

Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. Les forgerons (1895)
  2. L'arroseur arrosé (1895)
  3. Neuville-sur-Saône: Débarquement du congrès des photographes à Lyon (1895)
  4. Le saut à la couverture (1895)
  5. La sortie des usines Lumière (1895)
  6. La pêche aux poissons rouges (1895)
  7. La voltige (1895)
  8. Place des Cordeliers à Lyon (1895)
  9. Repas de bébé (1895)
  10. Baignade en mer (1896)
  11. Manhatta (1921)
  12. Nanook of the North (1922)
  13. Grass: A Nation's Battle for Life (1925)
  14. Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Großstadt (1927)
  15. Падение династии Романовых (1927)
  16. Человек с киноаппаратом (1929)
  17. Regen (1929)
  18. Turksib (1929)
  19. Menschen am Sonntag (1930)
  20. À propos de Nice (1930)
  21. Las Hurdes (1933)
  22. Nieuwe gronden (1933)
  23. Man of Aran (1934)
  24. Coal Face (1935)
  25. Housing Problems (1935)
  26. Shipyard (1935)
  27. Triumph des Willens (1935)
  28. Night Mail (1936)
  29. The Plow That Broke the Plains (1936)
  30. The Song of Ceylon (1937)
  31. The Spanish Earth (1937)
  32. North Sea (1938)
  33. Power and the Land (1940)
  34. Listen to Britain (1942)
  35. Native Land (1942)
  36. Prelude to War (1942)
  37. The Battle of Britain (1943)
  38. The Battle of Russia (1943)
  39. Divide and Conquer (1943)
  40. The Nazis Strike (1943)
  41. The Battle of China (1944)
  42. A Diary for Timothy (1945)
  43. The Battle of San Pietro (1945)
  44. War Comes to America (1945)
  45. Farrebique ou Les quatre saisons (1946)
  46. Let There Be Light (1946)
  47. Le sang des bêtes (1949)
  48. Kon-Tiki (1950)
  49. Les maîtres fous AKA The Mad Masters (1955)
  50. Nuit et brouillard (1955)
  51. Les Raquetteurs (1958)
  52. Moi un noir (1958)
  53. We Are the Lambeth Boys (1958)
  54. Harvest of Shame (1960)
  55. Primary (1960)
  56. Tire dié (1960)
  57. Chronique d'un été (1961)
  58. Very Nice, Very Nice (1961)
  59. Lonely Boy (1962)
  60. Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment (1963)
  61. Happy Mother's Day (1963)
  62. Khaneh siah ast (1963)
  63. Mothlight (1963)
  64. The Battle of Culloden (1964)
  65. The Up Series (1964-)
  66. Tôkyô orinpikku (1965)
  67. David Holzman's Diary (1967)
  68. Portrait of Jason (1967)
  69. Dont Look Back (1967)
  70. The War Game (1967)
  71. Titicut Follies (1967)
  72. Warrendale (1967)
  73. High School (1968)
  74. In the Year of the Pig (1968)
  75. Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take One (1968)
  76. 79 primaveras (1969)
  77. Calcutta (1969)
  78. Diaries Notes and Sketches (1969)
  79. Salesman (1969)
  80. Le chagrin et la pitié (1969)
  81. A Married Couple (1969)
  82. British Sounds (1970)
  83. Gimme Shelter (1970)
  84. Hour of the Furnaces (1970)
  85. Woodstock (1970)
  86. The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes (1971)
  87. The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)
  88. Minamata: Kanja-san to sono sekai (1971)
  89. Necrology (1971)
  90. The Selling of the Pentagon (1971)
  91. F for Fake (1973)
  92. Sans Soleil (1973)
  93. The World at War (1973)
  94. Général Idi Amin Dada: Autoportrait (1974)
  95. Hearts and Minds (1974)
  96. Primate (1974)
  97. Waiting for Fidel (1974)
  98. Времена года (1975)
  99. The Ax Fight (1975)
  100. La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas - Primera parte: La insurreción de la burguesía (1975)
  101. Grey Gardens (1975)
  102. Trobriand Cricket (1975)
  103. Welfare (1975)
  104. Harlan County, USA (1976)
  105. La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas - Segunda parte: El golpe de estado AKA The Battle of Chile: The Coup d'Etat (1976)
  106. Lost, Lost, Lost (1976)
  107. News from Home (1977)
  108. Gates of Heaven (1978)
  109. Koko, le gorille qui parl (1978)
  110. The Last Waltz (1978)
  111. Baraye azadi (1979)
  112. La batalla de Chile: La lucha de un pueblo sin armas - Tercera parte: El poder popular AKA The Battle of Chile: The Power of the People (1979)
