rotation adjustment goes back to zero (180=straight back)
  139. zcam_overrot_rate = 0.1 # rotation speed factor -- keep this small, set to zero to disable
  140. zcam_overrot_tstart = 1.5 # time where rotation starts while holding down stick
  141. zcam_overrot_tend = 2.5 # time where rotation peaks while holding down stick
  142. zcam_overrot_velmin = 3.0 # minimum velocity to cause rotation to adjust
  143. zcam_overrot_velmax = 5.0 # maximum velocity to cause rotation to adjust
  144. zcam_overrot_tmanual = 1.5 # extra time rotation is disabled when manual camera controls used
  147. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. # Skip times (when player can use button press to skip something)
  149. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  150. gSkipTimeCutscene = 1.0 # Minimum of 1.0 allowed
  151. gSkipTimeFlythrough = 1.0
  154. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  155. # Tuning values for player character:
  156. # Anything with a "G" prefix is a global setting (affects all
  157. # characters). The other character prefixes are "SB", "Sandy",
  158. # and "Patrick".
  159. #
  160. G.AnalogMin = 32
  161. G.AnalogMax = 110
  163. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  164. # Sundae powerup info timeout
  165. G.SundaeTime = 10.0
  166. G.SundaeMult = 1.5
  170. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  171. # Shiny Object Values
  172. G.ShinyValuePurple = 50
  173. G.ShinyValueBlue = 10
  174. G.ShinyValueGreen = 5
  175. G.ShinyValueYellow = 2
  176. G.ShinyValueRed = 1
  178. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  179. # Shiny Object Values for Combos
  181. G.ShinyValueCombo0 = 0 # These first two should be the same
  182. G.ShinyValueCombo1 = 0
  183. G.ShinyValueCombo2 = 2
  184. G.ShinyValueCombo3 = 3 # These two should be the same as well
  185. G.ShinyValueCombo4 = 3 # because they use the same textbox
  186. G.ShinyValueCombo5 = 5
  187. G.ShinyValueCombo6 = 10
  188. G.ShinyValueCombo7 = 15
  189. G.ShinyValueCombo8 = 20
  190. G.ShinyValueCombo9 = 25
  191. G.ShinyValueCombo10 = 30
  192. G.ShinyValueCombo11 = 40
  193. G.ShinyValueCombo12 = 50
  194. G.ShinyValueCombo13 = 60
  195. G.ShinyValueCombo14 = 75
  196. G.ShinyValueCombo15 = 100
  197. G.ComboTimer = 1.0
  202. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  203. # Bubble Bash parameters:
  204. # Time is time to peak height (from launch), Delay is time before launch happens,
  205. # CVTime is duration of constant-velocity period, before gravity sets in.
  206. # As far as the animation goes, the transition to "Attack" animation
  207. # occurs as soon as "Start" animation finishes. transition to "Strike"
  208. # occurs when contact is detected, otherwise transitions to normal fall when
  209. # peak height is reached.
  210. #
  211. G.BBashTime = 0.315 # JPH: increased from 0.3 to compensate for code change
  212. G.BBashDelay = 0.25
  213. G.BBashCVTime = 0.215 # JPH: increased from 0.2 to compensate for code change
  214. G.BBashHeight = 3.3 # JPH: increased from 3 to compensate for code change
  215. G.BBounceSpeed = 15
  217. G.BSpinMinFrame = 0
  218. G.BSpinMaxFrame = 11
  219. # The radius of the damage ball at the center of the bubble wand
  220. G.BSpinRadius = 0.4
  222. G.SandyMeleeMinFrame = 1.0
  223. G.SandyMeleeMaxFrame = 9.0
  224. G.SandyMeleeRadius = 0.3
  226. G.BubbleBowlTimeDelay = 0.75
  227. G.BubbleBowlLaunchPosLeft = 0.0
  228. G.BubbleBowlLaunchPosUp = 1.0
  229. G.BubbleBowlLaunchPosAt = 1.5
  230. G.BubbleBowlLaunchVelLeft = 0.0
  231. G.BubbleBowlLaunchVelUp = 0.0
  232. G.BubbleBowlLaunchVelAt = 10.0
  233. G.BubbleBowlPercentIncrease = 0.85
  234. G.BubbleBowlMinSpeed = 0.6
  235. G.BubbleBowlMinRecoverTime = 0.15
  237. #-----------------------------------------------------------------
  238. # Track-sliding parameters:
  239. # - Slide acceleration scales from AccelStart down to AccelEnd as velocity
  240. # (in direction of slope) increases from AccelVelMin to AccelVelMax.
