
[spg] Meidobloom

Aug 23rd, 2018 (edited)
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  1. Pastebin is being an idiot about things and is now hiding or deleting "offensive content".
  3. =========================
  5. Someone wrote parody edge:
  6. I couldn’t just let that stand. Pony is for love and hugs.
  8. >A crashing sound comes from the kitchen.
  9. >You raise your head, interrupted in your reading.
  10. >This fucking slave.
  11. >You get up and slowly make your way to the kitchen.
  12. >You can hear her whimpers even before opening the door.
  13. >Inside you see the filly, desperately trying to gather all the pieces of the plate she just broke.
  14. >In her hurry she even cut her hoof, staining the tiles with droplets of her horse blood.
  15. >She stops moving the instant you enter. She's not even willing to meet your eyes, only looking as high as your shin.
  16. >The tears have already started.
  17. "This is not the first time this week."
  18. >She lowers her ears and looks away from you in shame.
  19. "It's supposed to be simple: do your chores and don't break my stuff."
  20. >The little pony is shaking on her spot, her tail firmly pressed around her rump.
  21. >"P-Please Mas-"
  22. "Shut it."
  23. >She jumps just like if you hit her, then lower her head even more, her eyes shut tight.
  24. >These fucking tiny horses.
  25. >You take a step forward and squat in front of the trembling filly.
  26. "You know the rules, don't you?"
  27. >The little pony, eyes still firmly closed, vigorously nods her head, sending tears to the ground.
  28. >You can only frown in response.
  29. >You pick her up by the scruff of her neck and she freezes just like a kitten.
  30. >Another whimper escapes her throat, but you ignore it.
  31. >This damn filly never learns.
  32. >You stomp through the house, filly still curled up and motionless except for her tears.
  33. >You set her down on the bathroom counter and start digging through the shelves.
  34. >Fucking slave needs to organize this shit next.
  35. >...
  36. >There it is.
  37. >You angrily slam it onto the counter.
  38. >She lets out a long whine. She knows exactly what's about to happen.
  40. >You pull out a cotton ball and the bottle of rubbing alcohol.
  41. >Her eyes snap open in fear as soon as you open the bottle. No mistaking that smell.
  42. >You extend a hand to her-
  43. "Hoof."
  44. >She's trembling, but after a second she slowly complies.
  45. >You take a firm hold of it. This part is never easy.
  46. >The second the damp cotton ball touches the cut on her hoof, she whinnies and starts desperately trying to free herself.
  47. >The tears of fear change to tears of pain as you disinfect the cut as gently as you can manage.
  48. >And whose fucking fault is that?
  49. >She knows. She KNOWS, to go and get you whenever she breaks something.
  50. >Despite all her tugging and shoving and kicking she can't get her hoof free.
  51. >You toss the slightly red cotton ball into the trash and rummage through the box of bandaids.
  52. >The small ones always get buried under the others.
  53. >You fumble a bit with the plastic on the back. Doing this with one hand is a pain in the ass.
  54. >You rub a finger around the edge of the bandaid, making sure it's stuck on properly.
  55. >And then you give it a short kiss and let go.
  56. "There. All better."
  57. >She's stopped trying to escape, but still won't meet your eyes.
  58. >Fucking horses. Fuck.
  59. >You flip down the toilet's lid and sit down, then grab her around the back and move her to your lap.
  60. "You know why I'm upset, right?"
  61. >She does, but keeps her head down and sniffles.
  62. "I'm upset because you hurt yourself. I know you're trying your hardest but there's nothing wrong with needing help."
  63. >You run a hand through her mane.
  64. "Breaking a dish is fine. Accidents happen..."
  65. >You move a hand under her chin and force her to look at you.
  66. "But you know you're supposed to tell me so I can clean it up. All those sharp pieces are dangerous."
  67. >She nods, but this is the third time this month you've given her this talk. Which means punishment time.
  70. "So... For starters, you're grounded."
  71. >And her ears instantly flop straight down.
  72. "For tonight, and tomorrow. No sleeping in my bed."
  73. >Her shakey gasp makes you worried you might be going too far.
  74. >"But- but Master, I-"
  75. "You broke the same rule three times in two weeks. I know you're trying to be a big girl but part of that is knowing when to ask for help."
  76. >You get a sad nod in response as she curls her tail around herself.
  77. "And if you break that rule again I'm taking away your candy too."
  78. >Another slow, sad nod.
  79. >Hopefully this'll be enough to get the message across.
  80. "Now come on, I need to clean up that plate and you need to start the laundry."
  81. >She hops off your lap and lands on three hooves, holding the injured one up.
  82. >...or maybe you'll do the laundry today. She's looking more pathetic than usual.
  83. >You decide to carry her with you instead of letting her limp through the house.
  84. >Not by the scruff of her neck though. That's only for bad fillies.
  85. >You set her down on the kitchen chair and give her an apple to snack on while you get to work on the plate.
  86. >That ceramic piece of shit didn't just break, it exploded into shards like a fucking grenade.
  87. >Your slave starts humming and lazily kicking her hooves back and forth as she munches the apple.
  88. >Guess she got over her bout of tears already.
  89. >...
  90. >Maybe you should swap your plates for plastic next time you're at the store?
  91. >It's not like you ever have guests, so it's fine if-
  92. >Son of a BITCH
  93. >And you just fucking cut yourself too.
  94. >That's it, all your dishes are going into storage and you're a plastic pleb now.
  95. >"Master! You're hurt!"
  96. >Fuck, she noticed.
  97. "It's fine."
  98. >"It's not fine at all! You're bleeding!"
  99. "Yeah, but I'm a human so it doesn't matter."
  100. >You wipe off some of the blood with a paper towel and go back to picking up the shards of plate.
  101. >...
  102. >"It matters to me..."
  104. >God damn tiny horse.
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