  113. With Babies and Banners: Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade (1979)
  114. Daughter Rite (1980)
  115. Gadajace glowy (1980)
  116. The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter (1980)
  117. N!ai, the Story of a K!ung Woman (1980)
  118. The Wedding Camels (1980)
  119. The Garden of Earthly Delights (1981)
  120. Not a Love Story: A Film About Pornography (1981)
  121. The Atomic Cafe (1982)
  122. Burden of Dreams (1982)
  123. La guerre d'un seul homme (1982)
  124. Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
  125. First Contact (1983)
  126. Style Wars (1983)
  127. When the Mountains Tremble (1983)
  128. Stop Making Sense (1984)
  129. The Times of Harvey Milk (1984)
  130. This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
  131. Cabra Marcado Para Morrer (1985)
  132. Shoah (1985)
  133. Handsworth Songs (1986)
  134. Sherman's March (1986)
  135. Dal Polo all'Equatore (1987)
  136. Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years 1954–1964 (1987)
  137. Yuki Yukite Shingun (1987)
  138. Cane Toads (1988)
  139. The Decline of Western Civilization Part II: The Metal Years (1988)
  140. Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988)
  141. The Thin Blue Line (1988)
  142. A British Picture (1989)
  143. For All Mankind (1989)
  144. Roger & Me (1989)
  145. Surname Viet Given Name Nam (1989)
  146. The Civil War (1990)
  147. Nema-ye Nazdik (1990)
  148. Tongues Untied (1990)
  149. In Bed With Madonna (1991)
  150. The Body Beautiful (1991)
  151. Hearts of Darkness (1991)
  152. Paris is Burning (1991)
  153. À la grâce de Dieu (1992)
  154. Brother's Keeper (1992)
  155. Lessons of Darkness (1992)
  156. Lumumba: La mort du prophète (1992)
  157. El sol del membrillo (1992)
  158. Afrique, je te plumerai (1993)
  159. From the East (1993)
  160. Die Macht der Bilder: Leni Riefenstahl (1993)
  161. The War Room (1993)
  162. Time Indefinite (1993)
  163. Belovy (1994)
  164. Hoop Dreams (1994)
  165. The Celluloid Closet (1995)
  166. Crumb (1995)
  167. Forgotten Silver (1995)
  168. Heidi Fleiss: Hollywood Madam (1995)
  169. Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills (1996)
  170. When We Were Kings (1996)
  171. 4 Little Girls (1997)
  172. Chile, la memoria obstinada (1997)
  173. Fast, Cheap & Out of Control (1997)
  174. Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997)
  175. What Farocki Taught (1998)
  176. American Movie (1999)
  177. Buena Vista Social Club (1999)
  178. One Day in September (1999)
  179. Cinéma Vérité: Defining the Moment (2000)
  180. Dark Days (2000)
  181. The Eyes of Tammy Faye (2000)
  182. Fighter (2000)
  183. Les Glaneurs et la Glaneuse (2000)
  184. The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg (2000)
  185. Paragraph 175 (2000)
  186. Stranger with a Camera (2000)
  187. Dogtown and Z-Boys (2001)
  188. Jazz (2001)
  189. L'emploi du temps (2001)
  190. Le Peuple Migrateur (2001)
  191. Marangmotxingmo Mirang - Das Crianças Ikpeng Para o Mundo (2001)
  192. Rivers and Tides (2001)
  193. Amandla! A Revolution in Four Part Harmony (2002)
  194. Biggie & Tupac (2002)
  195. Bowling for Columbine (2002)
  196. Bus 174 (2002)
  197. The Kid Stays in the Picture (2002)
  198. The Day I Will Never Forget (2002)
  199. Être et avoir (2002)
  200. Spellbound (2002)
  201. 20 Feet From Stardom (2013)
  202. Capturing the Friedmans (2003)
  203. Chavez: Inside the Coup (The Revolution Will Not Be Televised) (2003)
  204. Etre et Avoir (2003)
  205. Festival Express (2003)
  206. Los Angeles Plays Itself (2003)
  207. Machssomim (2003)
  208. Tarnation (2003)
  209. Tintin et moi (2003)
  210. Touching the Void (2003)
  211. Tiexi qu (2003)
  212. Winged Migration (2003)
  213. Born into Brothels (2004)
  214. Control Room (2004)
  215. Darwin's Nightmare (2004)
  216. Dig! (2004)
  217. Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)
  218. The Fog of War (2004)
  219. Melancholian 3 huonetta (2004)
  220. Nokia: A Decent Factory (2004)
  221. Super Size Me (2004)