  241. # - velocity is directly boosted by a combination of AccelPlayerFwd and
  242. # AccelPlayerSide based on how much the player points the stick
  243. # in the downward direction.
  244. # - max speed increases from VelMaxStart to VelMaxEnd over
  245. # VelMaxIncTime, as long as actual speed stays >= max speed.
  246. # if speed falls below max speed, timer resets.
  247. # - air speed stays constant for AirHoldTime,
  248. # then drops to zero over AirSlowTime.
  249. # - that was the intention anyway... whats really happening now
  250. # is that normal air controls blend ON over AirHoldTime period,
  251. # with speed held constant, then
  252. # velocity blends OFF over subsequent AirSlowTime period.
  253. # (seems to work okay, but give us your thoughts.)
  254. # - same thing for the AirDbl*Time parameters, except these
  255. # apply to the double jump when sliding.
  256. # - VelDblBoost is boost to velocity applied on double jump,
  257. # in current direction (but not uphill).
  258. #
  259. # Recommendations for tweaking:
  260. # - AccelStart/End = increase to reduce time to accelerate from 0 - 11 m/s without stick control
  261. # - AccelPlayerFwd = increase to reduce time to accelerate from 0 - 11 m/s with stick pressed forward
  262. # - AccelPlayerBack = increase to reduce time to decelerate
  263. # - AccelPlayerSide = increase to improve turning
  264. # - VelMaxIncTime = reduce to reduce time to accelerate from 11 - 16 m/s without stick control
  265. # - VelMaxIncAccel = increase to reduce time to accelerate from 11 - 16 m/s with stick pressed forward
  266. #
  267. G.SlideAccelVelMin = 5
  268. G.SlideAccelVelMax = 10
  269. G.SlideAccelStart = 8 # Higher value reduces time from 0 - 11 m/s
  270. G.SlideAccelEnd = 3
  271. G.SlideAccelPlayerFwd = 5
  272. G.SlideAccelPlayerBack = 8
  273. G.SlideAccelPlayerSide = 22.5
  274. G.SlideVelMaxStart = 11
  275. G.SlideVelMaxEnd = 16
  276. G.SlideVelMaxIncTime = 4
  277. G.SlideVelMaxIncAccel = 1
  278. G.SlideAirHoldTime = 3
  279. G.SlideAirSlowTime = .75
  280. G.SlideAirDblHoldTime = 2
  281. G.SlideAirDblSlowTime = .5
  282. G.SlideVelDblBoost = 6
  283. #
  284. #G.SlideAirHoldTime = 0.75
  285. #G.SlideAirSlowTime = 3.0
  286. #G.SlideAirDblHoldTime = 0.5
  287. #G.SlideAirDblSlowTime = 2.0
  288. #G.SlideVelDblBoost = 6
  290. #---------------------------------------------------------
  291. # StartSlideAngle - Degrees of slope that scooby starts sliding on
  292. # StopSlideAngle - Degrees of slope that scooby stops sliding on
  293. # ... should be less than StartSlideAngle
  294. #
  295. G.StartSlideAngle = 20
  296. G.StopSlideAngle = 10
  298. #---------------------------------------------------------
  299. # RotMatchMaxAngle - Max degrees of slope that scooby will match
  300. # his orientation to
  301. # RotMatchMatchTime - Time (in seconds) it takes scooby to match the slope
  302. # RotMatchRelaxTime - Time (in seconds) it takes scooby to relax to
  303. # normal orientation (eg while in air)
  304. #
  305. G.RotMatchMaxAngle = 30
  306. G.RotMatchMatchTime = 0.1
  307. G.RotMatchRelaxTime = 0.3
  309. # Gravity for all characters
  310. G.Gravity = 30
  313. #---------------------------------------------------------
  314. # Patrick Pickup / Carry / Throw settings
  315. #
  316. Carry.MinDist = 0.675 # Min dist to detect item to pick up
  317. Carry.MaxDist = 1.900 # Max dist to detect item to pick up
  318. Carry.MinHeight = -0.2 # Min height to detect item
  319. Carry.MaxHeight = 0.4 # Max height to detect item
