

Feb 17th, 2015
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  1. #include "****************.hpp"
  2. author = "Epoch Team - Hosted by SURVIVORS BR";
  3. class Header
  4. {
  5. gameType = Sandbox;
  6. minPlayers = 1;
  7. maxPlayers = 100;
  8. };
  9. respawn = "BASE";
  10. respawnDelay = 600;
  11. respawnDialog = 0;
  12. onLoadMission= "Acesse";
  13. OnLoadIntro = "Bem Vindo ao Epoch Mod - Hosted By SURVIVORS BR";
  14. //loadScreen = "\x\addons\a3_epoch_assets\pictures\loadScreen_ca.paa";
  15. loadScreen = "scripts\images\loadScreen.paa";
  16. OnLoadIntroTime = False;
  17. OnLoadMissionTime = False;
  18. onLoadName = "Epoch Altis";
  19. disabledAI = true;
  20. scriptedPlayer = 1;
  21. disableChannels[]={0,2,6};
  22. enableItemsDropping = 0;
  23. briefing = 0;
  24. debriefing = 0;
  25. enableDebugConsole = 0;
  26. joinUnassigned = 0;
  27. respawnOnStart = 0;
  28. forceRotorLibSimulation = 0;
  29. corpseManagerMode = 1;
  30. corpseLimit = 10;
  31. corpseRemovalMinTime = 1200;
  32. corpseRemovalMaxTime = 3600;
  33. wreckManagerMode = 1;
  34. wreckLimit = 2;
  35. wreckRemovalMinTime = 60;
  36. wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360;
  37. class CfgRemoteExecCommands {};
  39. class CfgSounds
  40. {
  41. //*******************
  42. sounds[] = {};
  43. class radio1
  44. {
  45. name = "radio01";
  46. // filename, volume, pitch
  47. sound[] = {"radio01.ogg",1,1};
  48. titles[] = {0,""};
  49. };
  50. //**********************
  51. };
  53. class RscTitles
  54. {
  55. #include "scripts\statusBar.hpp"
  56. //************************
  57. class radioChatterBar {
  58. idd = -1;
  59. onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', _this select 0]";
  60. onUnload = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radoiChatterBar', objNull]";
  61. onDestroy = "uiNamespace setVariable ['radioChatterBar', objNull]";
  62. fadein = 0;
  63. fadeout = 10;
  64. duration = 10e10;
  65. movingEnable = 0;
  66. controlsBackground[] = {};
  67. objects[] = {};
  68. class controls {
  69. class statusBarText {
  70. idc = 1010;
  71. x = safezoneX + 0.5;
  72. y = safezoneY; // upper left hand corner
  73. //x = safezoneX + safezoneW - 1.5;
  74. //y = safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.4; //H
  75. w = 1;
  76. h = 0.3; //hopefully makes it 10 lines tall
  77. shadow = 2;
  78. colorBackground[] = { 1, 0.3, 0, 0.0 }; // uncomment and increase 4th number to have a background
  79. font = "PuristaSemibold";
  80. size = 0.03;
  81. type = 13;// CT_TYPES = CT_STRUCTURED_TEXT
  82. style = 1;
  83. text="Loading server info...";
  84. class Attributes {
  85. align="left";
  86. color = "#FFFFFF"; //"#00FF09";BrightGreen //#FF8700
  87. };
  88. };
  89. };
  90. };
  91. //***********************************
  92. };
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