  222. Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005)
  223. I for India (2005)
  224. Grizzly Man (2005)
  225. Man on Wire (2005)
  226. La Marche de l'Empereur (2005)
  227. Murderball (2005)
  228. Street Fight (2005)
  229. Video Letters from Prison (2005)
  230. The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill (2005)
  231. Deep Water (2006)
  232. An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
  233. Blindsight (2006)
  234. Deliver Us From Evil (2006)
  235. Jesus Camp (2006)
  236. Shut Up & Sing (2006)
  237. The War Tapes (2006)
  238. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts (2006)
  239. Wordplay (2006)
  240. Zidane, un portrait du 21e siècle (2006)
  241. The Devil Came on Horseback (2007)
  242. For the Bible Tells Me So (2007)
  243. Helvetica (2007)
  244. In the Shadow of the Moon (2007)
  245. King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)
  246. The Life of Reilly (2007)
  247. My Winnipeg (2007)
  248. No End in Sight (2007)
  249. Sicko (2007)
  250. Surfwise (2007)
  251. Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)
  252. Bigger, Stronger, Faster (2008)
  253. Burma VJ: Reporter i et lukket land (2008)
  254. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father (2008)
  255. Food, Inc. (2008)
  256. Trouble the Water (2008)
  257. Vals Im Bashir (2008)
  258. Afghan Star (2009)
  259. Anvil! The Story of Anvil (2009)
  260. Sweetgrass (2009)
  261. Catfish (2010)
  262. Cave of Forgotten Dreams (2010)
  263. Exit Through the Gift Shop (2010)
  264. A Film Unfinished (2010)
  265. GasLand (2010)
  266. Inside Job (2010)
  267. L’amour Fou (2010)
  268. Last Train Home (2010)
  269. Nostalgia for the Light (2010)
  270. Marwencol (2010)
  271. Restrepo (2010)
  272. Waste Land (2010)
  273. Bill Cunningham New York (2011)
  274. Born To Be Wild (2011)
  275. Everyday Sunshine: The Story of Fishbone (2011)
  276. Fambul Tok (2011)
  277. The Interrupters (2011)
  278. Project Nim (2011)
  279. We Were Here (2011)
  280. Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry (2012)
  281. Beware Of Mr. Baker (2012)
  282. Brooklyn Castle (2012)
  283. Chasing Ice (2012)
  284. Detropia (2012)
  285. How to Survive a Plague (2012)
  286. The Island President (2012)
  287. The Invisible War (2012)
  288. Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2012)
  289. Low and Clear (2012)
  290. Marley (2012)
  291. Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence In The House Of God (2012)
  292. Searching for Sugar Man (2012)
  293. This Is Not a Film (2012)
  294. Undefeated (2012)
  295. West of Memphis (2012)
  296. 12 O’Clock Boys (2013)
  297. The Act of Killing (2013)
  298. At Berkeley (2013)
  299. Blackfish (2013)
  300. Call Me Kuchu (2013)
  301. Cutie And The Boxer (2013)
  302. Leviathan (2013)
  303. Let The Fire Burn (2013)
  304. Muscle Shoals (2013)
  305. Stories We Tell (2013)
  306. The Imposter (2013)
  307. Room 237 (2013)
  308. The Square (2013)
  309. Sound City (2013)
  310. Actress (2014)
  311. Citizenfour (2014)
  312. Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me (2014)
  313. Jodorowsky's Dune (2014)
  314. The Last of the Unjust (2014)
  315. Life Itself (2014)
  316. The Missing Picture (2014)
  317. National Gallery (2014)
  318. The Overnighters (2014)
  319. Amy (2015)
  320. Iris (2015)
  321. Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck (2015)
  322. The Look of Silence (2015)
  323. The Salt of the Earth (2015)
  324. Seymour: An Introduction (2015)
  325. Red Army (2015)
  327. Источники:
  328. BFI Screen Guide - 100 Documentary Films
  329. IDA's Top 25 Documentaries
  330. Current TV's 50 Documentaries to See Before You Die
  331. Sight and Sound's The Greatest Documentaries of All Time
  332. Sight and Sound Filmmakers’ Greatest Documentaries of All Time
  333. RT TOP 100 documentary movies
  334. The 100 Best Documentaries of All Time by Paste Magazine
  335. Documentary Film, A Very Short Introduction
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