  320. Carry.MaxCosAngle = 45.0 # Angle to detect item to pick up
  322. Carry.ThrowMinDist = 1.5 # Min distance to autotarget for throwing
  323. Carry.ThrowMaxDist = 12.0 # Max distance to autotarget for throwing
  324. Carry.ThrowMinHeight = -3.0 # Min height to autotarget for throwing
  325. Carry.ThrowMaxHeight = 5.0 # Max height to autotarget for throwing
  326. Carry.ThrowMaxStack = 2.75 # Max height fruit can be stacked
  327. Carry.ThrowMaxCosAngle = 25.0 # Angle to autotarget
  329. Carry.GrabLerpMin = 0.0 # First interpolation frame for pickup animation
  330. Carry.GrabLerpMax = 0.2 # Last interpolation frame for pickup animation
  332. #---------------------------------------------------------
  333. # Global settings for throwable objects--note that these
  334. # are settings from where patrick actually releases the
  335. # object in the animation--so the actual height and distance
  336. # is somewhat higher. You'll have to fiddle with it...
  337. # Note that throw gravity is currently the same as normal
  338. # gravity in the scene, it could be changed though...
  339. #
  340. Carry.ThrowGravity = 50.0
  341. Carry.ThrowHeight = 3.0
  342. Carry.ThrowDistance = 10.0
  345. #---------------------------------------------------------
  346. # Fruit bounciness settings. The first two numbers are velocity
  347. # values over which the bounciness is decayed over time on the floor
  348. # (to make the fruit settle with fewer bounces). In other words, if the
  349. # fruit is moving 6.0 m/s (MAX) or more, it will bounce at the values shown.
  350. # As the velocity drops to 0.3 m/s (MIN), it will decay to zero--once it
  351. # reaches zero, the object stops its motion and comes to rest.
  352. #
  353. # Higher bounce values = more bounciness.
  354. # 1 == perfect reflection
  355. # 0 == no reflection
  356. #
  357. # Higher friction values = less friction (I know, it seems kinda backwards):
  358. # 1 == frictionless (object will slide forever)
  359. # 0 == infinite friction (object stops on a dime)
  360. #
  361. # Note that off ceilings and walls, there is no friction. If you wanted to
  362. # change the fruit so that it bounces "in place" where it first lands, you
  363. # could set the FruitFloorFriction to "0". This might make puzzles where
  364. # you have to transport objects across gaps easier.
  365. #
  366. Carry.FruitFloorDecayMin = 0.3
  367. Carry.FruitFloorDecayMax = 6.0
  368. Carry.FruitFloorBounce = 0.15
  369. Carry.FruitFloorFriction = 0.4
  370. Carry.FruitCeilingBounce = 0.1
  371. Carry.FruitWallBounce = 0.5
  373. # Fruit lifetime in seconds. Note that it takes around 0.75 seconds to pickup
  374. # and 0.75 seconds to throw for Patrick (with current animations which have
  375. # been accelerated somewhat).
  376. #
  377. Carry.FruitLifetime = 15.0
  381. # Special moves for the characters
  382. eSPECIAL_Slippers = 0 # First sneak
  383. eSPECIAL_LampShade = 0 # First disguise
  384. eSPECIAL_Spring = 1 # Double jump
  385. eSPECIAL_FootballHelmet = 0 # Headbutt
  386. eSPECIAL_StickyBoots = 0 # Anti-sticky boots
  387. eSPECIAL_LightningBolt = 1 # Buttsmash
  388. eSPECIAL_LightningBoltStun = 0 # Buttsmash Stun
  389. eSPECIAL_Plungers = 0 # Anti-slippery
  390. eSPECIAL_Shovel = 0 # Dig powerup
  391. eSPECIAL_Umbrella = 0 # Floating
  392. eSPECIAL_BubbleGum = 0 # Spits wads of sticky/bouncy gum
  393. eSPECIAL_SoapBar = 0 # Spits soap bubbles
  394. eSPECIAL_BlackKnight = 0 # Second disguise
  395. eSPECIAL_FlowerPot = 0 # Are these last two being used?
