
2019-11-18 Writing: connotations

Nov 18th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. What are some words we can use to describe rooms?
  6. tiny, messy, spacious, huge, comfortable, relaxing
  7. Are these words positive, negative, or neutral?
  8. What is the difference between neat and clean?
  9. ---
  10. What are the differences between “cozy”, “small”, and “cramped”?
  11. cozy = small and comfortable and warm
  12. cramped = small and uncomfortable (because you can’t move or stretch)
  13. - The difference is the speaker’s opinion of the small room.
  14. ---
  15. connotation = the positive, negative, or neutral “feeling” of a word
  16. (denotation = the thing in the world that the word points to)
  18. positive / negative
  19. curious / nosy - These could both describe a person who wants to know about your life.
  20. thin / skinny - These could both describe the same person.
  21. easygoing / lazy
  22. ---
  24. Do you think these words are positive (+), negative (-), or neutral (0)?
  25. Childlike, Youthful, Childish, Young + + - 0
  26. Disabled, Crippled, Handicapped, Retarded 0 - - -
  27. Relaxed, Laid-back, Lackadaisical, Easygoing 0 + - +
  28. Slim, Skinny, Slender, Thin + - + 0
  29. Cheap, Frugal, Miserly, Economical - 0 - +
  30. Adolescent, Immature, Juvenile, Innocent 0 - - + (“naive” = innocent and ignorant)
  31. Inquisitive, Interested, Curious, Prying 0 + +/0 -
  32. Confident, Secure, Proud, Egotistical + + + -
  33. Lovely, Knockout, Beautiful, Stunning + - + +
  34. Talkative, Conversational, Chatty, Jabbering 0 0 + -
  35. ---
  36. Describe the person and the room on p. 108.
  37. The computer is between the speakers.
  38. The speakers are on both sides of the computer.
  39. The speakers are to the left and right of the computer.
  40. What about p. 109?
  41. ---
  42. English classroom = a classroom for English (classroom = a room for a class)
  43. classroom English = English that you use in a classroom
  44. ---
  45. Homework: read p. 111 and answer the questions about the paragraph. Then do p. 112 practice 2A
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