  396. eSPECIAL_DivingHelmet = 0 # Last disguise (that you don't use?)
  401. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  403. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  404. # Speed values for character. First value is minimum speed character can move,
  405. # any less than that and character turns in place. First to second is the walking
  406. # range, second to third is running range. The last 3 numbers are the
  407. # corresponding stick deflections for those speeds.
  408. #
  410. # SB.MoveSpeed = 0.6,2.5,5, 0.1,0.6,1.0 (E3 values)
  412. # Faster sneak
  413. SB.MoveSpeed = 0.6,4,5, 0.1,0.8,1.0
  415. # Anim speed values, first value is nominal movement speed of animation
  416. # assuming animation playing at normal speed. The next two values are
  417. # the minimum and maximum allowable speed the animation will play at.
  418. #
  419. SB.AnimSneak = 1, .6, 4
  420. SB.AnimWalk = 1, .6, 4
  421. SB.AnimRun = 4.0, .5, 1.5
  423. # Airborne parameters
  424. SB.JumpGravity = 5
  425. SB.GravSmooth = 0.2
  426. SB.FloatSpeed = 3
  427. SB.ButtsmashSpeed = 24
  429. # Jump parameters
  430. SB.Jump = 1.4, 0.1, 0.1
  431. SB.Double = 1.4, 0.1, 0.1
  432. SB.Bounce = 2, 0.3, 0.0
  433. SB.Spring = 3.5, 0.3, 0.0
  434. SB.Wall = 1.5, 0.3, 0.0
  435. SB.WallJumpVelocity = 7.0
  437. # Ledge hanging parameters
  438. # animGrab = time in animation (in frames) to where character is in contact with ledge
  439. # (time for interpolation from airborne position to grabbing position)
  440. SB.Ledge.animGrab = 3
  442. # Dampening factor for xz and y velocity while spinning. The higher this is, the less SB can
  443. # move when spinning.
  444. SB.spin_damp_xz = 15.0
  445. SB.spin_damp_y = 15.0
  447. # Model ordering indices for SB. Change these whenever the exporter chooses a different random order.
  448. SB.model_index.body = 1 #0
  449. SB.model_index.arm_l = 2 #1
  450. SB.model_index.arm_r = 3 #2
  451. SB.model_index.ass = 4 #3
  452. SB.model_index.underwear = 5 #4
  453. SB.model_index.wand = 0 #5
  454. SB.model_index.tongue = 6
  455. SB.model_index.bubble_helmet = 7
  456. SB.model_index.bubble_shoe_l = 8
  457. SB.model_index.bubble_shoe_r = 9
  458. SB.model_index.shadow_body = 10
  459. SB.model_index.shadow_arm_l = 11
  460. SB.model_index.shadow_arm_r = 12
  461. SB.model_index.shadow_wand = 13
  464. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  466. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  467. ##################################################################
  468. # Variables affecting the aiming state.
  469. ##################################################################
  470. # Distance of camera from player.
  471. SB.cb.aim.dist = 2.0
  472. # Height of camera above player.
  473. SB.cb.aim.height = 1.5
  474. # Vertical pitch of the camera, -90 to 90 degrees.
  475. SB.cb.aim.pitch = 0.0
  476. # Speed of the camera movement around center.
  477. SB.cb.aim.speed = 1.0
  478. # Time required to move between two positions.
  479. SB.cb.aim.move_time = 1.0
  480. ##################################################################
  481. # Variables affecting the camera attachment state.
  482. ##################################################################
  483. # Time to wait before moving the camera to the launch position. *Incomplete
  484. SB.cb.attach.wait_time = 1.0
  485. # Location relative to player to start the launch. *Incomplete.
  486. SB.cb.attach.offset.x = 1.0
  487. SB.cb.attach.offset.y = 2.0
  488. SB.cb.attach.offset.z = 0.0
  489. ##################################################################
  490. # Parameters affecting the missle while flying.
  491. ##################################################################
  492. # Missle acceleration.
  493. = 6.0
  494. # Max missle velocity.
  495. = 12.0
  496. # Field-of-view angle while flying.
  497. = 100.0
  498. # Maximum time the missle can be in the air.
  499. = 6.0
  500. ##################################################################
  501. # Rotational flying parameters.
  502. ##################################################################
  503. # Horizontal turn speed.
  504. = 5.0
  505. # Vertical turn speed.
  506. = 4.0
  507. # Speed at which horizontal rotation decays. 0 to 1. A value of 0 never
  508. # stops turning, and a value of 1 stops immediately.
  509. = 0.99
  510. # Speed at which vertical rotation decays. 0 to 1. A value of 0 never
  511. # stops turning, and a value of 1 stops immediately.
  512. = 0.99
  513. # The vertical rotation boundary. 0 to 1. A value of 0 allows no
  514. # vertical rotation, and a value of 1 allows completely vertical rotation.
  515. = 0.6
  516. # The fraction of turn speed applied to roll. A positive value rolls into
  517. # the turn, a negative value rolls out of the turn, and a 0 value does not
  518. # roll at all.
  519. = 0.2
  520. ##################################################################
  521. # Parameters affecting collision distance.
  522. ##################################################################
  523. # Minimum distance to hit a non-enemy, non-environment object.
  524. = 0.2
  525. # Minimum distance to hit an enemy.
  526. = 0.2
  527. # Minimum distance to hit the environment.
  528. = 0.2
  529. ##################################################################
  530. # Parameters affecting the explosion state.
  531. ##################################################################
  532. # Delay before returning to player after explosion. *Incomplete.
  533. SB.cb.explode.wait_time = 1.0
  537. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  539. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  540. # Speed values for character. First value is minimum speed character can move,
  541. # any less than that and character turns in place. First to second is the walking
  542. # range, second to third is running range. The last 3 numbers are the
  543. # corresponding stick deflections for those speeds.
  544. #
  545. Patrick.MoveSpeed = 0.6,2.5,5, 0.1,0.6,1.0
  547. # Anim speed values, first value is nominal movement speed of animation
  548. # assuming animation playing at normal speed. The next two values are
  549. # the minimum and maximum allowable speed the animation will play at.
  550. #
  551. Patrick.AnimSneak = 1.5, .5, 2.5
  552. Patrick.AnimWalk = 1.5, .5, 2.5
  553. Patrick.AnimRun = 3.0, .5, 2.5
  555. # Airborne parameters
  556. Patrick.JumpGravity = 5
  557. Patrick.GravSmooth = 0.2
  558. Patrick.FloatSpeed = 3
  559. Patrick.ButtsmashSpeed = 24
  561. # Jump parameters
  562. Patrick.Jump = 1.5, 0.1, 0.1
  563. Patrick.Double = 1.5, 0.1, 0.1
  564. Patrick.Bounce = 2, 0.3, 0.0
  565. Patrick.Spring = 3.5, 0.3, 0.0
  567. # Ledge hanging parameters
  568. Patrick.Ledge.animGrab = 3
  571. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  573. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  574. # Speed values for character. First value is minimum speed character can move,
  575. # any less than that and character turns in place. First to second is the walking
  576. # range, second to third is running range. The last 3 numbers are the
  577. # corresponding stick deflections for those speeds.
  578. #
  579. Sandy.MoveSpeed = 0.6,2.5,5, 0.1,0.6,1.0
  581. # Anim speed values, first value is nominal movement speed of animation
  582. # assuming animation playing at normal speed. The next two values are
  583. # the minimum and maximum allowable speed the animation will play at.
  584. #
  585. Sandy.AnimSneak = 1.5, .5, 2.5
  586. Sandy.AnimWalk = 1.5, .5, 2.5
  587. Sandy.AnimRun = 3.0, .5, 2.5
  589. # Airborne parameters
  590. Sandy.JumpGravity = 5
  591. Sandy.GravSmooth = 0.2
  592. Sandy.FloatSpeed = 3
  593. Sandy.ButtsmashSpeed = 24
  595. # Jump parameters
  596. Sandy.Jump = 1.5, 0.1, 0.1
  597. Sandy.Double = 1.5, 0.1, 0.1
  598. Sandy.Bounce = 2, 0.3, 0.0
  599. Sandy.Spring = 3.5, 0.3, 0.0
  601. # Ledge hanging parameters
  602. Sandy.Ledge.animGrab = 3
  605. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  607. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  609. # Time in seconds the player can be out of bounds. Range: greater than 0.
  610. #player.state.out_of_bounds.out_time = 9.0
  611. # Time in seconds required before out-of-bounds timer resets. Range: greater
  612. # than 0, less than out_time.
  613. #player.state.out_of_bounds.reset_time = 3.0
  614. # Distance of camera from player.
  615. #player.state.out_of_bounds.cam_dist = 3.0
  616. # Height of camera above player.
  617. #player.state.out_of_bounds.cam_height = 1.0
  618. # Time it takes the camera to reorient itself to zoom in and face SB.
  619. #player.state.out_of_bounds.reorient_time = 0.25
  620. # The resource identifier of the model.
  621. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_model = hand
  623. # Settings affecting how the hand moves while grabbing the player.
  624. #########################
  625. # The max velocity of the hand as it comes in. Range: greater than 0.
  626. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.in_vel = 1.0
  627. # The distance required for the hand to stop, as a fraction of the screen.
  628. # Controls how suddenly the hand stops. Range: 0 to 1.
  629. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.in_stop_dist = 0.05
  630. # The amount of time the hand waits before moving back out.
  631. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.wait_time = 0.5
  632. # The max velocity of the hand as it goes out. Range: greater than 0.
  633. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.out_vel = 0.5
  634. # The distance required for the hand to reach max velocity as it goes out,
  635. # as a fraction of the screen. Controls how suddenly the hand starts moving.
  636. # Range 0 to 1.
  637. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.out_start_dist = 0.1
  638. # On-screen position of the hand. This position is in 0 to 1 screen
  639. # coordinates, with (0, 0) at the top left and positive y going down.
  640. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.in_x = 0.0
  641. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.in_y = -0.25
  642. # The time that elapses before fade-out starts.
  643. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.fade_start_time = 2.0
  644. # The time required to fade to black.
  645. #player.state.out_of_bounds.grab.fade_time = 0.5
  647. # Settings affecting how the hand moves while dropping the player.
  648. ########################
  649. # The max velocity of the hand as it comes in. Range: greater than 0.
  650. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.in_vel = 0.5
  651. # The distance required for the hand to stop, as a fraction of the screen.
  652. # Controls how suddenly the hand stops. Range: 0 to 1.
  653. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.in_stop_dist = 0.1
  654. # The amount of time the hand waits before moving back out.
  655. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.wait_time = 0.5
  656. # The max velocity of the hand as it goes out. Range: greater than 0.
  657. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.out_vel = 1.0
  658. # The distance required for the hand to reach max velocity as it goes out,
  659. # as a fraction of the screen. Controls how suddenly the hand starts moving.
  660. # Range 0 to 1.
  661. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.out_start_dist = 0.05
  662. # On-screen position of the hand. This position is in 0 to 1 screen
  663. # coordinates, with (0, 0) at the top left and positive y going down.
  664. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.in_x = 0.0
  665. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.in_y = -0.25
  666. # The time that elapses before fading back in.
  667. player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.fade_start_time = 0.2
  668. # The time required to fade in from black.
  669. #player.state.out_of_bounds.drop.fade_time = 0.5
  671. # Starting position of the hand, outside the screen rectangle.
  672. #player.state.out_of_bounds.out_y = -1.0
  673. # Size scaling fractions.
  674. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_size_x = 0.5
  675. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_size_y = 0.5
  676. # Rotation of the hand, expressed as yaw, pitch, and roll.
  677. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_yaw = 0.0
  678. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_pitch = 0.0
  679. #player.state.out_of_bounds.hand_roll = 180.0
  682. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  684. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  685. # Uncomment any to change the default values.
  687. # The bottom fraction of the total distance for which the bottom apex animation
  688. # plays. Between 0 and 0.5
  689. #SB.state.bungee.bottom_anim_frac = 0.05
  690. # The top fraction of the total distance for which the bottom apex animation
  691. # plays. Between 0 and 0.5
  692. #SB.state.bungee.top_anim_frac = 0.1
  693. # Transition time going between bottom and normal animations.
  694. #SB.state.bungee.bottom_anim_time = 0.1
  695. # Transition time going between top and normal animations.
  696. #SB.state.bungee.top_anim_time = 0.1
  697. # Transition time going between hit and normal animations.
  698. #SB.state.bungee.hit_anim_time = 0.1
  699. # Multiplier affecting rotation induced when spongebob takes damage.
  700. #SB.state.bungee.damage_rot = 10.0
  701. # Time in seconds to delay before restarting after death.
  702. #SB.state.bungee.death_time = 3.0
  703. # Velocity-based blur intensity. Increase to blur more. 0 to 1 range.
  704. #SB.state.bungee.vel_blur = 0.0
  705. # Distance from camera at which the bungee cord fades in. 1 or higher.
  706. #SB.state.bungee.fade_dist = 2.0
  707. # Radius of the player, while bungeeing.
  708. #SB.state.bungee.player_radius = 1.0
  710. # Constants affecting the player's movement on the horizontal(x/z) plane.
  711. ########################
  712. # Padding around the edges of the player's movement. Increase this to ensure
  713. # that the player is able to reach all the way to the edges. I.e. since the
  714. # analog control pad does not go all the way to the extremes, increase this value
  715. # to narrow the control pad extremes. Valid values are between 0 and 0.25.
  716. #SB.state.bungee.horizontal.edge_zone = 0.05
  717. # Horizontal sway force. The higher this is, the easier it is for the player to
  718. # move.
  719. #SB.state.bungee.horizontal.sway = 3.0
  720. # The movement decay factor. Controls how much of the movement velocity is
  721. # kept per frame. Valid values are in the range 0 to 1,
  722. #SB.state.bungee.horizontal.decay = 0.95
  724. # Constants affecting the dive action.
  725. ########################
  726. # Time during which a dive accelerates. This value also specifies how quickly
  727. # SB animates into a dive.
  728. #SB.state.bungee.dive.time = 0.5
  729. # Specifies how long it takes for the dive to animate from the dive animation to
  730. # the normal cycle animation. This does not effect the time spent accelerating
  731. # downward.
  732. #SB.state.bungee.dive.anim_out_time = 0.5
  733. # The minimum and maximum distance between which the dive can take place,
  734. # expressed as a fraction of the player's vertical range. For instance, if
  735. # min_dist is .1, max_dist is .6, and the player's vertical movement is between
  736. # 10 and 110 meters from the hook, the player may dive at any time while between
  737. # 20 (10 + 100*.1) and 70 (10 + 100*.6) meters from the hook. Note that the
  738. # maximum distance must be greater than .5, since the player's rest position is
  739. # at .5, otherwise a dive would not be possible from a complete stop..
  740. #SB.state.bungee.dive.min_dist = 0.0
  741. #SB.state.bungee.dive.max_dist = 0.6
  743. # Playback options:
  744. # PlaybackMode: 0 - off, 1 - record, 2 - play, 3 - play and dump frames
  745. # PlaybackFile: sets the filename to dump playback data into
  746. # ScreenDumpPath sets the folder to dump into (for example, "c:\sb\dump\")
  747. # ScreenDumpStartFrame and ScreenDumpEndFrame set a frame range to dump
  748. # ForceCinematic: if > 0, plays the nth cinematic in the scene
  749. #
  750. # To record:
  751. # 1) Set PlaybackMode to 1
  752. # 2) Run the game (controller data will be saved internally)
  753. # 3) If you are happy with the recording, press triangle/Y on the debug
  754. # controller -- this will write the data to the PlaybackFile
  755. # 4) Rerun the game with PlaybackMode set to 2 or 3 to play or play/dump the frames
  756. PlaybackMode=0
  757. PlaybackFile=test.pbk
  758. ScreenDumpPath=c:\sb\dump\
  759. ScreenDumpStartFrame=0
  760. ScreenDumpEndFrame=65535
  761. ForceCinematic=0
  764. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  765. # ScrFX Settings
  766. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  767. ScrFxLetterBoxSize = 32.0 # y pixel height for each bar (top and bottom)
  768. ScrFxLetterBoxAlpha = 255 # 255 opaque, 0 completely transparent
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